Chet Culver on Jobs
No wage discrimination due to gender, race, or orientation
An act providing that wage discrimination is an unfair employment practice: It shall be an unfair or discriminatory practice for any employer to discriminate against any employee because of the age, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, national origin, religion, or disability of such employee by paying wages to such employee at a rate less than the rate paid to other employees who are employed within the same establishment for equal work on jobs.The practice of
discriminating does all of the following:- Unjustly discriminates against the person receiving the lesser rate.
- Leads to low employee morale, high turnover, and frequent labor unrest.
- Discourages employees paid at lesser wage rates from training
for higher level jobs.
- Prevents optimum utilization of the state's available labor resources.
Legislative record:Bill Passed House, 87-7-6; Passed Senate, 32-18-0 Feb. 16, 2009; signed by Governor April 28; Sen. Hogg voted YEA
Source: 2010 Iowa legislature voting records for SF 137
, Apr 28, 2009
End wage discrimination based on gender identity
Excerpts from Iowa legislative summary : An Act providing that wage discrimination is an unfair employment practice under the Iowa civil rights Act [for these new additional definitions of discrimination]:- Wage discrimination
includes discriminating against any employee because of age, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, or disability.
- Such wage discrimination unjustly discriminates against the person receiving the
lesser rate; and leads to low employee morale, high turnover, and frequent labor unrest.
- It is the policy of this state to correct and, as rapidly as possible, to eliminate, such discriminatory wage practices.
- An employer who is paying
discriminatory wages shall not remedy the violation by reducing the wage rate of other employees.
Legislative outcome: Passed Senate, 32-18, Feb. 16, 2009; Passed House, March 18; signed by Governor Chet Culver, April 28, 2009
Source: Iowa legislative voting records for SF.137
, Apr 28, 2009
Page last updated: Aug 24, 2017