President of the U.S., 1974-1977; Republican Rep. (MI) |
Gerald Ford
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Contact Gerald Ford
Past Presidents: |
Barack Obama
Democratic President, 2009-2017 |
George W. Bush
Republican President, 2001-2009 |
Bill Clinton
Democratic President, 1993-2001 |
George Bush Sr.
Republican President, 1989-1993 |
Ronald Reagan
Republican President, 1981-1989 |
Jimmy Carter
Democratic President, 1977-1981 |
Gerald Ford
Republican President, 1974-1977 |
Richard Nixon
Republican President, 1969-1974 |
Lyndon Johnson
Democratic President, 1963-1969 |
John F. Kennedy
Democratic President, 1961-1963 |
Dwight Eisenhower
Republican President, 1953-1961 |
Harry S Truman
Democratic President, 1945-1953 |
Past Vice Presidents: |
Joe Biden
Democratic Vice-President, 2009-2017 |
Dick Cheney
Republican Vice-President, 2001-2009 |
Al Gore
Democratic Vice-President, 1993-2001 |
Dan Quayle
Republican Vice-President, 1989-1993 |
George Bush Sr.
Republican Vice-President, 1981-1989 |
Walter Mondale
Democratic Vice-President, 1977-1981 |
Lyndon Johnson
Democratic Vice-President, 1961-1963 |
Richard Nixon
Republican Vice-President, 1953-1961 |
Harry S Truman
Democratic Vice-President, 1941-1945 |
Past Major-Party Nominees for President: |
Hillary Clinton
Democratic Nominee for Vice-President, 2016 |
Mitt Romney
Republican Nominee for President, 2012 |
John McCain
Republican Nominee for President, 2008 |
John Kerry
Democratic Nominee for President, 2004 |
Al Gore
Democratic Nominee for President, 2000 |
Bob Dole
Republican Nominee for President, 1996 |
Past Major-Party Nominees for Vice President: |
Tim Kaine
Democratic Nominee for President, 2016 |
Paul Ryan
Republican Nominee for Vice-President, 2012 |
Sarah Palin
Republican Nominee for Vice-President, 2008 |
John Edwards
Democratic Nominee for Vice-President, 2004 |
Joe Lieberman
Democratic Nominee for Vice-President, 2000 |
Bob Dole
Republican Nominee for Vice-President, 1976 |
 The War on Normal People, by Andrew Yang
 Trump impeachment
 The Obamians, by James Mann
 The American Presidency Project
 A Nation Like No Other, by Newt Gingrich
 Known and Unknown, by Donald Rumsfeld
 Leadership and Crisis, by Bobby Jindal
 Decision Points, by George W. Bush
 Courage and Consequence, by Karl Rove
 In the President`s Secret Service, by Ronald Kessler
 American Conspiracies, by Gov. Jesse Ventura
 Critical: What We Can Do About the Health Care Crisis, by Tom Daschle
 What A Party!, by Terry McAuliffe and Steve Kettman
 A Patriot`s Handbook, selected and introduced by Caroline Kennedy
 The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, by Kitty Kelley
 Tour of Duty
 Profiles In Courage For Our Time, by Caroline Kennedy
 Cameron Lynch in William and Mary Environmental Law Review, vol. 26 #1
 Shadow: Five Presidents and the Legacy of Watergate, by Bob Woodward
 Kennedy & Nixon, by Chris Matthews
 As Good As Its People, by Jimmy Carter
 Bill sponsorship archives from the Library of Congress
 A Time to Heal, by Gerald Ford
 Gerald Ford's State of the Union speeches, 1975-1977
 The Carter-Ford Presidential Debates
(click a picture above for excerpts or other books and debates by or about Gerald_Ford)
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Gerald Ford on Budget & Economy
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OR other political leaders on Budget & Economy.
- 1974: Whip Inflation Now, "WIN", became national punch line. (Feb 2011)
- Tax cuts are the best way to stimulate the economy. (Sep 1976)
- Balance government & individual; cut government growth to 5%. (Jan 1976)
- Ford to New York City: Drop Dead. (Oct 1975)
- Federal "vision" means big spending. (Apr 1975)
- Long-term recovery at the cost of short-term suffering. (Jan 1975)
- Moratorium on federal spending, to fight recession. (Jan 1975)
- Whip Inflation Now: voluntary participation in WIN campaign. (Oct 1974)
- Fight economic crises by projecting a steady hand. (Aug 1974)
Gerald Ford on Civil Rights
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OR other political leaders on Civil Rights.
- Would choose woman V.P. if he could do it over. (Aug 1976)
- Face up to gay rights as a serious problem. (Mar 1976)
- Endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment. (Aug 1974)
- Delay court-ordered busing until all appeals exhausted. (Jan 1973)
Gerald Ford on Crime
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- Survived 1975 assassination attempt by Squeaky Fromme. (Jun 2009)
- Survived 1975 assassination attempt by Sara Jane Moore. (Jun 2009)
- To be effective, punishment must be swift and certain. (Jan 1976)
- More mandatory sentencing; more focus on victims. (Apr 1975)
- Death sentence only after separate sentencing hearing. (Mar 1973)
Gerald Ford on Drugs
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- Mandatory sentences for sale of hard drugs. (Jan 1976)
- Mandatory sentencing for federal drug offenders. (Jun 1975)
- Mandatory 5-year minimum sentence for 4 ounces of heroin. (Mar 1973)
Gerald Ford on Education
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- OpEd: School segregation has increased in the Northeast. (Oct 1976)
- Favors constitutional amendment for voluntary school prayer. (Oct 1976)
- Increase federal spending on education, but not by $30B. (Sep 1976)
- Tuition tax credit at private grade schools. (Jan 1973)
Gerald Ford on Energy & Oil
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OR other political leaders on Energy & Oil.
- Strip mining & high emissions OK if labor & management agree. (Oct 1976)
- Need more oil and gas production in comprehensive program. (Sep 1976)
- No gas tax increase to solve energy crisis. (Jan 1975)
- 12% investment tax credit for nuclear power plants. (Jan 1975)
- Higher taxes on oil to reduce imports. (Jan 1975)
- Require oil marketing to independent contractors. (Jun 1973)
- Let Big Three automakers collaborate on reducing emissions. (Feb 1973)
Gerald Ford on Environment
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- Relaxed regulations of strip mining. (Jan 2001)
- Made EPA more efficient, but mostly neglected it for economy. (Jan 2001)
- OpEd: consistently reduced pollution enforcement. (Oct 1976)
- Vetoed coal-mining reductions: jobs trump environment. (Dec 1974)
- Designate Isle Royale National Park as wilderness area. (Mar 1973)
- $409M for public works on rivers and dams. (Feb 1973)
Gerald Ford on Foreign Policy
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OR other political leaders on Foreign Policy.
- 1975: organized emergency military evacuation from Vietnam. (Jun 2011)
- 1986: Iran-Contra covert operation deserves condemnation. (Sep 2004)
- Eastern Europe NOT dominated by USSR? (Oct 1976)
- Eastern Europeans don't concede Soviet domination. (Oct 1976)
- Soviets dominate economy in Poland but not Polish spirit. (Oct 1976)
- Build long-term basis for coexistence with Communists. (Jan 1975)
- Disagreed on linking Soviet MFN with Jewish emigration. (Dec 1974)
- Note human rights when sending US troops to South Korea. (Nov 1974)
- Quiet diplomacy best for issues like Soviet Jewish emigres. (Aug 1974)
Gerald Ford on Free Trade
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- Begin trade with developing nations. (Jan 1977)
- Suspended then reinstated grain sales to Soviets. (Sep 1975)
- Vetoed US-flagged oil tanker rules as too protectionist. (Dec 1974)
- Proponent of free trade, even with Japanese export pressure. (Nov 1974)
- Remove import tariffs on hollow reinforcing bars. (Feb 1973)
Gerald Ford on Government Reform
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OR other political leaders on Government Reform.
- A government that gives everything can also take everything. (Nov 2010)
- Cutting defense negatively impacts economy and jobs. (Oct 1976)
- Untangle the petty tyranny of massive government regulation. (Jan 1976)
- More local initiative; even if not "visionary". (Apr 1975)
- Congress is too fragmented & too involved in foreign policy. (Aug 1974)
- Truth is the glue that holds our government together. (Aug 1974)
Gerald Ford on Homeland Security
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OR other political leaders on Homeland Security.
- 1970s CIA assassination efforts led to ban on assassinations. (Jun 2012)
- OpEd: Kept FBI informed of Warren Commission activities. (Mar 2010)
- 1964: Evaluated Kennedy assassination for Warren Report. (Mar 2010)
- Give draft evaders opportunity to earn their records back. (Sep 1976)
- 1976 themes: limited government; strong defense. (Jul 1975)
- Negotiated SALT-II missile limits with USSR. (Nov 1974)
- Two years alternative service for Vietnam draft dodgers. (Sep 1974)
- Real spending on defense decreased during Vietnam. (Aug 1974)
- Warren Commission: no conspiracy on JFK killing. (Jul 1964)
Gerald Ford on Jobs
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OR other political leaders on Jobs.
- Job-creation tax incentive where unemployment exceeds 7%. (Jan 1976)
- Remove farm acreage limitations, to keep inflation down. (Oct 1974)
- Dems prefer to fight unemployment; GOP fight inflation. (Aug 1974)
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Gerald Ford on Principles & Values
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OR other political leaders on Principles & Values.
- An "impeachable offense" is whatever the House says it is. (Apr 2019)
- 1980: Reagan considered offering "co-presidency". (Nov 2010)
- Portrayed as a klutz, but was actually athletic. (Jun 2009)
- On youth apathy: I could never sit on the sidelines. (Jan 2007)
- 1973: Succeeded V.P. Spiro Agnew when he resigned in scandal. (Jan 2004)
- Pardoned Nixon under almost universally condemnation. (Apr 2003)
- 1974: Pardoned Nixon to "end our long national nightmare". (Oct 2001)
- Told 8 days prior to resignation that Nixon would resign. (Oct 2001)
- Cites Supreme Court decision: accepting pardon imputes guilt. (Oct 2001)
- Preserved White House tapes, despite requests from Nixon. (Oct 2001)
- 1976: I tried to restore shattered confidence in democracy. (Oct 2001)
- Profile in Courage Award for pardon of Nixon. (May 2001)
- Pardoning Nixon carries an imputation of guilt & confession. (Jun 1999)
- 1972: Killed banking committee's investigation of Watergate. (Jun 1996)
- North Vietnam must account for US MIAs or bar from UN. (Oct 1976)
- New balance: for both government and individuals. (Jan 1976)
- It is time we quit downgrading ourselves as a nation. (Jan 1976)
- Pardoning Nixon let America's healing begin. (Sep 1974)
- Rules for Congress: communication, conciliation, compromise. (Aug 1974)
- I'm not elected, but also I'm not indebted to anyone. (Aug 1974)
- Nixon brought his troubles upon himself. (Aug 1974)
- Chosen by Nixon as safe choice for V.P. (Oct 1973)
- 21-day period each year to Honor America. (Jun 1973)
- Economic conservative; social moderate; foreign liberal. (Jul 1948)
Gerald Ford on Tax Reform
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OR other political leaders on Tax Reform.
- Cutting federal spending justifies tax cuts. (Sep 1976)
- Permanent tax cuts accompanies by spending cuts. (Oct 1975)
- $16B rebate of personal & corporate taxes, as stimulus. (Feb 1975)
- One-time rebate of $1000 per person & $4B for businesses. (Jan 1975)
- Raised taxes to fight inflation. (Oct 1974)
Gerald Ford on War & Peace
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OR other political leaders on War & Peace.
- If president in 2003, would have used sanctions against Iraq. (Dec 2006)
- 1971: Sickened by widening war into Laos. (Jan 2004)
- 1975: Ordered US aircraft to evacuate South Vietnamese. (Jun 1999)
- Vietnam evacuation postponed to avoid damage to Vietnamese. (Apr 1975)
- Quid pro quo: arms to Israel for peace process flexibility. (Mar 1975)
- Supported Vietnam War, to contain Communist aggression. (Mar 1975)
- Vietnam War could have been won in the 1960s. (Mar 1975)
- Supported arms to Cyprus Turks to promote peace with Greeks. (Feb 1975)
- Offered "earned amnesty" to Vietnam draft dodgers. (Sep 1974)
- Israel negotiations require flexible toughness, but not USSR. (Sep 1974)
- Iraq war was not justified. (Dec 2006)
Gerald Ford is a Populist-Leaning Conservative
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