
Doug Jones on Government Reform



Restore integrity to politics

I will bring integrity back to Washington and back to Alabama politics. We are all tired of politicians who have been bought and paid for by special interests and who view the world through a partisan lens instead of considering the best interest of those they are supposed to represent. This race is not about Democrats or Republicans. It is about the people of Alabama--giving them honest answers while working to protect their health care, rights and economic interests.
Source: 2017 Alabama Senatorial website DougJonesForSenate.com , Nov 1, 2017

Voter ID goes backwards on access to the ballot box

Voting Rights: Support stricter voting rules such as voter ID requirements or reduced registration times, even if they prevent some people from voting?

Jones: No. We are "going backwards on access to the ballot box." Supports proactive registration of 18-year-olds, early voting, absentee voting without cost for some voters, and transparent redistricting.

Moore: Unknown

Source: 2018 CampusElect.org Issue Guide on 2017 Alabama Senate race , Nov 1, 2017

Sponsored bill for election holiday & easier voting access.

Jones co-sponsored For the People Act of 2019