
Wendy Long on Energy & Oil



Develop upstate natural gas via fracking

The two candidates argued over whether to allow the development of upstate New York's shale gas formations by hydraulic fracturing--or "hydro-fracking"--which is now being considered by the Cuomo administration.

Gillibrand said natural gas exploration could be an economic boon, but first it has to be determined if the chemicals used in the process threaten drinking water.

Long was full-throated in support of development. "All these concerns that you cite are just phony concerns," Long said.

Source: New York Newsday on 2012 N. Y. Senate debate , Oct 17, 2012

Gas prices double while they focus on algae energy

They tell us that we can make up for their lack of an American energy policy and their failure to build pipelines and refineries by inflating our tires, tuning up our cars, driving electric cars, and using algae to create energy. This as gas prices have doubled since Barack Obama was elected and Kirsten Gillibrand moved to the Senate side of Capitol Hill. This is intolerable.
Source: 2012 Senate campaign website wendylongfornewyork.com "About" , Jun 25, 2012

Build Keystone pipeline instead of subsidizing solar panels

Q: What is your vision for creating jobs in New York state?

A: On the energy front: The price of gasoline, where it is, the thermometer is going up, up, up. I don't think Sen. Gillibrand is doing anything on the energy front. She doesn't have a plan to address gas prices. As far as I can see she is just going along with the Obama agenda which is handing out federal dollars for people who are making solar panels and then engaging in massive layoffs. You know, vetoing the Keystone pipeline is not a good plan. That would have created jobs and American energy independence. So that's another issue where I think we're heading in the wrong direction.

Source: Post-Star Q&A in Glen Falls, for 2012 N. Y. Senate debate , Mar 2, 2012

Keystone Pipeline delays are heavy hand of regulation

Wendy Long made her first public appearance as an announced candidate for U.S. Senate, at a dinner honoring opponent Bob Turner. "I'm basically running on the economy and jobs and the skyrocketing national debt and the failure of Gillibrand and other members of the liberal establishment to get the budget under control," she said of her campaign platform. She also mentioned the Keystone Pipeline, and the "heavy hand" of government regulation.
Source: Capital New York coverage of 2012 N. Y. Senate debate , Feb 24, 2012

Supports deregulating domestic oil exploration and drilling.

Long supports the AFA survey question on oil drilling

The American Family Association Action Voter Guide asked if candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Current regulations on domestic oil exploration and drilling are more restrictive than are necessary.' American Family Association Action (AFA Action) produces the online "iVoterGuide" for selected state and federal races. The mission of AFA Action is to inform and mobilize individuals to strengthen the biblical foundations of America.

Source: American Family Association survey 16AFA_Q18A on Nov 8, 2016

Opposes government developing wind and solar energy.

Long opposes the AFA survey question on alternatve energy

The American Family Association Action Voter Guide asked if candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Governments should pay to develop wind and solar energy solutions until they are economically feasible.' American Family Association Action (AFA Action) produces the online "iVoterGuide" for selected state and federal races. The mission of AFA Action is to inform and mobilize individuals to strengthen the biblical foundations of America.

Source: American Family Association survey 16AFA_Q18B on Nov 8, 2016

Other candidates on Energy & Oil: Wendy Long on other issues:
NY Gubernatorial:
Andrew Cuomo
Bill de Blasio
George Pataki
Howie Hawkins
Kathy Hochul
Mike Bloomberg
Rob Astorino
Zephyr Teachout
NY Senatorial:
Kirsten Gillibrand

NY politicians
NY Archives

Retiring in 2014 election:

Retired as of Jan. 2013:
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WY: Barrasso(R) ; no opponent yet
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Page last updated: Sep 07, 2017