
Click on a book or debate title below for Issues2000's archive of quotations.
Florida Recount of the Presidential Election
| Excerpts from the campaigns, the Florida Supreme Court, and other sources
| Nov.-Dec. 2000 |
Presidential debate at Washington University, St. Louis MO
| Bush & Gore on health care & tax cuts
| Oct. 17, 2000 |
Presidential debate at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem NC
| Bush & Gore on foreign policy & hate crimes
| Oct. 11, 2000 |
Vice Presidential debate in Kentucky
| Cheney & Lieberman on Arctic oil & RU-486
| Oct. 5, 2000 |
Presidential debate in Boston, MA
| Bush & Gore on RU-486 & Milosevic
| Oct. 3, 2000 |
Third-party presidential debate
| Nader & Buchanan debate on Meet the Press
| Oct. 1, 2000 |
Third-party presidential debate
| Browne, Hagelin, & Phillips debate on Meet the Press
| Oct. 22, 2000 |
Issues2000's interview with Harry Browne's campaign
| "A Browne presidency would include a lot of vetoes"
| Aug. 9, 2000 |
GOP debate in Los Angeles, CA
(McCain's last debate)
| Bush on Bob Jones; McCain on "Iron Triangle";
Keyes on "Why I'm Here"
| March 2, 2000 |
Democrat debate in Los Angeles, CA
(Bradley's last debate)
| Gore & Bradley on "racial profiling" and the Christian Right.
| March 1, 2000 |
Democrat debate in Harlem, NYC
| Bradley: Gore was a "conservative Congressman"
and does "Gore Dance" to avoid discussing it
| Feb. 21, 2000 |
GOP Debate on the Larry King Show (without Bauer & Forbes)
| McCain on Bob Jones University's inter-racial dating ban: "Idiotic and cruel"
| Feb. 15, 2000 |
Issues2000's interview with Harry Browne
| Great Libertarian Offer: Give up your favorite program & end income tax
| Jan. 27, 2000 |
Democrat debate in Manchester, NH
| Gore: "I have always supported Roe v.Wade" Bradley:"Al, that's not true."
| Jan. 26, 2000 |
Republican debate in Manchester, NH (without Hatch)
| Keyes & McCain: "Family conference" on abortion?
| Jan. 26, 2000 |
Democrat debate in Des Moines, Iowa
| On removing the South Carolina Confederate flag
| Jan. 17, 2000 |
Republican debate in Johnston, Iowa
| On Ten Commandments in schools; and on Family Farms
| Jan. 16, 2000 |
Republican debate at Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI
| Bush: "I'm a tax-cutting person" Others on AIDS in Africa
| Jan. 10, 2000 |
Candidate questionnaire on children's issues
| Survey by the National Association of Children's Hospitals
| Jan. 9, 2000 |
Democrat debate in Johnston, Iowa
| Bradley: "Money distorts the democratic process"
| Jan. 8, 2000 |
Republican debate in West Columbia, South Carolina
| On exporting US farm products; and on a tax-free Internet
| Jan. 7, 2000 |
Republican debate at the University of New Hampshire in Durham
| Bush:"Jesus is how I live my life" Others on gays in the military
| Jan. 6, 2000 |
Democrat debate at the University of New Hampshire in Durham
| On religion in politics; and on logging the White Mt National Forest
| Jan. 5, 2000 |
Democrat Town Hall Meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire
| On capping Medicaid at $150
| Dec. 18, 1999 |
Joint interview with Bradley & McCain
| On Campaign Finance Reform
| Dec. 16, 1999 |
Republican debate in Des Moines, Iowa
| On ethanol subsidies & HMO review
| Dec. 13, 1999 |
Republican debate in Phoenix, Arizona
| Keyes: Campaign finance is "incumbency protection"; Others on China in WTO
| Dec. 7, 1999 |
Republican debate in New Hampshire (with Bush)
| Bauer: "I can’t imagine a senior citizen fearing my plan"; and others on Social Security
| Dec. 3, 1999 |
Republican debate at Dartmouth University (without Bush)
| McCain:"Just say no" to drugs; Bauer:"Say no" to bureaucrats
| Oct. 29, 1999 |
Democrat debate at Dartmouth University
| Gore: "I want to fight for you." And Gore defending his actions in Monicagate.
| Oct. 28, 1999 |
Click on a book or debate title above for Issues2002's archive of quotations.
Other archive sections:
- Overview: Most popular books in our archives
- 2002 Races: Senators, Governors, and Representatives
- Former Presidents: Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, and their V.P.'s
- Opinion Leaders: Political pundits outside of elective office.
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