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 2024 Election:  Joe Biden's book Kamala Harris' book Donald Trump's book JD Vance's book  2024 Senate   Debates 

Books by and about 2024 presidential candidates
Hillbilly Elegy,
by JD Vance (2017)
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)

Book Reviews

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Guides.vote candidate survey on 2024 Senate/Governor/House races

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    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from 2024 Senate/Governor/House Guides.vote (number of quotes indicated):
  • Angela Alsobrooks (17) Democratic Challenger Maryland
  • Angus King (8) Maine Independent Governor
  • Bernie Moreno (15) Republican Challenger Ohio
  • Bob Casey (9) Democratic Sr Senator; previously state treasurer Pennsylvania
  • Brandon Presley (8) Mississippi Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
  • Colin Allred (10) Democrat U.S. Rep Texas-32
  • David McCormick (12) Republican Challenger Pennsylvania
  • Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (13) Democrat U.S. Rep Florida-26
  • Demi Kouzounas (14) Republican Challenger Maine
  • Eric Hovde (12) Republican Challenger Wisconsin
  • Jacky Rosen (12) Democrat U.S. Rep Nevada-3
  • JD Vance (5) Ohio Republican Vice Presidential nominee
  • Jon Tester (5) Democratic Jr Senator Montana
  • Josh Stein (9) North Carolina Democratic Challenger
  • Kari Lake (4) Arizona Republican Challenger
  • Larry Hogan (13) Maryland Republican Maryland Governor
  • Mark Robinson (8) North Carolina Republican Challenger
  • Rick Scott (7) Florida Republican Governor
  • Ruben Gallego (5) Democratic House Member U.S. Rep Arizona-7
  • Sam Brown (12) Republican Challenger Nevada
  • Sherrod Brown (13) Democrat U.S. Rep Ohio-13
  • Tammy Baldwin (3) Democrat (Senate run 2012) U.S. Rep Wisconsin-2
  • Tate Reeves (8) Mississippi Republican candidate for governor
  • Ted Cruz (5) Republican 2016 Primary Challenger
  • Tim Ryan (2) Ohio Democratic candidate for President; U.S. Rep from OH-13
  • Tim Sheehy (9) Republican Challenger Montana
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset.
 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Angela Alsobrooks: Women's Health Protection Act: protect abortion access.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Oppose efforts to defund Planned Parenthood.
    Larry Hogan: Restore Roe as the law of the land.
    Larry Hogan: Restore Roe as the law of the land.
    Bernie Moreno: Absolutely pro-life; no exception.
    Bob Casey: Overturning Roe v. Wade is dangerous.
    Colin Allred: Protect the freedoms and rights of women.
    David McCormick: Opposes national abortion ban: states should decide.
    Jacky Rosen: Support women's right to make health care decisions.
    Sam Brown: I am pro-life: protect the lives of unborn babies.
    Sherrod Brown: Restore Roe v. Wade abortion protection.
    Ted Cruz: Reversing Roe was a massive victory for life.
    Josh Stein: Defend women's rights to contraception, IVF or abortion.
    Angus King: Overturning Roe robs millions of women of fundamental right.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Guarantee abortion rights in the Florida constitution.
    Demi Kouzounas: No national ban; abortion should come back to the states.
    Eric Hovde: Supported overturning Roe v. Wade.
    Jon Tester: Woman and her doctor & family should decide.
    Tim Sheehy: Proudly pro-life: don't murder our unborn children.
    Mark Robinson: Make N.C. the most pro-life state .
Budget & Economy
    Angela Alsobrooks: Invest in humans AND invest in our future economy .
    Bernie Moreno: Cut government spending and end inflation.
    Demi Kouzounas: ARPA is a $2 trillion tax hike proposal.
Civil Rights
    Angela Alsobrooks: Supports same-sex marriage rights.
    Larry Hogan: Ban gay conversion therapy for minors.
    Bernie Moreno: 2014: Gay Games are a chance to celebrate diversity.
    Colin Allred: Guarantee civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ Americans .
    Jacky Rosen: Fight until every member of our community is free and equal.
    Sherrod Brown: Ban discrimination on sexual orientation & gender identity.
    Josh Stein: Treat children fairly; unfairness based on race reverberates.
    Demi Kouzounas: Adults can be with whoever they want.
    Tim Sheehy: Boys are boys; girls are girls no drag queen story time .
    Brandon Presley: Trust parents on gender-affirming care for their kids.
    Tate Reeves: Ban gender-affirming care for minors.
    Mark Robinson: Don't indoctrinate kids about transgenderism & race.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Make big corporations pay their fair share.
    Larry Hogan: Eliminated thousands of job-killing regulations.
    Ruben Gallego: Opposed Trump's largest corporate cuts in US history.
    Bob Casey: Make biggest corporations pay their fair share .
    Bob Casey: Regulate banking hidden fees & crack down on shrinkflation.
    Colin Allred: Voted for a 15% corporate minimum tax.
    David McCormick: Cut the red tape; let firms innovate.
    Jacky Rosen: Make billion-dollar corporations pay their fair share .
    Sam Brown: Make the 2017 Trump tax cuts permanent.
    Sherrod Brown: Invest in our small businesses and American manufacturing.
    Ted Cruz: Voted against a 15% corporate minimum tax.
    Angus King: Close corporate tax loopholes: 15% corporate tax minimum.
    Eric Hovde: Economic sanity: private-sector-driven pro-growth business.
    Eric Hovde: Low corporate tax rate, but set a minimum tax rate.
    Jon Tester: Supported a 15% minimum corporate tax.
    Tammy Baldwin: Small businesses are the backbone of our economy.
    Tim Sheehy: Less government oversight: empower businesses to succeed.
    Sherrod Brown: Provide police with de-escalation training.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Enhance police accountability with comprehensive changes .
    Angela Alsobrooks: Reforms for police accountability and comprehensive equity .
    Larry Hogan: Re-fund the police; vetoed police reform bills.
    Larry Hogan: Re-fund the police: vetoed police reform bills.
    Bernie Moreno: Demoralizing the police is the goal of the radical left.
    Bob Casey: Defund localities that defund the police.
    Colin Allred: Supports common-sense police reforms like de-escalation.
    David McCormick: Fewer police means less safe communities.
    Jacky Rosen: Justice in Policing Act: address systemic racism.
    Sam Brown: Pursue justice against anyone who disregards public safety.
    Ted Cruz: Police are under attack BLM are terrorists.
    Josh Stein: Make justice system fair, no matter the person's race.
    Angus King: Defund localities that defund police .
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Require police reforms; address systemic racism in policing.
    Demi Kouzounas: We've lost respect for those that protect us.
    Jon Tester: Support rehabilitative programming and fix sentencing laws.
    Tim Sheehy: Cops are good; criminals are bad.
    Mark Robinson: Ensure police are trained, equipped, and highest standards.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Blame rising crime rates on decriminalized marijuana.
    Kari Lake: Apologized for claiming teachers pushed legal pot.
    Larry Hogan: 2016: vetoed decriminalization of marijuana paraphernalia.
    Ruben Gallego: Legalize marijuana, and allow banking services.
    Bernie Moreno: Marijuana leads to schizophrenia: a gateway drug.
    Colin Allred: Decriminalize pot nationally; pardon marijuana possession.
    David McCormick: Marijuana is a gateway to harder drugs.
    Brandon Presley: Legalize medical marijuana.
    Tate Reeves: Medical marijuana tolerable, but not recreational.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Improve access to low interest student loans.
    Kari Lake: Opposes Biden's student loan forgiveness.
    Larry Hogan: Biden student loan forgiveness: bad idea at worst time.
    Ruben Gallego: Debt relief from soaring costs of higher education.
    JD Vance: Climate is changing; solution is nuclear power.
    Bernie Moreno: Stop bailout for rich kids (no student loan forgiveness).
    Bob Casey: Fund African American history in schools.
    Colin Allred: Reduce and forgive student loan debt .
    David McCormick: Patriotic education instead of liberal wokeness .
    David McCormick: No transgender students in women's sports.
    David McCormick: Loan forgiveness forces us to pay someone else's debt.
    Jacky Rosen: Supports Biden's student debt relief program.
    Jacky Rosen: Dismantle systemic racism through education.
    Sam Brown: Critical race theory poisons our children's minds.
    Sam Brown: Opposes $300B spent to forgive student loans.
    Sherrod Brown: Cancel student debt: NOW is the time.
    Ted Cruz: Cancelling student loan debt is illegal.
    Josh Stein: Voucher programs suck money out of the public schools.
    Josh Stein: Student loan forgiveness in exchange for serving the public.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Opposes Florida's "Stop WOKE Act" in schools.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Cancel student debt, or at least cancel interest.
    Demi Kouzounas: Forgiving student loans costs money & inflation.
    Eric Hovde: Student debt forgiveness is unfair at every single level.
    Rick Scott: It's time for schools to stop pushing these woke ideologies.
    Rick Scott: Student loan bailout is a socialist handout.
    Tim Sheehy: End the woke social agenda infecting our schools.
    Tim Sheehy: Take a loan, pay it back: no loan forgiveness.
    Brandon Presley: Expand access to teacher loan repayment programs.
    Tate Reeves: Opposes federal loans forgiveness programs.
    Mark Robinson: Public school teachers are wicked; make your own school.
    Mark Robinson: I'll pay your student loan if you pay my mortgage.
Energy & Oil
    Angela Alsobrooks: Urgent action on existential threat of climate change.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Supports $369 billion in clean energy spending .
    Larry Hogan: Clean Energy Jobs Act ok, but should include nuclear energy.
    Bernie Moreno: Yes coal, gas, and oil; no solar and wind.
    Bob Casey: Invest in meaningful climate action now.
    David McCormick: Unleash oil & gas production; halt clean energy subsidies.
    Jacky Rosen: Climate crisis has very real impacts in Nevada.
    Josh Stein: Support rooftop solar; dramatically reduce carbon emissions .
    Sam Brown: Opposes stricter emission standards for trucks.
    Sherrod Brown: Aggressive action to combat climate change.
    Angus King: We are fiddling while the planet burns.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Climate change is real; act to upgrade infrastructure.
    Demi Kouzounas: Opposes wind energy; opposes carbon reduction.
    Demi Kouzounas: Radical Democrats support the Green New Deal.
    Eric Hovde: Delusional to end fossil fuel use.
    Eric Hovde: Roll back regulations to expand energy production .
    Jon Tester: $369 billion in climate and clean energy initiatives.
    Rick Scott: Address climate change impact without killing the economy.
    Tim Sheehy: Stand strong against the radical climate cult agenda.
    Mark Robinson: Keep the climate change cabal out of this state.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Protect Chesapeake Bay, including additional funding.
    JD Vance: Environmental justice policies ship jobs to China.
    Tim Ryan: Protect streams from the impact of coal mining.
    Bernie Moreno: Loosen environmental regulations.
    Bob Casey: Regulating auto emissions; conserve at-risk wildlife species.
    Jacky Rosen: Protect Lake Tahoe for generations to come.
    Sam Brown: 2022: Supported Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site.
    Sherrod Brown: Environmental stewardship is an ongoing responsibility.
    Angus King: Phase out single-use plastic and foam .
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Our environment is at the heart of everything.
    Rick Scott: Cut budgets of state environmental agencies.
    Tammy Baldwin: Community projects to clean up the Mississippi River.
    Brandon Presley: Major public works project to fix Jackson's water.
    Tate Reeves: 2020: Vetoed water-billing system; delayed bond funding.
Families & Children
    Josh Stein: Protections for gender identity or sexual orientation.
    Demi Kouzounas: It's child sexual abuse to teach kids multiple genders.
    Eric Hovde: Restrictions on gender-affirming treatments for minors .
    Mark Robinson: Straight couples are superior to gay couples.
Free Trade
    Angela Alsobrooks: Invest in future economy to compete around the globe.
    JD Vance: Raise taxes on companies that ship jobs overseas.
    Demi Kouzounas: Bring jobs back by adding a little bit more tariffs.
Government Reform
    Kari Lake: Vote only on Election Day, on paper.
    Ruben Gallego: Freedom to Vote Act: same-day voter registration.
    Bernie Moreno: Support voter ID laws: Easy to vote, hard to cheat.
    Jacky Rosen: Protect the sacred right to vote.
    Sam Brown: Voter ID is effective way to secure our elections.
    Sherrod Brown: Expand early voting & voting by mail.
    Ted Cruz: Supports voter integrity law; opposes ballot harvesting.
    Josh Stein: Voting Rights Act protects against racial discrimination .
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Require independent, nonpartisan redistricting.
    Demi Kouzounas: Declare electronic voting machines unconstitutional.
    Eric Hovde: Tighten up voting process; clean up voting system.
    Rick Scott: Shrink government work force by 25% in 5 years .
    Brandon Presley: Voting is as much a privilege as a right.
    Tate Reeves: Restrict absentee ballots; ban mail-in voting.
    Mark Robinson: Just one day to vote, with Voter ID.
Gun Control
    Larry Hogan: Vetoed tougher background checks but signed red flag law.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Current gun laws are inadequate: support background checks.
    Bernie Moreno: I'm an absolutist on the Second Amendment.
    Bob Casey: Ban weapons of war like AR-15 rifles.
    Colin Allred: Supports red flag laws & assault weapons ban .
    David McCormick: Opposes red flag laws; supports background checks.
    Sherrod Brown: Funding for crisis intervention; disarm domestic abusers.
    Angus King: Implement red flag laws; expand background checks.
    Demi Kouzounas: Very concerned with gun rights.
    Eric Hovde: Right to keep and bear arms: no exception.
Health Care
    Tammy Baldwin: Address racial disparities in health care system.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Healthcare is a fundamental right: build upon ObamaCare.
    Larry Hogan: Don't repeal ObamaCare, but no paid medical leave.
    Bernie Moreno: Obamacare had zero to do with affordability.
    Bob Casey: Cap insulin at $35; negotiate drug costs for Medicare .
    David McCormick: Oppose ObamaCare; support veterans' health care.
    Sherrod Brown: Cap insulin at $35; reduce drug costs for Medicare .
    Angus King: Resources to LGBTQ youth for mental health/ prevent suicide.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Expand Affordable Care Act and include a public option.
    Demi Kouzounas: ObamaCare will bring rationing of healthcare.
    Eric Hovde: ObamaCare is stupid to keep 26-yr-olds on parents' insurance.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Permanent residence for DACA participants (DREAMers).
    Larry Hogan: Open southern border is a humanitarian catastrophe.
    Bernie Moreno: Deport those who illegally invaded our border.
    Sherrod Brown: Resources for Border Patrol agents; expedite asylum process.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Path to permanent residence for DACA (support DREAMers).
    Demi Kouzounas: DACA is unconstitutional executive action (oppose DREAMers).
    Jon Tester: Tighten asylum laws; hire more border guards.
    Rick Scott: Urged Trump to not end DACA (support DREAMers).
    Tim Sheehy: Secure our border; finish the wall.
    Josh Stein: Raise the minimum wage.
    Angela Alsobrooks: Strengthen collective bargaining rights.
    Larry Hogan: 2016: called teachers' union leaders "thugs".
    Ruben Gallego: Raise minimum wage to at least $15/hour.
    JD Vance: Raising minimum wage to $15 is solution from the 1960s.
    Bernie Moreno: UAW is holding car companies hostage.
    Bernie Moreno: Minimum wage is never intended to be a livable wage.
    Colin Allred: Endorsed by the Texas AFL-CIO.
    Colin Allred: Raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.
    David McCormick: Don't change nor raise the minimum wage.
    Jacky Rosen: Unions are important to lift up working families.
    Sam Brown: Don't prop up union interests, including teachers' unions.
    Sherrod Brown: Introduced PRO Act: protect workers' right to unionize.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Supports PRO Act: fight to defend labor rights.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Raise minimum wage gradually to $15.
    Demi Kouzounas: Supports right-to-work laws.
    Eric Hovde: Minimum wage was never supposed to be a living wage.
    Rick Scott: Supports the National Right-to-Work Act.
    Brandon Presley: Protect workers from pay discrimination.
    Tate Reeves: No union role in official COVID recovery.
Principles & Values
    Sam Brown: Chair of the Nevada Faith & Freedom Coalition.
    Eric Hovde: We've collapsed patriotism; our country is redeemable.
Social Security
    Jacky Rosen: Social Security & Medicare are lifelines for seniors.
    Sam Brown: Will not cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid.
Tax Reform
    Kari Lake: Extend the 2017 Trump tax cuts.
    Bernie Moreno: Pledged never to raise taxes.
    David McCormick: Make 2017 Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent.
    Sherrod Brown: Billionaires need to start paying their fair share.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Our country suffers when wealthy get extreme tax cuts.
    Tim Sheehy: Pledged not raise any income taxes.
    Brandon Presley: Cut car tag fees in half.
    Tate Reeves: Open to cutting taxes of any sort, including grocery tax.
    JD Vance: Infrastructure bill spends billions on bad priorities.
    Tim Ryan: Support infrastructure bill and Build Back Better Act.
    Colin Allred: Voted for bipartisan bill for funding infrastructure.
    Sam Brown: Eliminate DOT; opposed 2021 infrastructure law.
Welfare & Poverty
    Jacky Rosen: Increase federal funds for affordable housing.
    Angus King: increase government investment in the economy.
    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: Expand child tax credit for lower-income families.
    Brandon Presley: Declare war on corruption in welfare fraud scandal.
    Tate Reeves: Recover stolen funds in welfare fraud scandal.

The above quotations are from Guides.vote candidate survey on 2024 Senate/Governor/House races.

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
Reprinting by permission only.

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Page last edited: Sep 29, 2024