Howie Hawkins on Foreign Policy
Green Party Challenger for President
Self-determination for Kurdish people
The Kurdish people are the largest ethnic group in the world that is without an independent state. As a result, Kurdish people have historically suffered persecution and injustice. The Kurdish people have been besieged to the point of a current
humanitarian crisis in towns such as Kobani, Syria. The GPUS expresses solidarity for and affirms the right to self-determination, self-defense, communal autonomy, freedom from persecution, and release of political prisoners for the Kurdish population.
Source: Green Party Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, Jul 12, 2020
Supports a Palestinian right of return, and a single state
- We reaffirm the right and feasibility of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in Israel.
- We acknowledge the significant challenges of equity and restitution this policy would encounter and call on the
U.S. government to make resolution of these challenges a central goal of our diplomacy in the region.
We support a U.S. foreign policy that promotes the creation of one secular, democratic state for Palestinians and Israelis on the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan as the national home of both peoples, with
Jerusalem as its capital.
- We encourage a new U.S. diplomatic initiative to begin the long process of negotiation, laying the groundwork for such a single-state constitution.
Source: Green Party Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, Jul 12, 2020
Member of the community of nations; not above it
We strongly feel that our country should view itself as a member of the community of nations... not above it.
The United States could well play a leadership role in that community but only if we become committed to an eco-social vision of peace, national self-determination, and international cooperation.
Source: Green Party Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, Jul 12, 2020
Oppose US military intervention for regime change
An enduring peace requires replacing capitalism with ecosocialism--capitalism's nationalistic competitive militarism with ecosocialism's international cooperative security. We will call for deep US military spending cuts and converting to a defensive
military posture from today's global military empire of over 800 foreign military bases. The savings will be a peace dividend to reinvest in a Global Green New Deal for economic human rights, clean energy, and regenerative agriculture around the world.
The US can make friends instead of enemies by using its wealth to be the world's humanitarian superpower instead of its imperialist superpower. We will call for a recommitment to the recently abandoned arms treaties and to vigorous new negotiations for
further reductions toward complete nuclear disarmament and for scaling back the world's militaries to strictly defensive forces. We will oppose US military intervention for regime change and speak up for human rights wherever they are violated.
Source: 2020 Presidential Campaign website HowieHawkins.us
, May 19, 2019
Support the UN; oppose the Cuban embargo
Q: Should the United States maintain its financial support of the United Nations?A: Yes.
Q: Should the United States commit troops to United Nations peacekeeping missions?
A: Yes.
Q: Should the United States lift the travel ban to Cuba?
A: Yes.
Hawkins adds, "Stop exporting and encouraging nuclear power, which leads to nuclear weapons. Push for complete global nuclear disarmament through US unilateral initiatives to set the example. Stop 'Star Wars' militarization of space."
Source: 2006 Congressional National Political Awareness
, Nov 1, 2006
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org