Stan Jones on Crime
Supports the death penalty
Indicate which principles you support regarding crime. - Support the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.
- Support programs to provide prison inmates with educational, vocational and job-related skills and job-placement assistance
when released.
- Jones adds, "Eliminate "hate" crimes, reduce "federal" crimes to those established in the constitution, pass laws making government officials subject to same white collar crimes as public."
Source: 2006 Congressional National Political Awareness Test
Aug 29, 2006
Require aggressors to pay restitution and costs of jail
In Montana (and all of America) we are not discouraging law breakers because our court system is not focused on the victim. We must reorient courts to focus on victim restitution. I propose a system wherein aggressors would be required to compensate
their victims. In addition, they would also have to pay the cost of police apprehension and the costs of their trial. If they were imprisoned, they would also have to pay the cost of incarceration. The aggressor could remain free but would still have
to pay the debt. Those aggressors who did not pay would go to a working prison. In that case the amount owed by the aggressor would be increased by the costs of imprisonment. Most aggressors would probably make the payments rather than risk the huge
increase in obligation and the loss of their liberty for such a long time.
This entire system could eventually be privatized-police, courts, jails-all of it! The aggressors would eventually pay for all of it. Crime would be significantly reduced.
Source: Campaign website, www.mtlp.org/jones, "Issues"
Jan 24, 2006
Not all sins should be crimes
Of the "civilized" nations, America has the highest percentage of its population in prison. Are we that bad? I don't believe so. We have far too many crimes. Not all sins should be crimes. We must draw the line at some appropriate point.
Activities without victims are not crimes. (And society is not a victim!). Consensual behavior is none of the governments' business.
Source: Campaign website, www.mtlp.org/jones, "Issues"
Jan 24, 2006