Scott Keller on Immigration
Make immigration more welcoming and helpful
Q: Do you agree with "Changing the Dream Act so everyone wins"?A: True.
Q: Do you agree with "Building arcologies at the borders that serve as fences"?
A: Close. Added/clarified stances:
Treat immigrants like people.- All human beings should
be given equal opportunity to live a free and peaceful existence.
- They should not be taken advantage of in negative ways.
- Fix the economic model and we can benefit from 10 times the immigration.
- Address the fears of current citizens.
Help immigrants become benefactors and assets quickly in a win-win-win arrangement.
- Stop demonizing people based on race or language.
- Overhaul the USCIS & INS to make immigration more welcoming and helpful.
Effectively protect our border from those who would do us harm while opening our arms to those who have good intentions.
- Work to take money off of the table and out of the equation.
Source: E-mail interview for 2014 House race with OnTheIssues.org
, Apr 11, 2013
Treat immigrants like people regardless of where born
- Treat immigrants like people regardless of where they were born or what country they are trying to immigrate out of, usually for reasons Americans cannot even comprehend--mass murder, war, rape, famine, drought. All human beings regardless of
race, creed or color should be given equal opportunity to live a free and peaceful existence in this great country and should not be taken advantage of in negative ways.
- Find ways that the people of the US, including the Indian Nations, minorities,
and immigrants from all over the world, especially Mexico, can come together and create a better world that provides for everyone easily, rather than fearing an overload of the current system.
- Mandate that new immigrants be involved to design and
build new futuristic facilities--hospitals, housing facilities, water treatment facilities, replacing our broken utility system. Use these activities as community service credits that will enable immigrants to become American citizens faster.
Source: E-mail interview for 2014 House race with OnTheIssues.org
, Apr 11, 2013
Train immigrants coming to America to speak English fluently
- Stop trying to chase people out and stop demonizing people trying to reach the promises of freedom that America stands for, and get them involved in community service credits towards their citizenship.
Train immigrants coming to America to speak English fluently in immigration facilities or integration schools close to our borders where they will learn English in an intense immersion program, along with basic education studies.
On a secondary note, keep our public schools expanding the many languages used in the newly overhauled American schools under a Scott Keller Presidency.
- Change our own approach to issues through education, science and research, and development and be
our own best and rebuild our own cities so that they are cleaner and more accommodating to our own population as well as to the newcomers to our population.
Source: E-mail interview for 2014 House race with OnTheIssues.org
, Apr 11, 2013
No more lottery; just invite everyone who wants to come
Overhaul the USCIS & INS to make immigration more welcoming and helpful. No more lottery. Just invite everyone who wants to come, has a clean criminal background, and is willing to assimilate. Implement new and beneficial programs to make the process
more streamlined and user-friendly for new applicants. This would include changing some of the current criteria for individuals who are already in this country and possibly stopping the deportation of individuals who through no fault of their own were
brought into this country when they were children. Specifically, children of immigrants who have been denied going into college or even children who are being deported with their parents after living in the US for years. It is not entirely the fault of
USCIS, but these actions have been put in place by persons or groups who have total disregard for breaking families apart, and making it impossible for people who are currently living in this country to have a chance at legalization and a better future.
Source: E-mail interview for 2014 House race with OnTheIssues.org
, Apr 11, 2013
Hard stance on companies hiring illegal immigrants
- Take a hard stance on for-profit companies hiring illegal immigrants who do not abide by the above standards.
- Effectively protect our border from those who would do us harm while opening our arms to those who have good intentions.
Rather than sending our troops to die for oil well protection, we can put them on the borders to deal with drug cartels and terrorists and other criminals and to help and direct those who wish to enter our country to participate in positive activities.
- Work to take money off of the table and out of the equation with respect to this and all issues.
- I think we have lost our way and lost what set us apart from the rest of the world regarding immigration.
So why don't we take our sights off of the past and the present and set them, once again, on the future?
Source: E-mail interview for 2014 House race with OnTheIssues.org
, Apr 11, 2013
Strongly supports illegal immigrants earning citizenship
Q: Your opinion on our VoteMatch statement, "Illegal immigrants earn citizenship"?A: Strongly Support. Change Dream Act so everyone wins.
Build arcologies at the borders that serve as INS centers. Doubles as a type of fence. Encourage and Welcome immigrants and they'll cooperate. Put immigration on the border rather than in DC.
Source: VoteMatch interview on 2014 House race with OnTheIssues.org
, Apr 10, 2013
Change Dream Act so everyone wins
Q: Should illegal immigrants earn citizenship?A: Support. I would significantly change the Dream Act such that everyone wins from all sides of the issue and get significant collaboration in the effort. We need to overhaul the INS, streamline it, make
it more efficient, and size it such that they can handle the load. I am not in favor of a fence on the border but rather a working relationship with the people on both sides of the border to address the root causes of the problems.
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Aug 18, 2011
Build arcologies at the borders that serve as fences
We propose building arcologies at the borders to regulate and centralize immigration and language education as well as job training and social services.
This also operates as a fence if you string up a batch of them across the border, but more importantly it gives immigration a home at the border.
It also most importantly allows us to insulate and protect ourselves and regulate flow better by stalling it out if it doesn't pass basic reality tests like speaking
English or being employable.
It also allows the USA to meaningfully test and reality test potential applicants and see how they really do objectively to score... and reject those who are lazy or who have serious issues as bad investments.
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Aug 18, 2011
Page last updated: Mar 24, 2015