OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Jodey Arrington: All human life is a gift from God and begins at conception.
Jodey Arrington: Unborn children have the constitutional right to life.
Vicente Gonzalez: Increase funding for family planning services.
Brian Babin: Steadfast defender of the unborn.
Budget & Economy
Jodey Arrington: I cut FDIC budgets by millions & shrunk bureaucracy.
David Alameel: Capitalism has become feudalistic and oppressive.
Civil Rights
Jodey Arrington: Marriage is sacred union of one man and one woman.
Vicente Gonzalez: Cut bureaucratic red-tape that burdens job-creators.
Brian Babin: Government regulations stymie entrepreneurship.
David Alameel: Abandon Washington dependence on big money from Wall Street.
Vicente Gonzalez: Increase investments & resources for local law enforcement.
Vicente Gonzalez: Fight for pre-kindergarten and Head Start.
Energy & Oil
Jodey Arrington: Repeal the 1970s Oil Export Ban.
David Alameel: Energy independence is a national security priority.
Jodey Arrington: Rein in excessive EPA regulations.
Foreign Policy
Jodey Arrington: World is safer when America's military projects power.
Charlie Hardy: Rejuvenate the Peace Corps.
Free Trade
Jodey Arrington: Break down unfair trade barriers.
Vicente Gonzalez: Strengthen trade ties along the Texas-Mexico border.
David Alameel: Put America first; change unfair free-trade agreements.
Government Reform
Jodey Arrington: Limit the time a politician can stay in Washington.
Charlie Hardy: 2012 House race: Won't accept any campaign contributions.
David Alameel: Money is not free speech; corporations are not people.
Gun Control
Jodey Arrington: Second Amendment is about individual right to bear arms.
Brian Babin: Rock-solid defender of the 2nd Amendment.
Health Care
Jodey Arrington: Work tirelessly for repeal of ObamaCare.
Vicente Gonzalez: Treat healthcare as a basic human right.
Brian Babin: Work tirelessly to repeal ObamaCare.
Homeland Security
Jodey Arrington: Reinvest in our Armed Forces.
Vicente Gonzalez: Fulfill our promise to veterans.
Brian Babin: Our military must be prepared and second to none.
Jodey Arrington: Mandatory jail for illegals who return after deportation.
Vicente Gonzalez: Common-sense compassionate reform like DACA.
Brian Babin: We must secure the borders.
Vicente Gonzalez: Support equal pay for equal work for women.
Principles & Values
Jodey Arrington: The inerrant Bible is the source of all truth.
Jodey Arrington: Stop targeting citizens for their religious beliefs.
Social Security
Vicente Gonzalez: Oppose privatization of safety nets.
Tax Reform
Jodey Arrington: Fairer, more sensible tax system.
Brian Babin: Oppose ANY tax increase.
David Alameel: Repeal individual income tax and lower corporate taxes.