Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
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Vice Presidential debate, Oct. 5, 2000

OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Bill Weld: Supported abortion rights; moderate stance on social issues.
Mike Pence: We embrace life because we're better for it.
Mike Pence: Partial-birth abortion is just anathema to me.
Tim Kaine: Not role of public servants to implement religious beliefs.
Dick Cheney: Reach across the divide on adoptions & notification.
Dick Cheney: Let FDA’s RU-486 decision stand; it’s only based on safety.
Joseph Lieberman: FDA’s RU-486 decision stands; it’s made properly by experts.
Joseph Lieberman: Leave abortion decision to a woman, her doctor, and her god.
Joseph Lieberman: Rejected partial-birth ban since it ignored maternal health.
Budget & Economy
Mike Pence: We've almost doubled the national debt; but not Indiana.
Mike Pence: Change of leadership will lead to America's comeback.
Tim Kaine: Invest in infrastructure & invest in our workforce.
Tim Kaine: We tried Trump tax plan in 2000s: it caused Great Recession.
Dick Cheney: After 8 years inaction, must act based on rosy forecast.
Dick Cheney: Give responsible tax relief by returning 5% of surplus.
Joseph Lieberman: $300 billion reserve fund to be insurance policy for surplus.
Joseph Lieberman: Expensive tax cut for rich will lead to high interest rates.
Joseph Lieberman: Now: tap Strategic Reserve; long-term: develop 80 mpg cars.
Civil Rights
Dick Cheney: Equalize pay for stay-at-home moms vs. working women.
Joseph Lieberman: Support Equal Pay Act for women; plus loans & lawsuits.
Joseph Lieberman: Equalize pay for women; it’s unfair and unacceptable.
Mike Pence: Law enforcement is not a force for racism or division.
Mike Pence: Bringing up "implicit bias" demeans police officers.
Mike Pence: Inner-city families should want stop-and-frisk.
Mike Pence: Police officer are the best of us; restore law & order.
Tim Kaine: I opposed death penalty but upheld the law.
Tim Kaine: Racial biases do exist in the criminal justice system.
Tim Kaine: Community policing makes community safer AND police safer.
Tim Scott: I have felt the humiliation from being targeted by police.
Dick Cheney: Demand accountability so no child is left behind.
Joseph Lieberman: We must commit money to improve education.
Energy & Oil
Dick Cheney: Increase domestic energy production without damage to land.
Joseph Lieberman: Destroying pristine ANWR not worth 6 months of oil.
Joseph Lieberman: Save 3 mpg and we conserve same as drilling Alaska.
Dick Cheney: Don’t drill off California coast; but do drill ANWR.
Foreign Policy
Ajamu Baraka: International coordinator of Black Left Unity Network.
Bill Weld: No alliances for intelligence: We have to do it ourselves!
Donald Trump: FactCheck: Japan should defend itself, including with nukes.
Mike Pence: America's place in the world is weakened.
Mike Pence: Fight Russia with strength and allies.
Mike Pence: Trump for extreme vetting of immigrants and no Syrians.
Tim Kaine: Create a humanitarian zone in northern Syria, with UN aid.
Tim Kaine: On Putin: See difference between leadership & dictatorship.
Tim Kaine: The "reset with Russia" failed because Putin is a dictator.
Tim Kaine: Create a humanitarian zone in northern Syria, with UN aid.
Tim Kaine: On Putin: See difference between leadership & dictatorship.
Tim Kaine: The "reset with Russia" failed because Putin is a dictator.
Joseph Lieberman: Gore will continue critical role in peace process.
Gun Control
Tim Kaine: I'm a gun owner but I'm scarred from scourge of gun violence.
Homeland Security
Mike Pence: Bar Syrian refugees so ISIS cannot infiltrate America.
Mike Pence: Rebuild military and project American strength in the world.
Mike Pence: Bar Syrian refugees so ISIS cannot infiltrate America.
Mike Pence: Rebuild military and project American strength in the world.
Tim Kaine: Clinton has an actual plan to beat terrorism; Trump doesn't.
Tim Kaine: Reagan warned about fools & maniacs with nuclear weapons.
Tim Kaine: Terrorism threat is down due to killing Osama and Iran deal.
Dick Cheney: Military reductions are too much for post-Cold War.
Dick Cheney: We must not send unprepared, demoralized troops to war.
Dick Cheney: American military is worse off today than in 1992.
Dick Cheney: We cannot allow Saddam to have nuclear weapons.
Joseph Lieberman: American military is best in the world; and has proven it.
Joseph Lieberman: Skipping generation of equipment will destroy readiness.
Joseph Lieberman: Don’t alarm America - the military is ready.
Joseph Lieberman: Work with Iraqi opposition to overthrow Saddam.
Mike Pence: Focus on border security and removing criminal aliens.
Mike Pence: End sanctuary cities; those policies drive wages down.
Tim Kaine: No "deportation force" going door-to-door to deport 16M.
Tim Kaine: Barring Syrian refugees is antithetical to democracy.
Tim Kaine: Barring Syrian refugees is antithetical to democracy.
Mike Pence: Indiana's unemployment rate was cut in half since 2013.
Tim Kaine: Trump is "You're fired"; Hillary is "You're hired".
Principles & Values
Bill Weld: Trump's agenda is hurtful to America & the world.
Donald Trump: A businessman, not a lifelong politician.
Hillary Clinton: Led Methodist youth group as child.
Mike Pence: Serve based on a lifetime of experience from small towns.
Mike Pence: Clinton Foundation is platform for Clintons' world travel.
Tim Kaine: I bring experience of service at all levels of government.
Tim Kaine: Faith in personal life, but First Amendment for nation.
Tim Kaine: Clinton Foundation helps millions as Trump lines his pockets.
Tim Kaine: Run partisan, but after election, work with everyone.
Tim Kaine: Hillary apologized for "deplorables"; Trump never does.
Dick Cheney: The Joe who attends Hollywood fundraisers isn’t the old Joe.
Joseph Lieberman: I requested report, and I said “stop it” to Hollywood.
Social Security
Donald Trump: FactCheck: Yes, "privatization would be good for all of us".
Mike Pence: We're going to meet our obligations to our seniors.
Mike Pence: We will keep promises to seniors.
Tim Kaine: Never, ever risk Social Security with privatization.
Dick Cheney: Social Security will go bust without individual investment.
Joseph Lieberman: Social Security Plus from Gore, cuts from Bush.
Tax Reform
Donald Trump: OpEd: Can't release tax returns while under audit? Nixon did.
Mike Pence: Lower taxes across the board, and we'll get growth.
Dick Cheney: Don’t let Gore’s tax credits determine how to live your life.
Dick Cheney: They like tax credits; we like tax reform and tax cuts.
Dick Cheney: You have to be a CPA to understand Gore’s plan.
Joseph Lieberman: Gore’s tax credits acknowledge existing needs.
Joseph Lieberman: Exciting tax credits for health, elder care, & retirement.
Mike Pence: Cyber-warfare is new tool of US enemies.
Tim Kaine: Initiate "intelligence surge" for cyber-security with allies.
War & Peace
Mike Pence: Back at war in Iraq because we didn't leave enough forces.
Mike Pence: Protect civilians in Aleppo by enforcing Safe Zones.
Mike Pence: Protect civilians in Aleppo by enforcing Safe Zones.
Mike Pence: Iran deal delivered $400M as ransom to terrorist sponsor.
Mike Pence: Peace with North Korea through US strength.
Tim Kaine: We now have fewer troops abroad &reduced Iranian threat.
Tim Kaine: Senate and UN agreed on sanctions against North Korea.
Tim Kaine: Iran deal stopped nuclear program without firing a shot.
Dick Cheney: Need leadership and trust to make progress in Mideast.
Dick Cheney: Serbs deserve credit - Russia and US should support them.
Joseph Lieberman: US helped depose Milosevic and should continue to help Serbs.
The above quotations are from Vice Presidential debate, Oct. 5, 2000.