Marco Rubio on Technology
Republican Florida Senator
When Chinese companies steal I.P., put them out of business
Q: This deal with Chinese telecom company ZTE--You have been leading the charge against it. President Trump says he's got a deal in place to help save this company that's been accused of being a national security threat to the US. Why isn't the White
House proposal sufficient to meet your concerns?RUBIO: The president views ZTE as a company that broke sanctions, and he wants to impose sanctions on them and penalties that are stronger than anyone has ever seen before.
Q: A $1.3 billion fine, he
RUBIO: Yes, correct. And this was just a company that did something wrong and needed to be punished, the president is right. The difference is, I don't view this just as a ZTE issue. I view it in the broader context that China that is trying to
steal all of our intellectual property. And there has to be consequences for that. And the only thing China is going to respond to is consequential actions over a sustained period of time, like putting a company like ZTE out of business.
Source: CBS Face the Nation 2018 interviews of 2020 hopefuls
, May 27, 2018
Phase out Mass Transit account; cut gas tax by 80%
We successfully built a national highway system in the last century, but now we need local flexibility to address our diverse nation's many different needs and problems. The federal gas tax feeds Washington's overspending. Transportation dollars are
funneled through a Highway Trust Fund that is pillaged every year by Washington special interests. And decades-old federal red tape adds cost and stands in the way of innovative solutions. Marco will take a new approach in building the infrastructure
for the next American century. As President, Marco will:- Cut outdated gas taxes: Reduce the federal gasoline tax by 80%.
- Empower states to innovate: Turn back control of the highways to the states, stopping special interests from building "Bridges
to Nowhere."
- Find common-sense savings: Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act that inflates government costs by billions every year and is a giveaway of taxpayer dollars to labor unions. Phase out the Mass Transit Account, which loots the Highway Trust Fund.
Source: 2016 presidential campaign website MarcoRubio.com
, Mar 1, 2016
The NSA needs bulk metadata collection to fight terrorism
Q [to Sen. Cruz]: Why did you vote for the USA Freedom Act?CRUZ: It did two things: #1, it ended the federal government's bulk collection of phone metadata of millions of law-abiding citizens.#2, it strengthened the tools go after terrorists.
The prior program only covered a relatively narrow slice of phone calls, primarily land lines. The USA Freedom Act expands that so now we have cell phones, now we have Internet phones.
Q [to Sen. Rubio]: You voted against it. Is Senator Cruz wrong?
RUBIO: He is. Here's the world we live in. This is a radical jihadist group that is increasingly sophisticated in its abilities. We are now at a time when we need more tools, not less tools. And that tool we lost, the metadata program, was a valuable
tool that we no longer have at our disposal. This tool allowed the National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies to quickly and rapidly access phone records and match them up with other phone records to see who terrorists have been calling.
Source: 2015 CNN/Salem Republican two-tier debate
, Dec 15, 2015
Fast change: Candy Crush got 100 million people in 1 year
Q: How do you reassure American workers that their jobs are not being steadily replaced by machines?RUBIO: Well, you know, that's an excellent question, because what we are going through in this country is not simply an economic downturn. We are
living through a massive economic transformation. I mean, this economy is nothing like what it was like five years ago, not to mention 15 or 20 years ago. And it isn't just a different economy. It's changing faster than ever. You know, it took the
telephone 75 years to reach 100 million users. It took Candy Crush one year to reach some 100 million users. So the world is changing faster than ever, and it is disruptive. Our higher education system is completely outdated. If we do what needs to be
done, then we can grasp the potential & the promise of this new economy. And we won't just save the American dream. We will expand it to reach more people & change more lives than ever before. And then truly this new century can be a new American century
Source: Fox Business/WSJ First Tier debate
, Nov 10, 2015
Amazon, our largest retailer, doesn't own a single store
This country is facing an economy that has been radically transformed. You know, the largest retailer in the country and the world today, Amazon, doesn't even own a single store? And these changes have been disruptive. They have changed people's lives.
The jobs that once sustained our middle class, they either don't pay enough or they are gone, and we need someone that understands that as our nominee. If I'm our nominee, we will be the party of the future.
Source: Fox News/Facebook Top Ten First Tier debate transcript
, Aug 6, 2015
Internet belongs in hands of our people, not our government
The FCC's recent 332-page plan to regulate the Internet is being sold as "net neutrality," which is an existing concept predicated on preventing Internet service providers from creating "fast lanes" and "slow lanes" for different content.
Throughout this debate, Americans have been given a false choice: Either you are for the FCC's plan, or you are for a lawless Internet. This represents a cynical view of free markets and a misunderstanding of government's role in protecting them.
I believe government's role is not to regulate the actions of a few, but rather to empower all.
That's why I introduced a resolution to oppose ceding greater Internet regulatory power to the International Telecommunications Union. I have also worked on
the Wi-Fi Innovation Act, designed to increase access to mobile broadband by expanding unlicensed spectrum.
The Internet is one of our people's greatest treasures, which is why it belongs in the hands of our people, not our government.
Source: Politico.com, "Internet Party", editorial by Marco Rubio
, Mar 17, 2015
Net neutrality empowers bureaucrats and allows manipulation
There are several significant problems with "net neutrality":- While the FCC plan supposedly seeks to prevent ISPs from playing favorites, it does so by giving that power to another entity: government. The answer to correcting injustice in an
economy is to increase consumer power, not government power.
- The issue of ISPs creating different speed lanes is not the injustice that it is made out to be. There are hardly any cases of it to begin with, and any deals that do take place are just
as likely to benefit consumers by allowing highly trafficked sites to accommodate their visitors.
- The primary function of the FCC's plan goes far beyond the goal of net neutrality. It would label Internet service providers as public utilities,
and [thereby give] power over the Internet to an unelected, unaccountable board that every lobbyist, lawyer and crony capitalist with a vested interest in the Internet will seek to manipulate.
Source: Politico.com, "Internet Party", editorial by Marco Rubio
, Mar 17, 2015
No "Net Neutrality": don't declare Internet a public utility
Big government can't seem to keep its hands off of anything. The latest insult: President Obama and the Federal Communications Commission are going to take over the Internet on February 26th if we don't do everything we can do to stop them right now.
A plan deceivingly referred to as "Net Neutrality," involves declaring the Internet a "public utility" and gives the FCC the power to decide what Internet service providers can charge and how they operate.
This is not only a direct attack on the free market, but it will also result in an increase in Internet access fees for millions of consumers in America. It's a massive tax on the middle class, plain and simple.
The details are complicated but here's
the truth: If Net Neutrality is passed, for the first time ever, the Internet will be under the rule of an antiquated regulation designed for land line telephones. I need your help to tell President Obama and the FCC: "Don't mess with the Internet!"
Source: Campaign email, "The Latest Insult"
, Feb 23, 2015
Technology is an opportunity to help people, not take jobs
Technology is here to stay, and our challenge is to find the opportunities it presents and to take advantage of them. Technological breakthroughs are not all bad news for the middle-class. Even as machines take over more functions in our modern
society, we still need humans to build them, fix them, and work alongside them. The key to using new technology to our advantage is having educational and vocational training systems that produce workers capable of working with it.
Source: American Dreams, by Marco Rubio, p. 24
, Jan 13, 2015
Release anti-North Korea movie despite cyber-attack
Q: Let me ask you about [Sony being cyber-attacked in retaliation for an anti-North Korea movie]. You asked the president "to undo the damage to freedom of speech and expression" caused by Sony's decision not to release this movie. What exactly do you
want him to do?RUBIO: First of all, the president in his end-of-year press conference alluded to the fact that there will be response and a strong one and a measured one, but one that's reciprocal. And I will support that. But, second, it's important
that that movie be played, that that movie be seen. I don't even know if it's a good movie, but I think it's now important that that happen, that we figure out way to get that out there so Americans can watch it. It's unacceptable that this attack not
just on our country, not just on a business located in America, but on our constitutional freedoms, if it's unresponded to, if it stays the way it is now, it is going to be an incentive for others to try and do the exact same thing in the future.
Source: Face the Nation 2014 interview: 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Dec 21, 2014
Net neutrality is government regulation of the Internet
Web companies are pressing the Federal Communications Commission for new rules that would require Internet providers to treat all online traffic equally. But Senators Cruz, Paul and Rubio are anything but neutral on net neutrality--they hate it, much
less any government regulation at all.Companies like Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Yelp--through their Washington trade group, the Internet Association--are public backers of net neutrality.
They together have praised Obama for endorsing an approach that might subject the Internet to utility-like regulation. All three Republicans, however, rejected the president's suggestion. Rubio hammered it as "government regulation of the Internet"
that "threatens to restrict Internet growth and increase costs on Internet users." And Cruz lambasted net neutrality as "ObamaCare for the Internet" in a tweet that went viral--and drew plenty of criticism.
Source: Politico.com 2014 coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls
, Nov 29, 2014
Information age has changed world; people have not changed
What I sense from a lot of people I've been talking to was this fear that somehow America has changed--that are people changed. That's not true.Our people have not changed. The vast majority of the American people are hard-working taxpayers who go to
work every day; who volunteer in their communities. What's changed is the world around us.
Just think how much the world has changed in the last ten years. The global economy is real--we don't live in the national economy anymore. Everything you buy-
everything you touch--it's all impacted by things that are happening halfway around the world. The information age is real. It's changed the world and it's made out life easier, but it's also changed our economy. You go into a grocery store today and
you'll find machines doing the job that people once did. You find today at many businesses that 1 person, because of automation, can do the work that 5 people used to do. It's the world around us that has changed. And this has had an impact on our people
Source: Speech at 2013 Conservative Political Action Conf.
, Mar 14, 2013
1st Senate candidate to pass 100,000 "likes" on Facebook
He understood the usefulness of 1-on-1 exchanges with voters at the speed of DSL. He even conducted press interviews via Twitter. In May 2009 the National Journal asked him via Twitter, "Numbers: How many cars do you own? How many houses? How many guns?
How many kids in public schools? He sent back his answers: "Own Ford F150 ('05); lease an Escalade; 2 houses(Miami and Tallahassee), no guns, 2 of 4 kids @FL Christian School in Miami." His advisors boasted that he was the 1st US Senate candidate to
pass 100,000 "likes" on Facebook. His staff uploaded his speeches to YouTube. The Twitter community can often sniff out someone who is paying a flunky to write their tweets, but Rubio fired out photographs of family that could only have come from him.
The digital investments during his campaign were 100% transferable to his new role as a US senator. Rubio's tweets lived on the Internet, and his followers stayed connected to him and multiplied. In 2012 he counted more than 70,000 followers on Twitter.
Source: The Rise of Marco Rubio, by Manuel Rogi-Franzia, p.183-184
, Jun 19, 2012
Co-sponsored PIPA to Protect IP, but withdrew his support
Rubio risked alienating conservatives because of his cosponsorship of a bill to combat Internet piracy and preserve intellectual property, known as PIPA, short for the Protect IP Act. The legislation seemed to be just the kind of intrusive government
regulation that Rubio would naturally oppose. Wikipedia, the ubiquitous Internet encyclopedia, went black on January 18 to protest PIPA and another Internet piracy measure. Conservatives were beginning to talk about mounting primary challenges against
Republicans, including Rubio, who supported the measures.It was too much for Rubio. The senator, smartly, took the Internet to announce that he was pulling his support for
PIPA. He made his announcement on his Facebook page. What could have been a political disaster turned into a political coup.
Source: The Rise of Marco Rubio, by Manuel Rogi-Franzia, p.194
, Jun 19, 2012
Invest in R&D and space exploration
Q: Do you support increasing funding for long term investment in research and development, particularly space exploration, energy, and/or medicine?A: I believe that research and development results in innovations that help drive
America's economic edge. However, we must continue to invest and improve our education system, space exploration and other programs to ensure our continued success.
Source: League of Women Voters 2010 Candidate Questionnaire
, Aug 11, 2010
E-budget website for detailed, issue-level budget
Florida Government Accountability Act- Create and empower a Sunset Advisory Committee to increase the effectiveness of the review process of state agencies and programs
- Policy Choices Should Drive Budget Choices
- Combine fiscal and substantive
committees into a single committee that will develop and fund the most appropriate policy issues for Florida
- Design an e-budget website that will display a detailed, issue-level budget and allow the public to comment on the budget
Source: 100 Innovative Ideas for Florida's Future by Marco Rubio
, Nov 1, 2006
Protect against identity theft with privacy opt-in
Protection from Identity Theft- Enhance penalties for identity theft crimes that affect persons sixty-five years or older
- Make any unauthorized possession of another's personal identity information a felony
Adopt an "opt in" policy that requires government and business to receive permission from citizens before distributing any of their personal information
Source: 100 Innovative Ideas for Florida's Future by Marco Rubio
, Nov 1, 2006
Put budget online to allow public inspection and comment
Embedded in the budgetary system are details showing general appropriations acts are developed. Given one example of an increase in a program's contractual services, the detail in the budget system will show the reason for the increase (e.g., the state
was purchasing an increased amount of services). However, this detail is not included in the printed version of the General Appropriations Act.Florida will design an e-budget website that will display a detailed, issue-level budget and allow the publi
to comment on the budget. This budget will be restructured from an input-based methodology appropriating money for employees, salaries, travel ,furniture, and contracts, to a results-based approach.
The new e-budget will allow residents to view the
funding of the budget's service or program areas by category. Viewers will see the budget at various levels of complexity; departmental, program, service, and issue. The budget will be far more transparent and understandable.
Source: 100 Innovative Ideas, by Marco Rubio, p. 55-56
, Nov 1, 2006
Public-private partnerships to build & operate roadways
Christopher Dodd said, "American's highways, roads, bridges, are an indispensible part of our lives. They link one end of our nation to the other. We use them each and every day, for every conceivable purpose." Problem:
Funding is inadequate to build and maintain a transportation system that meets Florida's expanding needs.
Solution: Government should collaborate with the private sector to fund, build, and maintain needed transportation improvements.
Currently, the private sector services in such areas as road and bridge construction, engineering design, construction inspection, roadway maintenance, and toll collection. Public-private partnerships
(PPPs) are comprehensive services that include design-build-finance-operate-maintain schemes, with the private sector receiving "payment" through tolls collected on a road or bridge, a direct payment from the "owner," or a combination of the two.
Source: 100 Innovative Ideas, by Marco Rubio, p. 78-79
, Nov 1, 2006
Increase criminal penalties for identity theft
Problem: There is an increasing number of identity theft crimes. The increase in technology and electronic communication has left individuals exposed to the dangers of identity theft and highlighted Florida's need to increase the criminal penalties to
protect its residents. In 2005, 9 million US citizens were victims of identity fraud, while fraud costs have risen from $53 billion in 2003 to over $56 billion in 2006. Regaining a clean credit record and securing personal information remain priorities
for the residents of Florida. Florida should base the felony level of identity theft crimes on the class of victim, as well as the monetary damage incurred. In Florida, any person convicted of an identity theft crime affecting a person
65 years or older will face enhanced penalties.
Current Florida law permits conviction for possession of another's identification information only of the state can prove intent to USE the information. We should eliminate the "use" requirement.
Source: 100 Innovative Ideas, by Marco Rubio, p. 86-87
, Nov 1, 2006
Protect kids from sex predators on Facebook & MySpace
Florida's children are in danger on the Internet. The Internet poses a serious threat to Florida's children. The growing popularity of online networking sites such as Facebook & MySpace provide online predators with easy avenues to lure and victimize
Florida's children. Users of these sites create online profiles or pages disclosing their interests, likes & dislikes. Numerous sex offenders nationwide have been convicted of victimizing children they met through these sites.To enhance child safety,
Florida will require social networking sites to set up verification systems to require parental notification and consent for minors to use these sites. The consent form should detail what data is collected from users, the disclosure practices of the site
operator, and what limits, of any, parents can place on their children's use of the site. Civil penalties will be enforced against anyone that falsifies or otherwise allows a minor access to the site without the proper parental notification and consent.
Source: 100 Innovative Ideas, by Marco Rubio, p. 98-99
, Nov 1, 2006
Withdrew support for policing websites for copyright.
Rubio signed PIPA: PROTECT IP Act
Congressional Summary:Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act, or the PROTECT IP Act, or PIPA (in the House, Stop Online Piracy Act or SOPA) :
- Authorizes the Attorney General to seek a court order against an Internet site facilitating online piracy to require the operator to cease and desist further activities constituting copyright infringement, unauthorized trafficking of sound recordings or videos of live musical performances, or trafficking in counterfeit labels.
- Allows an intellectual property right holder harmed by a US-directed website used for infringement, to first provide a written notification identifying the site to related payment network providers and Internet advertising services requiring such entities to suspend their services.
- Requires online service providers, Internet search engines, payment network providers, and
Internet advertising services, upon receiving a court order relating to an AG action, to carry out preventative measures including withholding services from an infringing website or preventing users located in the US from accessing the infringing website.
OnTheIssues Notes: SOPA and PIPA, proponents claim, would better protect electronic copyright (`IP`, or Intellectual Property). Opponents argue that SOPA and PIPA would censor the Internet. Internet users and entrepreneurs oppose the two bills; google.com and wikipedia.com held a `blackout` on Jan. 18, 2012 in protest. An alternative bill, the OPEN Act was proposed on Jan. 18 to protect intellectual property without censorship; internet businesses prefer the OPEN Act while the music and movie industries prefer SOPA and PIPA.
Source: HR3261/S968 11-S968 on May 12, 2011
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org