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 2020 Election:  Joe Biden's book Cory Booker's book Pete Buttigieg's book Kamala Harris' book Bernie Sanders' book Donald Trump's book  2018 Senate   Debates 

Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews

(from Amazon.com)

(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)

American Family Association iVoterGuide - 2024 Senate, Governor, and House

(Click for external website)

    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from iVoterGuide.com 2024 Senate/Congress/Gubernatorial coverage (number of quotes indicated):
  • Alex Mooney (3) Republican House Member U.S. Rep West Virginia-2
  • Bill Eigel (9) Missouri Republican Challenger
  • Dale Folwell (7) North Carolina Republican Challenger
  • Dan Eubanks (12) Democratic Challenger Mississippi
  • David Trone (1) Democrat U.S. Rep Maryland-6
  • Frank LaRose (10) Republican Challenger Ohio
  • Gail Lightfoot (5) Libertarian Challenger California
  • Jim Banks (1) Republican U.S. Rep Indiana-3
  • Jim Marchant (6) Republican Challenger Nevada
  • Mac Warner (8) West Virginia Republican Challenger
  • Mark Robinson (12) North Carolina Republican Challenger
  • Rick Becker (11) North Dakota Republican House candidate
  • Robin Ficker (14) Maryland Republican candidate for Governor
  • Sam Brown (3) Republican Challenger Nevada
  • Semi Bird (11) Washington Republican Challenger
  • Shiva Ayyadurai (5) Massachusetts Former Independent Challenger
  • Suzanne Crouch (8) Indiana Republican Challenger
  • Trent Staggs (4) Republican Challenger Utah
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset.

The American Family Association partners to produce iVoterGuides; their self-description: "Grounded in God; rooted in research"; they "thoroughly investigate candidates"; when they cannot "evaluate with confidence, they receive an 'Insufficient' rating" (which we exclude from listing here). We excerpt their candidate questionnaires.

 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Mark Robinson: No taxpayer funding for abortion providers.
    Alex Mooney: Promote culture of life from conception to natural death.
    Gail Lightfoot: Allow abortion until viability, for any reason.
    Jim Banks: I oppose "aid in dying" laws.
    Rick Becker: No federal funding for abortion, including abortion drugs.
    Rick Becker: There's no such thing as a "medically required" abortion.
    Semi Bird: I value all life, from conception through natural death.
    Trent Staggs: Abortion until 14 weeks; exceptions for rape, incest, & life.
Budget & Economy
    Mark Robinson: Free-market capitalism makes our country so great.
    Frank LaRose: Cut taxes; reduce waste; cut regulations.
    Robin Ficker: End inflationary use of dollar; promote domestic production.
Civil Rights
    Mark Robinson: American institutions are not fundamentally racist.
    Bill Eigel: America is not racist; no Critical Race Theory .
    Dale Folwell: No tax funds for gender transition.
    Dan Eubanks: Don't teach Critical Race Theory (CRT).
    Frank LaRose: No taxpayer funds for gender transition services .
    Frank LaRose: Disagree with Critical Race Theory (CRT).
    Gail Lightfoot: Oppose Critical Race Theory; oppose transgender bathrooms.
    Jim Marchant: Oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT) .
    Mac Warner: Tribalism is a threat, not racism.
    Robin Ficker: Oppose Critical Race Theory .
    Robin Ficker: No biological males in women's sports or bathrooms.
    Semi Bird: Stop perpetrating the scare of a national racist threat.
    Suzanne Crouch: Fight racism, but also fight reverse racism.
    Trent Staggs: No taxpayer funding for gender transition services.
    Trent Staggs: Disagrees with Critical Race Theory (CRT) .
    Dale Folwell: Free enterprise & property rights: keys to upward mobility.
    Robin Ficker: Focus on maximizing profit, not on ESG.
    Dan Eubanks: Don't redirect police funds to community programs.
    Jim Marchant: Don't redirect police funds to community programs.
    Robin Ficker: Keep funding for police departments as-is.
    Semi Bird: Back the Blue.
    Suzanne Crouch: Don't redirect police funds to community programs.
    Dan Eubanks: Support vouchers; eliminate Department of Education .
    Dan Eubanks: Student debt is voluntarily; don’t pay off their debt.
    Frank LaRose: Forgiving student loans shifts financial burden.
    Mac Warner: Parents choose schools--public, private, or homeschool.
    Robin Ficker: Support vouchers; eliminate Department of Education .
Energy & Oil
    Bill Eigel: Climate change is a hoax; go nuclear.
    Dan Eubanks: Climate change isn't urgent; go nuclear.
    Frank LaRose: Wind and solar are not economically viable without subsidies.
    Robin Ficker: Supports natural gas & cleaner fossil fuels.
    Suzanne Crouch: Supports "All of the Above" strategy.
    Mark Robinson: No environmental ESG ratings in public spending.
    Sam Brown: Stricter environmental regulations hurt the economy.
    Bill Eigel: Legislate against these woke, liberal ESG scores.
    Dale Folwell: ESG raises the cost of doing business in NC.
    Dan Eubanks: Invest without ESG: no environmental ratings.
    Frank LaRose: No ESG: don't invest based on environment.
    Rick Becker: ESG is fascism: no environment-based investing.
    Semi Bird: No ESG: no environmental investment.
    Suzanne Crouch: No ESG: don't invest based on environmental ratings.
Families & Children
    Mark Robinson: Viral speech: "ain't but two genders!".
    Bill Eigel: Bible is clear: marriage is between one man and one woman.
    Dan Eubanks: Marriage is the legal union of a biological man and woman.
    Frank LaRose: Marriage is a God-ordained union of one man and one woman.
    Gail Lightfoot: Don't define marriage as one-man-one-woman.
    Rick Becker: Traditional nuclear family is backbone of America's success.
    Robin Ficker: Marriage is God-ordained; protect children from ideology.
    Semi Bird: Let parents parent, and let children be children.
    Shiva Ayyadurai: Ok to believe that marriage is only one man and one woman.
    Suzanne Crouch: Let parents decide for kids, but not gender transition.
    Trent Staggs: Marriage is a God-ordained union of one man and one woman.
Foreign Policy
    Jim Marchant: Stay focused on our own sovereignty, but support Israel.
    Mark Robinson: Chinese Communist Party poses serious threats.
    Alex Mooney: Condemn China and Cuba for establishing a spy base.
    Rick Becker: Protect farmland from Chinese Communist Party.
    Semi Bird: Prevent CCP from owning land in Washington State.
    Shiva Ayyadurai: Protect US sovereignty from the UN.
Government Reform
    Mark Robinson: Modernize election systems and bolster election integrity.
    Bill Eigel: Support Electoral College; oppose Popular Vote Compact .
    Dan Eubanks: Require voter ID; keep Electoral College .
    Gail Lightfoot: Keep the Electoral College; keep Supreme Court at 9.
    Rick Becker: Oppose the Marxist effort to repeal the Electoral College.
    Robin Ficker: Require Voter ID; keep the Electoral College.
    Semi Bird: Yes to Voter ID; yes to Electoral College.
Gun Control
    Jim Marchant: No restrictions on gun ownership.
    Mark Robinson: Support Constitutional Carry .
    Mac Warner: No restrictions on gun ownership.
    Semi Bird: Give teachers guns, and training with concealed carry.
    Suzanne Crouch: Allow teachers to carry guns at school.
Health Care
    Mark Robinson: Vaccinations for dangerous diseases; but COVID was overreach.
    Sam Brown: Vaccine mandates are direct violation of civil liberties.
    Dale Folwell: Clear Pricing Project: no secret healthcare contracts .
    Dan Eubanks: Don't require vaccinations; Medicare & Medicaid only.
    Frank LaRose: No vaccine requirements; don't expand beyond Medicare.
    Mac Warner: No person should be compelled to take a vaccination.
    Robin Ficker: Limit requiring vaccines; limit tax-funding to Medicare.
Homeland Security
    Bill Eigel: Chinese Communist Party poses serious threat.
    Dan Eubanks: Support Israel and support patriotism.
    Jim Marchant: Focus on Chinese Communist Party and not military wokeness.
    Rick Becker: End the "woke" agenda to encourage military recruitment .
    Robin Ficker: Focus on effective military instead of woke-ism.
    Frank LaRose: I saw firsthand the invasion at our southern border.
    Mac Warner: Physically secure the southern border.
    Rick Becker: Declare an illegal invasion at the border .
    Robin Ficker: No public assistance for immigrants; secure the border.
    Semi Bird: Secure all borders against human and narco-trafficking.
    Mac Warner: No state requirement for a minimum wage.
    Mark Robinson: Maximize opportunity instead of raising minimum wage.
    Bill Eigel: Regulate minimum wage by free market.
    Dale Folwell: Minimum wage impacts employment crisis .
    Semi Bird: Minimum wage determined by the market, not mandated.
    Shiva Ayyadurai: Government has no responsibility to ensure livable income.
    Suzanne Crouch: Free enterprise instead of Bidenomics.
Principles & Values
    Mark Robinson: Right to worship is a fundamental freedom.
    Mark Robinson: Elected officials have put politics ahead of the people.
    Alex Mooney: Work with religious organizations to service those in need.
    Bill Eigel: The government should NEVER be able to close churches.
    Dale Folwell: EGO stands for Edging God Out.
    Frank LaRose: Respect exercise of faith; I'm strong with Christian faith.
    Jim Marchant: No official religion; don't require service against religion.
    Mac Warner: Born-again Christian; I live by John 3:16.
    Rick Becker: Stand against radical distortion of church-vs.-state.
    Robin Ficker: Don't require services that violate religious beliefs.
    Shiva Ayyadurai: I believe in divinity of Christ; and no Sharia.
Social Security
    David Trone: Dedicate portion of capital gains taxes to Social Security.
    Shiva Ayyadurai: Higher paying jobs ensure future of Social Security.
Tax Reform
    Dan Eubanks: Lower the income tax; abolish the inheritance tax.
War & Peace
    Sam Brown: Focus on our own sovereignty unless in imminent danger.
    Bill Eigel: Israel is our greatest ally, and we must stand with them.
    Dale Folwell: Fight boycott of Israel; fight long game of Communist China.
    Dan Eubanks: We have become far too dependent on China.
    Gail Lightfoot: Focus on our own sovereignty, but respect binding treaties.
    Mac Warner: Israel is our ally; China is a threat.
    Rick Becker: Stand with ally Israel, a beacon of stability in Middle East.
    Robin Ficker: Too involved abroad, except CCP and Israel.
    Semi Bird: Support Israel for global security purposes.
    Suzanne Crouch: CCP is a threat; Israel is an ally.
Welfare & Poverty
    Rick Becker: Inflation is confiscation of wealth.

The above quotations are from American Family Association iVoterGuide - 2024 Senate, Governor, and House.

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
Reprinting by permission only.

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Page last edited: Sep 12, 2024