2024 Presidential Candidates |
Dick Cheney
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Contact Dick Cheney
Vice President of the United States under George W. Bush
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Pres.Joe Biden(D-DE)
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| JChase Oliver(Libertarian)
| V.P.Mike Pence(R-IN)
| Vivek Ramaswamy(R-OH)
| Sen.Tim Scott(R-SC)
| Secy.Corey Stapleton(R)
| Dr.Jill Stein(Green)
| Francis Suarez(R-FL)
| Pres.Donald Trump(R-FL)
| Sen.JD Vance(R-OH)
| Gov.Tim Walz(DFL-MN)
| Prof.Cornel West(Independent)
| Kanye West(Birthday)
| Marianne Williamson(D-CA)
OnTheIssues Books: |
Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush on the Issues (2014) |
Marco Rubio vs. Jeb Bush on the Issues (2015) |
Hillary Clinton vs. Rand Paul on the Issues (2015) |
Rand Paul vs. Jeb Bush on the Issues (2015) |
 Ad transcripts from 2022 campaigns
 January 6 Capitol riot
 Higher Loyalty, by FBI Director James Comey
 MO newspaper: The Columbia Daily Tribune
 MN newspaper: The Minneapolis Star-Tribune
 MA newspaper: The Boston Globe
 The Washington Post
 CA newspaper: The Los Angeles Times
 No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington, by Condoleezza Rice
 In My Time, by Dick Cheney
 Decision Points, by George W. Bush
 Courage and Consequence, by Karl Rove
 A Life of Trial and Redemption, by Jules Witcover
 The Last Best Hope, by Joe Scarborough
 Game Change, by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin
 Third World America, by Arianna Huffington
 Hopes and Prospects, by Noam Chomsky
 Speeches at 2010 CPAC conference
 NY newspaper: The New York Times
 Political coverage by the Associated Press
 Wyoming Archives
 Mississippi Archives
 Guilty, by Ann Coulter
 Doonesbury.com: The War in Quotes, by G.B. Trudeau
 What Happened, by Scott McClellan
 Against the Tide: How a Compliant Congress Empowered a Reckless President, by Lincoln Chafee
 America: Our Next Chapter, by Sen. Chuck Hagel
 Speeches at 2008 CPAC conference
 The Myth of a Maverick, by Matt Welch
 The Blair Years, by Alastair Campbell
 The Assault on Reason, by Al Gore
 Stand For Something, by John Kasich
 State of Denial, by Bob Woodward
 The Truth, (with jokes), by Al Franken
 Our Endangered Values, by Jimmy Carter
 How Bill Clinton Won, by Bob Woodward
 The Right Man, by David Frum
 FactCheck.org analysis of 2004 presidential debates
 Edwards-Cheney Vice Presidential debate
 Where the Right Went Wrong, by Pat Buchanan
 2004 Republican Convention speeches
 Worse Than Watergate, by John W. Dean
 Rise of the Vulcans, by James Mann
 Bush At War, by Bob Woodward
 The New York Times, 2000-2009
 Vice Presidential debate in Kentucky
 Shrub, by Molly Ivins
 Plan of Attack, by Bob Woodward
 A Matter of Character, by Ronald Kessler
 Fanatics and Fools, by Arianna Huffington
 Newt! Leader of the Second American Revolution, by Dick Williams
 Political excerpts from 1990-1999
 Bill sponsorship archives from the Library of Congress
 Gold, Peace, and Prosperity, by Ron Paul
 Political excerpts from 1980-1989
(click a picture above for excerpts or other books and debates by or about Dick_Cheney)
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Dick Cheney on Abortion
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- Supports stem-cell research. (Jun 2003)
- Reach across the divide on adoptions & notification. (Oct 2000)
- Let FDA’s RU-486 decision stand; it’s only based on safety. (Oct 2000)
- Exemptions for rape, incest or woman’s life now OK. (Jul 2000)
- In Congress: No exceptions in the case of rape or incest. (Jul 2000)
- Against abortion rights. (Jul 1999)
- Co-sponsored “Preborn Children’s Civil Rights Act of 1985”. (Jan 1988)
Dick Cheney on Budget & Economy
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- Cheney to Treasury: “Deficits don’t matter”. (Jan 2004)
- Tax cuts are crucial to getting recovery underway. (Oct 2003)
- Economy moves forward when Americans have more to invest. (Sep 2003)
- Increase domestic energy production without damage to land. (Oct 2000)
- In 1980s, US needed limited spending for deficit & Cold War. (Jul 2000)
- Supported Balanced Budget Amendment. (Jul 1999)
- Investment in defense brings economic growth. (Sep 1992)
- Don’t fund domestic priorities by cutting defense. (Sep 1992)
- Co-sponsored numerous bills for balancing the budget. (Jan 1986)
- Supported biennial budgeting for deficit reduction. (Jan 1986)
Dick Cheney on Civil Rights
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- 1995: Opposed gays in the military. (Nov 2005)
- Gay marriage should be an issue for the states. (Oct 2004)
- “Freedom means freedom for everyone,” including gays. (Aug 2004)
- People should be free to enter into any kind of relationship. (Feb 2004)
- Equalize pay for stay-at-home moms vs. working women. (Oct 2000)
- Voted that US civil rights laws not apply to South Africa. (Jul 2000)
- Stopped military academies from banning gays. (Jul 2000)
- Voted against ERA in 1983. (Jul 2000)
- Kept ban on gays in military; and ban on women in combat. (Jan 1997)
- Criticized for calling Gulf War “best covered war”. (Jan 1995)
- Co-sponsored bills for equal rights for women in education. (Jan 1984)
- Voted for anti-busing Amendment. (Jan 1979)
Dick Cheney on Corporations
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- Gave 77% of his income to charity while Vice President. (Nov 2009)
- OpEd: Halliburton didn't tell investors of accounting change. (Nov 2009)
- FactCheck: Yes, Cheney has received $2M from Halliburton. (Oct 2004)
- FactCheck: Yes, Halliburton got $7B in no-bid Iraq contracts. (Oct 2004)
- FactCheck: Cheney profited from Halliburton’s past actions. (Oct 2004)
- FactCheck: Kerry plan affects 471,000 companies, not 900,000. (Oct 2004)
- Donates $100,000s from Halliburton, so not compensation. (Aug 2004)
- Halliburton accused of fraud because of Cheney association? (Apr 2004)
- Cheney claims no influence on Halliburton contracts. (Oct 2003)
- Halliburton receives $7B in no-bid contracts in Iraq. (Aug 2003)
- Defends Halliburton’s success and retirement package. (Aug 2000)
Dick Cheney on Crime
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- Aggressively sought Scooter Libby pardon in 2007 & 2009. (Nov 2010)
- Cap non-economic damages and limit awards for attorneys. (Oct 2004)
- Funds to fight gangs; more parole; juvenile clearinghouse. (Jan 1988)
- Character education; community service; pay restitution. (Jan 1988)
- Death penalty OK for espionage & treason. (Jan 1986)
- Co-sponsored bills for stricter & mandatory sentencing. (Jan 1986)
Dick Cheney on Drugs
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- Two DUI arrests, in 1962 & 1963. (Aug 2011)
- Was twice convicted of drunk driving charges. (Nov 2000)
- Mandatory penalties to fight for a drug-free America. (Jan 1988)
- Post federal rewards for snitching on drug sales. (Jan 1988)
- Request media participation in War on Drugs. (Jan 1986)
- More federal and foreign cooperation in fighting drugs. (Jan 1986)
Dick Cheney on Education
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- We are making significant progress with No Child Left Behind. (Oct 2004)
- Bush passed most significant education reform in 40 years. (Sep 2004)
- Bush focuses on accountability; Gore on status quo. (Oct 2000)
- Demand accountability so no child is left behind. (Oct 2000)
- Teach reading, writing, and values. (Aug 2000)
- Tests will be taken, results will be measured. (Aug 2000)
- Voted against Head Start; but with surplus, supports it. (Jul 2000)
- Voted against Head Start, and against Dept. of Education. (Jul 2000)
- Supports school prayer. (Jul 1999)
- Supports certifying military retirees as teachers. (Sep 1992)
- Supports school-based management; & tax-deductible loans. (Jan 1988)
- Supported grants for low-income “bootstrap schools”. (Jan 1988)
School Choice
- Money from failed schools can be used as parents decide best. (Sep 2000)
- Co-sponsored bill for parental choice within public schools. (Jan 1988)
Dick Cheney on Energy & Oil
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- Drew a line in the sand: Nothing to do with Kyoto Protocol. (Nov 2011)
- 2000: Energy Task Force studied Iraqi oilfield maps. (Jul 2008)
- Criticized for task force secrecy, but focused on leak-limit. (May 2008)
- 2000: No intention to keep campaign promise to regulate CO2. (Apr 2008)
- Sued in Supreme Court for keeping energy policy secret. (Dec 2003)
- Energy use outstrips growth-so conserve AND drill. (Jun 2003)
- Met with Enron representatives in drawing up energy plan. (Feb 2002)
- Give nuclear power a fresh look. (May 2001)
- Energy plan focuses on production. (May 2001)
- Fuel cells from propane are “a tremendous development”. (Oct 2000)
- Member of Bush’s National Energy Policy Development Group. (May 2001)
- Tax credits & more funding for renewable energy research. (May 2001)
- Open small fraction of ANWR for regulated production . (May 2001)
- Long-term energy stability avoids high-polluting emergencies. (May 2001)
Dick Cheney on Environment
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- OpEd: Staffed federal MMS with oil industry cronies. (Sep 2010)
- Allow snowmobiles in National Parks. (Oct 2000)
- Don’t designate national monuments without local input. (Oct 2000)
- Don’t drill off California coast; but do drill ANWR. (Oct 2000)
- Voted against Clean Water Act and air pollution sanctions. (Jul 2000)
- Sponsored bills for amending CAA; user fees; grazing; energy. (Jan 1987)
- Sponsored bills for extending mining leases. (Jan 1987)
- OK to hunt, trap, & ski in National Parks & Forests. (Jan 1986)
- User fees in National Parks & Forests; drill ANWR. (Jan 1986)
- Co-sponsored bills on acid rain & unleaded fuel. (Jan 1986)
- Sponsored numerous bills for flood control & dams. (Jan 1985)
- Added 671,000 acres to Wyoming wilderness despite objections. (Jan 1984)
- Co-sponsored bills to limit water lawsuits & construct dams. (Jan 1984)
Dick Cheney on Foreign Policy
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- Effective diplomacy: stand with allies, & learn from history. (Aug 2011)
- Disavow or cancel numerous international agreements. (Apr 2008)
- OpEd: Browbeat Pakistani leaders to get tough on Al Qaeda. (Apr 2008)
- There has to be reform of the Palestinian system. (Oct 2004)
- Unilateral sanctions on Iran do not work. (Oct 2004)
- Gadhafi in Libya surrendered all nuclear materials to the US. (Oct 2004)
- UN becomes irrelevant because of failures in Iraq. (Apr 2004)
- Tenet rejects Cheney statements on Iraq/Al-Qaida connection. (Mar 2004)
- Reach out to allies-but advisory role only. (Jan 2004)
- Bush Doctrine: hold to account countries complicit in terror. (Oct 2003)
- Cuba: replace sanctions with free trade enclave. (Jul 2000)
- Voted to support foreign aid programs. (Jul 2000)
- South Africa: Voted against apartheid sanctions in 1980s. (Jul 2000)
- Congress intereferes too much in designing foreign policy. (Feb 2000)
- Include former Soviet states in NATO for stability. (Jan 1997)
- Supported F-16 sales to Taiwan. (Sep 1992)
- Aiding Contras good; using money from Iran bad. (Jul 1989)
- Against Boland Amend.& Panama Treaty; for Camp David accord. (Jan 1988)
- Voted against South Africa sanctions; for AWACs to Arabia. (Jan 1986)
- Supported foreign aid to Latin America & Africa. (Jan 1986)
- Hard-liner towards Soviet Union in 1980s. (Jan 1984)
- Role in the world: military strength and moral clarity. (Jun 1997)
Dick Cheney on Free Trade
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- Worldwide market thrives only with peaceful stability. (Sep 1992)
- Sponsored bills limiting trade & allowing import fees. (Jan 1989)
- Supported import tax on crude oil & “energy security”. (Jan 1988)
- Supports linking MFN to human rights outside of China. (Jan 1988)
- Voted against textile import limits. (Jan 1986)
- Supported export promotion & import tax relief. (Jan 1986)
Dick Cheney on Government Reform
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- OpEd: Obstruction of justice often used for convenient. (Apr 2018)
- Championed theory of "unitary executive" to expand power. (Oct 2010)
- Needless regulation on employers costs $7,000 per worker. (Sep 2003)
- Opposed CFR because previous reforms failed. (May 2002)
- Didn’t vote in local elections because his focus was global. (Sep 2000)
- Accused in 1992 House banking scandal. (Jul 2000)
- Co-sponsored Line Item Veto for spending bills. (Jan 1988)
- Campaign reform: more parties; less unions & corporations. (Jan 1988)
- Co-sponsored Balanced Budget Amendment & spending reform. (Jan 1986)
- Co-sponsored House TV coverage & legislative openness. (Jan 1986)
- Sponsored bill for line-item veto on budgetary proposals. (Jan 1985)
- Voted for Congress salary cap; against Chrysler bailout. (Jan 1985)
Dick Cheney on Gun Control
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- 2006: Accidentally shot friend during hunting trip. (Mar 2010)
- Against banning plastic guns & cop-killer bullets. (Oct 2000)
- Now might outlaw plastic guns & cop-killer bullets. (Jul 2000)
- Trigger locks OK, and tougher enforcement. (Jul 2000)
- Opposed 7-day waiting period for buying guns. (Jul 2000)
- Voted against banning plastic bullets & cop-killer bullets. (Jul 2000)
- Voted in Congress to weaken gun control laws. (Jan 1986)
Dick Cheney on Health Care
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- FactCheck: Claimed $15B for AIDS-actually $2B this year. (Oct 2004)
- We’ve made significant progress on the AIDS epidemic. (Oct 2004)
- Rising malpractice insurance rates is a devastating problem. (Oct 2004)
- The Medicare reform bill will help 40 million seniors. (Oct 2004)
- Limiting medical lawsuits keeps healthcare affordable. (Sep 2003)
- Limit federal role in health care. (Aug 2000)
- Prescription drug benefits for Medicare recipients. (Jul 2000)
- Fund Medicare psychologists; self-employees; & organ donors. (Jan 1989)
- Require HMO registration & AIDS testing. (Jan 1988)
- Voted against 1979 hospital cost control plan. (Jan 1979)
Dick Cheney on Homeland Security
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- OpEd: Frustrated when definitions of torture changed. (Apr 2018)
- OpEd: Pressured DOJ to declare NSA domestic spying legal. (Apr 2018)
- OpEd: torture detainees to prove Al-Qaida-Saddam connection. (Jun 2010)
- OpEd: Guantanamo torture creates new terrorists. (Jun 2010)
- Disagreed on Iraq & interrogation, bur endorsed McCain. (Jan 2010)
- 1980s: Supported squadron of 132 B-2 stealth bombers. (May 2007)
- Wolfowitz Doctrine disowned by Bush-I became Bush-II policy. (Aug 2004)
- Steady, focused, relentless campaign against US enemies. (Dec 2003)
- Pro-Israel lobby's influence sometimes is overstated. (Oct 2001)
- Swift retaliation for USS Cole terrorist attack. (Oct 2000)
- American military is worse off today than in 1992. (Oct 2000)
- We must not send unprepared, demoralized troops to war. (Oct 2000)
- We cannot allow Saddam to have nuclear weapons. (Oct 2000)
- Restore bond of trust between military and President. (Aug 2000)
- Criticizes Clinton/Gore’s neglect, not military itself. (Aug 2000)
- Warned of nuclear proliferation in 1990s. (Jan 1997)
- Complained that Congress gave DoD unwanted weapons & forces. (Jan 1997)
- Added technology & infrastructure as pillars of military. (Jan 1997)
- Americans support force when appropriate & clear objective. (Apr 1991)
- Supported fully funding SDI in 1990s. (May 1989)
- Co-sponsored SDI; “peace thru strength”; base closings. (Jan 1986)
Gulf War
- Gulf War: Rejected frontal assault in favor of “left hook”. (Jul 2000)
- Congressional authorization wasn’t needed for Kuwait. (Jan 1996)
- Gulf War: No, we should not have gone to Baghdad. (Apr 1991)
- Gulf War: We did it right to avoid a quagmire. (Apr 1991)
- Effective nonproliferation policy holds rogues accountable. (Aug 2011)
- The sixteen words were true; Saddam sought Niger uranium. (Aug 2011)
- Spent 9-11 in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center. (Aug 2011)
- Recommended Bush stay away from DC during 9-11. (Aug 2011)
- 9-11: Authorized shootdown of non-responsive civilian planes. (Aug 2011)
- 6 years after 9/11, the war on terror is still real. (Feb 2008)
- 2004: Wrong choice for president & we'll get hit again. (Oct 2005)
- Captured or killed thousands of Al Qaida members. (Oct 2004)
- Deal with Zarqawi by taking him out. (Oct 2004)
- Use a very aggressive policy of going after the terrorists. (Oct 2004)
- If Bush not elected, great danger of terrorist attack. (Sep 2004)
- Biggest threat today is terrorists getting nuclear weapons. (Sep 2004)
- No permission slip to defend the American people. (Sep 2004)
- Urged shooting down hijacked planes on 9/11. (Aug 2004)
Military Rebuilding
- US military is best in world, but trend is wrong direction. (Oct 2000)
- Military reductions are too much for post-Cold War. (Oct 2000)
- Decreased army means increased risk to lives of troops. (Aug 2000)
- Military today is overused and underresourced. (Aug 2000)
- Need to spend more, but spend it wisely. (Aug 2000)
- Cautious cuts: A-12, V22, F14D, Seawolf, 500,000 troops. (Jul 2000)
- In Congress, consistently voted to raise military spending. (Jul 2000)
- Downsized military while protecting “people programs”. (Jan 1997)
- 2002: CIA acted lawfully with enhanced interrogation. (Aug 2011)
- 2002: Enhanced interrogation techniques worked. (Aug 2011)
- Dunking terrorists ‘no brainer’ not endorsing waterboarding. (Oct 2006)
- Don't prohibit US military forces from degrading detainees. (Sep 2006)
- Increase defense spending to meet global responsibilities. (Jun 1997)
Dick Cheney on Jobs
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- FactCheck: Yes, 1.7M jobs added, but still net loss of 0.9M. (Oct 2004)
- Deal effectively with tax policy and reduce litigation costs. (Oct 2004)
- Tax relief for small business means more new jobs. (Sep 2003)
- Limit labor actions & overtime; require layoff notification. (Jan 1986)
Dick Cheney on Principles & Values
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- Trump is the greatest threat to our Republic in history. (Aug 2022)
- Disappointed we don't have better leadership in GOP. (Jan 2022)
- Scooter Libby should have been pardoned, not just commuted. (Aug 2011)
- 2004: Offered that Bush run for re-election with another VP. (Nov 2010)
- Selected as Bush VP for having experience & no ambitions. (Mar 2010)
- If we can win in MA, we can win back Congress in 2010. (Feb 2010)
- OpEd: Possibly knew about PlameGate, but encouraged lie. (May 2008)
- OpEd: Did not ask Senate for support, but ordered it. (Apr 2008)
- OpEd: Welcomed partisan conflict, despite campaign promises. (Apr 2008)
- OpEd: Largest expansion of executive power since TR. (Oct 2007)
- OpEd: Used fear of terrorism successfully as a campaign tool. (Oct 2006)
- Decided against running for president in 1996. (Nov 2005)
- FactCheck: Cheney wrong that he had not met Edwards before. (Oct 2004)
- The charges against Halliburton are false. (Oct 2004)
- Kerry sees two Americas; America sees two Kerrys. (Sep 2004)
- John Dean: Cheney more secretive than Nixon. (May 2004)
- John Dean: Cheney’s agenda: cut programs to expand military. (May 2004)
- Gave up any independent political existence from Bush. (Jun 2003)
- OpEd: Selection as VP was unexciting but responsible choice. (Oct 2000)
- Media distracts public with focus on trivia. (Sep 2000)
- Personal charity is private and not a policy matter. (Sep 2000)
- Cheney’s retirement package could be a conflict of interest. (Aug 2000)
- Praises Bush for decency, integrity, and honor. (Aug 2000)
- Opportunity to serve led to acceptance of nomination. (Aug 2000)
- Bush will restore decency & integrity to Oval Office. (Aug 2000)
- Would vote differently today on ERA, Head Start, not Mandela. (Jul 2000)
- One of the most conservative voting records in Congress. (Jul 2000)
- Voting record in Congress consistently conservative. (Jul 2000)
- Persuaded by Bush’s “unique vision” to be his V.P. (Jul 2000)
- Lynne Cheney fights political correctness. (Jul 2000)
- Accepts nomination help change tone in Washington. (Jul 2000)
- Senior member of Conservative Opportunity Society. (Jun 1995)
- Exert leadership toward post-nuclear world. (Sep 1992)
- Prosperity & security go hand in hand. (Sep 1992)
- Constructive personal style belies hard-line voting. (Jan 1987)
- Pragmatic conservation insider image in Congress. (Jan 1981)
Dick Cheney on Social Security
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- Social Security will go bust without individual investment. (Oct 2000)
- Partially privatizing Social Security is acceptable. (Aug 2000)
- Save Social Security; stop talking & dividing generations. (Aug 2000)
- End earnings test; allow retirement income under SSI. (Jan 1988)
- Raise annual IRAs to $2,500; more cost-of-living increases. (Jan 1984)
Dick Cheney on Tax Reform
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- Small businesses will be hurt without the tax cuts. (Oct 2004)
- The Bush tax cuts are working. (Sep 2004)
- Not the right time to raise taxes. (Oct 2003)
- We need to make sure that tax relief is permanent. (Sep 2003)
- They like tax credits; we like tax reform and tax cuts. (Oct 2000)
- Co-sponsored bills to maintain charity & mortgage deductions. (Jan 1989)
- No tax increases; deduct R&D and local taxes. (Jan 1988)
- Sponsored bills to deduct mine income & oil windfalls. (Jan 1987)
- Opposed Reagan’s tax overhaul as sellout to Dems. (Jan 1987)
- Keep mortgage bonds; loosen capital gains rules. (Jan 1984)
- Voted for oil tax break; for indexing income tax. (Jan 1982)
Dick Cheney on Technology
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- Require reliability standards for electricity delivery. (Sep 2003)
- Opposed selling supercomputers to USSR. (Feb 2000)
- Loosen Bell & telecomm rules; fund SSC. (Jan 1988)
- Proposed information age warfare in 1980s. (Oct 1986)
- Loosen broadcast license rules; prohibit TV encoding. (Jan 1986)
Dick Cheney on War & Peace
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- Prevent next 9-11 by going on offense in Afghanistan & Iraq. (Aug 2011)
- We lost sight of goal of non-nuclear North Korea. (Aug 2011)
- Should have destroyed North Korean nuclear reactor in Syria. (Aug 2011)
- 2001: Counseled attacking Iraq after Afghanistan. (Nov 2010)
- 1994: If we take out Saddam, Iraq breaks up into quagmire. (Oct 2008)
- 2003: American troops will be greeted as liberators. (Oct 2008)
- 2005: Iraq is in the last throes of the insurgency. (Oct 2008)
- 2003: Iraq occupation will last weeks rather than months. (Oct 2008)
- OpEd: Saw 9/11 as an opportunity to take out Saddam. (May 2008)
- On 9/11, said no Saddam-al-Qaeda link; but yes by Dec. 2001. (May 2008)
- 2002: Saddam is a madman pursuing nuclear weapons. (May 2008)
- PlameGate: discredit Niger report by revealing CIA operative. (May 2008)
- OpEd: VP's office knowingly misled public about PlameGate. (May 2008)
- Adopted Kissinger’s “Victory is the only exit strategy”. (Oct 2006)
- Terrorist enemy’s hatred of us is limitless. (Sep 2004)
- US beat communism because of leadership & military force. (Aug 2004)
- Most dire view of terrorist threat of all Bush advisers. (Nov 2003)
- More "U.N.ery" just gives Saddam the chance to mess around. (Sep 2002)
- OpEd: Says "democratization" but world fears Americanization. (Sep 2002)
- OpEd: Polarized policy debate into Powell vs. Rumsfeld. (Jun 2002)
- Skeptical about Arafat's commitment and ability. (Feb 2001)
- Need leadership and trust to make progress in Mideast. (Oct 2000)
- Serbs deserve credit - Russia and US should support them. (Oct 2000)
- Iran: against sanctions; makes oil deals there. (Jul 2000)
- Opposed ground troops in Bosnia. (Jan 1997)
- Gulf War results: stable Arabs; secure Israel; confident US. (Apr 1991)
- Critical of Israeli policy which opposes US interests. (Jul 1989)
- Supports balance in supplying arms to both Israel & Arabs. (Jul 1989)
- Supported 1986 Libya bombing. (Jul 1989)
- Israel: Displeased with 1982 invasion of Lebanon. (Jul 1989)
- Outraged that Israel spied on US in 1980s. (Jul 1989)
- Mideast peace process must include Palestinian statehood. (Jul 1989)
Iraq War
- 2000: UN & CIA concluded that Saddam had WMDs. (Aug 2011)
- Post-9-11 no president could ignore reports of Saddam's WMDs. (Aug 2011)
- Even with benefit of hindsight Saddam was nexus of terrorism. (Aug 2011)
- 1992: stay out of Baghdad; 2002: invade Baghdad. (Oct 2010)
- 2003: Accused of falsifying Niger uranium to justify Iraq. (May 2008)
- OpEd: Used fear of terrorism to intensify war sloganeering. (Mar 2008)
- Our new strategy in Iraq has succeeded by careful planning. (Feb 2008)
- Aug.’02: “No doubt” that Saddam had WMD (later proven wrong). (Oct 2006)
- Pushed Saddam-al Qaeda connection but CIA & Powell disagreed. (Oct 2006)
- Mar.’03: “Greeted as liberators”; no need for 100,000 troops. (Oct 2006)
- Post-9-11 philosophy: two-generation war starts with Iraq. (Oct 2006)
- OpEd: Chose Iraq as first target & permanent military base. (Sep 2006)
- OpEd: repeatedly made false statements to incite Iraq War. (Sep 2006)
- 2001: Success in Iraq would be a blow to 9/11 terrorists. (Oct 2005)
- FactCheck: Oct. 2002 vote for appropriate force, not for war. (Oct 2004)
- FactCheck: Iraqi portion of losses is 38%, not “almost 50%”. (Oct 2004)
- FactCheck: Cheney DID suggest connection between Iraq & 9/11. (Oct 2004)
- Cheney would ‘recommend’ Iraq war again. (Oct 2004)
- Questioned on link between al-Zarqawi and Saddam Hussein. (Oct 2004)
- Never suggested there’s a connection between Iraq and 9/11. (Oct 2004)
- We’ve made significant progress in Iraq. (Oct 2004)
- Sending more troops won’t solve the problems in Iraq. (Oct 2004)
- 1991: None in Bush administration wanted to push to Baghdad. (Sep 2004)
- Biggest threat comes from WMD and from Saddam. (Apr 2004)
- UN inspections would not reduce WMD threat. (Apr 2004)
- Contradicted Powell and sought to connect Saddam and 9/11. (Apr 2004)
- WMD inspections makes decision to take out Saddam harder. (Apr 2004)
- Pre-war planning: once the war starts, Saddam is “toast”. (Apr 2004)
- Sticking to story about Saddam/Al Qaeda connection. (Apr 2004)
- Saddam had intent to create WMD. (Feb 2004)
- Iraq is the central front in the war on terror. (Dec 2003)
- UN made itself irrelevant by irresoluteness on Iraq. (Nov 2002)
- US too soft on Iraq. (Sep 2000)
- Extend international order friendly to our security. (Jun 1997)
Dick Cheney on Welfare & Poverty
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- Bush’s call for charity not heeded by Cheney’s 2% donations. (Sep 2000)
- Voted against WIC welfare nutrition programs. (Jul 2000)
- Raise public housing rent; pay with oil import revenue. (Jan 1988)
- Supported family services being provided by private groups. (Jan 1988)
- Co-sponsored bills for workfare; for local farmer control. (Jan 1988)
- Voted to cut public housing & mortgage subsidies. (Jan 1986)
- Co-sponsored bills for Enterprise Zones. (Jan 1986)
- Promote energy security with more LIHEAP spending. (May 2001)
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Based on these stances: (Click on topic for excerpt & citation) |
topic 1:Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(-3 points on Social scale)
| Against abortion rights: Opposes topic 1 In Congress: No exceptions in the case of rape or incest: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Exemptions for rape, incest or woman’s life now OK: Favors topic 1 Co-sponsored “Preborn Children’s Civil Rights Act of 1985”: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Supports stem-cell research: Favors topic 1 |
topic 2:Legally require hiring women & minorities
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| Voted against ERA in 1983: Strongly Opposes topic 2 Voted for anti-busing Amendment: Neutral on topic 2 Co-sponsored bills for equal rights for women in education: Favors topic 2 |
topic 3:Support transgender and LGBTQ+ rights
(+2 points on Social scale)
| Kept ban on gays in military; and ban on women in combat: Opposes topic 3 Stopped military academies from banning gays: Favors topic 3 “Freedom means freedom for everyone,” including gays: Favors topic 3 People should be free to enter into any kind of relationship: Favors topic 3 Gay marriage should be an issue for the states: Opposes topic 3 |
Strongly Favors
topic 4:America was founded on Christian values
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Character education; community service; pay restitution: Favors topic 4 Supports school prayer: Strongly Favors topic 4 More obscenity enforcement; more character education: Strongly Favors topic 4 Supported family services being provided by private groups: Strongly Favors topic 4 Co-sponsored bills for workfare; for local farmer control: Favors topic 4 |
topic 5:Expand ObamaCare
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| Prescription drug benefits for Medicare recipients: Favors topic 5 Voted against 1979 hospital cost control plan: Opposes topic 5 Fund Medicare psychologists; self-employees; & organ donors: Favors topic 5 Limit federal role in health care: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Limiting medical lawsuits keeps healthcare affordable: Opposes topic 5 |
Strongly Favors
topic 6:Privatize Social Security
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Raise annual IRAs to $2,500; more cost-of-living increases: Favors topic 6 End earnings test; allow retirement income under SSI: Favors topic 6 Social Security will go bust without individual investment: Strongly Favors topic 6 |
Strongly Favors
topic 7:Vouchers for school choice
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Voted against Head Start, and against Dept. of Education: Strongly Favors topic 7 Co-sponsored bill for parental choice within public schools: Strongly Favors topic 7 |
Strongly Favors
topic 8:Businesses have a right to pollute
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Drew a line in the sand: Nothing to do with Kyoto Protocol: Strongly Favors topic 8 Sponsored bills for extending mining leases: Strongly Favors topic 8 OK to hunt, trap, & ski in National Parks & Forests: Strongly Favors topic 8 User fees in National Parks & Forests; drill ANWR: Strongly Favors topic 8 Allow snowmobiles in National Parks: Strongly Favors topic 8 Don’t designate national monuments without local input: Favors topic 8 |
Strongly Favors
topic 9:Stricter punishment reduces crime
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Death penalty OK for espionage & treason: Favors topic 9 Death penalty OK for espionage & treason: Neutral on topic 9 Co-sponsored bills for stricter & mandatory sentencing: Strongly Favors topic 9 Mandatory penalties to fight for a drug-free America: Strongly Favors topic 9 |
topic 10:Absolute right to gun ownership
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| Opposed 7-day waiting period for buying guns: Favors topic 10 Voted against banning plastic bullets & cop-killer bullets: Strongly Favors topic 10 Trigger locks OK, and tougher enforcement: Opposes topic 10 Voted in Congress to weaken gun control laws: Strongly Favors topic 10 Now might outlaw plastic guns & cop-killer bullets: Neutral on topic 10 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 11:Higher taxes on the wealthy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Tax cuts are crucial to getting recovery underway: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Opposed Reagan’s tax overhaul as sellout to Dems: Strongly Opposes topic 11 No tax increases; deduct R&D and local taxes: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Co-sponsored bills to maintain charity & mortgage deductions: Favors topic 11 We need to make sure that tax relief is permanent: Strongly Opposes topic 11 The Bush tax cuts are working: Strongly Opposes topic 11 |
topic 12:Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(-3 points on Social scale)
| Toughen deportations; soften on USAF children immigrants: Opposes topic 12 |
topic 13:Support & expand free trade
(-3 points on Economic scale)
| Worldwide market thrives only with peaceful stability: Favors topic 13 Sponsored bills limiting trade & allowing import fees: Opposes topic 13 Voted against textile import limits: Opposes topic 13 Supported export promotion & import tax relief: Opposes topic 13 |
topic 14:Stay away from the UN & Globalism
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| UN becomes irrelevant because of failures in Iraq: Strongly Favors topic 14 Unilateral sanctions on Iran do not work: Opposes topic 14 Disavow or cancel numerous international agreements: Strongly Favors topic 14 OpEd: Frustrated when definitions of torture changed: Strongly Favors topic 14 UN inspections would not reduce WMD threat: Favors topic 14 UN made itself irrelevant by irresoluteness on Iraq: Strongly Favors topic 14 2000: UN & CIA concluded that Saddam had WMDs: Opposes topic 14 Role in the world: military strength and moral clarity: Opposes topic 14 |
topic 15:Peace through Strength
(-3 points on Social scale)
| Downsized military while protecting “people programs”: Opposes topic 15 In Congress, consistently voted to raise military spending: Strongly Favors topic 15 Cautious cuts: A-12, V22, F14D, Seawolf, 500,000 troops: Opposes topic 15 Need to spend more, but spend it wisely: Favors topic 15 1980s: Supported squadron of 132 B-2 stealth bombers: Strongly Favors topic 15 Increase defense spending to meet global responsibilities: Strongly Favors topic 15 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 16:Make voter registration easier
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Campaign reform: more parties; less unions & corporations: Opposes topic 16 Opposed CFR because previous reforms failed: Strongly Opposes topic 16 |
topic 17:Stay out of foreign wars
(+2 points on Social scale)
| Voted to support foreign aid programs: Strongly Favors topic 17 Supported foreign aid to Latin America & Africa: Strongly Favors topic 17 Critical of Israeli policy which opposes US interests: Neutral on topic 17 Prevent next 9-11 by going on offense in Afghanistan & Iraq: Strongly Favors topic 17 OpEd: repeatedly made false statements to incite Iraq War: Strongly Favors topic 17 2001: Success in Iraq would be a blow to 9/11 terrorists: Strongly Favors topic 17 More "U.N.ery" just gives Saddam the chance to mess around: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Extend international order friendly to our security: Opposes topic 17 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 18:Prioritize green energy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Energy plan focuses on production: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Met with Enron representatives in drawing up energy plan: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Energy use outstrips growth-so conserve AND drill: Opposes topic 18 2000: No intention to keep campaign promise to regulate CO2: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Voted against Clean Water Act and air pollution sanctions: Opposes topic 18 Sponsored numerous bills for flood control & dams: Neutral on topic 18 OK to hunt, trap, & ski in National Parks & Forests: Opposes topic 18 User fees in National Parks & Forests; drill ANWR: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Tax credits & more funding for renewable energy research: Favors topic 18 Open small fraction of ANWR for regulated production : Strongly Opposes topic 18 |
Strongly Favors
topic 19:Marijuana is a gateway drug
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Request media participation in War on Drugs: Strongly Favors topic 19 More federal and foreign cooperation in fighting drugs: Strongly Favors topic 19 Post federal rewards for snitching on drug sales: Strongly Favors topic 19 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 20:Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Supported Balanced Budget Amendment: Opposes topic 20 Tax relief for small business means more new jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Use tax cuts to return part of surplus to American people: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Small businesses will be hurt without the tax cuts: Strongly Opposes topic 20 |
Dick Cheney is a Hard-Core Conservative
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