Gabriel Gomez on Budget & Economy
Deficit reduction might even include home mortgage deduction
Markey said tonight in a debate in the special election race for US Senate that he would oppose eliminating the home mortgage interest deduction as a way to address the nation's deficit problems. But his opponent,
Republican businessman Gabriel Gomez, said he would go into deficit reduction talks with an "open mind, willing to discuss everything." "I'm not going in there with any preconditions.
I would throw everything in the bucket and discuss it," Gomez said, though he noted that eliminating the deduction would be "at the bottom of the list."
Markey said, "I do have a precondition
and my precondition is that the home mortgage interest deduction is not on the table, that people should be able to rely on that promise, that they will be able to afford the home of their dreams."
Source: Boston Globe on 2013 MA Senate debates
, Jun 11, 2013
Enact meaningful, fair, bipartisan spending reductions
The Federal government has become a bloated organization with no budget, and runs at an annual loss. Today, we are $16 trillion in debt. Meanwhile, career politicians on both sides of the aisle continue to kick the can down the road.We recently raised
taxes on the wealthy, and on every worker in America with the payroll tax hike. It is time now to reach across the aisle and work together to enact meaningful spending reductions in a fair and equitable way, without hurting our military preparedness.
Source: 2013 Senate campaign website, gomezforma.com, "Issues"
, Mar 31, 2013
Page last updated: Aug 26, 2017