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 2020 Election:  Joe Biden's book Cory Booker's book Pete Buttigieg's book Kamala Harris' book Bernie Sanders' book Donald Trump's book  2018 Senate   Debates 

Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews

(from Amazon.com)

(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)

Too Much and Never Enough
How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

by Mary L. Trump Ph.D

(Click for Amazon book review)

Click here for 12 full quotes from Donald Trump in the book Too Much and Never Enough.
OR click on an issue category below for a subset.

BOOK REVIEW by OnTheIssues.org:

    This book is a psychoanalysis of Trump by his niece, Dr. Mary Trump, who is a clinical psychologist. A selection from the index indicates Mary's attitude p. 219-20:
      Trump, Donald
      • Empathy lacking in,
      • Knowledge claims of,
      • Muslin ban of,
      • Narcissism of,
      • Racism of,
      • Self-promotion and self-aggrandizement of,
      • As shielded from reality,
    ...and plenty more. Of course the book includes a full analysis of Donald's childhood and his relationship with his father, as one would expect from a clinical psychologist. Mary also offers her own diagnosis of Donald, on p. 12-13 -- she supplements the standard pundit diagnosis of "narcissistic personality disorder" with "antisocial personality disorder" exacerbated by caffeine abuse.

    The Trump family attempted to block publication of this book, based on non-disclourse agreements from 1999 when Mary contested Fred Trump's will. The Trump family failed, and the book was released in July 2020. Mary Trump made the talk-show circuit during the 2020 campaign, describing her diagnosis of President Trump and its political implications.

    One can imagine Thanksgiving dinner at the Trump household does not include Donald sitting at the same table as Mary.

    -- Jesse Gordon, OnTheIssues editor, Jan. 2021

 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    OpEd: Central Park 5 innocent by DNA, but still "guilty".
    Declared art deco wall "without artistic merit".
Health Care
    OpEd: COVID response was to minimize negativity at all costs.
    OpEd:COVID non-response because no immediate personal effect.
    Mother participated in chain migration in 1930.
Principles & Values
    OpEd: Trump dinners include casual dehumanization of people.
    OpEd diagnosis: antisocial/dependent personality disorder.
    OpEd: Charmed but threatened ruination as business strategy.
    OpEd: false bravado based in childhood fear of father.
    OpEd: Sowing division is what Donald has always done.
    OpEd: in Trump family, fear is seen as weakness.
Welfare & Poverty
    1970s: changed rental practice to avoid discrimination suit.

The above quotations are from Too Much and Never Enough
How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

by Mary L. Trump Ph.D

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
Reprinting by permission only.

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Page last edited: May 20, 2021