Focus on mobility as key determinants of senior wellness
Q: In the course of fixing our roads and bridges, do you support policies to improve roadway design to make sure that streets are safe for all persons regardless of age, physical ability and mode of transportation?
SUPPORTS Create a Complete
Streets safe design policy for users of all abilities.
SUPPORTS Fund roadway safety guidelines for older drivers.
A: For the elderly and disabled, mobility is one of the key determinants of health and wellness and the main predictor of their
ability to stay at home through infirmity. The ARRA affords a unique opportunity to upgrade our obsolete infrastructure to conform to best practice guidelines. I am fully supportive of AARP's "Complete Streets" initiative aimed to improve roadway design
to make sure that streets are safe for all persons regardless of age, physical ability, & mode of transportation. I favor working closely with planning agencies to create multimodal accommodations that strike a right balance in our transportation system.