As a nurse, I work in the trenches of health care. Every day, nurses and doctors observe the corrupting influence of HMOs on the health care industry. We must take corporations out of health care. To accomplish this, I call for Minnesota to lead the
nation by instituting single payer health care. Further, I intend to work to ensure that Minnesota will have a hospital cooperative where the nurses, doctors, and other employees equally make the decisions on the running of the hospital.
Source: Campaign website,, “Issues”
Jan 24, 2006
Institute single payer health care
I call for Minnesota to lead the nation by instituting single payer health care. Single payer health care will not only be good for the people of Minnesota, but it will be good for business.
The single largest advantage that large corporations have over small businesses is their bargaining power in purchasing reasonably priced health insurance. Single payer health care will level the playing field for small businesses.
Source: Campaign website,, “Issues”
Jan 24, 2006