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This page contains several categories of reports which are signed by multiple politicians (although the politicians might not necessarily agree with each detail of the report's conclusion, they signed the consensus report).
- Government Reports: Congressionally- or Presidentially-authorized reports, which are signed by the participants of the Report Committee.
- Special Topic Archives: Specialty pages for easier reference (some repeated from the Authorized Report list, but in our "Archive" format).
- Party Caucus Policies: Policy statements by a party committee or caucus. They also appear on the main Notes page, distributed under each topic; we include them here to summarize the statements in one place.
- OnTheissues.org sources: This set of pages represents one of the three legs of our source materials: we use "Quotes, Votes, and Notes."
"Quotes" are individual excerpts from politicians' speeches, books, debates, and campaign websites.
"Votes" are from voting records in the US House and US Senate.
"Notes" are presented here: letters, sponsorships, etc., from numerous sources.
Government Reports:
- Impeachment Reports: Reports from Congressional Subcommittees on the Impeachment of President Donald Trump, with Minority Dissent: Dec. 2-13, 2019
- Mueller Report: Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, plus commentary, April 2019
- WMD Report: Report to the President on Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, Mar 31, 2005
- Senate Intelligence Committee: Report on leadup to the Iraq War, May 8, 2004
- The 9/11 Commission Report: Investigation of the events of September 11, 2001, released Mar 23, 2004.
- Energy Policy Report Report of the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPD, chaired by V.P. Dick Cheney) - May 2, 2001
Party Caucus Policies:
- RMSP Policy: Republican Main Street Partnership, centrist Republicans' policy statements
- RLC Policy: Republican Liberty Caucus, libertarians' policy statements
- CPC Policy: Congressional Progressive Caucus, progressive Democrats' policy statements
- DLC Policy: The Hyde Park Declaration, centrist "New Democrats" policy statements
- Blue Dog Policy: The Blue Dog Coalition, conservative Democrats' policy statements
- CBC Policy: Congressional Black Caucus - policy statements
- CWC Policy: Congressional Women’s Caucus - policy statements
- Contract With America: Republican policy promises for the 1994 Congressional takeover
Special Topic Archives:
- Iraq Study Group: Report of Recommendations of the Iraq Study Group Report, released Dec. 6, 2006
- Letter from Iran's president: Letter from Pres. Ahmedinijad to Pres. Bush : May 15, 2006
- Samuel Alito: Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nomination, January 2006 (plus commentary)
- WMD Report: Report to the President on Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, Mar 31, 2005
- Iraq Survey Group: Report of Iraq Survey Group report on Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, October 2004
- Abu Ghraib Reports: Military investigations into prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, release Aug. 23, 2004
- Senate Intelligence Committee: Report on leadup to the Iraq War, July 2004
- The 9/11 Commission Report: Investigation of the events of September 11, 2001, released July 2004
Votes, Affiliations and Ratings:
- Sponsorships: Congressional bill co-sponsors and "open letters" with multiple signatories
- Memberships: Congressional committee memberships and their policy stances
- Ratings: Independent groups' ratings of members of Congress
- Rulings: Supreme Court opinions and dissents
Reports on Impeachment from the United States House of Representatives
The Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report by the Democratic majority of the House Intelligence Committee:
- Government Reform: Russia interfered with 2016 election, not Ukraine
- Principles & Values: Impeachment is remedy for personal interests over country
- Foreign Policy: Trump withheld $391M in authorized aid to Ukraine
Report of Evidence in the Democrats' Impeachment Inquiry by the Republican minority of the House Intelligence Committee:
- Principles & Values: Impeachment attempts to undo the 2016 election
- Foreign Policy: Trump consistently wanted to help Ukraine against Russia
- Foreign Policy: Irregular foreign policy ok for U.S.-Ukraine relationship
- Government Reform: Unelected bureaucracy exists to serve the elected president
- Foreign Policy: Ukraine was corrupt in 2016 and worthy of investigation
House Judiciary Impeachment Report by the Democratic majority of the House Judiciary Committee:
- Foreign Policy: Trump harmed US interest by delaying military aid to Ukraine
- Government Reform: Trump obstructed Congress by ignoring every subpoena
- Government Reform: Trump mistakes himself for a monarch
House Judiciary Impeachment Minority Dissent by the Republican minority of the House Judiciary Committee:
- Principles & Values: Trump betrayed national interest AND corruptly abused power
- Principles & Values: Past impeachments came from years-long investigations
- Principles & Values: Politicized impeachment usurps presidential election
Additional materials from sources outside of Congress:
- Impeachment Commentary: Elected officials views for or against impeachment, throughout 2019 and 2020.
- Summary Impeachment Reports: Report from Congressional Committees on the Impeachment of President Donald Trump, with Minority Dissent: Dec. 2-13, 2019
- Mueller Report: Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, plus commentary, April 2019
- Public Document Clearinghouse: Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry documents gathered by JustSecurity.org
Report to the President on Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, Mar 31, 2005
-- About the WMD Report: membership list from the Presidential commission
- Government Reform: Rethink flawed Presidential daily intelligence briefings
- War & Peace: CIA assessments on Iraqi WMDs were all wrong
- War & Peace: Belief in Iraqi nukes was poor analysis of aluminum tubes
- War & Peace: Belief in Iraqi biological WMDs was based on one unreliable person
- War & Peace: Belief in Iraqi chemical WMDs was based on flawed imagery
- War & Peace: Iraq never had delivery systems to attack US mainland
- Homeland Security: Innovate intelligence-gathering for future hard targets
- Homeland Security: CIA never questioned assumption that Saddam had WMDs
- Government Reform: CIA yielded to conventional wisdom, not political pressure
- Foreign Policy: Libyan disarmament was a CIA success story
- Homeland Security: Assessments of al Qaida in Afghanistan in 2001 were accurate
- Homeland Security: CIA needs more focus on counterterrorism
- War & Peace: Conclusions on Iran and North Korea are all classified
- Homeland Security: So-called Legal Issues are myths; not real CIA hindrances
- Homeland Security: Intelligence community shares information poorly
- Homeland Security: CIA should work more with scientists to understand WMDs
Report on leadup to the Iraq War, May 8, 2004
-- About the SIC: membership list from the United States Senate standing committee
- War & Peace: CIA mischaracterized Iraq WMD & abused intelligence position
- Homeland Security: Hiding sources made post-9-11 analysis impossible
- War & Peace: CIA knew State of the Union Iraq-Niger connection was false
- War & Peace: Iraq was not reconstituting its nuclear program
- War & Peace: Iraq was not developing its biological weapons program
- War & Peace: Iraq was not developing its chemical weapons program
- War & Peace: Iraq was developing missiles, but not to reach the US
- Homeland Security: CIA depends too heavily on defectors & not enough on HUMINT
- Homeland Security: Administration did not pressure CIA on WMD conclusions
- War & Peace: Iraq-al-Qaida contacts, but no complicity or assistance
Investigation of the events of September 11, 2001, released Mar 23, 2004.
-- About the 9-11 Report: membership list from the federal government commission
- Homeland Security: Focus on potential terrorist sanctuaries like Saudi Arabia
- Foreign Policy: Make a long-term commitment to supporting Pakistan
- Foreign Policy: Expand Saudi relations from oil to anti-extremism
- Homeland Security: US majority support among Muslims on 9-11 collapsed by 2003
- Homeland Security: Must defeat ideology of terrorism, not Muslim people
- Foreign Policy: Multilateral coalition for Muslim youth outreach
- Homeland Security: Support "Cooperative Threat Reduction" on Soviet nukes
- Homeland Security: Continue targeting terrorist financing; add terrorist travel
- Immigration: Screen for individual terrorists at borders, no profiling
- Homeland Security: Guidelines, supervision, & oversight of new security powers
- Technology: Fund better communications between emergency responders
- Government Reform: Replace CIA director with new National Intelligence Czar
- Homeland Security: Several missed opportunities to disrupt 9/11 hijackers
- Government Reform: End secrecy about national intelligence appropriations
- Government Reform: Replace "need-to-know" culture with "need-to-share"
- Government Reform: Congressional oversight for intelligence is dysfunctional
- Government Reform: No new domestic intelligence agency--use FBI
- Homeland Security: Several missed opportunities to disrupt 9/11 hijackers
- Homeland Security: Most important failure on 9/11 was one of imagination
Report of the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPD, chaired by V.P. Dick Cheney) - May 2, 2001
-- About the NEPD: membership list and mission
- Energy & Oil: Tax credits & more funding for renewable energy research
- Energy & Oil: Open small fraction of ANWR for regulated production
- Energy & Oil: Long-term energy stability avoids high-polluting emergencies
- Welfare & Poverty: Promote energy security with more LIHEAP spending
Republican Main Street Partnership, centrist Republicans' policy statements
-- About the RMSP: membership list and mission
- Free Trade: Promote the Andean Free Trade Agreement
- Environment: Supports grants for brownfields remediation
- Environment: Make EPA into a Cabinet department
- Health Care: Tax credits for those without employee health insurance
- Health Care: Tax deduction for long-term care insurance
- Health Care: Support telemedicine for underserved areas
- Health Care: $350 billion for prescriptions for poor seniors
- Civil Rights: Require 90 day delay for compliance before ADA lawsuits
- Civil Rights: Limit interstate class-action lawsuits to federal courts
Congressional Progressive Caucus, progressive Democrats' policy statements
-- About the CPC: membership list and mission
- Energy & Oil: Regulate wholesale electricity & gas prices
- Tax Reform: American People's Dividend: Give $300 to every person
- Health Care: MEDS Plan: Cover senior Rx under Medicare
- Free Trade: No MFN for China; condition trade on human rights
- Health Care: Make health care a right, not a privilege
- Welfare & Poverty: Reduce the concentration of wealth & wage inequality
The Blue Dog Coalition, conservative Democrats' policy statements
-- About the Blue Dogs: membership list and mission; 110th Congress membership
- Energy & Oil: Balance fossil fuels and viable renewable energy
- Budget & Economy: Retire half the public debt in 5 years
- Tax Reform: 50-25-25 budget formula for debt-tax cuts-spending
- Government Reform: Supports Shays-Meehan Campaign Finance Reform
- Social Security: Strengthen Trust Funds and take them off-budget
- Health Care: Better and immediate funding for Medicare & Medicaid
- Health Care: Prescription drug benefit within Medicare
Congressional Black Caucus - policy statements
-- About the CBC: membership list and mission
- Civil Rights: Supports reparations for slavery
- Foreign Policy: Supported sending Colin Powell to Durban racism conference
- Principles & Values: Reject Bush's Florida electors due to election fraud
- Health Care: Increase funding for AIDS treatment & prevention
- Health Care: More funding for Rx benefits, community health, CHIPs
- Government Reform: Election reform is #1 priority to prevent disenfranchisement
- Civil Rights: Ending racial profiling is part of fight for justice
- Technology: Close digital divide with high-tech training
- Budget & Economy: Get minorities into home ownership & global marketplace
The Hyde Park Declaration, centrist "New Democrat" policy statements
-- About the DLC: membership list and "Third Way" centrism
- Free Trade: Build a rule-based global trading system
- Education: Offer every parent Charter Schools and public school choice
- Welfare & Poverty: Finish welfare reform by moving able recipients into jobs
- Families & Children: Give parents tools to balance work and family
- Health Care: Establish "report cards" on HMO quality of care
- Civil Rights: Shift from group preferences to economic empowerment of all
- Social Security: Create Retirement Savings Accounts
- Technology: Chief information officer to digitize federal government
- Government Reform: Voluntary public financing for all general elections
- Energy & Oil: Supports tradable emissions permits for greenhouse gases
- Gun Control: Prevent unauthorized firearm use with "smart gun" technology
- Foreign Policy: Progressive Internationalism: globalize with US pre-eminence
Republican Liberty Caucus, libertarians' policy statements
-- About the RLC: membership list and mission
- Government Reform: Limit federal power, per the 10th Amendment
- Education: Abolish the federal Department of Education
- Health Care: Abolish federal Medicare entitlement; leave it to states
- Tax Reform: Overhaul income tax; end capital gains & inheritance tax
- Welfare & Poverty: Abolish federal welfare; leave it all to states
- Gun Control: Support the Second Amendment
- Government Reform: Unlimited campaign contributions; with full disclosure
- Budget & Economy: Supports Balanced Budget Amendment & on-budget accounting
- Free Trade: No restrictions on import/export; but maintain sovereignty
- Homeland Security: End draft registration; all-volunteer forces
- Homeland Security: Federal duty to provide missile defense
- Foreign Policy: Foreign aid often more harmful than helpful
- Drugs: War on Drugs has abused Bill of Rights
- Abortion: No federal funding of abortion, but no litmus test
Congressional Women’s Caucus - policy statements
-- About the CWC: membership list and mission
- Civil Rights: Supported legislation on violence against women & safety
- Health Care: Supported funding women's health needs
- Health Care: Supported funding older women's health
- Abortion: Supported funding contraception and UN family planning
- Health Care: Supported funding Prenatal and Postpartum Care
- Health Care: Supported funding Family and Children's Coverage
- Education: Supported funding for teacher training & other initiatives
- Civil Rights: Supports ERA and comparable work pay rules for women
- Families & Children: Supported funding child care, child health, & child housing
- Social Security: Supported pension reform and tax credits for long-term care
- Homeland Security: Recognize women veterans; assist military families
- Civil Rights: Supported funding for women's and disadvantaged businesses
- Tax Reform: Tax incentives for child care; eliminate marriage penalty
- Tax Reform: Tax incentives for education, new schools, & families
Republican policy promises for the 1994 Congressional takeover
-- Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress
- Government Reform: Government is too big, too intrusive, too easy with money
- Budget & Economy: Supports balanced budget amendment & line item veto
- Crime: More prisons, more enforcement, effective death penalty
- Welfare & Poverty: Limit welfare to 2 years & cut welfare spending
- Families & Children: Use tax code to reinforce families
- Tax Reform: Repeal marriage tax; cut middle class taxes
- Homeland Security: No US troops under UN command; more defense spending
- Social Security: Reduce taxes on Social Security earnings
- Jobs: Incentives to businesses create jobs & raise wages
- Government Reform: Limit punitive damages; term limits on Congress