OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Allan Fung: Pro-choice position but supports a no-abortion health option.
Allan Fung: Supports woman's restricted right to make medical decisions.
Allen Waters: Allow abortion only to protect the life of the mother.
Ashley Kalus: Described herself as pro-life; opposed abortion rights law.
Bob Flanders: Pro-life.
Dan McKee: Identifies as supportive of abortion rights.
Gina Raimondo: Signed bill codifying abortion protections.
Mark Zaccaria: Human life begins at conception.
Nellie Gorbea: Access to abortion is a fundamental right.
Seth Magaziner: Seth will continue to fight for a women's right to choose.
Helena Foulkes: Eliminate ban on abortion coverage in state budget.
Budget & Economy
Bobby Nardolillo: Rationalize onerous federal regulations.
Dan McKee: Strong supporter and advocate for local small business.
Dan McKee: I understand that budgets reflect priorities and policy.
Dan McKee: Make a once in a generation investment in our housing stock.
Donald Carcieri: We cannot sustain the present level of spending.
Gina Raimondo: We've made it easier to do business in Rhode Island.
Gina Raimondo: Put line-item veto on the ballot.
Gina Raimondo: Investing in job training, incentives helped business.
Jack Reed: Postpone sequestration; then balanced taxes & cuts.
Lincoln Almond: $325M tax cuts & business incentives to attract investment.
Mark Zaccaria: Senate bank regulators are too cozy with regulated banks.
Matt Brown: Implement rent control, build 10,000 green affordable homes.
Nellie Gorbea: Simplify statewide process to encourage homebuilding.
Patricia Morgan: Over-regulation hurt RI business; do cost-benefit analysis.
Civil Rights
Ashley Kalus: Worked to ensure that communities have access to power.
Bob Flanders: Supreme Court allows religious exceptions to same-sex rights.
Dan McKee: Overstated support for marriage equality, but for it at end.
Gina Raimondo: Ban conversion therapy for minors.
Gina Raimondo: Signed Pride Month proclamation, defying local bishop.
Lincoln Chafee: People of color are the future of Rhode Island.
Mark Zaccaria: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Matt Brown: Running with multi-racial progressive coalition.
Allan Fung: History of creating jobs; he won't forget small businesses.
Allan Fung: Lower costs to business helps them grow.
Bobby Nardolillo: Trump corporate tax cuts are just what the doctor ordered.
Donald Carcieri: Regulatory Review Task Force to reclaim business revolution.
Patricia Morgan: Ran air charter/flight school at Green Airport for 10 years.
Allan Fung: Strong stance against crime; we need accountability.
Dan McKee: Proposed parole after 10 years if under 22 at time of crime.
Gina Raimondo: Evidence-based approach to parole is being smart on crime.
Luis-Daniel Munoz: Supports national accreditation standards for police.
Luis-Daniel Munoz: Every time a person is abused it is no longer a deterrent.
Matt Brown: End cash bail, ensure police accountability.
Allan Fung: Opioid epidemic needs more programs & preventative education.
Dan McKee: Proposed regulating a legal marijuana market.
Gina Raimondo: Jobs and insurance, to combat addiction.
Gina Raimondo: Address substance use disorders outside of emergency rooms.
Gina Raimondo: Legalize marijuana, since we're surrounded by legal states.
Jack Reed: Weed and Seed: community policing & revitalize neighborhood.
Lincoln Chafee: Legalize medical marijuana to relieve pain.
Matt Brown: Legalize cannabis, invest in drug overdose prevention.
Helena Foulkes: We need to look at the long-term health effects of marijuana.
Allan Fung: Choice in schools; plus funding for technical education.
Allen Waters: Let free market forces determine student loan pricing.
Allen Waters: Taxpayer dollars should fund all educational options.
Allen Waters: Phase out government student loans, leave it to free market.
Allen Waters: Teach Natural Law & moral principles in public schools.
Ashley Kalus: Pay our teachers more, promote school choice, fund pre-K.
Bob Flanders: States define education standards and feds support.
Bobby Nardolillo: Diversity of choice in education.
Dan McKee: As mayor created the first mayoral charter school.
Dan McKee: Charter schools support criticized by public sector unions.
Dan McKee: COVID and schools: locally driven, state supported.
Dan McKee: Set up after-school programs to make up time lost to COVID.
Dan McKee: School reform by partnering without being demanding.
Dan McKee: Make two years free community college program permanent.
Dan McKee: For universal Pre-K through a mixed delivery system.
Donald Carcieri: Strong advocate of expanding Charter Schools.
Gina Raimondo: PrepareRI Dual Enrollment: free tuition for high schoolers.
Gina Raimondo: All-day kindergarten for all; computers in every school.
Gina Raimondo: More pre-K classrooms; free community college.
Gina Raimondo: Major investment to repair crumbling schools.
Gina Raimondo: Replace freeze with major investment repairing schools.
Gina Raimondo: Additional $30 million to support schools statewide.
Gina Raimondo: Make scholarships for community college permanent.
Gina Raimondo: Made community college tuition free before most states.
Lincoln Almond: Measure school performance and report to parents.
Lincoln Almond: We will not tolerate failing schools.
Mark Zaccaria: Oppose nationwide Common Core standards.
Matt Brown: Smaller class sizes, at least $60,000 for teacher salary.
Nellie Gorbea: Pass "Right to A Quality Education" constitutional amendment.
Seth Magaziner: Ensure every child has access to free universal pre-school.
Helena Foulkes: Promised a single term if school test scores don't improve .
Energy & Oil
Allan Fung: Won zoning for large scale solar installation on farmland.
Ashley Kalus: Support industries such as offshore wind and aquaculture.
Bobby Nardolillo: Further research needed on climate change.
Bobby Nardolillo: Understanding Gap: do no economic harm without certainty.
Dan McKee: Replace fossil fuel electricity generation with renewables.
Dan McKee: Community solar panel program lets people subscribe.
Donald Carcieri: Make R.I. the leader in development of offshore wind power.
Gina Raimondo: Green energy means jobs.
Gina Raimondo: First state to be 100% renewable energy by end of decade.
Gina Raimondo: Be most collaborative and aggressive state on wind energy.
Mark Zaccaria: No subsidies for wind and solar.
Matt Brown: Green New Deal for All, net zero emissions by 2040.
Matt Brown: Make RI the first state run on 100% clean, renewable energy.
Nellie Gorbea: Incentivize energy efficiency in new home construction.
Nellie Gorbea: Prioritize goals to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
Seth Magaziner: Support clean energy jobs, invest in climate resilience.
Allan Fung: Supports protecting open space, working farms, & waterways.
Bobby Nardolillo: Fishing industry suffers under needless catch limits.
Gina Raimondo: 66% increase in green jobs--good for business.
Jack Reed: $50M for brownfield redevelopment in low-income areas.
Jack Reed: Beaches, parks and waterways are important to our economy.
Families & Children
Bob Flanders: Senate candidates accused of sexual abuse should withdraw.
Gina Raimondo: Pass modern, common-sense paid sick leave laws.
Gina Raimondo: Passed paid sick leave; improved child care.
Seth Magaziner: Extend the child tax credit.
Foreign Policy
Jack Reed: Suspend aid to Egypt while military crushes protestors.
Jack Reed: Allow in Syrian refugees looking for opportunity.
Mark Zaccaria: American colors don't run, but they have been fading.
Seth Magaziner: Our international alliances are as important as ever.
Free Trade
Gina Raimondo: In Israel for economic development mission.
Jack Reed: Retrain workers who lose jobs due to foreign competition.
Government Reform
Allan Fung: Internal department to audit fraud, waste and corruption.
Allen Waters: Supports amendment to set limits on campaign finance.
Ashley Kalus: Attract business by lowering taxes, cutting red tape.
Bob Flanders: Require disclosure for contributions to super PACs.
Bob Flanders: Let out-of-state attorneys handle state ethics cases.
Bob Flanders: Disallow legislators from serving on Lottery Commission.
Bobby Nardolillo: Shift elections to Saturday.
Dan McKee: RI Equity Council meetings should not be open to the public.
Dan McKee: Vetoed state short-term rental regulations as burdensome.
Donald Carcieri: Reduce our reliance on government.
Gina Raimondo: Allow online voter registration.
Gina Raimondo: Rhode Island Supreme Court now multiracial, majority female.
Gina Raimondo: Made RI ninth state to enact automatic voter registration.
Jack Reed: Nuclear option: Allow confirmation of Obama's appointees.
Luis-Daniel Munoz: RI Equity Council meetings should be open to the public.
Mark Zaccaria: Photo ID for voting.
Matt Brown: Reform Make election day a holiday, repeat voter ID law.
Nellie Gorbea: Supports repealing the state's voter ID law.
Nellie Gorbea: Policymakers should reflect diversity of the state.
Seth Magaziner: Democracy only works when people can make their voices heard.
Gun Control
Allan Fung: Against assault rifle ban.
Allan Fung: State funding for armed police at all schools.
Allen Waters: Strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
Bob Flanders: Ban devices that turn guns into massive killing machines.
Dan McKee: Received an "F" from the NRA's Political Victory Fund.
Gina Raimondo: Ban all firearms from public school buildings and grounds.
Gina Raimondo: Close loopholes; ban assault weapons.
Mark Zaccaria: Opposes more gun restrictions.
Nellie Gorbea: Need the courage to pass common sense gun reform.
Patricia Morgan: Upgrade security measures in schools instead of banning guns.
Seth Magaziner: Ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines.
Health Care
Allan Fung: The CBO validated fears of Obamacare being a job killer.
Allen Waters: Lower healthcare costs by transparency & competition.
Ashley Kalus: COVID testing contract leads to dispute with the state.
Bobby Nardolillo: Repeal and replace Obamacare.
Dan McKee: Universal access to health insurance for children.
Dan McKee: Extend Medicaid coverage for new moms to 12 months.
Gina Raimondo: Reinvent Medicaid: expand and improve access.
Gina Raimondo: Almost 97% insurance rate through state health exchange.
Luis-Daniel Munoz: COVID: Must do more to vaccinate blacks & Latinos.
Mark Zaccaria: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility.
Matt Brown: For Medicare for All, protect reproductive freedom.
Matt Brown: Vaccine requirement to enter public spaces, mask mandate.
Nellie Gorbea: Support mental health care for students, teachers, staff.
Patricia Morgan: Let physicians practice across state lines & skip red tape.
Seth Magaziner: Supports expanding the Affordable Care Act.
Homeland Security
Allan Fung: Property tax exemptions for disabled veterans.
Donald Carcieri: Gratitude to armed forces for defending our freedoms.
Gina Raimondo: Close deficit, boost budget of RI Veterans Home.
Gina Raimondo: At least 3% of contracts to go to veteran-owned companies.
Jack Reed: No Benghazi cover-up; had 11 hearings & 25,000 documents.
Mark Zaccaria: Maintain a superior nuclear arsenal.
Seth Magaziner: For veteran's healthcare, tax credits for businesses.
Allan Fung: Federal authorities notified on illegal immigrants releases.
Allen Waters: A foe of illegal immigration and of sanctuary cities.
Bobby Nardolillo: Get tough on illegal immigrants.
Dan McKee: In-state college tuition regardless of immigration status.
Gina Raimondo: Opposes deporting DREAMers.
Gina Raimondo: Driver's licenses for DREAMers, pathway for citizenship.
Gina Raimondo: COVID: Get tested; no immigration officials at testing sites.
Mark Zaccaria: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
Matt Brown: Provide drivers' licenses to undocumented Rhode Islanders.
Bobby Nardolillo: Don't raise minimum wage to $9.60 per hour.
Dan McKee: Increasing wages in various underpaid fields is long overdue.
Dan McKee: Enacted pay equity regardless of gender or ethnicity.
Donald Carcieri: Americans' top priority: put people back to work.
Gina Raimondo: Raise minimum wage to $9.60 per hour.
Gina Raimondo: Give everyone chance for dignified work at a decent wage.
Gina Raimondo: Touts unemployment rate of 4.3%, lowest rate since 2001.
Gina Raimondo: Training for changing job market.
Gina Raimondo: Raise minimum wage; expand earned income tax credit.
Mark Zaccaria: Accepted 20 weeks of unemployment, but opposes extending it.
Matt Brown: Pass a $19 per hour minimum wage ($39,520 annually).
Seth Magaziner: Fight for worker's rights including the right to organize.
Principles & Values
Allan Fung: Condemned with IFFY award for running "Issue-Free" campaign.
Allen Waters: Grew up in Providence; lived & ran in MA; now running in RI.
Ashley Kalus: As a former Golden Gloves boxer, I am a fighter.
Ashley Kalus: Names Ron DeSantis as her most admired elected official.
Bob Flanders: Let both sides be heard in Supreme Court Kavanaugh hearings.
Dan McKee: People have pride in their communities & staying in hometown.
Dan McKee: Trump's Big Lie is a threat to our democracy.
Gina Raimondo: Granddaughter of Italian immigrants; lifelong Rhode Islander.
Gina Raimondo: To young women: look within; summon courage to lead.
Gina Raimondo: Remove "Providence Plantations" from state documents.
Gina Raimondo: Your family and faith will always be there.
Mark Zaccaria: Former chair of state GOP; former Town Council member.
Mark Zaccaria: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
Nellie Gorbea: Government doesn't run like a business, nor should it.
Seth Magaziner: American Dream of economic mobility has broken down for many.
Social Security
Gina Raimondo: Get most state retirees a cost of living increase.
Gina Raimondo: Cut tax on Social Security payments.
Gina Raimondo: Moved workers from state pensions to 401(k)-like plans.
Patricia Morgan: Repeal RI taxes on social security and retirement benefits.
Seth Magaziner: Oppose Republican efforts to privatize Social Security.
Tax Reform
Allan Fung: For federal tax reform; will lower state and local taxes.
Allen Waters: Replace income tax with national sales tax, close the IRS.
Ashley Kalus: Will fight for Rhode Islanders by lowering their tax burden.
Ashley Kalus: Raising RI's marginal tax rate would hurt competitiveness.
Bobby Nardolillo: Cut tax rates, cut spending.
Dan McKee: Increase real estate transfer tax on homes over $700,000.
Dan McKee: Reduce corporate minimum tax to help small business.
Donald Carcieri: Property tax increases can be avoided.
Gina Raimondo: Reduced the corporate minimum tax.
Gina Raimondo: Cut car tax by at least 30%.
Gina Raimondo: Cut car tax & unemployment insurance tax.
Gina Raimondo: OpEd: Raimondo wants tax increases.
Lincoln Almond: Eliminate the capital gains tax.
Mark Zaccaria: FairTax ends complexity that requires entire industry.
Nellie Gorbea: Would increase marginal tax rate for the top 1%.
Allan Fung: Will make infrastructure a top priority in his final term.
Donald Carcieri: The new I-Way connects life-science academics with research.
Gina Raimondo: RhodeWorks: fix highways ad 12n0 bridges.
Gina Raimondo: Fixed roads and bridges; now let's do public transportation.
Lincoln Almond: $8.4 million Rhode Island E-government Fund.
Lincoln Chafee: Sales & use tax on online sellers with no physical presence.
War & Peace
Allen Waters: Clean up the poorly managed Veterans Affairs department.
Allen Waters: Aggressively pursue terrorists; dismantle terrorist networks.
Bob Flanders: Intervene militarily if vital interest at stake, like nukes.
Bobby Nardolillo: Supports Afghanistan war but not forever.
Jack Reed: More pressure on Iran; keep all options on the table.
Jack Reed: Red line in Syria if chemical weapons used against people.
Jack Reed: Coalition to stop Syrian WMDs, but nothing more militarily.
Matt Brown: Born and raised protesting the Vietnam war.
Sheldon Whitehouse: More troops in Afghanistan OK but revisit later.
Welfare & Poverty
Allan Fung: More work/volunteer requirements in welfare benefits.
Dan McKee: Expand funding for rental assistance programs.
Gina Raimondo: Create dedicated funding stream to build new housing.
Lincoln Chafee: Yes, government has a role in struggle against poverty.
Luis-Daniel Munoz: Supports free public clinics; increase affordable housing.
Nellie Gorbea: Fully fund school lunch and breakfast programs.