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ND Governor (2024 Presidential contender; Republican Governor)
Doug Burgum
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Doug Burgum on Abortion
Click here for 5 full quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion.
  • 10th Amendment says leave it to the states; no federal ban. (Aug 2023)
  • I support the Dobbs decision but wouldn't sign a federal ban. (Jul 2023)
  • Signed strict ban in North Dakota, opposes national ban. (Jun 2023)
  • Law requires doctors to say some abortions reversible. (Mar 2019)
  • Support a ban on abortions for things like gender selection. (Jan 2016)
Doug Burgum on Budget & Economy
Click here for 5 full quotes on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy.
  • Balanced the budget every year and passed record tax cuts. (Jun 2023)
  • We've made great progress on our 10-year infrastructure plan. (Jan 2023)
  • Investing in infrastructure now will save us millions. (Jan 2021)
  • Increased teacher & state employee pay without raising taxes. (Jan 2020)
  • Right-size government: cutting $1.2B is a great start. (Feb 2017)
Doug Burgum on Civil Rights
Click here for 5 full quotes on Civil Rights OR background on Civil Rights.
  • Ban trans people from bathrooms & school sports. (Jan 2024)
  • Repeal Sunday morning shopping ban. (Mar 2019)
  • Fly flags of ND tribal nations at Governor's Office. (Jan 2019)
  • No discrimination because of sexual orientation. (Jun 2016)
  • Gay marriage is ok, but not running on social issues. (Apr 2016)
Doug Burgum on Corporations
Click here for 3 full quotes on Corporations OR background on Corporations.
  • Corporations can't own land here; protecting family farms. (Jan 2024)
  • Economy of the future built on collaboration for innovation. (Apr 2016)
  • Founded software company at age 26; grew to 2,000 staff. (Apr 2016)
Doug Burgum on Crime
Click here for 4 full quotes on Crime OR background on Crime.
  • North Dakota has been backing the blue, not defunding. (Feb 2022)
  • Tightened rules on civil asset forfeiture; curtailed police. (May 2019)
  • Reduce mandatory minimums; alternatives to incarceration. (Apr 2017)
  • Jail time without rehab is not a cure for addiction. (Jan 2017)
Doug Burgum on Drugs
Click here for 3 full quotes on Drugs OR background on Drugs.
  • Helicopters from North Dakota to fight drugs in Mexico. (Sep 2023)
  • Remove shame and stigma from the disease of addiction. (Jan 2019)
  • Opioid epidemic threatens our way of life. (Jun 2016)
Doug Burgum on Education
Click here for 7 full quotes on Education OR background on Education.
  • Expand career/technical academies across the state. (Jan 2021)
  • Help students be "choice ready" for their career paths. (Jan 2020)
  • Proclaimed North Dakota School Choice Week. (Jan 2019)
  • Invest in K-12 for our No. 1 resource--our young people. (Jan 2019)
  • Local control of schools. (Jan 2018)
  • Kids can't prepare for 21st century using 19th-century model. (Feb 2017)
  • Accelerate efforts to raise outcomes for all students. (Jan 2016)
Doug Burgum on Energy & Oil
Click here for 16 full quotes on Energy & Oil OR background on Energy & Oil.
  • The oil industry is so safe, environmentally friendly. (Jan 2024)
  • $350 million Carbon Capture Project for clean coal. (Dec 2023)
  • Biden's climate policy is existential threat to America. (Sep 2023)
  • Don't just trade Mideast OPEC with China's Sinopec. (Aug 2023)
  • America being truly energy independent stabilizes the globe. (Jun 2023)
  • North Dakota takes and all-of-the-above approach. (Jan 2023)
  • Providing a viable path forward for coal has been a priority. (Jan 2023)
  • On our way toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 . (Jan 2023)
  • EPA rules infringed on state & Congressional authority. (Jun 2022)
  • Soybean oil can be refined into renewable green diesel fuel. (Feb 2022)
  • Clean coal will allow us to shape global energy policy. (Jan 2021)
  • Private sector innovation over regulation on carbon. (Jan 2020)
  • Lignite (brown coal) is transforming power plant emissions. (Jan 2019)
  • On energy, all of the above. (Jan 2018)
  • Protest campers at Dakota Access Pipeline should leave. (Feb 2017)
  • We are not running out of oil; we have a global surplus. (Jan 2016)
Doug Burgum on Environment
Click here for 3 full quotes on Environment OR background on Environment.
  • Rare earths from China are destroying the planet. (Sep 2023)
  • Dept. of Environmental Quality to focus on clean air & water. (Jan 2020)
  • Innovation--not regulation--solves oil & gas challenges. (Jan 2019)
Doug Burgum on Families & Children
Click here for 2 full quotes on Families & Children OR background on Families & Children.
  • Family and mental health are solution to mass shootings. (Sep 2023)
  • Vetoed barring biological boys from girl's school sports. (Jun 2021)
Doug Burgum on Foreign Policy
Click here for 3 full quotes on Foreign Policy OR background on Foreign Policy.
  • I think Putin is running a large criminal organization. (Jul 2023)
  • Support Ukraine: an opportunity for US and NATO. (Jun 2023)
  • Unite the country against our enemies like China and Putin. (Jun 2023)
Doug Burgum on Free Trade
Click here for 5 full quotes on Free Trade OR background on Free Trade.
  • We have an amazing relationship with Canada. (Jan 2020)
  • Supports trade deal with Mexico/Canada. (Jun 2019)
  • North American trade deal good for farmers, ranchers. (Dec 2018)
  • Supports USMCA trade agreement to replace NAFTA. (Oct 2018)
  • Trade war with China, & tariffs, hurting domestic farmers. (Apr 2018)
Doug Burgum on Government Reform
Click here for 9 full quotes on Government Reform OR background on Government Reform.
  • Federal rules are actually trying to take away state power. (Jan 2024)
  • Innovation is what drives country forward, not regulation. (Jun 2023)
  • Innovation over regulation is how you solve challenges. (Jun 2023)
  • We need Farm Freedom legislation, and we need it now! . (Jan 2023)
  • Make it easier, not harder, to come work in North Dakota. (Feb 2022)
  • One-stop reporting for hazardous spills helps state respond. (Jan 2021)
  • Online state services should work like consumer sites. (Jan 2020)
  • Veto $5,000 limits on executive branch bonuses. (Mar 2017)
  • Pledge to support term limits. (Feb 2016)
Doug Burgum on Gun Control
Click here for the full quote on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control.
  • Obama has overreached on gun control. (Jan 2016)
Doug Burgum on Health Care
Click here for 2 full quotes on Health Care OR background on Health Care.
  • Things get more expensive as they get less competitive. (Sep 2023)
  • Pledge to oppose Obamacare. (Feb 2016)
Doug Burgum on Homeland Security
Click here for 5 full quotes on Homeland Security OR background on Homeland Security.
  • Tuition assistance & tax exemption for military & veterans. (Nov 2023)
  • Budgeted to create a North Dakota Military Museum. (Jan 2023)
  • Make North Dakota the most military-friendly state. (Feb 2022)
  • State income tax exemption on military retirement pay. (Jan 2019)
  • Need strong deterrent against rogue nations. (Jan 2018)
Doug Burgum on Immigration
Click here for 5 full quotes on Immigration OR background on Immigration.
  • Biden funded 87,000 people at IRS instead of Border Patrol. (Aug 2023)
  • Sending National Guard to Texas strengthens border security. (Jun 2023)
  • States are addressing border crisis ignored by Feds. (Feb 2022)
  • Strongly opposes transporting migrants to North Dakota. (Mar 2021)
  • Consider filing a lawsuit over refugee resettlement. (May 2016)
Doug Burgum on Jobs
Click here for the full quote on Jobs OR background on Jobs.
  • Path to jobs is changing; not just four years of college. (Jan 2020)
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Doug Burgum on Principles & Values
Click here for 7 full quotes on Principles & Values OR background on Principles & Values.
  • Small town values are the way to get country on track again. (Aug 2023)
  • You can see this great country, our future, is unlimited. (Aug 2023)
  • The president is supposed to bring people together. (Jul 2023)
  • The best of America is when neighbors help neighbors. (Jun 2023)
  • The best of America is when neighbors help neighbors. (Jun 2023)
  • Reinvented state government amid a $1B revenue shortfall. (Sep 2019)
  • Endorsed Endorsed by Donald Trump/MAGA during presidency. (Nov 2020)
Doug Burgum on Social Security
Click here for 2 full quotes on Social Security OR background on Social Security.
  • Permanently eliminated state income tax on Social Security. (Feb 2022)
  • Enacted tax break for Social Security recipients. (Apr 2019)
Doug Burgum on Tax Reform
Click here for 7 full quotes on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform.
  • To be competitive we've got to get to zero income tax. (Jan 2024)
  • Special legislative session for $46M tax cut. (Oct 2023)
  • Delivered $174 million in permanent property tax relief. (May 2023)
  • Should adopt the lowest flat-rate income tax in the nation. (Jan 2023)
  • Exempted military retirement benefits from state income tax. (Jan 2020)
  • Private investment in infrastructure reduces property taxes. (Jan 2020)
  • Shrink government and stop property tax hikes. (Feb 2016)
Doug Burgum on Technology
Click here for 8 full quotes on Technology OR background on Technology.
  • Goal is to be first state with 100% broadband access . (Jan 2023)
  • Adopt computer and cyber science graduation standards. (Feb 2022)
  • Essential to invest in protecting the data of our citizens. (Jan 2021)
  • Technology has ensured abundant food and energy. (Jan 2020)
  • State-sponsored cyber terrorists are at war with us. (Jan 2020)
  • $1.5B for roads, water projects, & airport infrastructure. (Jan 2019)
  • USMCA trade deal protects intellectual property rights. (Dec 2018)
  • Main Street Initiative: use existing infrastructure fully. (Feb 2017)
Doug Burgum on War & Peace
Click here for 2 full quotes on War & Peace OR background on War & Peace.
  • We stand with our democratic ally Israel against Hamas. (Oct 2023)
  • We're in a Cold War and a Cyber War with China . (Sep 2023)
Doug Burgum on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for the full quote on Welfare & Poverty OR background on Welfare & Poverty.
  • World poverty is down; world health is up; ND will benefit. (Jan 2019)

VoteMatch Responses
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VoteMatch Question & Answer
(Click on question for explanation and background)
Based on these stances:
(Click on topic for excerpt & citation)
Opposes topic 1:
Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(-3 points on Social scale)
Support a ban on abortions for things like gender selection: Opposes topic 1
Law requires doctors to say some abortions reversible: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Signed strict ban in North Dakota, opposes national ban: Strongly Opposes topic 1
10th Amendment says leave it to the states; no federal ban: Favors topic 1
Favors topic 2:
Legally require hiring women & minorities
(-3 points on Economic scale)
Fly flags of ND tribal nations at Governor's Office: Favors topic 2
Favors topic 3:
Support transgender and LGBTQ+ rights
(+2 points on Social scale)
Gay marriage is ok, but not running on social issues: Favors topic 3
No discrimination because of sexual orientation: Favors topic 3
Ban trans people from bathrooms & school sports: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Vetoed barring biological boys from girl's school sports: Favors topic 3
Opposes topic 4:
America was founded on Christian values
(+2 points on Social scale)
Repeal Sunday morning shopping ban: Opposes topic 4
Strongly Opposes topic 5:
Expand ObamaCare
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Pledge to oppose Obamacare: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Opposes topic 6:
Privatize Social Security
(-3 points on Economic scale)
Enacted tax break for Social Security recipients: Opposes topic 6
Opposes topic 7:
Vouchers for school choice
(-3 points on Economic scale)
Accelerate efforts to raise outcomes for all students: Opposes topic 7
Kids can't prepare for 21st century using 19th-century model: Favors topic 7
Local control of schools: Favors topic 7
Invest in K-12 for our No. 1 resource--our young people: Opposes topic 7
Proclaimed North Dakota School Choice Week: Favors topic 7
Help students be "choice ready" for their career paths: Opposes topic 7
Expand career/technical academies across the state: Opposes topic 7
Path to jobs is changing; not just four years of college: Opposes topic 7
Adopt computer and cyber science graduation standards: Strongly Opposes topic 7
Strongly Favors topic 8:
Businesses have a right to pollute
(-5 points on Social scale)
EPA rules infringed on state & Congressional authority: Strongly Favors topic 8
Innovation--not regulation--solves oil & gas challenges: Strongly Favors topic 8
Dept. of Environmental Quality to focus on clean air & water: Opposes topic 8
One-stop reporting for hazardous spills helps state respond: Opposes topic 8
Make it easier, not harder, to come work in North Dakota: Strongly Favors topic 8
We need Farm Freedom legislation, and we need it now! : Strongly Favors topic 8
Innovation over regulation is how you solve challenges: Strongly Favors topic 8
Innovation is what drives country forward, not regulation: Strongly Favors topic 8
Federal rules are actually trying to take away state power: Strongly Favors topic 8
Opposes topic 9:
Stricter punishment reduces crime
(+2 points on Social scale)
North Dakota has been backing the blue, not defunding: Favors topic 9
Tightened rules on civil asset forfeiture; curtailed police: Opposes topic 9
Reduce mandatory minimums; alternatives to incarceration: Strongly Opposes topic 9
Opposes topic 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership
(-3 points on Economic scale)
Obama has overreached on gun control: Opposes topic 10
Opposes topic 11:
Higher taxes on the wealthy
(+2 points on Economic scale)
Make North Dakota the most military-friendly state: Opposes topic 11
Permanently eliminated state income tax on Social Security: Opposes topic 11
Shrink government and stop property tax hikes: Favors topic 11
Private investment in infrastructure reduces property taxes: Opposes topic 11
Should adopt the lowest flat-rate income tax in the nation: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Delivered $174 million in permanent property tax relief: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Special legislative session for $46M tax cut: Favors topic 11
To be competitive we've got to get to zero income tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Strongly Opposes topic 12:
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(-5 points on Social scale)
States are addressing border crisis ignored by Feds: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Strongly opposes transporting migrants to North Dakota: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Sending National Guard to Texas strengthens border security: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Strongly Favors topic 13:
Support & expand free trade
(+5 points on Economic scale)
North American trade deal good for farmers, ranchers: Strongly Favors topic 13
Trade war with China, & tariffs, hurting domestic farmers: Strongly Favors topic 13
Supports USMCA trade agreement to replace NAFTA: Favors topic 13
We have an amazing relationship with Canada: Strongly Favors topic 13
Supports trade deal with Mexico/Canada: Strongly Favors topic 13
USMCA trade deal protects intellectual property rights: Strongly Favors topic 13
Favors topic 14:
Stay away from the UN & Globalism
(+2 points on Economic scale)
Consider filing a lawsuit over refugee resettlement: Favors topic 14
The best of America is when neighbors help neighbors: Favors topic 14
The best of America is when neighbors help neighbors: Favors topic 14
You can see this great country, our future, is unlimited: Favors topic 14
Technology has ensured abundant food and energy: Favors topic 14
Strongly Favors topic 15:
Peace through Strength
(-5 points on Social scale)
Need strong deterrent against rogue nations: Favors topic 15
State income tax exemption on military retirement pay: Favors topic 15
Budgeted to create a North Dakota Military Museum: Strongly Favors topic 15
Tuition assistance & tax exemption for military & veterans: Strongly Favors topic 15
Exempted military retirement benefits from state income tax: Favors topic 15
Opposes topic 16:
Make voter registration easier
(-3 points on Social scale)
Pledge to support term limits: Favors topic 16
Veto $5,000 limits on executive branch bonuses: Strongly Opposes topic 16
Strongly Opposes topic 17:
Stay out of foreign wars
(-5 points on Social scale)
Unite the country against our enemies like China and Putin: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Support Ukraine: an opportunity for US and NATO: Strongly Opposes topic 17
I think Putin is running a large criminal organization: Strongly Opposes topic 17
State-sponsored cyber terrorists are at war with us: Opposes topic 17
We stand with our democratic ally Israel against Hamas: Opposes topic 17
Strongly Opposes topic 18:
Prioritize green energy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
We are not running out of oil; we have a global surplus: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Protest campers at Dakota Access Pipeline should leave: Opposes topic 18
On energy, all of the above: Opposes topic 18
Lignite (brown coal) is transforming power plant emissions: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Private sector innovation over regulation on carbon: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Clean coal will allow us to shape global energy policy: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Soybean oil can be refined into renewable green diesel fuel: Favors topic 18
North Dakota takes and all-of-the-above approach: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Providing a viable path forward for coal has been a priority: Strongly Opposes topic 18
On our way toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 : Favors topic 18
America being truly energy independent stabilizes the globe: Strongly Opposes topic 18
$350 million Carbon Capture Project for clean coal: Opposes topic 18
The oil industry is so safe, environmentally friendly: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Opposes topic 19:
Marijuana is a gateway drug
(+2 points on Social scale)
Jail time without rehab is not a cure for addiction: Opposes topic 19
Opioid epidemic threatens our way of life: Favors topic 19
Remove shame and stigma from the disease of addiction: Opposes topic 19
Strongly Opposes topic 20:
Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(+5 points on Economic scale)
Right-size government: cutting $1.2B is a great start: Opposes topic 20
Increased teacher & state employee pay without raising taxes: Opposes topic 20
Balanced the budget every year and passed record tax cuts: Strongly Opposes topic 20
Economy of the future built on collaboration for innovation: Opposes topic 20
Main Street Initiative: use existing infrastructure fully: Opposes topic 20

Doug Burgum is a Moderate Conservative
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