Colia Clark on Free Trade |
Source: Email interview with OnTheIssues on 2012 Senate race , May 11, 2012
A: OPPOSE - NAFTA, CAFTA, Project Hope, and other infringements on the right of businesses and workers in other nations is unacceptable. As U.S. senator from New York State, I will work on all fronts to repeal these hideous cancerous instruments of corporate powers operating under the U.S. flag. The creation and implementation of Free Trade Zones sets the stage for the violation of workers' rights under the International Declaration of Human Rights. In many cases, the right of nation states to self-determination is abridged and trumped by these tariffs and laws which subvert the economies and the cultures of nation states. I will work long and hard to have the U.S. removed as a player in these programs which violate sovereignty and natural rights, often creating environmental waste and planetary destruction.