Robert Menendez
(Independent Jr Senator; retiring)
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Robert Menendez on Abortion
Click here for 19 full quotes on Abortion
OR background on Abortion.
- Yes affordable contraceptives; no unneeded restrictions. (Oct 2018)
- I'm pro-choice, not multiple-choice. (Oct 2012)
- Judicial nominees must uphold Roe v. Wade. (Sep 2006)
- Kean voted against stem-cell research six times; I didn't. (Sep 2006)
- I support stem cell research 100%. (Sep 2006)
- Rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance. (Dec 2006)
- Sponsored bill for emergency contraception for rape victims. (Sep 2006)
- Provide emergency contraception at military facilities. (Apr 2007)
- Let military perform abortions in cases of rape or incest. (Jun 2011)
- Require pharmacies to fulfill contraceptive prescriptions. (Jul 2011)
- Ban anti-abortion limitations on abortion services. (Nov 2013)
- Access safe, legal abortion without restrictions. (Jan 2015)
- CC:Publicly fund abortions. (Jul 2018)
- CC:No parental notification for abortions by minors. (Jul 2018)
- Born-Alive Survivors bill tries to illegalize abortion. (Feb 2020)
- Ensure access to and funding for contraception. (Feb 2007)
- Focus on preventing pregnancy, plus emergency contraception. (Jan 2009)
- Emergency contraception at all military health facilities. (Dec 2009)
Robert Menendez on Budget & Economy
Click here for 7 full quotes on Budget & Economy
OR background on Budget & Economy.
- Opposes Romney-Ryan budget plan. (Oct 2012)
- CC:No Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment. (Jul 2018)
- Require full disclosure about subprime mortgages. (Dec 2007)
- Reform mortgage rules to prevent foreclosure & bankruptcy. (Feb 2008)
- More enforcement of mortgage fraud and TARP fraud. (May 2009)
- Ban abusive credit practices & enhance consumer disclosure. (Feb 2009)
- $1.9 trillion ARPA bill for COVID relief. (Mar 2021)
Robert Menendez on Civil Rights
Click here for 19 full quotes on Civil Rights
OR background on Civil Rights.
- Supports gay marriage. (Oct 2018)
- Evolved from supporting DOMA to supporting same-sex marriage. (Oct 2012)
- Support affirmative action in all government contracts. (Sep 2006)
- Supports Amendment banning flag-burning, a uniting symbol. (Sep 2006)
- Supports 1-man-1-woman marriage, but don't take away rights. (Sep 2006)
- Supports anti-flag desecration amendment. (Mar 2001)
- Constitutional Amendment for equal rights by gender. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 67% by the ACLU, indicating a mixed civil rights voting record. (Dec 2002)
- Rated 88% by the HRC, indicating a pro-gay-rights stance. (Dec 2006)
- Recognize Juneteenth as historical end of slavery. (Jun 2008)
- ENDA: prohibit employment discrimination for gays. (Jun 2009)
- Prohibit sexual-identity discrimination at schools. (Mar 2011)
- Sponsored Constitutional Amendment for women's equal rights. (Jun 2011)
- Endorsed as "preferred" by The Feminist Majority indicating pro-women's rights. (Aug 2012)
- Enforce against wage discrimination based on gender. (Jan 2013)
- Let states recognize same sex marriage. (Jan 2015)
- Re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment. (Mar 2007)
- Reinforce anti-discrimination and equal-pay requirements. (Jan 2008)
- Honor the 100th anniversary of the NAACP. (Jan 2009)
Robert Menendez on Corporations
Click here for 3 full quotes on Corporations
OR background on Corporations.
- Keep CFPB Financial Protection; keep Consumer Advisory Board. (Oct 2018)
- Rated 37% by the US COC, indicating a mixed business voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 86% by UFCW, indicating an anti-management/pro-labor record. (May 2012)
Robert Menendez on Crime
Click here for 7 full quotes on Crime
OR background on Crime.
- Address roots of gangs via education & empowerment. (Oct 2006)
- Rated 60% by CURE, indicating mixed votes on rehabilitation. (Dec 2000)
- More funding and stricter sentencing for hate crimes. (Apr 2001)
- Increase funding for "COPS ON THE BEAT" program. (Jan 2007)
- Reduce recidivism by giving offenders a Second Chance. (Mar 2007)
- Stricter sentencing for hate crimes. (Mar 1993)
- Rated 73% by the NAPO, indicating a moderate stance on police issues. (Dec 2014)
Robert Menendez on Drugs
Click here for 4 full quotes on Drugs
OR background on Drugs.
- Rated C by NORML: decriminalize medical marijuana & banking. (Aug 2024)
- Give marijuana businesses access to banking services. (Oct 2018)
- Review current marijuana laws for cases of incurable disease. (Sep 2006)
- Rated D by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Nov 2016)
Robert Menendez on Education
Click here for 9 full quotes on Education
OR background on Education.
- Vouchers drain money from public schools. (Oct 2018)
- Supports making 2 years of community college free. (Oct 2018)
- Reducing duplication is no solution for education problems. (Sep 2006)
- Educational Savings Accounts are only for the wealthy. (Sep 2006)
- Democrats pushed college tuition tax deductions. (Sep 2006)
- Rated 100% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
- Comprehensive sex ed for sexually-active adolescents. (Feb 2013)
- Make two years of community college free. (Oct 2015)
- Don't count combat pay against free school lunch. (Mar 2009)
Robert Menendez on Energy & Oil
Click here for 10 full quotes on Energy & Oil
OR background on Energy & Oil.
- World must cut greenhouse gas emissions, or reject science. (Oct 2018)
- Past due time to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. (Sep 2006)
- Preserve Alaska's ANWR instead of drilling it. (Feb 2001)
- Establish greenhouse gas tradeable allowances. (Feb 2005)
- Sign on to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. (Jan 2007)
- 50% clean and carbon free electricity by 2030. (Mar 2016)
- Designate sensitive ANWR area as protected wilderness. (Nov 2007)
- Set goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025. (Jan 2007)
- Let states define stricter-than-federal emission standards. (Jan 2008)
- Gas tax holiday for the summer. (Apr 2008)
Robert Menendez on Environment
Click here for 9 full quotes on Environment
OR background on Environment.
- Don't let the EPA get undermined. (Oct 2018)
- Supports the Polluter Pays Principle. (Sep 2006)
- Remove PCBs from Hudson River by dredging 200 miles. (Apr 2001)
- Rated 95% by the LCV, indicating pro-environment votes. (Dec 2003)
- Health impact assessments for environmental health. (Apr 2006)
- Grants for beach water pollution under Clean Water Act. (Apr 2008)
- Regulate all dog breeders down to kennels of 50 dogs. (Feb 2011)
- Rated 80% by HSLF, indicating a pro-animal welfare voting record. (Jan 2012)
- Strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting. (Jan 2007)
Robert Menendez on Families & Children
Click here for 5 full quotes on Families & Children
OR background on Families & Children.
- Member of the Missing & Exploited Children's Caucus. (Jan 2001)
- Rated 15% by the Christian Coalition: an anti-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Sex Ed including both abstinence and contraception. (Mar 2009)
- More funding & services for victims of domestic violence. (Jan 2013)
- Teach teens about both abstinence & contraception. (Mar 2009)
Robert Menendez on Foreign Policy
Click here for 12 full quotes on Foreign Policy
OR background on Foreign Policy.
- Unequivocal support for Hong Kong protests against China. (Nov 2019)
- International sanctions against nuclear program in Iran. (Sep 2006)
- Member of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. (Jan 2001)
- Implement Darfur Peace Agreement with UN peacekeeping force. (Feb 2008)
- Rated +1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)
- Vigorous support for State of Israel against Hamas in Gaza. (Nov 2012)
- Two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank. (Jan 2017)
- CC:Keep alliance with Israel. (Jul 2018)
- Acknowledge the Armenian Genocide of the early 1900s. (Mar 2007)
- Condemn violence by Chinese government in Tibet. (Apr 2008)
- Condemn Iran for state-sponsored persecution of Baha'i. (Feb 2009)
- Pressure friendly Arab states to end Israeli boycott. (Oct 2007)
Robert Menendez on Free Trade
Click here for 5 full quotes on Free Trade
OR background on Free Trade.
- Tariffs on China drive allies into arms of our adversaries. (Oct 2018)
- Rated 28% by CATO, indicating a pro-fair trade voting record. (Dec 2002)
- Extend trade restrictions on Burma to promote democracy. (Jun 2007)
- Voted FOR reauthorizing Ex-Im Bank. (Oct 2015)
- Rated 63% by the USAE, indicating a mixed record on trade. (Dec 2012)
Robert Menendez on Government Reform
Click here for 17 full quotes on Government Reform
OR background on Government Reform.
- Citizens United rolled back decades of progress. (Oct 2018)
- Do everything to protect all Americans' right to vote. (Oct 2018)
- Keep the Senate filibuster rules, to encourage debate. (Sep 2006)
- Allow dual-office holding for politicians, if voters choose. (Sep 2006)
- Keep campaign soft money; allow legal resident contributions. (Jun 2001)
- Establish the United States Public Service Academy. (Mar 2007)
- Prohibit voter intimidation in federal elections. (Mar 2007)
- Require full disclosure of independent campaign expenditures. (Jul 2012)
- Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements. (May 2014)
- Statehood for the District of Columbia. (Jul 2018)
- Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers. (Feb 2015)
- CC:Oppose strict Constitutionalist judges. (Jul 2018)
- Sponsored bill for election holiday & easier voting access. (Mar 2019)
- Prohibit 'voter caging' which intimidates minority voting. (Nov 2007)
- Sponsored bill to expand voter registration and voter access. (Mar 2021)
- Remove President Trump from office for inciting insurrection. (Jan 2021)
- Sponsored bill for statehood for Washington D.C. (Jan 2021)
Robert Menendez on Gun Control
Click here for 8 full quotes on Gun Control
OR background on Gun Control.
- Universal background checks & assault weapons ban. (Oct 2018)
- Additional controls on handguns and rifles. (Sep 2006)
- Rated F by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun control voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Close the Gun Show Loophole; restrict show sales. (May 2009)
- Ban large-capacity ammunition. (Jan 2013)
- Restrict right to bear arms, according to CC survey. (Jul 2018)
- Co-sponsored background check for every firearm sale. (Jan 2019)
- Sponsored bill for background checks for private transfers. (Mar 2021)
Robert Menendez on Health Care
Click here for 14 full quotes on Health Care
OR background on Health Care.
- Repealing ObamaCare would hike premiums & hurt the disabled. (Oct 2018)
- Don't choose between filling prescriptions and refrigerator. (Sep 2006)
- Additional taxes on wealthiest 1%, for medical coverage. (Sep 2006)
- Don't force choice of filling prescriptions or refrigerator. (Sep 2006)
- Shift from disease-based to prevention-based system. (Sep 2006)
- Rated 89% by APHA, indicating a pro-public health record. (Dec 2003)
- Improve services for people with autism & their families. (Apr 2007)
- Establish a national childhood cancer database. (Mar 2007)
- Increase funding for occupational & physical therapy. (Apr 2011)
- Merge Alzheimers diagnosis and care benefit. (Apr 2013)
- Keep healthcare mandate, according to CC survey. (Jul 2018)
- Preserve access to Medicaid & SCHIP during economic downturn. (Apr 2008)
- Provide for treatment of autism under TRICARE. (Jun 2009)
- Expand the National Health Service Corps. (Mar 2009)
Robert Menendez on Homeland Security
Click here for 13 full quotes on Homeland Security
OR background on Homeland Security.
- Form National Guard Cyber Protection Team. (Nov 2014)
- Battle terror without sacrificing our ideals. (Oct 2006)
- Combat terrorism within court oversight to protect rights. (Sep 2006)
- Punish terrorists within Geneva Convention. (Sep 2006)
- Stopping Vieques bombing range good; sooner is better. (Jun 2001)
- Rated 89% by SANE, indicating a pro-peace voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Sponsored bill giving higher priority to rail security. (Jul 2005)
- Apply habeas corpus to Guantanamo detainees. (Jul 2007)
- Repeal Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell, and reinstate discharged gays. (Mar 2010)
- Restrict domestic monitoring of phone calls. (Aug 2014)
- End bulk data collection under USA PATRIOT Act. (Oct 2013)
- Restore habeas corpus for detainees in the War on Terror. (Jun 2007)
- Establish global strategy to defeat al Qaeda. (Feb 2008)
Robert Menendez on Immigration
Click here for 7 full quotes on Immigration
OR background on Immigration.
- DREAMer kids have grown up as Americans. (Oct 2018)
- Enforcement-only means largest deportation in history. (Sep 2006)
- Rated 0% by FAIR, indicating a voting record loosening immigration. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 0% by USBC, indicating an open-border stance. (Dec 2006)
- Provide lawyers and evidence for children being deported. (Feb 2016)
- Opposes more border security, according to CC survey. (Jul 2018)
- Sponsored bill to disallow religion-based immigration ban. (May 2021)
Robert Menendez on Jobs
Click here for 9 full quotes on Jobs
OR background on Jobs.
- Raise minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10/hour. (Oct 2018)
- Supports minimum wage increase. (Oct 2012)
- Rated 93% by the AFL-CIO, indicating a pro-union voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Allow an Air Traffic Controller's Union. (Jan 2006)
- Form unions by card-check instead of secret ballot. (Mar 2009)
- Extend unemployment compensation during recession. (Jan 2008)
- Ban discriminatory compensation; allow 2 years to sue. (Jan 2009)
- Stronger enforcement against gender-based pay discrimination. (Jan 2009)
- Sponsored bill for strengthening union organizing. (Feb 2021)
Robert Menendez on Principles & Values
Click here for 16 full quotes on Principles & Values
OR background on Principles & Values.
- Severely admonished by Senate for political favors. (Oct 2018)
- Admonished by Senate Ethics Committee for accepting gifts. (Aug 2018)
- Elected mayor of Union City at 32. (Oct 2012)
- 2006: Investigated for grants to community service agency. (Apr 2012)
- Child of Cuban emigrants. (Apr 2012)
- Voted with Democratic Party 95.7% of 325 votes. (Sep 2007)
- Chosen as Corzine's successor after long political career. (Dec 2005)
- Appointed by governor-elect Jon Corzine to fill Senate seat. (Dec 2005)
- American Dream is about keeping promise to other generations. (Dec 2005)
- Priorities: affordable health care & college, and fair taxes. (Dec 2005)
- America needs unity to face challenges of globalization. (Dec 2005)
- Religious affiliation: Catholic. (Nov 2000)
- Member of Congressional Hispanic Caucus. (Jan 2001)
- Member of Congressional Hispanic Caucus. (Nov 2007)
- Certify 2020 Presidential election as fully & fairly counted. (Jan 2021)
- Create Commission to investigate Jan. 6 Capitol riots. (Jun 2021)
Robert Menendez on Social Security
Click here for 7 full quotes on Social Security
OR background on Social Security.
- Opposes privatization of Social Security. (Oct 2018)
- At forefront of fighting privatizing our "sacred compact". (Sep 2006)
- Opposes privatization and fought Bush's privatization scheme. (Sep 2006)
- Against privatization; but says Kean has voted for it. (Sep 2006)
- Reject proposals for private saving accounts. (May 2002)
- Rated 90% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 90% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance. (Jan 2013)
Robert Menendez on Tax Reform
Click here for 7 full quotes on Tax Reform
OR background on Tax Reform.
- Trump tax cuts was giant hit job on middle class. (Oct 2018)
- We cannot simultaneously cut the deficit and cut taxes. (Oct 2012)
- Repealing the estate Tax only benefits the wealthiest 1%. (Sep 2006)
- Rated 24% by NTU, indicating a "Big Spender" on tax votes. (Dec 2003)
- Rated 100% by the CTJ, indicating support of progressive taxation. (Dec 2006)
- CC:Reverse federal income tax cuts. (Jul 2018)
- CC:Keep the inhertiance tax. (Jul 2018)
Robert Menendez on Technology
Click here for 7 full quotes on Technology
OR background on Technology.
- Net Neutrality avoids higher prices. (Oct 2018)
- Investing in infrastructure revitalizes neighborhoods. (Mar 2015)
- Strengthen protections for consumers who use prepaid cards. (Dec 2013)
- Helped promote NJ biotechnology and solar industries. (Oct 2012)
- Facilitate nationwide 2-1-1 phone line for human services. (Jan 2007)
- Require websites to police for copyrighted materials. (May 2011)
- Overturn FCC approval of media consolidation. (Mar 2008)
Robert Menendez on War & Peace
Click here for 13 full quotes on War & Peace
OR background on War & Peace.
- Is Trump acting for Russia and Turkey or willfully blind? (Oct 2019)
- Oppose bombs to Saudi Arabia; no national security emergency. (May 2019)
- Selling arms to Saudi Arabia makes crisis in Yemen. (Oct 2018)
- Grave mistake to walk away from Iran nuke deal without plan. (Oct 2018)
- Appointed Senator in part due to anti-Iraq War vote. (Jun 2012)
- Biggest mistake in Iraq was going there in the first place. (Sep 2006)
- Iraq is a war of choice; based on misleading & false threats. (Sep 2006)
- Opposes the war in Iraq. (Dec 2005)
- Only votes for war that he'd send his own kids to fight. (Dec 2005)
- The administration manipulated justifications for Iraq war. (Dec 2005)
- Deploy UN multinational peacekeeping force in Darfur. (Jul 2007)
- Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment. (May 2012)
- Sanctions on Iran to end nuclear program. (Apr 2009)
VoteMatch Responses
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Based on these stances: (Click on topic for excerpt & citation) |
Strongly Favors
topic 1:Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(+5 points on Social scale)
| I support stem cell research 100%: Favors topic 1 Judicial nominees must uphold Roe v. Wade: Favors topic 1 I'm pro-choice, not multiple-choice: Strongly Favors topic 1 Yes affordable contraceptives; no unneeded restrictions: Strongly Favors topic 1 Rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record: Strongly Favors topic 1 Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance: Strongly Favors topic 1 Sponsored bill for emergency contraception for rape victims: Favors topic 1 Provide emergency contraception at military facilities: Favors topic 1 Let military perform abortions in cases of rape or incest: Favors topic 1 Require pharmacies to fulfill contraceptive prescriptions: Favors topic 1 Ban anti-abortion limitations on abortion services: Strongly Favors topic 1 Access safe, legal abortion without restrictions: Strongly Favors topic 1 CC:Oppose strict Constitutionalist judges: Favors topic 1 CC:Publicly fund abortions: Strongly Favors topic 1 CC:No parental notification for abortions by minors: Favors topic 1 Rated Born-Alive Survivors bill tries to illegalize abortion: Favors topic 1 Ensure access to and funding for contraception: Favors topic 1 Focus on preventing pregnancy, plus emergency contraception: Favors topic 1 Emergency contraception at all military health facilities: Strongly Favors topic 1 Teach teens about both abstinence & contraception: Favors topic 1 |
Strongly Favors
topic 2:Legally require hiring women & minorities
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Support affirmative action in all government contracts: Strongly Favors topic 2 Constitutional Amendment for equal rights by gender: Strongly Favors topic 2 Recognize Juneteenth as historical end of slavery: Strongly Favors topic 2 Increase funding for occupational & physical therapy: Favors topic 2 Sponsored Constitutional Amendment for women's equal rights: Strongly Favors topic 2 Endorsed as "preferred" by The Feminist Majority indicating pro-women's rights: Strongly Favors topic 2 More funding & services for victims of domestic violence: Strongly Favors topic 2 Enforce against wage discrimination based on gender: Strongly Favors topic 2 Stricter sentencing for hate crimes: Favors topic 2 Re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment: Strongly Favors topic 2 Reinforce anti-discrimination and equal-pay requirements: Favors topic 2 Ban discriminatory compensation; allow 2 years to sue: Favors topic 2 Stronger enforcement against gender-based pay discrimination: Favors topic 2 Honor the 100th anniversary of the NAACP: Favors topic 2 |
Strongly Favors
topic 3:Support transgender and LGBTQ+ rights
(+5 points on Social scale)
| Supports 1-man-1-woman marriage, but don't take away rights: Opposes topic 3 Evolved from supporting DOMA to supporting same-sex marriage: Strongly Favors topic 3 Supports gay marriage: Strongly Favors topic 3 More funding and stricter sentencing for hate crimes: Strongly Favors topic 3 Rated 88% by the HRC, indicating a pro-gay-rights stance: Strongly Favors topic 3 ENDA: prohibit employment discrimination for gays: Favors topic 3 Repeal Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell, and reinstate discharged gays: Favors topic 3 Prohibit sexual-identity discrimination at schools: Strongly Favors topic 3 Let states recognize same sex marriage: Favors topic 3 |
topic 4:America was founded on Christian values
(+2 points on Social scale)
| Supports Amendment banning flag-burning, a uniting symbol: Favors topic 4 Supports anti-flag desecration amendment: Favors topic 4 Rated 15% by the Christian Coalition: an anti-Family-Value voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 4 Sex Ed including both abstinence and contraception: Opposes topic 4 Comprehensive sex ed for sexually-active adolescents: Opposes topic 4 |
Strongly Favors
topic 5:Expand ObamaCare
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Don't choose between filling prescriptions and refrigerator: Strongly Favors topic 5 Don't force choice of filling prescriptions or refrigerator: Strongly Favors topic 5 Additional taxes on wealthiest 1%, for medical coverage: Strongly Favors topic 5 Repealing ObamaCare would hike premiums & hurt the disabled: Strongly Favors topic 5 Rated 89% by APHA, indicating a pro-public health record: Strongly Favors topic 5 Merge Alzheimers diagnosis and care benefit: Favors topic 5 Keep healthcare mandate, according to CC survey: Strongly Favors topic 5 Preserve access to Medicaid & SCHIP during economic downturn: Strongly Favors topic 5 Provide for treatment of autism under TRICARE: Favors topic 5 Expand the National Health Service Corps: Strongly Favors topic 5 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 6:Privatize Social Security
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| At forefront of fighting privatizing our "sacred compact": Strongly Opposes topic 6 Against privatization; but says Kean has voted for it: Opposes topic 6 Opposes privatization and fought Bush's privatization scheme: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Opposes privatization of Social Security: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Reject proposals for private saving accounts: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Rated 90% by the ARA, indicating a pro-senior voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Rated 90% by ARA, indicating a pro-Trust Fund stance: Strongly Opposes topic 6 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 7:Vouchers for school choice
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Vouchers drain money from public schools: Strongly Opposes topic 7 Rated 100% by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes: Strongly Opposes topic 7 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 8:Businesses have a right to pollute
(+5 points on Social scale)
| Supports the Polluter Pays Principle: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Don't let the EPA get undermined: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Remove PCBs from Hudson River by dredging 200 miles: Opposes topic 8 Rated 95% by the LCV, indicating pro-environment votes: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Grants for beach water pollution under Clean Water Act: Opposes topic 8 Regulate all dog breeders down to kennels of 50 dogs: Opposes topic 8 Strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting: Strongly Opposes topic 8 |
topic 9:Stricter punishment reduces crime
(+2 points on Social scale)
| Address roots of gangs via education & empowerment: Opposes topic 9 Rated 60% by CURE, indicating mixed votes on rehabilitation: Neutral on topic 9 Increase funding for "COPS ON THE BEAT" program: Opposes topic 9 Reduce recidivism by giving offenders a Second Chance: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Rated 73% by the NAPO, indicating a moderate stance on police issues: Neutral on topic 9 |
topic 10:Absolute right to gun ownership
(-3 points on Economic scale)
| Additional controls on handguns and rifles: Strongly Opposes topic 10 Universal background checks & assault weapons ban: Strongly Favors topic 10 Rated F by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun control voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 10 Close the Gun Show Loophole; restrict show sales: Opposes topic 10 Ban large-capacity ammunition: Opposes topic 10 Restrict right to bear arms, according to CC survey: Opposes topic 10 Co-sponsored background check for every firearm sale: Strongly Favors topic 10 Sponsored bill for background checks for private transfers: Strongly Favors topic 10 |
Strongly Favors
topic 11:Higher taxes on the wealthy
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Repealing the estate Tax only benefits the wealthiest 1%: Strongly Favors topic 11 We cannot simultaneously cut the deficit and cut taxes: Strongly Favors topic 11 Trump tax cuts was giant hit job on middle class: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Rated 24% by NTU, indicating a "Big Spender" on tax votes: Strongly Favors topic 11 Rated 100% by the CTJ, indicating support of progressive taxation: Strongly Favors topic 11 CC:Reverse federal income tax cuts: Favors topic 11 CC:Keep the inhertiance tax: Strongly Favors topic 11 |
Strongly Favors
topic 12:Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(+5 points on Social scale)
| Enforcement-only means largest deportation in history: Favors topic 12 Enforcement-only means largest deportation in history: Strongly Favors topic 12 DREAMer kids have grown up as Americans: Strongly Favors topic 12 Rated 0% by FAIR, indicating a voting record loosening immigration: Strongly Favors topic 12 Rated 0% by USBC, indicating an open-border stance: Strongly Favors topic 12 Provide lawyers and evidence for children being deported: Favors topic 12 Opposes more border security, according to CC survey: Strongly Favors topic 12 Sponsored bill to disallow religion-based immigration ban: Strongly Favors topic 12 |
topic 13:Support & expand free trade
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| Tariffs on China drive allies into arms of our adversaries: Strongly Favors topic 13 Rated 28% by CATO, indicating a pro-fair trade voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Rated Voted FOR reauthorizing Ex-Im Bank: Strongly Favors topic 13 Rated 63% by the USAE, indicating a mixed record on trade: Neutral on topic 13 |
topic 14:Stay away from the UN & Globalism
(-3 points on Economic scale)
| Apply habeas corpus to Guantanamo detainees: Strongly Opposes topic 14 Two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank: Favors topic 14 Restore habeas corpus for detainees in the War on Terror: Opposes topic 14 |
topic 15:Peace through Strength
(+2 points on Social scale)
| Form National Guard Cyber Protection Team: Favors topic 15 Rated 89% by SANE, indicating a pro-peace voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 15 |
Strongly Favors
topic 16:Make voter registration easier
(+5 points on Social scale)
| Do everything to protect all Americans' right to vote: Strongly Favors topic 16 Keep campaign soft money; allow legal resident contributions: Opposes topic 16 Require full disclosure of independent campaign expenditures: Strongly Favors topic 16 Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements: Favors topic 16 Statehood for the District of Columbia: Favors topic 16 Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers: Favors topic 16 Sponsored bill for election holiday & easier voting access: Strongly Favors topic 16 Prohibit 'voter caging' which intimidates minority voting: Favors topic 16 Sponsored bill to expand voter registration and voter access: Strongly Favors topic 16 |
topic 17:Stay out of foreign wars
(+2 points on Social scale)
| Unequivocal support for Hong Kong protests against China: Opposes topic 17 Biggest mistake in Iraq was going there in the first place: Strongly Favors topic 17 Iraq is a war of choice; based on misleading & false threats: Strongly Favors topic 17 Selling arms to Saudi Arabia makes crisis in Yemen: Favors topic 17 Grave mistake to walk away from Iran nuke deal without plan: Favors topic 17 Oppose bombs to Saudi Arabia; no national security emergency: Strongly Favors topic 17 Is Trump acting for Russia and Turkey or willfully blind?: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment: Strongly Opposes topic 17 CC:Keep alliance with Israel: Opposes topic 17 Sanctions on Iran to end nuclear program: Opposes topic 17 |
Strongly Favors
topic 18:Prioritize green energy
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Past due time to ratify the Kyoto Protocol: Strongly Favors topic 18 World must cut greenhouse gas emissions, or reject science: Strongly Favors topic 18 Preserve Alaska's ANWR instead of drilling it: Favors topic 18 Establish greenhouse gas tradeable allowances: Strongly Favors topic 18 Sign on to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: Strongly Favors topic 18 50% clean and carbon free electricity by 2030: Strongly Favors topic 18 Designate sensitive ANWR area as protected wilderness: Favors topic 18 Set goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025: Strongly Favors topic 18 Let states define stricter-than-federal emission standards: Strongly Favors topic 18 Gas tax holiday for the summer: Opposes topic 18 |
topic 19:Marijuana is a gateway drug
(+2 points on Social scale)
| Review current marijuana laws for cases of incurable disease: Opposes topic 19 Give marijuana businesses access to banking services: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Rated C by NORML: decriminalize medical marijuana & banking: Opposes topic 19 Rated D by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance: Strongly Favors topic 19 |
Strongly Favors
topic 20:Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(-5 points on Economic scale)
| Supports minimum wage increase: Strongly Favors topic 20 Investing in infrastructure revitalizes neighborhoods: Favors topic 20 Rated 86% by UFCW, indicating an anti-management/pro-labor record: Favors topic 20 CC:No Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment: Favors topic 20 $1.9 trillion ARPA bill for COVID relief: Favors topic 20 |
Robert Menendez is a Hard-Core Liberal
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