Scott Keller on Homeland Security
Shift military from oil police to homeland defenders
Q: Do you agree with "Expanding armed forces with shifted focus"?A: True. Added/clarified:
- Deal with terrorism at its roots.
- Work on ways that terrorism becomes neutralized and obsolete.
- Increase freedom rather than take it away.
Restore full benefits for veterans and their families.
- Shift military operations from oil well police to homeland defenders.
- Restore honor to the military.
Shift internal resources to education, science, and pro-humanity activities, but fully compensate military people and veterans.
- It's not the fault of veterans that they were sent into needless missions.
The nation needs an innovative thinker and peace/truth seeker at the helm rather than a war monger and finger pointer.
Source: E-mail interview for 2014 House race with OnTheIssues.org
, Apr 11, 2013
Shift focus away from conquest
Q: Your opinion on our VoteMatch statement, "Expand the armed forces"?A: Another "no opinion", "none of the above", or "other approach".
Expand armed forces only with shifted focus towards helping others and away from conquest. Expand the military only in smart directions End the wars. Stop the military from being the corporate policemen.
Source: VoteMatch interview on 2014 House race with OnTheIssues.org
, Apr 10, 2013
Wiretapping is a huge invasion of privacy
Q: Your opinion on our VoteMatch statement, "The Patriot Act harms civil liberties"?
A: Strongly favor. Wire tapping is a huge invasion of privacy
Source: VoteMatch interview on 2014 House race with OnTheIssues.org
, Apr 10, 2013
Wire tapping is a huge invasion of privacy
Q: What is your opinion on the statement, "The Patriot Act harms civil liberties"?A: Agree. We need to be addressing the root causes of things such as terrorism, so that considering things like the Patriot Act becomes nonsense.
The authorization of wire tapping, for example, without due cause, is a huge invasion of privacy to law abiding citizens and gives the central government too much power.
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Aug 18, 2011
Expand armed forces with shifted focus
Q: What is your opinion on the statement, "Expand the armed forces"?A: Support with qualifications. We need to shift our military's focus. We need to bring all non-treaty troops home immediately, and stop seeking to control oil supplies when
we could be completely free of oil in a couple of years. The military needs to be strong, but the focus needs to be on helping people not killing and conquests.
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Aug 18, 2011
Expand the military in smart directions
- Let's expand the armed forces by expanding our educational process, by completely reforming the armed forces and repurposing them for global peace and charity work.
- Let's expand the armed forces by designing next generation super helicopters i
- Let's bring the troops home and let's quit trying to be the global bully and go back to being the global diplomat.
- We propose arcologies as the new form of USA Embassy; food, shelter, clothing, housing, education, employment, for one
million people.
- Soup Kitchens and schools. Food not bombs.
- Expand the military in smart directions rather than contract the military in stupid directions.
- "Expand the armed forces" can mean a lot of different things. Expand them how?
They need better armor, better support services, better intelligence, and fewer targets...
- We favor real expansion of the armed forces in assorted evolutionary directions.
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Aug 18, 2011
Page last updated: Mar 24, 2015