Andrew Straw on Civil Rights | |
A: Agreed, but uncomfortable with the Supreme Court making radical shifts in constitutional policy in one generation. Stare decisis.
Q: The Supreme Court has indeed made a radical shift in constitutional policy in one generation--20 years ago, same-sex marriage was illegal in all 50 states, and now it's legal. So do you disagree with that radical shift?
A: I feel that marriage should not involve a state license. Why should a state be involved with marriage licenses? Once you take the state out of it, marriage can be done by anyone and it's totally the conscience of the married couple. I just don't feel like my opinion should matter at all. None of my business. None of the state's business.
A: If gay people want to marry and it makes them happy, they can find a celebrant and be married. Maybe they can announce it to the state when needed, but the state should not be choosing who can get married just like when states in the South had anti-miscegenation laws. Disabled people have been restricted also and even worse, sterilized. Indiana was the first place to sterilize disabled people. When I think of family matters, I think private and I wish the state and federal governments would move in the direction of protecting people's privacy. Civil rights laws should protect gay people like they do race and gender and disability, etc.
A: Oppose discriminating against men, who are a minority, to benefit women, who are the majority. Support financial incentives for businesses to hire more qualified women and advance them to top management when they are qualified.