
Thom Tillis on Energy & Oil



Passing Keystone XL pipeline is one key to winning in 2016

Q: What's the most important thing you can do in Congress to get a Republican president elected in 2016?

TILLIS: I think if the American people confidence that Congress will work again, that we will send measures to the president's desk that he will sign into law, whether it's the XL Pipeline, whether it's regulatory reform, a number of things that we can do to prove that we can actually function and produce positive results for the American people.

Source: ABC This Week 2015 interviews by Martha Raddatz , Jan 4, 2015

No subsidies for wind and solar

Question topic: Governments should pay to develop wind and solar energy solutions when these are not economically feasible.

Tillis: Disagree

Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 North Carolina Senate race , Sep 30, 2014

Climate change is not an established fact

Thom Tillis presented himself as a "practical" conservative during the first primary debate. His leading opponent, Greg Brannon, attacked the state House speaker as softer than him on immigration, health care, education, gun rights and other issues.

"We're all conservatives," Tillis said; "You have conservative choices in this primary." While mostly playing it safe, Tillis staked out a series of positions on the right that could hurt him in the general election: agreeing with the other three candidates on stage that climate change is not an established fact, and opposing a federal minimum wage.

When asked if the mentally ill should be able to own guns, Brannon suggested that people with PTSD and other forms of temporary mental illness should. Tillis responded, "Mr. Brannon just said yes to your question, which I think is irresponsible," he said. "You can't put a gun in the hands of someone who represents a danger to themselves or society. Folks, this is being a practical conservative.

Source: Politico.com on 2014 North Carolina Senate debate , Apr 22, 2014

Roll back gas tax increases

The gas tax has risen more than 20% in total over the past 12 months. We must focus on a tax policy that fully realizes the potential of our growing workforce, our abundant natural resources, and our strategic geographic position. I will focus on:We need to reduce the burden on individuals and small businesses to keep our improving economy on track.
Source: 2012 State House campaign website, thomtillis.com, "Issues" , Dec 31, 2012

Use hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for oil & gas extraction

Tillis voted YEA on July 2, 2012 for SB 820: Authorizes Hydraulic Fracturing: Veto Override Passed House, 72-47.