
Sherrod Brown on Energy & Oil

Democratic Sr Senator; previously Representative (OH-13)


Pretending that climate change isn't happening is dangerous

Q: Consider climate change a serious crisis?

Sherrod Brown (D): Yes. "Pretending that climate change isn't happening isn't just foolish. It is very dangerous."

Jim Renacci (R): Probable no. In 2010 said emission regulations have "virtually no impact on global temperatures."

Q: Limit or tax production of greenhouse gases? Support US participation in Paris Climate Accord?

Brown: Yes. Supported EPA regulating greenhouse gases, said Paris Accord withdrawal would hurt OH clean-energy industries.

Renacci: Contested. Says supports limiting greenhouse emissions if Ohio industries such as coal are not harmed. Opposed EPA regulating greenhouse gases. Supported withdrawal from Paris Accord.

Q: Support government subsidies for renewable energy?

Source: 2018 CampusElect.org Issue Guide on Ohio Senate race , Oct 9, 2018

$30 billion to transition manufacturers to clean energy

Q: Support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?

Sherrod Brown (D): Yes. Introduced $30 billion loan fund to help smaller manufacturers transition to clean energy economy.

Jim Renacci (R): Mostly no. Called Obama stimulus "a failed experiment," though supports Trump infrastructure plan.

Source: 2018 CampusElect.org Issue Guide on Ohio Senate race , Oct 9, 2018

Regulate wholesale electricity & gas prices.

Brown adopted the Progressive Caucus Position Paper:

The Problem

Escalating energy costs have almost no correlation with supply and demand. Adequate capacity to supply our current energy needs is and has always been plentiful within the energy markets. Newly formed deregulated energy companies are creating an artificial shortage and reaping tremendous profits while doing so.

The Progressive Caucus Solution: Wholesale Cost-based Pricing with Refunds

In the 1930s, wholesale electricity prices and wholesale natural gas prices were regulated, and the regulations provided for refunds if unjust or unreasonable rates were found. Since the late 1970s, these laws have been methodically dismantled leaving little federal price regulations to protect consumers. However, energy prices are easily manipulated as production and delivery systems are complex. Cost-based rates for wholesale electricity, natural gas, heating oil should be established to protect consumers from unjust and unfair prices. Cost based rates allow utilities to recover the cost of their investment and operations while also allowing a reasonable profit. This is not a price cap— FERC sets prices based on a specific, professional rationale. Establishing cost-based rates ensure adequate supply is available and removes the profit incentive from shorting the market. The rates should be set retroactively to the beginning of 2000. Refunds will be issued to families and businesses who have racked up incredible debt in 2000 and 2001, paying the unreasonable and unjust charges that the energy producers, generators and wholesalers inflicted.
Source: Progressive Caucus' Consumer Energy Rate Relief Act 01-CPC1 on Mar 16, 2001

Preserve Alaska's ANWR instead of drilling it.

Brown co-sponsored the Morris K. Udall Arctic Wilderness Act:

Title: To preserve the Arctic coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, as wilderness in recognition of its extraordinary natural ecosystems and for the permanent good of present and future generations of Americans.

Summary: Designates specified lands within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness and components of the National Wilderness Preservation System [which would preclude oil exploration and drilling].

Source: House Resolution Sponsorship 01-HR770 on Feb 28, 2001

Rated 100% by the CAF, indicating support for energy independence.

Brown scores 100% by CAF on energy issues

OnTheIssues.org interprets the 2005-2006 CAF scores as follows:

About the CAF (from their website, www.ourfuture.org):

The Campaign for America`s Future (CAF) is a center for ideas and action that works to build an enduring majority for progressive change. The Campaign advances a progressive economic agenda and a vision of the future that works for the many, not simply the few. The Campaign is leading the fight for America`s priorities--against privatization of Social Security, for investment in energy independence, good jobs and a sustainable economy, for an ethical and accountable Congress and for high quality public education.

About the CAF report, `Energy Independence: Record vs. Rhetoric`:

Energy independence has surfaced as a defining issue in the current elections. Are most candidates and both parties truly committed? To help distinguish the demonstrated level of support for homegrown, clean energy alternatives, we examined the voting records of current U.S. Representatives and Senators on bills vital to promoting those interests. Key pieces of legislation included goals for independence, and subsidies for the development of alternatives compared to subsidies for drilling and digging. We then compared votes on these issues with campaign contributions from major oil interests. The results show strong inverse correlations between political contributions from big oil and votes for energy independence.

Source: CAF "Energy Independence" Report 06n-CAF on Dec 31, 2006

Sign on to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Brown co-sponsored signing on to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

Source: S.RES.30/H.CON.RES.104 07-SR30 on Jan 16, 2007

Sponsored bill for $5 billion for alternative energy.

Brown sponsored SEAM Act

Security in Energy and Manufacturing Act of 2011 or the SEAM Act of 2011 - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to expand the qualifying advanced energy project credit by allocating in 2011 $5 billion of grants or tax credit amounts to manufacturers of goods and components (other than for assembly of components) in the US that are used in alternative energy projects.

[Explanatory note from americanprogress.org]:

The SEAM Act provides financial assistance to US manufacturing companies that want to retool their factories for the clean energy economy. By promoting growth of the manufacturing sector, this legislation has the potential to create badly needed jobs that can put Americans back to work.

The SEAM Act goes a step beyond just providing more funding. It amends the existing terms of the funding to increase its effectiveness. The new Manufacturing Tax Credit would prioritize funding for companies that provide supplies over those that assemble goods. Drawing this distinction helps target support for companies that need it most. There`s another benefit to supporting supply companies over assembly companies. Both types of companies promote economic development, but workers in the supply chain, such as tool and die workers, welders, and machinists, are generally paid more than workers in the assembly chain.

In addition to being an effective tool for economic recovery, the SEAM Act provides an example of a well-designed tax expenditure. More than 60% of federal support for the energy industry is now delivered via `tax expenditures`--government spending programs that deliver subsidies through the tax code via special tax credits, deductions, exclusions, exemptions, and preferential rates--and a recent hearing in Congress indicates that this trend is likely to continue. Problem is, many of these tax expenditures are questionable at best.

Source: HR.724&S.591 11-S0591 on Mar 15, 2011

Set goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025.

Brown co-sponsored setting goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025

A resolution that it is the goal of the United States that, not later than January 1, 2025, the agricultural, forestry, and working land of the US should provide from renewable resources not less than 25% of the total energy consumed and continue to produce safe, abundant, and affordable food, feed, and fiber. [Governors also signed letters of endorsement at www.25x25.org]

Rep. SALAZAR: `Our resolution establishes a national goal of producing 25% of America`s energy from renewable sources--like solar, wind and biofuels--by 2025. The `25x`25` vision is widely endorsed, bold, and fully attainable. If implemented, it would dramatically improve our energy security, our economy, and our ability to protect the environment.

`I am pleased that more than 20 of my colleagues in the Senate, from both sides of the aisle, are cosponsoring this resolution. In addition, the `25x`25` vision has been endorsed by 22 current and former governors and several State legislatures across the country. The Big Three automobile manufacturers--Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors--are all behind `25x`25` So are many agricultural organizations, environmental groups, scientists, and businesses, ranging from the Natural Resources Defense Council to John Deere.

`These Americans understand that we cannot continue to import 60% of our oil from foreign countries, many of which are hostile to the US, if we aim to be strong and secure in the world. They know that we will have to build a clean energy economy if we are to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. It is time for Congress to take a more active role in our clean energy future. Establishing a national goal--`25x`25` is the first step.`

Source: 25x'25 Act (S.CON.RES.3 / H.CON.RES.25) 2007-SC03 on Jan 17, 2007

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