Harry S Truman
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Contact Harry S Truman
Past Presidents: |
Barack Obama
Democratic President, 2009-2017 |
George W. Bush
Republican President, 2001-2009 |
Bill Clinton
Democratic President, 1993-2001 |
George Bush Sr.
Republican President, 1989-1993 |
Ronald Reagan
Republican President, 1981-1989 |
Jimmy Carter
Democratic President, 1977-1981 |
Gerald Ford
Republican President, 1974-1977 |
Richard Nixon
Republican President, 1969-1974 |
Lyndon Johnson
Democratic President, 1963-1969 |
John F. Kennedy
Democratic President, 1961-1963 |
Dwight Eisenhower
Republican President, 1953-1961 |
Harry S Truman
Democratic President, 1945-1953 |
Past Vice Presidents: |
Joe Biden
Democratic Vice-President, 2009-2017 |
Dick Cheney
Republican Vice-President, 2001-2009 |
Al Gore
Democratic Vice-President, 1993-2001 |
Dan Quayle
Republican Vice-President, 1989-1993 |
George Bush Sr.
Republican Vice-President, 1981-1989 |
Walter Mondale
Democratic Vice-President, 1977-1981 |
Lyndon Johnson
Democratic Vice-President, 1961-1963 |
Richard Nixon
Republican Vice-President, 1953-1961 |
Harry S Truman
Democratic Vice-President, 1941-1945 |
Past Major-Party Nominees for President: |
Hillary Clinton
Democratic Nominee for Vice-President, 2016 |
Mitt Romney
Republican Nominee for President, 2012 |
John McCain
Republican Nominee for President, 2008 |
John Kerry
Democratic Nominee for President, 2004 |
Al Gore
Democratic Nominee for President, 2000 |
Bob Dole
Republican Nominee for President, 1996 |
Past Major-Party Nominees for Vice President: |
Tim Kaine
Democratic Nominee for President, 2016 |
Paul Ryan
Republican Nominee for Vice-President, 2012 |
Sarah Palin
Republican Nominee for Vice-President, 2008 |
John Edwards
Democratic Nominee for Vice-President, 2004 |
Joe Lieberman
Democratic Nominee for Vice-President, 2000 |
Bob Dole
Republican Nominee for Vice-President, 1976 |
 The War on Normal People, by Andrew Yang
 Grolier Encyclopedia
 About.com political web pages
 The Washington Post
 Passage of Power, by Robert Caro
 America the Beautiful, by Ben Carson
 FactCheck.org analysis of 2010 political speeches
 The Truth, (with jokes), by Al Franken
 The Wit & Wisdom of Harry Truman, by Ralph Keyes
 Dialogues, by Governor Jerry Brown (D, CA)
 Kennedy & Nixon, by Chris Matthews
 Harry Truman's State of the Union speeches, 1947-1952
(click a picture above for excerpts or other books and debates by or about Harry_S_Truman)
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Harry S Truman on Budget & Economy
Click here for 4 full quotes on Budget & Economy
OR other political leaders on Budget & Economy.
- Pay-as-you-go for a balanced budget. (Jan 1953)
- GOP trickle-down mostly helps Wall Street & big business. (Jan 1953)
- We need lower prices, higher wages, and more electricity. (Jan 1949)
- Economic policy to avoid inflationary wage & price increases. (Jan 1947)
Harry S Truman on Civil Rights
Click here for 6 full quotes on Civil Rights
OR other political leaders on Civil Rights.
- 1950: Vetoed McCarthy-era rights restrictions on Communists. (Nov 2016)
- Racial discrimination is contrary to American ideals. (Oct 1999)
- The treatment of Indians was a disgrace and always will be. (Oct 1999)
- Endorsed concept of Equal Rights Amendment. (Oct 1999)
- South is living 80 years behind the times. (Aug 1948)
- Committee on Civil Rights: equal protection under law. (Jan 1948)
Harry S Truman on Foreign Policy
Click here for 7 full quotes on Foreign Policy
OR other political leaders on Foreign Policy.
- Truman Doctrine established worldwide containment of USSR. (May 2016)
- China is fundamentally anti-foreign; keep that away from us. (Oct 1999)
- House Un-American Activities Committee was un-American. (Oct 1999)
- We have to get along with rest of world, or get overwhelmed. (Oct 1999)
- 1949 Point Four Program: focus on under-developed world. (Apr 1997)
- Create moral & legal framework to avoid evil & war. (Jan 1950)
- With tremendous strength comes tremendous responsibilities. (Jan 1950)
Harry S Truman on Homeland Security
Click here for 10 full quotes on Homeland Security
OR other political leaders on Homeland Security.
- 1941: War profiteering is treason. (Oct 2005)
- Truman Committee exposed military waste & fraud. (Oct 1999)
- Initiated full racial integration of the armed forces. (Oct 1999)
- 1940s: Stop the Red advance by military aid to Europe. (Jun 1996)
- Purpose of CIA was to avoid departmental intel bias. (Dec 1963)
- CIA should not have operations, especially in peacetime. (Dec 1963)
- Cold War averted World War Three. (Jan 1953)
- Propose Soviet disarmament; but build up army to 3 million. (Jan 1952)
- Mobilize by extending draft & taxes to pay for defense. (Jan 1951)
- UN should control weapons of mass destruction. (Jan 1950)
Harry S Truman on Jobs
Click here for 2 full quotes on Jobs
OR other political leaders on Jobs.
- 1946: Council of Economic Advisers to focus on employment. (Nov 2016)
- Government should assist in free collective bargaining. (Jan 1947)
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Harry S Truman on Principles & Values
Click here for 11 full quotes on Principles & Values
OR other political leaders on Principles & Values.
- Former Presidents Act provides $250,000 per year for life. (Apr 2019)
- 1945: transition to presidency included no military. (May 2012)
- Fair Deal: alleviate social and economic injustice. (May 2012)
- 1952: Officially created National Day of Prayer. (Jan 2012)
- As president, I can't pass the buck to anyone. (Oct 1999)
- In 1917, Bess accepted one of Harry's many proposals. (Oct 1999)
- On FDR's death: if you ever pray, pray for me now. (Oct 1999)
- I just told the truth and they thought it was hell. (Jan 1953)
- Jesus rejected despots in both Church and State. (Jun 1952)
- 1950: Assassination attempt killed one bodyguard. (Nov 1950)
- The basic source of our national strength is spiritual. (Jan 1948)
Harry S Truman on War & Peace
Click here for 11 full quotes on War & Peace
OR other political leaders on War & Peace.
- 1950: sued for peace in Korea, but MacArthur waged war. (May 2016)
- Soviet spies kept USSR posted on atomic bomb progress. (Oct 1999)
- Atomic bombing of Japan saved 100,000s of American lives. (Oct 1999)
- 1949: No military response to Communist victory in China. (Jun 1996)
- Soviet Union is animated by a new fanatic faith. (Jun 1996)
- Opposed to "preventive" war; you only "prevent" peace. (Jan 1953)
- The threat of world war is still very real. (Jan 1952)
- Aggression in Korea is part of Communist world conquest. (Jan 1951)
- Oppose the menacing imperialism of the Soviet Union. (Jan 1951)
- Terminate hostilities from WWII and end emergency powers. (Jan 1947)
- 1945: We have discovered the most terrible bomb in history. (Jul 1945)
Harry S Truman is a Moderate Liberal Populist
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