Frank Wagner on Tax Reform | |
Stewart called Gillespie's plan a "charade," and for good reason. It relies on that most dangerous of concepts: revenue projections.
Wagner is the only Republican candidate calling for more taxes to pay for what he sees as a chronic lack of transportation funding. Wagner is at least honest about his proposals. To do what he wants--even to continue doing what the state already does--would require more money. That honesty very likely means he will lose the June primary. Tax cuts are a Republican staple. Pushing a tax cut--without spending restraint, and contingent upon projections based on guesswork--may win votes. Just don't count on ever seeing a dime's worth of those promises in your pocket.
Ed Gillespie's tax plan is typical of a DC-insider and proves definitively that he doesn't know anything about state government or our obligations to Virginia families & businesses. This so-called tax plan is really a lazy political stunt.
Gillespie's idea to take 40% of the projected growth in revenue and set it aside for an income tax cut ignores the fact that we are required to deal with federally-mandated Medicaid payments; we have to reduce the cost of college tuition; and we have untold billions of dollars in mandated water quality improvements that must be completed.