Gordon Howie on Principles & Values | |
Howie: Strongly Disagree.
Question topic: Judeo-Christian values established a framework of morality which permitted our system of limited government.
Howie: Strongly Agree.
Question topic: Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values.
Howie: My life has been surrendered to Christ. I believe God is pleased by our faith and obedience, and has created us to worship Him and serve our fellow man. The Bible is the inspired, written Word of God which provides a complete guide for our lives.
Question topic: Briefly list political or legislative issues of most concern to you.
Howie: The preservation and protection of religious liberty. It is foundational to our freedom.
A: Strongly support - http://gordonhowieforsenate.com/america-needs-god/
Here's the truth: The United States isn't going to solve its problems in a country empty of faith. I'm Gordon Howie and I approve this message because a great America needs God.