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 2020 Election:  Joe Biden's book Cory Booker's book Pete Buttigieg's book Kamala Harris' book Bernie Sanders' book Donald Trump's book  2018 Senate   Debates 

Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews

(from Amazon.com)

(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)

American Family Association iVoterGuide - 2022 House & Senate

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The American Family Association partners to produce iVoterGuides; their self-description: "Grounded in God; rooted in research"; they "thoroughly investigate candidates"; when they cannot "evaluate with confidence, they receive an 'Insufficient' rating" (which we exclude from listing here). We excerpt their candidate summaries and questionnaires.

 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Harriet Hageman: Abortion disallowed with no exceptions.
    Monica De La Cruz: Abortion disallowed except to save the life of the mother.
    Eli Crane: Roe v. Wade was a mistake that has cost millions of lives.
    Andy Ogles: Abortion disallowed except to save the life of the mother.
    Anna Paulina Luna: Abortion disallowed with no exceptions.
    Brandon Williams: Abortion disallowed except life of the mother, rape, incest.
    Dale Strong: No government funds to abortion providers.
    Erin Houchin: Abortion disallowed except life of the mother.
    Jen Kiggans: Abortion disallowed except rape, incest, & maternal life .
    Josh Brecheen: Abortion disallowed except to save the life of the mother.
    Keith Self: Abortion disallowed with no exceptions.
    Laurel Lee: Abortion disallowed except for maternal life.
    Michael Lawler: Abortion disallowed except rape, incest, & maternal health.
    Mike Carey: Abortion disallowed except for life of mother.
    Mike Collins: Abortion disallowed with no exceptions.
    Mike Ezell: Abortion disallowed except to save the life of the mother.
    Nathaniel Moran: Abortion disallowed except to save the life of the mother.
    Rich McCormick: Abortion disallowed with no exceptions.
    Rudy Yakym: Abortion disallowed except for life of the mother.
    Wesley Hunt: Abortion disallowed except maternal life, rape, & incest.
    Gerald Malloy: Overturning Roe corrected a wrongful decision.
Budget & Economy
    Eli Crane: Cut spending; don't redistribute income.
    Anna Paulina Luna: Enhance tax cuts; reduce subsidy spending .
    Dale Strong: Fairer and flatter tax code, and cut spending .
    Keith Self: Cut spending; we have a spending problem.
    Laurel Lee: Lower and flatter taxes; cut spending.
    Mike Carey: Cut spending; simplify and cut taxes.
    Mike Collins: Cut spending; simplify and reduce taxes.
    Mike Ezell: Cut spending & simplify tax code .
    Zach Nunn: Income tax cuts to grow local communities.
Civil Rights
    Harriet Hageman: Gender identity isn't a protected class.
    Zach Nunn: No reparations; racism isn't a threat.
    Josh Brecheen: Rioting in the streets is a threat; not racism.
    Keith Self: No reparations; racism is no threat domestically.
    Monica De La Cruz: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Monica De La Cruz: No reparations; but racism is a motivating threat.
    Harriet Hageman: No reparations; I do not know anyone who is racist.
    Andy Ogles: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Andy Ogles: No reparations; no threat from racism.
    Anna Paulina Luna: Oppose Critical Race Theory; racism is no threat .
    Brandon Williams: Gender identity isn't a protected class.
    Dale Strong: Christian and pro-traditional marriage.
    Dale Strong: No reparations; racism is not a threat.
    Erin Houchin: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Jen Kiggans: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Jen Kiggans: No reparations on the basis of race.
    Josh Brecheen: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Keith Self: End tax havens, and tax exemptions to the powerful.
    Keith Self: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Laurel Lee: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Laurel Lee: Racism is no threat, but an excuse for violence .
    Michael Lawler: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Michael Lawler: Bigotry & extremism's rise is concerning; but no reparations.
    Mike Carey: Gender identity is a protected class; but my faith guides me.
    Mike Carey: No reparations; but condemn racism.
    Mike Collins: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Mike Collins: No reparations; racism is no threat.
    Mike Ezell: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Mike Ezell: No reparations; racism is no longer a major threat.
    Nathaniel Moran: Critical Race Theory is contrary to Biblical view of race .
    Nathaniel Moran: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Rich McCormick: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Rich McCormick: Finish the wall; deport all criminal illegal immigrants .
    Rudy Yakym: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Rudy Yakym: Racism is a moral threat, but no reparations.
    Wesley Hunt: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Wesley Hunt: Weaponizing race is a threat, such as Antifa and BLM.
    Zach Nunn: Gender identity isn't a protected class .
    Gerald Malloy: No reparations; no Critical Race Theory .
    Matt Dolan: No reparations on basis of race; no identity politics.
    Erin Houchin: Reduce corporate tax rate; eliminate double inheritance tax.
    Jen Kiggans: Businesses are hurt by overbearing tax regulations .
    Michael Lawler: Reduce personal income taxes and corporate taxes.
    Rich McCormick: Tax cuts and regulatory relief for small businesses.
    Matt Dolan: Permanently extend small business income tax deduction .
    Jen Kiggans: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Andy Ogles: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Josh Brecheen: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Keith Self: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Mike Carey: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Anna Paulina Luna: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Rudy Yakym: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Brandon Williams: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Dale Strong: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Erin Houchin: Hold criminals accountable, with police qualified immunity .
    Harriet Hageman: Strong supporter of our police officers.
    Laurel Lee: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Michael Lawler: Yes qualified immunity; never defund our police .
    Mike Collins: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Mike Ezell: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Monica De La Cruz: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Nathaniel Moran: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Rich McCormick: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Wesley Hunt: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Zach Nunn: Yes qualified immunity; no redirecting police funds.
    Eli Crane: Strongly disagree with Critical Race Theory.
Energy & Oil
    Andy Ogles: Yes fracking; no stricter environmental regulations.
    Anna Paulina Luna: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Brandon Williams: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Dale Strong: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Harriet Hageman: Yes fracking; no stricter environmental regulations .
    Jen Kiggans: All-of-the-above approach to energy independence.
    Josh Brecheen: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Keith Self: Yes fracking; no stricter environmental regulations.
    Laurel Lee: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Michael Lawler: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Mike Carey: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Mike Collins: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Mike Ezell: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Monica De La Cruz: Yes fracking; no stricter environmental regulations.
    Nathaniel Moran: Yes fracking; no stricter environmental regulations.
    Rich McCormick: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Rudy Yakym: Yes fracking; environmental regulations cost jobs .
    Wesley Hunt: Yes fracking; no stricter environmental regulations.
    Zach Nunn: Ensure energy extract best-practices vs foreign extraction.
    Erin Houchin: Stricter environmental laws & regulations are worth the cost.
Families & Children
    JD Vance: Get rid of marriage penalty; make it easier to raise family.
    Gerald Malloy: You're man or woman based on anatomy at birth.
Foreign Policy
    Andy Ogles: Focus on issues regarding our own sovereignty.
    Anna Paulina Luna: Focus on issues regarding our own sovereignty .
    Brandon Williams: Chinese Communist Party poses a threat to the United States.
    Dale Strong: Chinese Communist Party is a threat to United States.
    Eli Crane: Chinese Communist Party poses threat to the United States.
    Erin Houchin: Chinese Communist Party poses threat to the United States.
    Harriet Hageman: Chinese Communist Party poses a threat to the United States.
    Jen Kiggans: Chinese Communist Party poses threat to the United States.
    Josh Brecheen: US should remain focused on issues of our own sovereignty.
    Keith Self: America needs allies who share our values, including liberty.
    Keith Self: We cannot abandon Israel; but China is a threat.
    Laurel Lee: Chinese Communist Party poses threat to the United States.
    Michael Lawler: As the leader of the free world, we cannot be isolationist.
    Michael Lawler: We share strategic goals with Israel; China is a threat.
    Mike Carey: Help countries grow democracy; but China is a threat.
    Mike Collins: Chinese Communist Party poses threat to the United States.
    Mike Ezell: Chinese Communist Party poses a threat to the United States.
    Monica De La Cruz: Focus on issues regarding our own sovereignty.
    Nathaniel Moran: Chinese Communist Party poses a threat to the United States.
    Rich McCormick: Chinese Communist Party poses threat to the United States.
    Rudy Yakym: Selectively help countries trying to grow democracy .
    Wesley Hunt: Chinese Communist Party poses a threat to the United States.
    Zach Nunn: Passed state legislation opposing BDS boycott of Israel .
    Gerald Malloy: Synthetic fentanyl is chemical warfare waged by China.
    Matt Dolan: Selectively help countries: pro-Israel and anti-China.
Government Reform
    Dale Strong: Strong voter ID laws and limited early voting.
    Mike Ezell: Require photo ID for state and federal voting.
    Andy Ogles: No one-size-fits-all solution to election concerns.
    Anna Paulina Luna: Voter ID should be MANDATORY.
    Brandon Williams: Require photo ID to vote.
    Eli Crane: Require photo ID to vote.
    Erin Houchin: Require photo ID to vote, plus independent audits.
    Harriet Hageman: Photo ID to vote; abolish drop boxes; robust poll-watching.
    Harriet Hageman: Push back against federal overreach.
    Jen Kiggans: Require photo ID to vote; end ballot drop boxes.
    Josh Brecheen: Require photo ID for state and federal voting.
    Keith Self: Require photo ID to vote; do NOT federalize elections.
    Laurel Lee: Strengthen our election process and its integrity.
    Michael Lawler: Require photo ID to vote and paper record of every vote.
    Mike Carey: Require photo ID to vote; let states decide integrity rules.
    Mike Collins: Require photo ID; get rid of no-excuse absentee voting.
    Monica De La Cruz: Mandatory photo voter ID.
    Nathaniel Moran: Greatest threat to voting integrity is the mail-in ballot .
    Rich McCormick: Ban drop boxes and ballot harvesting .
    Rudy Yakym: Require photo ID to vote; paper trail for every vote.
    Wesley Hunt: Pass election integrity law & require photo ID to vote.
    Zach Nunn: I oppose a Federal take-over of the election system.
    Matt Dolan: Support strong election integrity laws.
Gun Control
    Anna Paulina Luna: No restrictions on gun ownership .
    Dale Strong: Government should not restrict gun ownership in any way.
    Mike Ezell: Strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment .
    Andy Ogles: Second Amendment is abundantly clear .
    Brandon Williams: No suing firearms dealers and manufacturers .
    Erin Houchin: No new gun laws, only prohibit unlawful persons.
    Harriet Hageman: No restrictions on gun ownership .
    Jen Kiggans: No suing firearms dealers and manufacturers .
    Josh Brecheen: Too many restrictions currently regarding Second Amendment.
    Keith Self: No suing firearms dealers nor manufacturers .
    Laurel Lee: Second amendment is an individual right.
    Michael Lawler: Supports Red Flag law to keep guns away from criminals .
    Mike Carey: Enforce laws on the books already, and integrate databases.
    Mike Collins: No restrictions on lawful use.
    Monica De La Cruz: No further restrictions on gun ownership .
    Nathaniel Moran: As few restrictions as possible on 2nd Amendment rights.
    Rich McCormick: Remove gun restrictions; don't implement more.
    Rudy Yakym: No restrictions on gun ownership .
    Wesley Hunt: Enforce existing laws and empower law enforcement .
    Zach Nunn: No suing firearms dealers and manufacturers .
Health Care
    Mike Ezell: Never require vaccinations.
    Dale Strong: No government role in vaccinations.
    Andy Ogles: Stood up to the Biden Administration on COVID regulations.
    Anna Paulina Luna: For medical freedom and against vaccine mandates.
    Brandon Williams: No required vaccines; no new healthcare programs.
    Eli Crane: Firmly against vaccine mandates of any kind .
    Erin Houchin: Vaccinations only with religious and medical exemptions .
    Harriet Hageman: Our institutions have failed us on COVID-19 EUA vaccine.
    Harriet Hageman: No new taxpayer-funded programs beyond Medicare/Medicaid.
    Jen Kiggans: No government vaccine mandate under any circumstances.
    Josh Brecheen: No government-required vaccines; no government healthcare.
    Keith Self: No constitutional authority for vaccine mandates.
    Laurel Lee: Vaccinations ok if exceptions for religious beliefs.
    Michael Lawler: No COVID mandate; no government takeover of healthcare .
    Mike Carey: Requiring military vaccines ok; but exemptions for civilians.
    Mike Collins: I do not support vaccine mandates.
    Monica De La Cruz: No government mandates for vaccinations.
    Nathaniel Moran: Weary of government mandates, including vaccines.
    Rich McCormick: No vaccine mandates; no new taxpayer-funded health programs .
    Rudy Yakym: Strongly oppose any and all vaccine mandates.
    Wesley Hunt: Under no circumstances should vaccinations be required.
    Zach Nunn: No required vaccinations.
    JD Vance: Opposes legalizing aid-in-dying .
    JD Vance: Let individuals (and parents) decide on vaccinations.
    Blake Masters: Opposes aid-in-dying; supports right to life.
    Matt Dolan: No vaccine mandates nor any one-size-fits-all mandates.
Homeland Security
    Dale Strong: Eradicate Islamic terrorism by attacking and disrupting.
    Erin Houchin: Eradicate terrorism by opposing Sharia Law in our States .
    Anna Paulina Luna: Eradicate Islamic terrorism via more border patrol.
    Harriet Hageman: De-fund UN programs that further the Islamic threat .
    Jen Kiggans: Eradicate Islamic terrorism via America deterrence.
    Josh Brecheen: Defend ourselves with unmatched military might.
    Keith Self: Eradicate Islamic terrorism by going after their funding.
    Laurel Lee: Eradicate Islamic terrorism via vigilance in War on Terror.
    Michael Lawler: Remain firm in fight on terror; abandon Iranian nuke deal.
    Mike Collins: Vigilance & good intelligence to eradicate Islamic terrorism.
    Monica De La Cruz: Eradicate terrorism by removing imminent threats.
    Rich McCormick: Use credible intelligence to kill terrorist leaders .
    Rudy Yakym: Support our allies in the fight against terrorism.
    Wesley Hunt: Eradicate Islamic terrorism by investing in our military .
    Zach Nunn: Confront Islamic terrorist elements within & beyond borders.
    Matt Dolan: Islamic terrorism remains a clear threat .
    Mike Ezell: Immigrants must learn English & become contributing citizens.
    Dale Strong: No amnesty for any group that entered illegally.
    Erin Houchin: Allow immigrants who meet our national skills goals.
    Andy Ogles: A borderless nation cannot establish itself as a nation.
    Anna Paulina Luna: Pass background check and contribute to society.
    Brandon Williams: No sanctuary cities; yes to border security.
    Eli Crane: Do more to physically secure the southern border.
    Harriet Hageman: No sanctuary cities; no chain migration.
    Jen Kiggans: Do more to physically secure the southern border.
    Josh Brecheen: No to sanctuary cities; yes to border security.
    Keith Self: Feds failed to complete border wall; so Texas will finish it.
    Laurel Lee: Follow our citizenship process and enter country legally.
    Michael Lawler: Close the back door of illegal immigration.
    Mike Carey: No sanctuary cities; cap on number of legal immigrants.
    Mike Collins: Walls work; moratorium on legal immigration.
    Monica De La Cruz: No sanctuary cities; yes to border security.
    Nathaniel Moran: Limited legal immigration when skills benefit the US.
    Rich McCormick: Priority should be locking down the southern border .
    Rudy Yakym: Only allow those who choose to come here legally.
    Wesley Hunt: Build the wall and secure our southern border.
    Zach Nunn: Enhance onerous policies that punish legal immigrants.
    Matt Dolan: First, fix porous borders with surveillance and personnel.
Principles & Values
    Mike Ezell: Government partnerships with religious organizations .
    Dale Strong: Religious Liberty is at risk.
    Andy Ogles: State must not limit or interfere with religious expressions.
    Anna Paulina Luna: Religious Liberty is at risk; no laws about religion.
    Erin Houchin: People of faith should participate in government & elections.
    Brandon Williams: The church should be involved in the state.
    Eli Crane: Religious Liberty is at risk.
    Harriet Hageman: Government is failing to protect religious freedom .
    Harriet Hageman: Individual rights are paramount, on vaccines & religion.
    Jen Kiggans: Staunch defender of religious freedom.
    Josh Brecheen: State should never infringe upon a freedom of religion.
    Keith Self: Freedom OF religion is NOT freedom FROM religion.
    Laurel Lee: Religious liberty is at risk; no state interference.
    Michael Lawler: Religious liberty is at risk; respect religious freedom.
    Mike Carey: Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion.
    Mike Collins: It's separation of religion not from religion.
    Monica De La Cruz: The state should not interfere with churches .
    Nathaniel Moran: Churches should operate freely without government reprisal.
    Rich McCormick: People of faith must be protected under the law.
    Rudy Yakym: Crucial to support the exercise of religious freedom.
    Wesley Hunt: Faith without fear of government intervention.
    Zach Nunn: Free to bring religious convictions into public arena.
    JD Vance: Churches integral to civic engagement since the founding.
    Blake Masters: Defend individual religious liberty & religious institutions.
    Gerald Malloy: Religious liberty is at risk; no infringing religious rights.
    Matt Dolan: Supports long tradition of faith-based charities.
    Matt Dolan: Instilled with Catholic values of faith, work, & service.
Tax Reform
    Andy Ogles: Fair Tax system like proposal by House Freedom Caucus .
    Brandon Williams: Less government spending; more tax simplification.
    Harriet Hageman: Make the Trump tax cuts for individuals permanent.
    Josh Brecheen: A flat tax provides proportional/just taxation.
    Monica De La Cruz: Cut spending; lower & simpler taxes .
    Nathaniel Moran: Reduce overall tax burden; eliminate estate tax .
    Rudy Yakym: Simplify tax code and orient it more towards economic growth.
    Wesley Hunt: Trump tax cuts led to country's greatest economy.
    Blake Masters: No on redistribution of income; yes on cutting spending.
    Anna Paulina Luna: Break apart big tech; re-write FCC rules for social media.
War & Peace
    Mike Ezell: Fight terrorists in Mideast before they attack America .
    Mike Carey: US withdrawal from Afghanistan was bloody & ill-conceived.
    Nathaniel Moran: Seek out and kill leaders of terrorism around the globe.
    Gerald Malloy: Support peace and a fair solution in the Middle East.
Welfare & Poverty
    Gerald Malloy: Reckless "stimulus" caused a self-inflicted recession.

The above quotations are from American Family Association iVoterGuide - 2022 House & Senate.

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
Reprinting by permission only.

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