Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
State of Alabama Politicians: Archives

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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Arnold Mooney: Pro-life and pro-family.
Arnold Mooney: Supported restrictions on abortion in legislature.
Arnold Mooney: Prohibit use of fetal tissue from unborn infants.
Arnold Mooney: Religious/ethical exemption for health care providers.
Barry Moore: Increase restrictions for abortion clinics to operate.
Barry Moore: Prohibit use of fetal tissue from unborn infants.
Barry Moore: Religious/ethical exemption for health care providers.
Bill Hightower: Increase restrictions for abortion clinics to operate.
Bill Hightower: Prohibit use of fetal tissue from unborn infants.
Chris Countryman: Supports choice and women's health care.
Doug Jones: I stand with Planned Parenthood.
Doug Jones: It's a woman's intensely personal decision.
Doug Jones: Voted against bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks.
Gary Palmer: I will vote to protect the right to life.
Jessica Taylor: I will fight the extreme left's culture of death.
John Merrill: Fought for legislation protecting the unborn.
John Merrill: In Alabama legislature worked on laws protecting the unborn.
John Rogers: To abortion foes: You kill them now or you kill them later.
John Rogers: Encourage identifying father before allowing abortion.
John Rogers: No additional laws restricting use of fetal tissue.
Kay Ivey: Signed amicus brief to stop abortions after 20 weeks.
Kay Ivey: Religious/ethical exemption for health care providers.
Luther Strange: Permanently cut off funding for Planned Parenthood.
Lynda Blanchard: Sanctity of life for all God's children, born and unborn.
Malika Sanders-Fortier: I believe in human rights of unborn children and of women.
Marcus Bowman: Life begins at conception.
Mike Durant: 100% pro-life, overturn Roe v. Wade; opposes choice.
Nikema Williams: Abortion clinic restrictions don't increase health or safety.
Richard Shelby: Roe v. Wade flawed on both a constitutional & moral basis.
Robert Bentley: Right to Life applies to most vulnerable & most helpless.
Robert Bentley: Do everything to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Robert Bentley: Increase restrictions for abortion clinics to operate.
Robert Bentley: Prohibit use of fetal tissue from unborn infants.
Ron Crumpton: Best to end abortion, but not by making it a crime.
Ron Crumpton: Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right.
Roy Moore: Our families are being crippled by divorce and abortion.
Roy Moore: Opposes abortion & funding Planned Parenthood.
Roy Moore: The Bible consistently protects the life of preborn persons.
Tim James: Supports a human life amendment to the Constitution.
Tommy Tuberville: Current wave of infanticide is this generation's holocaust.
Tommy Tuberville: Only exception for life of mother, not rape or incest.
Vivian Davis Figures: No additional restrictions for abortion clinics to operate.
Vivian Davis Figures: Prohibit use of fetal tissue from unborn infants.
Vivian Davis Figures: No religious exemption for health care providers.
Walt Maddox: Anti-abortion but pro-law: don't waste time on new laws.
Will Boyd: Funding for organizations providing women's healthcare.
Yolanda Flowers: Don't ban abortion but provide counseling for a real choice.
Budget & Economy
Chris Countryman: Prepare financially for new, or expanding, state programs.
David Carrington: Clean up overspending; restore fiscal responsibility.
Gary Palmer: Deal with our $17.2 trillion debt like any addiction.
Jeff Sessions: Bailout well-intentioned, but too much federal intervention.
Jessica Taylor: I'm a big supporter of the free market.
John Merrill: Both parties in Washington engage in wasteful spending.
John Rogers: Would legalize sports betting, including online.
Kay Ivey: Reduce red tape to improve \business climate.
Kay Ivey: Accelerate Alabama economic development strategic plan.
Kay Ivey: $122 million to Rebuild Alabama infrastructure.
Kay Ivey: Gather the facts on whether to allow state gaming & lottery.
Kay Ivey: Business tax credits attract new companies to Alabama.
Kay Ivey: Our roads are the arteries of Alabama's commerce.
Kay Ivey: Wants to use $400 million of COVID relief to build prisons.
Marcus Bowman: Government should never be the driver of the economy.
Mike Durant: Cut costs, cut programs, get to a balanced budget.
Mo Brooks: 2010: Trend towards socialism will bankrupt America.
Richard Shelby: Opposes raising the debt limit; opposes $18T debt.
Robert Bentley: Goal is balanced, conservative budget without federal help.
Robert Bentley: Protect essential services, and otherwise cut 15-45%.
Ron Crumpton: 9-point plan for government economic investment.
Roy Moore: Cut taxes and spending to stimulate economy.
Roy Moore: Lower taxes, smaller government, and less spending.
Stacy Lee George: Vocational training key to jobs program.
Terri Sewell: Frontline cities need more direct COVID assistance.
Tim James: Cut programs, transition government jobs to private sector.
Tommy Battle: $750M in city spending to generate $2.5B private investment.
Tommy Tuberville: Get handle on deficit or face serious trouble.
Vivian Davis Figures: GOP turned nation from surplus to deficit, and jobs get lost.
Walt Maddox: Fiscal 2018 budget raised rates on services and cut expenses.
William Barnes: Re-evaluate & reform banking and finance deregulation.
William Barnes: Reduce spending and increase accountability.
Yolanda Flowers: Invest in community job training and workforce development.
Yolanda Flowers: Lottery can fund infrastructure, accessible broadband.
Yolanda Flowers: Supports state lottery to fund schools, roads, highways.
Civil Rights
Arnold Mooney: Don't replace marriage licenses with affidavits.
Bradley Byrne: States should be free to decide on gay marriage.
Bradley Byrne: Marriage is defined as one man and one woman.
Bradley Byrne: Supreme Court should not define marriage for states.
Brandaun Dean: Has been a champion for LGBTQ equality.
Chris Countryman: No discrimination based on orientation or gender identity.
Chris Countryman: Ok to refuse church services to gay couples.
Chris Countryman: Repeatedly sought same-sex marriage license.
Doug Jones: Full equality for women in the workplace.
Doug Jones: Gay son celebrates Jones' swearing in as senator.
Doug Jones: Endorsed of Human Rights Campaign.
Doug Jones: Co-sponsored civil rights protections for LGBTQ people.
Doug Jones: Protecting voting rights shouldn't be partisan issue.
Doug Jones: 2000: Got convictions of two involved in 1963 church bombing.
John Merrill: We're too interested in homosexual activities in pop culture.
John Merrill: Implemented America's toughest voter ID law.
John Merrill: America too interested in homosexual activities on TV.
John Merrill: Being gay is a "decision," but would not take away rights.
John Merrill: Just because you're 18 doesn't give you the right to vote.
John Merrill: 2016: Recognized by the ACLU as the Champion for Democracy.
John Rogers: Don't replace marriage licenses with affidavits.
Katie Britt: Supports equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.
Kay Ivey: One-man-one-woman marriage is cornerstone of civilization.
Kay Ivey: Held first ever Governor's Disability Job Fair.
Kay Ivey: Replace marriage licenses with affidavits.
Lynda Blanchard: Radical attempts to force transgender agenda an abomination.
Lynda Blanchard: No one can choose gender because God made that choice.
Lynda Blanchard: Don't pit color against color; we are all the same.
Malika Sanders-Fortier: There's unfinished business of the Civil Rights Movement.
Malika Sanders-Fortier: Replace marriage licenses with affidavits.
Marcus Bowman: Marriage defined as one man and one woman.
Mike Durant: Radicals redefine American values with Critical Race Theory.
Mo Brooks: Defend blaming "many sides" for white supremacist violence.
Mo Brooks: 2014: Democrats wage war on whites.
Robert Bentley: End affirmative action for colleges & state contracts.
Robert Bentley: Ever mindful of our turbulent past 50 years ago.
Robert Bentley: Voted NO on adding sexual orientation to hate crime criteria.
Ron Crumpton: Women make $0.78 vs. men; minorities make $0.75 vs. whites.
Ron Crumpton: Apply 1960s civil rights laws to LGBT community.
Ron Crumpton: Legally require hiring more women & minorities.
Ron Crumpton: Add gender identity to Civil Rights Act.
Ron Crumpton: Give the disabled the ability to obtain service dogs.
Roy Moore: Our sacred institution of marriage is one man and one woman.
Roy Moore: OpEd: Lukewarm condemnation of white supremacist violence.
Roy Moore: Defend blaming "many sides" for white supremacist violence.
Roy Moore: 14th Amendment restricts states & causes many problems.
Terri Sewell: Backed Congressional Medal for 1963 church bombing victims.
Tommy Tuberville: Don't use race to divide us.
Tommy Tuberville: Opposes laws against discrimination over sexual orientation.
Vivian Davis Figures: Voted YES on apology for wrongs of Alabama slavery.
Walt Maddox: Honors Civil Rights History Task Force.
Will Boyd: Close the gender wage gap & champion race relations.
Will Boyd: Add LGBTQIA to the Civil Rights Act of 1965.
Bill Hightower: End "government goodies" to attract out-of-state business.
Doug Jones: Streamline regulations for small business.
Doug Jones: Cut corporate tax rates, but not by increasing the deficit.
Jessica Taylor: Let's end sweetheart deals for woke companies.
John Merrill: Same-day service: government at the speed of business.
Kay Ivey: Tax relief to job creators and small businesses.
Marcus Bowman: Hire and fire based on business needs.
Mo Brooks: Stay out of politics or adopt pro-America positions.
Richard Shelby: Don't smother small banks with unnecessary regulations.
Robert Bentley: We will do whatever we can to attract new businesses.
Ron Crumpton: Offshore profit shifting needs to end.
Ron Crumpton: Transfer $11 billion from corporate tax loopholes to schools.
Ron Crumpton: Trickle-down economics good for business but not for people.
Roy Moore: Against same sex marriage; against civil unions.
ACLU: Require unanimous jury for the death penalty.
ACLU: Chemical castration for sex offenders is unconstitutional.
Arnold Mooney: No separate sentencing trial in capital cases.
Arnold Mooney: Chemical castration for sex offenses against children.
Arnold Mooney: Skeptic of 2016 prison construction plans.
Chris Countryman: Creative and cost effective ways to deter crime.
Doug Jones: Former prosecutor supports reform.
Doug Jones: Remove systemic racism in society and law enforcement.
Gary Palmer: Supports capital punishment.
John Rogers: No separate sentencing trial in capital cases.
John Rogers: No chemical castration for sex offenses against children.
John Rogers: For automatic death penalty for cop killers without appeal.
Kay Ivey: One death verdict instead of separate sentencing trial.
Kay Ivey: More prison staffing and more capital investments in prisons.
Kay Ivey: Chemical castration for sex offenses against children.
Kay Ivey: Build three new prisons, but focus on rehabilitation.
Kay Ivey: New modern prisons will improve conditions, rehabilitation.
Kay Ivey: Rehabilitate prisoners; don't just warehouse them.
Kevin Stitt: Consolidated work of Dept. of Corrections and Parole Board.
Malika Sanders-Fortier: Chemical castration for sex offenses against children.
Marcus Bowman: Stricter punishment reduces crime.
Mo Brooks: Stand up for law and order, back law enforcement community.
Robert Bentley: Expand use of death penalty; limit appeals.
Robert Bentley: End parole for repeat violent felons.
Robert Bentley: Construct four new state-of-the-art prison facilities.
Ron Crumpton: End mandatory minimums & private prisons.
Ron Crumpton: Treating illnesses is more productive than incarceration.
Stacy Lee George: Unburden prisons with path for reformed inmates.
Stacy Lee George: Call in National Guard to get state prisons under control.
Tommy Tuberville: Police: "Gotta get 'em more money".
Vivian Davis Figures: Keep separate sentencing trial in capital cases.
Vivian Davis Figures: No chemical castration for sex offenses against children.
Walt Maddox: Approved tactical short-term crime reduction strategy.
Will Boyd: Seek equal sentences for equal justice.
Yolanda Flowers: Private prisons have corrupted Alabama's justice system.
Yolanda Flowers: Hire police, prison guards who are psychologically suited.
Arnold Mooney: Don't study legalizing medical marijuana.
Arnold Mooney: Prohibit sale of fake urine to defeat drug tests.
Brandaun Dean: Enacted decriminalization of recreational marijuana use.
Chris Countryman: Okay medical marijuana and study full legalization.
David Carrington: Education will lower drug use & need for Medicaid.
Doug Jones: Legalization for medical and recreational use.
Doug Jones: Take marijuana off federal controlled substances list.
John Rogers: Establish commission to study legalizing medical marijuana.
Katie Britt: Opioid awareness: Stop Judging; Start Healing.
Kay Ivey: Establish commission to study legalizing medical marijuana.
Kay Ivey: Prohibit sale of fake urine to defeat drug tests.
Luther Strange: Against medical marijuana.
Lynda Blanchard: Oldest son died from drugs; led her to help Alabama children.
Malika Sanders-Fortier: Prohibit sale of fake urine to defeat drug tests.
Marcus Bowman: Marijuana should be a local issue.
Mo Brooks: Allow doctors and patients right-to-try medical marijuana.
Robert Bentley: Strengthen penalties for drug-related crimes.
Robert Bentley: Fight opioid addiction and fight drug abuse.
Ron Crumpton: Sensible approach to marijuana policy instead of prohibition.
Ron Crumpton: Allow farmers to grow hemp: ecologically friendly cash crop.
Ron Crumpton: Sensible approach to marijuana instead of prohibition.
Roy Moore: Let states determine medical use.
Tim James: Repeal medical marijuana law, perfect recipe for fraud/abuse.
Tommy Tuberville: Going to have to prove that medical marijuana is good.
Tommy Tuberville: If we ever put marijuana on our streets legally, it's over.
Vivian Davis Figures: Establish commission to study legalizing medical marijuana.
Walt Maddox: Substance abuse should have its own cabinet-level officer.
Yolanda Flowers: We must revisit fair sentencing and petty drug offenses.
Arnold Mooney: Repeal Common Core.
Arnold Mooney: Protect religious expression by students in school.
Barry Moore: Allow tax credits for parents for private schools.
Barry Moore: Protect religious expression by students in school.
Bill Hightower: Protect religious expression by students in school.
Bradley Byrne: Bill allows tax credits for private K-12 scholarships.
Bradley Byrne: Wants private school tax credit, but supports public schools.
Bradley Byrne: Byrne picked to introduce Trump-backed education bill.
Brandaun Dean: Got school officials replaced over ethics, performance.
Chris Countryman: Cutting the education budget is never a solution.
Chris Countryman: Provide funding for college outside of sports scholarhips.
Chris Sununu: Obtained $26 million grant for Preschool Development.
Chris Sununu: Compromise on student debt relief at no expense to taxpayers.
David Carrington: Alabama needs massive increase in education spending.
Doug Jones: Invest in public schools, not private experiments.
Doug Jones: Public service & Pell grants to reduce college costs.
Doug Jones: Supported integration of his high school in late '60s.
Doug Jones: Loan forgiveness in targets jobs and locations.
Gary Palmer: We need choice and local control.
Jessica Taylor: Will end brainwashing of children with Critical Race Theory.
John Rogers: No tax credits for parents for private schools.
John Rogers: Undecided about religious expression by students in school.
Katie Britt: Focus schools on education, not LGBT indoctrination.
Kay Ivey: Remove bad teachers; let students leave failing schools.
Kay Ivey: Charter Schools "plan of action" for statewide reform.
Kay Ivey: Charter Schools offer quality alternative to private schools.
Kay Ivey: Strong Start, Strong Finish: from pre-K to workforce.
Kay Ivey: Invest in Pre-K: now more than 1000 classes.
Kay Ivey: $25 million for Pre-K; $1B for public schools & colleges.
Kay Ivey: $1.25 billion bond for K-12 public schools, state colleges.
Kay Ivey: Won't accept the existence of a failing elementary school.
Kevin Stitt: Raise donations caps for fund for public and private schools.
Lynda Blanchard: Choice move to good school or pay for private not right.
Marcus Bowman: Be mature enough to allow school prayer.
Marcus Bowman: Vouchers help achieve the best possible education.
Mike Durant: Reinforce Christian values in schools.
Mo Brooks: LGBT sex ed? Hell no; not in Alabama.
Parker Griffith: Statewide lottery to fund Alabama schools.
Parker Griffith: AdWatch: New statewide vote on school-funding lottery.
Robert Bentley: Give more power to school boards to make decisions.
Robert Bentley: Supports moment-of-silence and teacher spanking law.
Robert Bentley: Though benefits will be cut, no teaching jobs will be lost.
Robert Bentley: Improving schools with a federal/state/private partnership.
Robert Bentley: First Class program: voluntary Pre-K education.
Robert Bentley: First Class Pre-K good, but only enrolls 12% of kids.
Robert Bentley: Allow tax credits for parents for private schools.
Robert Bentley: Protect religious expression by students in school.
Ron Crumpton: Our classrooms should be cathedrals: $650B to repair them.
Ron Crumpton: Vouchers take from public education.
Roy Moore: Common Core? Education is not in the Constitution.
Roy Moore: Feds out of education; encourage vouchers.
Stacy Lee George: Local control but invest in teachers.
Tim James: Supports school choice including funding for church schools.
Tim James: Permanently ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory.
Tommy Battle: Education funding top of priority list; no specific plan yet.
Tommy Tuberville: School choice, charters, public schools are part of the mix.
Tommy Tuberville: When we took away prayer in school we killed this country.
Tommy Tuberville: Disband U.S. Department of Education.
Tommy Tuberville: Students being indoctrinated in communism & socialism.
Tommy Tuberville: Educate Alabama kids about values, God, & civics.
Tommy Tuberville: Laments that God and prayer taken out of school in 1960s.
Tommy Tuberville: Irresponsible to use tax money to pay off student loan debts.
Tommy Tuberville: Opposes free public college and student loan forgiveness.
Vivian Davis Figures: No tax credits for parents for private schools.
Vivian Davis Figures: Undecided about religious expression by students in school.
Walt Maddox: Proposes a state lottery to transform the education system.
Will Boyd: Ensure that no public dollars go to support private schools.
Will Boyd: Close gap between cost of living and cost of education.
Yolanda Flowers: Funding for public schools is crucial, use money lottery.
Yolanda Flowers: Schools must be desegregated & become more diverse.
Yolanda Flowers: Supports school choice if parents feel child learns better.
Energy & Oil
Brandaun Dean: For Green New Deal, reparations won't help living in bubbles.
Chris Countryman: Help transition to clean energy.
Chris Sununu: Rejects regional Transportation & Climate Initiative.
Doug Jones: Renewables will makes us energy independent.
Doug Jones: Regulate greenhouse gases & encourage renewables.
Doug Jones: Climate change is a scientific reality.
Gary Palmer: US has more oil available than used in the last 100 years.
Gary Palmer: Supports Keystone XL & offshore oil production.
Jeff Sessions: Surge in gas prices sucks out American wealth.
Jessica Taylor: Let the private sector handle climate change.
Kay Ivey: Wind & solar power are still too expensive.
Lynda Blanchard: Democrats trying to force Green New Deal on American People.
Lynda Blanchard: Climate fanatics are no better than snake oil salesman.
Marcus Bowman: Green energy should compete in the market.
Robert Bentley: Supports off-shore drilling and the oil and gas industries.
Ron Crumpton: Make real investments in green technology.
Roy Moore: Encourage coal mining and oil drilling.
Roy Moore: Little hard evidence that carbon emissions change climate.
Steve Carlson: Want to see much more science on climate change linkages.
Tommy Battle: Worked with energy partners for sustainable future.
Tommy Tuberville: COVID-19 might be experiment for Green New Deal.
Tommy Tuberville: Only God changes climate; it's just a change of weather.
Vivian Davis Figures: High gas prices make it harder to make ends meet.
Walt Maddox: Incentives to encourage people & utilities to use solar.
Will Boyd: Invest in renewable energy, but include coal in the mix.
Doug Jones: Coal is the past; must help workers transition.
Doug Jones: Conservationists back Jones.
Gary Palmer: Rein in the EPA.
Kay Ivey: Tax credits for landowners who replant cut trees.
Kay Ivey: No water commissions with onerous regulations & litigation.
Luther Strange: Don't hamstring economy to get clean air & water.
Marcus Bowman: Voluntary win-win solutions instead of EPA mandates.
Robert Bentley: Primary value of forests is economic and job related.
Robert Bentley: Gulf State Park: economically & environmentally sustainable.
Ron Crumpton: A healthy environment is essential to a healthy America.
Terri Sewell: League of Conservation Voters: highest score from Alabama.
Tommy Battle: Environmental education needs to start with the children.
Walt Maddox: Sees his role as a protector of the natural resources.
Will Boyd: Ensure access to clean drinking water and clean air for all.
Families & Children
Arnold Mooney: Voted YES on churches declining foster kids to LGBT couples.
Arnold Mooney: Adoption/foster care agencies may reject LGBTQ parents.
Barry Moore: Adoption/foster care agencies may reject LGBTQ parents.
Bill Hightower: Adoption/foster care agencies may reject LGBTQ parents.
Chris Sununu: Accommodate infants in workplace; support paid family leave.
Doug Jones: Supported women accusing opponent of sexual misconduct.
John Rogers: Skipped vote: churches declining foster kids to LGBT couples.
Kay Ivey: Support Alabama Girls State patriotism & Americanism.
Kay Ivey: Churches may decline foster kids to same-sex couples.
Kay Ivey: Adoption/foster care agencies may reject LGBTQ parents.
Kay Ivey: No gender-affirming surgery; no transgender bathrooms.
Luther Strange: Don't require contraception in company health plans.
Lynda Blanchard: Improved the lives of thousands of families in 16 countries.
Lynda Blanchard: An advocate for people with special needs.
Robert Bentley: Supports relief for families who cannot afford their houses.
Robert Bentley: Fund treatment for low-income children with Autism Spectrum.
Roy Moore: America was great when families were united.
Tim James: Traditional marriage/family is foundation for a free society.
Vivian Davis Figures: Voted NO on churches declining foster kids to LGBT couples.
Vivian Davis Figures: Adoption/foster care agencies must accept LGBTQ parents.
Will Boyd: Oppose efforts to limit Family and Medical Leave Act.
Foreign Policy
Doug Jones: Impeachment warranted if withheld Ukraine aid helped Russia.
Jeff Sessions: American military is best fighting force in the world.
Lynda Blanchard: Ambassadors bring bilateral relationships to next level.
Marcus Bowman: America has a long-standing role in preserving peace.
Richard Shelby: Immediate moratorium on Syrian refugees.
Robert Bentley: Sue federal government to reform Refugee Resettlement Act.
Ron Crumpton: Act multilaterally, but with America in military lead.
Ron Crumpton: Foreign involvement is appropriate.
Roy Moore: America and Russia have both promoted bad things.
Roy Moore: U.S. shouldn't be restricted by U.N. treaties.
Steve Carlson: Pull out of the United Nations.
Tim James: Alabama supported Israel years before 1948 founding.
Tommy Tuberville: Foreign aid only to countries that don't hate us.
Free Trade
Arnold Mooney: Use every tool in the toolbox to beat China down.
Doug Jones: Free trade is good for Alabama businesses.
Doug Jones: Tariffs threaten the state's workers and farmers.
Jessica Taylor: For free trade, but China has been a bad actor.
Kay Ivey: Proud to invite the world to do business at Alabama's Port.
Luther Strange: Kill foreign trade deals.
Marcus Bowman: Free trade deals such as TPP are undermining America.
Mike Durant: 100% pro-Trump, wants to get tougher with China on trade.
Robert Bentley: $241K to promote AL exports and international trade.
Robert Bentley: Spread word far & wide: Made in Alabama.
Ron Crumpton: We've lost more than 2.4 million jobs due to outsourcing.
Ron Crumpton: Oppose free trade; outsourcing costs American jobs.
Roy Moore: Rescind free trade pacts.
Steve Carlson: Tariffs make world play fair, & bring jobs back to America.
Tommy Tuberville: Reclaiming manufacturing from China will take care of itself.
Will Boyd: Oppose agreements without recognized workers' rights.
William Barnes: It's been proven; a free market doesn't work.
Government Reform
Arnold Mooney: First priority would be bringing term limits.
David Carrington: Reorganize and streamline government.
Doug Jones: Restore integrity to politics.
Doug Jones: Voter ID goes backwards on access to the ballot box.
Gary Palmer: Full disclosure of sources of campaign contributions.
Jessica Taylor: Support term limits, get rid of career politicians.
John Merrill: Electoral College represents will of the people.
John Merrill: Supported tough voter ID law, made it easier to vote.
John Rogers: Voted YES to prohibit money transfers between PACs.
Katie Britt: Fight senseless federal regulations, overreach and red tape.
Kay Ivey: Reduce legislators' salary; remove ability to set own salary.
Kay Ivey: 5,000 fewer state employees than three years ago.
Kay Ivey: Ban lobbyists from appointments by the executive branch.
Kay Ivey: Prohibit lobbyists from serving in the executive branch.
Kevin Stitt: Moved from 47th to 7th place in online budget transparency.
Kevin Stitt: Remove two regulations every new one added.
Lynda Blanchard: Election reform bill is a socialist wish list.
Lynda Blanchard: DC statehood & Court-packing are power grabs.
Marcus Bowman: Common sense to require voters to show ID.
Mike Durant: We were robbed of Trump's second term; can't happen again.
Mike Durant: Supports amendment for Congressional term limits.
Mo Brooks: Democrats stole election: pretty much it for our country.
Richard Shelby: Peer pressure & education to get people to register to vote.
Robert Bentley: No campaign spending limits; no state funding of candidates.
Ron Crumpton: Limit "Dark Money"; people's interests over big business.
Ron Crumpton: Make voter registration easier.
Roy Moore: Presidents should show birth certificates; question Obama's.
Roy Moore: Repeal 17th Amendment & direct election of senators.
Stacy Lee George: End corruption; turn Alabama into model state.
Terri Sewell: Voting Rights Act protects voices of the minority.
Tim James: Eliminate unnecessary regulations unduly burdening business.
Tim James: Require proof of citizenship & photo ID in order to vote.
Tommy Battle: Create regional councils to see and hear the people.
Tommy Tuberville: Supports term limits: politicians buy elections through ads.
Tommy Tuberville: Move government agencies out of Washington.
Vivian Davis Figures: Voted YES to prohibit money transfers between PACs.
Will Boyd: Support all efforts to end voter suppression.
William Barnes: Running because Shelby's $13M warchest is from big business.
Gun Control
Arnold Mooney: Right to bear arms.
Barry Moore: Assume gun restrictions are unconstitutional, even treaties.
Bill Hightower: Assume gun restrictions are unconstitutional, even treaties.
Chris Countryman: Favors greater ability to track gun purchases.
Chris Countryman: Favors background checks and state database.
Doug Jones: Supporter of 2nd amendment.
Doug Jones: More background checks; raise purchase age to 21.
Doug Jones: No assault weapons ban at this time.
Doug Jones: Enforce current laws; no new restrictions.
Doug Jones: Ban bump stocks; waiting period for semi-automatic weapons.
Gary Palmer: Right to protect self and family.
Gary Palmer: Repeal unconstitutional gun restrictions.
Jessica Taylor: Hold the line against radical gun-grabbing politicians.
John Rogers: Gun restrictions in international treaties apply to Alabama.
Kay Ivey: Do everything we can to preserve right to bear arms.
Kay Ivey: Firearms industry jobs part of rich history of 2nd Amendment.
Luther Strange: Defends God-given 2nd Amendment rights.
Lynda Blanchard: Against restrictions on the 2nd Amendment.
Lynda Blanchard: Executive order an assault on law abiding gun owners.
Marcus Bowman: Right to keep guns shall not be infringed.
Mike Durant: Will fight for Constitutional Carry, opposes red flag laws.
Mo Brooks: Socialists hope for mass gun confiscations.
Robert Bentley: Respond to active shooters but guarantee Second Amendment.
Robert Bentley: Freedoms are guaranteed in the Second Amendment.
Robert Bentley: Assume gun restrictions are unconstitutional, even treaties.
Ron Crumpton: Strict interpretation of the Second Amendment.
Ron Crumpton: Absolute right to gun ownership, with exceptions.
Roy Moore: Moore and his wife are armed.
Roy Moore: Don't expand to equivalent of national gun registration.
Stacy Lee George: Unequivocally support the Second Amendment.
Tim James: If Feds overstep on this issue, we will not submit.
Tommy Battle: Prefers more school security measures over armed teachers.
Tommy Tuberville: Will always protect, preserve our Second Amendment rights.
Tommy Tuberville: Government wants to take guns to steal all your money.
Tommy Tuberville: They are not taking my guns.
Vivian Davis Figures: Gun restrictions in international treaties apply to Alabama.
Walt Maddox: Refuses to comply with the NRA even if it costs him support.
Will Boyd: I want you to have as many guns as you want.
Yolanda Flowers: Supports gun rights, but raise age for owners to 21.
Yolanda Flowers: Opposes permitless concealed carry of guns.
Mo Brooks: 2nd Amendment is about taking government back from dictators.
Health Care
Arnold Mooney: Free market healthcare.
Arnold Mooney: Replace ObamaCare with block grants for Medicaid.
Brandaun Dean: Personally intervened to save employee health insurance.
Chris Countryman: Quality affordable care available to everyone.
Chris Countryman: Expand Medicaid; health care for all.
Chris Sununu: Allow importation of prescription drugs from Canada.
Chris Sununu: Put suicide prevention for veterans at the forefront.
Doug Jones: Fix, don't end, ObamaCare.
Gary Palmer: When fully implemented, ObamaCare will be a nightmare.
Jessica Taylor: Would vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
John Merrill: Concerned about rural healthcare access.
Kay Ivey: ObamaCare does much more harm than good.
Kay Ivey: Each state creates its own insurance pool for high risk.
Kay Ivey: Incentivize medical professionals to build rural practices.
Kay Ivey: Opposes vaccine mandates in spite of more than 14,000 deaths.
Kay Ivey: Accused by opponents of shaming the unvaccinated.
Kay Ivey: Commitment to expanding access to quality mental health care.
Kevin Stitt: SoonerCare 2.0: Medicaid modest premiums & work requirements.
Luther Strange: Repeal the total failure of ObamaCare.
Lynda Blanchard: Socialistic medicine will not work in America.
Malika Sanders-Fortier: State should expand Medicaid under Affordable Care Act.
Marcus Bowman: ObamaCare threatens status of best health care in the world.
Mike Durant: Opposes mask and vaccine mandates; should be free choice.
Robert Bentley: Federal takeover of our health care system will kill jobs.
Robert Bentley: Don't expand Medicaid, even if paid for by federal dollars.
Robert Bentley: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is not Affordable.
Ron Crumpton: Move to a single-payer/ Medicare for all system.
Ron Crumpton: ObamaCare is a success, but it is just the first step.
Roy Moore: Repeal Obamacare; allow competition.
Stacy Lee George: Local control of Medicaid; no single payer.
Tim James: Stand against federal tyranny of vaccine mandates.
Tommy Battle: Hands tied on Medicaid abuse as it's a federally run program.
Tommy Tuberville: ObamaCare must go; return to free-market.
Tommy Tuberville: ObamaCare a failure; supports Health Savings Accounts.
Tommy Tuberville: COVID: against lockdowns; we don't believe in socialism.
Walt Maddox: Expand Medicaid so all citizens receive care.
Will Boyd: Support a health care program affordable to all.
William Barnes: Affordable health care for everyone.
Yolanda Flowers: Healthcare is a right, we must create a comprehensive plan.
Homeland Security
Arnold Mooney: Create state crime of "theft of valor" for profit.
Arnold Mooney: Sponsored tax credit for hiring unemployed veterans.
Barry Moore: Create state crime of "theft of valor" for profit.
Barry Moore: Sponsored tax credit for hiring unemployed veterans.
Gary Palmer: Fully fund the Defense Department.
Jessica Taylor: Alabama plays a critical role in the defense of our nation.
John Rogers: Create state crime of "theft of valor" for profit.
John Rogers: Tax credit for hiring veterans, even if not unemployed.
Kay Ivey: 1,000-foot perimeter at military funerals to enforce respect.
Kay Ivey: Ensure the stability of Alabama's military resources.
Kay Ivey: Tax credit for hiring veterans, even if not unemployed.
Lynda Blanchard: Ending transgender ban will turn military into MTV show.
Marcus Bowman: We need to spend money for best-equipped military.
Mike Durant: Strong national defense force important to Alabama economy.
Richard Shelby: Stalwart protector of Redstone Arsenal & Marshall Center.
Robert Bentley: Veteran educational benefits after 1 month instead of 1 year.
Robert Bentley: Veteran-owned business stickers in small business windows.
Robert Bentley: Create state crime of "theft of valor" for profit.
Ron Crumpton: Require all military contracts to use American companies.
Ron Crumpton: Oppose expanding the military.
Roy Moore: No gays in the military.
Roy Moore: More money for modern weapons.
Roy Moore: Open to hearings looking into what really happened on 9/11.
Stacy Lee George: Will focus on caring for veterans.
Tommy Battle: Flying the flag both honors it and salutes the veterans.
Tommy Tuberville: China's got a better military than we have.
Vivian Davis Figures: Create state crime of "theft of valor" for profit.
Vivian Davis Figures: Tax credit for hiring veterans, even if not unemployed.
Arnold Mooney: Build a border wall with Mexico.
Brandaun Dean: As mayor, declared Brighton, Alabama a sanctuary city.
Doug Jones: Dreamers should be allowed to stay.
Doug Jones: Opposes funding a border wall; supports comprehensive reform.
Doug Jones: Options for work permits & earned path to citizenship.
Gary Palmer: Secure our borders and enforce current immigration law.
Jeff Sessions: FactCheck: Immigration bill requires 700 mile border fence.
Jeff Sessions: Opposes amnesty first; finish fencing and enforcement first.
Jeff Sessions: Unwaveringly defend US workers and taxpayers.
Jessica Taylor: I will put my full force of will into building Trump's wall.
John Merrill: Build the wall, stop "illegals" who want to cheat the system.
John Merrill: Stop hemorrhaging of illegal border crossings.
John Merrill: We need to build wall and stop illegals who cheat the system.
Kay Ivey: Vast sums pay for teaching children of illegal immigrants.
Luther Strange: Build border wall; defund sanctuary cities.
Luther Strange: Supports Muslim ban.
Lynda Blanchard: Trump not to blame for border crisis; build the wall!
Marcus Bowman: There is no room for anyone breaking rules.
Mike Durant: Build the wall, no pathway to citizenship for "illegals".
Mo Brooks: Don't flood labor market with cheap foreign labor.
Richard Shelby: I oppose any and all proposals to grant amnesty.
Robert Bentley: Will fight illegal immigration in Alabama.
Ron Crumpton: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Ron Crumpton: In reality, immigrants are good for America.
Ron Crumpton: Ignore the rhetoric; immigrants are good for America.
Roy Moore: DACA is an illegal governmental order.
Roy Moore: Open borders a threat to national security.
Steve Carlson: ICE should not be abolished; work with Mexico.
Tim James: Building the wall remains more important than ever.
Tommy Battle: Opposed to becoming sanctuary city; falls outside the law.
Tommy Tuberville: Get a wall up or some kind of fencing.
Tommy Tuberville: Need to fight the scourge of illegal immigration.
Tommy Tuberville: Don't provide for those whose simple presence breaks the law.
Walt Maddox: Find a compassionate pathway to citizenship.
Will Boyd: Pathway to citizenship; undocumented shouldn't have to leave.
Arnold Mooney: Forbid contracts that require union membership.
Arnold Mooney: Let voters decide "right to work" constitutional amendment.
Barry Moore: Let voters decide "right to work" constitutional amendment.
Bill Hightower: Abstained on "right to work" constitutional amendment.
Chris Countryman: Current minimum wage barely meets worker needs.
Chris Countryman: Raise the minimum wage.
Chris Sununu: Pregnancy should not be a bar to employment.
David Carrington: Need programs to train workers to get jobs & to advance.
Doug Jones: Supports a "living wage".
Doug Jones: Supports a federal living wage.
John Rogers: Opposes constitutional amendment on "right to work".
Lynda Blanchard: Dangerous socialists try to force workers into unions.
Mo Brooks: Mandate employers use E-Verify with harsh penalties.
Robert Bentley: As new governor, job creation is my first priority.
Robert Bentley: Take pride in products stamped "Made In Alabama".
Robert Bentley: Let voters decide "right to work" constitutional amendment.
Ron Crumpton: Raise the minimum wage to a living wage & save $7.6B.
Terri Sewell: Supports Amazon workers voting on whether to unionize.
Tim James: We support Alabama as a "Right to Work" state.
Tommy Battle: 21st Century Manufacturing Zone Act: 17,000 new jobs.
Tommy Tuberville: Government shouldn't ensure a livable income.
Vivian Davis Figures: Opposes constitutional amendment on "right to work".
Walt Maddox: Will make workforce training and development his priority.
Will Boyd: Support Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.
Will Boyd: Raise minimum wage to $20, then to a Living Wage.
William Barnes: Extend unemployment benefits as subsistence income.
Yolanda Flowers: Raise minimum wage to $15/hr., people deserve a living wage.
Yolanda Flowers: Every high school needs to have a vocational side to them.
Principles & Values
Arnold Mooney: State lottery would cost Alabama God's blessing.
Bradley Byrne: Fight for our Alabama values.
Brandaun Dean: Elected youngest mayor in Alabama at age 24.
Brandaun Dean: I am Christian, I am open to other faiths.
Chris Countryman: Protect churches but not in non-religious public services.
David Carrington: Will clean up corrupt system and earn public trust.
Doug Jones: Democrat willing to find common ground with Republicans.
Doug Jones: I am going to be the kind of senator the people can talk to.
Doug Jones: Christians take care of people, without discriminating.
Jeff Sessions: Declines debate challenge from Vivian Figures.
Jeff Sessions: Sessions runs unopposed for 2014 Senate re-election.
Jessica Taylor: Flames of liberty make our country a shining city on a hill.
Jessica Taylor: Will serve in Senate by God, Grace & Grit.
John Merrill: Push back against the liberal socialist agenda.
John Merrill: Reduce spending; stand up to the socialists.
John Merrill: Withdraws from Senate race upon Sessions' re-entry.
John Merrill: Eagle Scout and involved with Boy Scouts of America.
Katie Britt: Jesus Christ most important thing in life, then family.
Kay Ivey: Guide ship of state through storm of governor's resignation.
Kay Ivey: Listen, Learn, Help and Lead tour, to restore confidence.
Kay Ivey: No one party has a monopoly on good ideas.
Kay Ivey: Alabama Farmers Federation's PAC endorses Ivey.
Luther Strange: Let clergy endorse candidates.
Lynda Blanchard: Seek divine guidance in all we do, including government.
Lynda Blanchard: MAGA Agenda here to stay; it's America First.
Lynda Blanchard: Culture war will be won or lost over "transgender agenda".
Lynda Blanchard: May God paint this country red with the blood of Jesus.
Lynda Blanchard: Praying about changing from senate to governor's race.
Malika Sanders-Fortier: Bridge renaming bill gives us time to seek the will of God.
Mike Durant: America is a beacon of hope and freedom for entire world.
Mo Brooks: Trump endorsement: Brooks has COURAGE and FIGHT.
Mo Brooks: Spoke at rally: start taking down names and kicking ass.
Parker Griffith: 20-foot inflatable duck: Bentley is "ducking" the debates.
Richard Shelby: OpEd: Voter presidential angst overcome in Senate primary.
Richard Shelby: OpEd: Makes Obama the icon of our xenophobia.
Richard Shelby: Judeo-Christian values should guide all that we do.
Robert Bentley: We are endowed with certain Freedoms by our Creator.
Robert Bentley: Refuses to debate, after promising to debate post-primaries.
Robert Bentley: Great State 2019 Plan: purpose by the One who ordained us.
Ron Crumpton: Constitution forbids God in the public sphere.
Roy Moore: God first, then family, then country.
Roy Moore: Removed as Justice for illegally posting Ten Commandments.
Roy Moore: Must act as one nation under God.
Roy Moore: Sodomy & materialism have taken the place of life & liberty.
Roy Moore: Tricked into appearing in TV satire; sued and lost.
Steve Carlson: Fake news exists; as a journalist I know real news.
Terri Sewell: Black women need a seat at the table.
Terri Sewell: Received Princeton distinguished public service award.
Terri Sewell: More things that combine and bind us than separate us.
Tim James: God granted America authority amongst nations.
Tim James: Tim owns his faith in Christ as the foundation of his life.
Tim James: Faith in God first, family second in all policy decisions.
Tim James: Faith-based organizations can participate in public programs.
Tim James: Condemn activist judges who allow desecration of the flag.
Tommy Battle: Conservative values from first job in his dad's restaurant.
Tommy Battle: Longtime member of Trinity United Methodist Church.
Tommy Tuberville: First duty of government is to protect individual liberty.
Tommy Tuberville: We've got to put Jesus and God before everything else.
Tommy Tuberville: End political correctness: start hurting people's feelings.
Vivian Davis Figures: Challenges Jeff Sessions to debate; Sessions declines.
Walt Maddox: Put the principles of people over those of the parties.
Yolanda Flowers: My campaign is based on the word of God.
Katie Britt: We need forensic audit of fraudulent 2020 election.
Social Security
Jeff Sessions: Small adjustments now, so everyone has benefits in future.
Marcus Bowman: Explore all solutions for younger generations.
Mo Brooks: Introduced No Social Security for Illegal Aliens Act.
Ron Crumpton: Eliminate the cap on the social security tax.
Ron Crumpton: Eliminate the cap on the social security tax.
Tommy Tuberville: Look into private options; spending is unsustainable.
Will Boyd: Oppose privatization of Social Security; protect benefits.
Tax Reform
Bill Hightower: Supports a flat tax for Alabama.
Chris Countryman: Super-rich must pay their fair share.
Chris Countryman: Supports targeted spending cuts and tax cuts.
Doug Jones: End tax cuts & loopholes for wealthy.
Doug Jones: Led bipartisan effort to repeal "military widow's tax".
Gary Palmer: Raising taxes is not the answer.
Gary Palmer: Repeal the death tax; adopt the FairTax.
Jeff Sessions: Bush tax cuts have helped the economy.
Katie Britt: Signed pledge: will not support any tax increases.
Kay Ivey: Cut taxes; reduce government.
Kay Ivey: Increased fuel tax strictly for infrastructure.
Kay Ivey: Online sales tax means no need for raising income tax.
Lynda Blanchard: Slovenians can't live with 50% taxes, we don't want that.
Marcus Bowman: Income taxes are not a solution; reduce spending.
Robert Bentley: Supports flat tax structure for state income taxes.
Robert Bentley: Freeze property taxes for homeowners.
Ron Crumpton: Higher taxes on the wealthy.
Roy Moore: Replace income tax with tax on goods and services.
Stacy Lee George: New lottery will raise money at low cost.
Stacy Lee George: Modest changes can ease tax burden.
Tim James: Repeal 2019 gas tax, eliminate grocery sales tax.
Tommy Tuberville: Trump tax cuts & economic policies have been a success.
Walt Maddox: Make Alabama's tax structure less regressive.
Yolanda Flowers: Push for a lottery, to fund education.
Bill Hightower: 10-year plan for infrastructure.
Doug Jones: Urges Huntsville as HQ for Space Command.
Doug Jones: Improve infrastructure while creating jobs, like new Deal.
Kay Ivey: $1 billion invested in Alabama's road and bridges.
Kay Ivey: Make Alabama the Voice of Aerospace for the States.
Kay Ivey: Create a sustainable climate for drone manufacturing.
Kay Ivey: Help black students pursue STEM careers.
Kay Ivey: Every Alabaman should have access to high speed broadband.
Kay Ivey: $500 million investment over three years to expand broadband.
Kay Ivey: Slams Facebook for temporary removal of campaign page.
Luther Strange: Economy requires good roads & bridges.
Mike Durant: Big Tech has censored the voices of conservatives.
Robert Bentley: $614M for ATRIP: Transportation Rehabilitation & Improvement.
Robert Bentley: Paperless agencies: online license & tag verification system.
Robert Bentley: $1 billion for ATRIP and RAMP infrastructure improvements.
Tommy Battle: Investment in education can lead to landmark technology.
Walt Maddox: Crumbling infrastructure threatens safety and job growth.
Kay Ivey: Big Tech & blue state liberals stole election from Trump.
War & Peace
Jeff Sessions: Pleased with the success of the surge.
Jeff Sessions: Withdrawal timetable tells enemy when to prepare an attack.
Marcus Bowman: We must, must remain vigilant against terrorism.
Mike Durant: Held as POW in Somalia when his Blackhawk was shot down.
Mike Durant: Should have declared victory in Afghanistan.
Ron Crumpton: Address the causes of terrorism & national security threats.
Roy Moore: Congress should have a say in foreign wars.
Steve Carlson: Denuclearization of North Korea will be end of Korean War.
Tommy Tuberville: Provide vets with high quality care, job training.
Tommy Tuberville: Support a strong and robust military.
Tommy Tuberville: Stand up for Christians & Jews persecuted worldwide.
Vivian Davis Figures: Bush sent troops to war on erroneous claims.
Vivian Davis Figures: Mideast less stable than before we invaded Iraq.
Welfare & Poverty
Kay Ivey: Build public movement to end childhood hunger.
Robert Bentley: We are poorest state, but government just causes dependency.
Ron Crumpton: Increase SNAP & unemployment benefits by 25%.
Ron Crumpton: Stop fighting war on people in poverty: Fight poverty!
Ron Crumpton: Fight poverty instead of fighting people in poverty.
Roy Moore: Let churches & charities help the needy.
Yolanda Flowers: Support Medicaid expansion for working poor, rural hospitals.
The above quotations are from State of Alabama Politicians: Archives.