Howie Hawkins on Principles & Values
Green Party Challenger for President
Picked actual progressive woman of color as running mate
As a woman of color, Kamala Harris kills two birds with one stone by ticking both the gender and race boxes. But she's overwhelmingly spent her career fighting for reactionary policies that completely obliterate the credibility of her claim to be
any kind of progressive.Harris represents the kind of empty, tokenistic brand of identity politics that this establishment uses to give its major figures political cover.
There is someone who is both a woman of color and an actual progressive.
Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins picked longtime grassroots activist Angela Walker as his running mate. Democrats will tell us that we'd be "throwing away our vote" by casting our ballot for the Hawkins/Walker ticket.
But now that two major parties compete with each other on the far right of the political spectrum, it's time that we give up on the Democratic Party en masse and prove them wrong.
Source: Counterpunch.org political e-zine on 2020 Veepstakes
, Aug 17, 2020
Democracy needs socialism; socialize many economic sectors
Democracy needs socialism. Progressive reforms will never be secure as long as the major means of production are in the hands of a super-rich oligarchy whose concentrated economic power translates into concentrated political power. The failure to face
this reality is how the managed capitalism advanced by Democratic Party "socialists" comes up short. As Bernie Sanders said in his 2015 speech on democratic socialism, "I don't believe government should own the means of production." We should join with
these progressives in fighting for reforms, but we should not be politically naive. Progressive reforms are not secure as long as the property-based power structure of the capitalist oligarchy remains intact.KEY ECONOMIC SECTORS TO SOCIALIZE: If I
run, my campaign would call for the socialization of key economic sectors, including:- Manage the national currency
- Socialize the big banks.
- Power Utilities
- Health Care & Big Pharma
- Arms Industry
- Broadband & Online Platforms
Source: 2020 Presidential Campaign website HowieHawkins.us
, May 19, 2019
Danger of Trump doesn't mean electing "any damned Democrat"
Howie Hawkins, declared that he would run even if the Democrats nominated Bernie Sanders, who, Hawkins told an interviewer, had been "a little slow" in his plans for
reform. "Recognizing the danger of Trump does not mean that electing any damned Democrat should trump all other considerations," Hawkins said.
Source: The New Yorker magazine on 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Apr 15, 2019
Third parties force issues neglected by major parties
Hawkins argues that "We had half a million people vote for the progressive Democrats [in the primary], and I'm here to tell them that I'm Plan B when we get to the general election." Hawkins says, "The historic role of third parties has been
to force issues neglected by the major parties into public debate--issues like the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, the 8-hour day, Social Security, and ending segregation. The Green Party has increasingly been playing this role."
Source: The Nation magazine on 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Nov 1, 2018
Page last updated: Dec 27, 2024; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org