OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Kyrsten Sinema: Women decide what's best for her health--not politicians.
Martha McSally: De-fund Planned Parenthood; denying contraception ok.
Deedra Abboud: Unrestricted rights within Roe vs. Wade standards.
Doug Marks: Pro-choice but it's a state issue.
Deedra Abboud: Keep government out of reproductive decisions.
Joe Arpaio: Put up new abortion obstacles when courts tear them down.
Deedra Abboud: Woman's right to choose including funding.
John McCain: Defund Planned Parenthood.
Richard Carmona: Championed women's health and pre-natal health services.
Jim Pederson: Kyl proposed an abortion amendment with zero exceptions.
Jon Kyl: I have never voted to make abortion illegal.
Budget & Economy
Deedra Abboud: Stimulus better than market-led recovery.
Doug Marks: Get The Fed out of the market.
Deedra Abboud: Economy should work for everyone.
Richard Carmona: Supply-side economics is valid.
David Ruben: Wealth has become concentrated in the hands of a few.
John McCain: Obama's new spending is committing generational theft.
Civil Rights
Martha McSally: Personally opposes gay marriage, but accepts law.
Deedra Abboud: Strongly supports same-sex marriage.
Doug Marks: Government shouldn't be in the marriage business.
Deedra Abboud: All government levels should protect human rights.
Joe Arpaio: Convicted then pardoned for violating Latinos' civil rights.
Deedra Abboud: Protect LGBTQ community to ensure equality.
Kyrsten Sinema: Co-chair Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus.
Kelli Ward: Rated 0% by Stonewall Democrats for anti-gay policies.
Deedra Abboud: Corporations great on taking, not giving back.
Deedra Abboud: Keep banks out of stock market; no more gambling.
David Ruben: Take corporate money out of politics.
Deedra Abboud: Stricter punishment doesn't reduce crime.
Doug Marks: No victim, no crime.
Deedra Abboud: Community policing will decrease crime & tensions.
Joe Arpaio: Convicted for a decade of racial-profiling practices.
Joe Arpaio: Chain gangs and tents for inmates, and no smoking nor porn.
Joe Arpaio: Inmates get second chance with GED education in jail.
Kelli Ward: Open borders have caused the avalanche of drugs into U.S.
Martha McSally: No legalization of medical or recreational cannabis.
Deedra Abboud: Marijuana isn't a gateway drug.
Doug Marks: Drug prohibition should all end.
Deedra Abboud: Let states make their own cannabis decisions.
Joe Arpaio: Wall on U.S. Southern border will keep the drugs out.
Deedra Abboud: Leave legalization to the voter.
Joe Arpaio: Fight drug trafficking around the world.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Protect state marijuana laws from federal interference.
Martha McSally: Authored bill increasing penalties for drug spotters.
Martha McSally: Supports education vouchers for private schools.
Martha McSally: Cut Pell grants; don't refinance college loans.
Deedra Abboud: Opposes vouchers for school choice.
Doug Marks: End 'public' schools as we know it.
Deedra Abboud: Voucher programs are weakening public schools.
Deedra Abboud: Vouchers dismantle public schools for private schools.
Deedra Abboud: Strong public schools lead to healthy future.
Joe Arpaio: Hard Knocks High: only accredited high school in jail.
Energy & Oil
Kyrsten Sinema: Opposes carbon tax but supports renewable energy.
Martha McSally: Opposed Clean Power plan & climate assessments.
Deedra Abboud: Prioritize green energy.
Doug Marks: Fiscal irresponsibility to prop up green energy.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Some government action for climate change.
John McCain: Dramatic Arctic changes might be man-made; might be natural.
Kelli Ward: Research sustainable energy, but current energy sources too.
Jeff Flake: Opposes EPA coal plant emission rule changes.
Deedra Abboud: EPA protections needed for holding polluters accountable.
Doug Marks: EPA is useless; I worked in that industry.
Deedra Abboud: Environment needs protection from corporations.
Deedra Abboud: Government protection needed to preserve nature.
Martha McSally: EPA rule costs jobs and hurts poor.
Kelli Ward: Rated 5% by Sierra Club for anti-environment policies.
Jeff Flake: Water is the lifeblood of AZ; and CA is the biggest threat.
Jeff Flake: Uranium mining OK; it won't threaten Grand Canyon.
Jeff Flake: Skeptical on Proposition 120; cooperate with Forest Service.
Richard Carmona: No uranium mining in Arizona Strip watershed area.
Foreign Policy
Kelli Ward: Celebrate American Exceptionalism.
Kyrsten Sinema: Stick with Iran nuclear treaty until new strategy defined.
Martha McSally: Stick with Iran nuclear treaty until new strategy defined.
Deedra Abboud: Spread our values of democracy, freedom, & personal liberty.
Doug Marks: American Exceptionalism? we're no better than everyone else.
Deedra Abboud: Two-state solution for Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Jeff Flake: Push to end the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba.
Free Trade
Kyrsten Sinema: Concerned about retaliatory tariffs from reckless trade war.
Martha McSally: Concerned about retaliatory tariffs from reckless trade war.
Deedra Abboud: Support & expand free trade.
Doug Marks: Support & expand free trade.
Martha McSally: NAFTA is a net plus for my district.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Yes to Ex-im bank; no to fast-track.
Kelli Ward: No secret trade deals; ObamaTrade bad for Americans.
Jeff Flake: It's out of whack to get sued by Brazil over cotton subsidy.
Jim Pederson: Vote against making it easier to ship jobs overseas.
Government Reform
Kyrsten Sinema: Overturn Citizens United; more political donation disclosure.
Deedra Abboud: Make voter registration easier.
Doug Marks: Make voter registration easier.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Joined lawsuit challenging AZ voting restrictions.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Overturn Citizens United with constitutional amendment.
John McCain: Citizens United was worst decision ever, but don't overturn.
Richard Carmona: All earmarks are not pork.
Jeff Flake: Opposes Open Government initiative for non-partisan primary.
Richard Carmona: Supports Open Government initiative for non-partisan primary.
Joe Arpaio: Fined $153,978 for illegal in-kind campaign contributions.
John McCain: Hayworth was unethical lobbyist hawking infomercials.
Gun Control
Martha McSally: Enforce existing laws rather than enacting new ones.
Deedra Abboud: Second Amendment rights have limits.
Doug Marks: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Deedra Abboud: Pro-2nd Amendment with education and restrictions.
Joe Arpaio: Vowed to ignore any law that would seize citizen's guns.
Deedra Abboud: Favors responsible, educated gun owners.
Health Care
Kelli Ward: Expansion of Medicare was devastating.
Kyrsten Sinema: Arizonans worry about coverage for preexisting conditions.
Martha McSally: ObamaCare is not covering people with preexisting conditions.
Martha McSally: Flexibility for states, instead of federal one-size-fits-all.
Martha McSally: ObamaCare is collapsing under its own weight.
Deedra Abboud: Fix ACA and get every American covered.
Doug Marks: Get government out of healthcare markets.
Deedra Abboud: Healthcare for all is obtainable goal.
Kyrsten Sinema: Affordable health-care for everyone.
Joe Arpaio: Sued for failure to meet inmate health needs.
Richard Carmona: Repealing ObamaCare means public pays for the uninsured.
Richard Carmona: Would not have voted for ObamaCare.
Richard Carmona: Eliminate waste, fraud, & abuse--then prevention.
David Ruben: Stop restricting how doctors can prescribe pain medication.
Richard Carmona: Helped open the first trauma center in southern Arizona.
Richard Carmona: Indignity of being poor patient in hospital sensitizes me.
Jeff Flake: ObamaCare is a heavy anchor to drag around.
John McCain: Repeal and replace the massive federal health-care law.
Homeland Security
Jeff Flake: Cut $475M from unwanted littoral combat ship.
John McCain: Long-time foe of LCS, littoral combat ship.
Deedra Abboud: Opposes expanding the military.
Doug Marks: Bring the troops HOME, rather than expanding the military.
Deedra Abboud: Veterans are ignored, forgotten, and deserve more.
Joe Arpaio: Our concern should be terrorism, not border-crossers' rights.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Supports Iranian nuclear deal & Congressional debate on war.
Kelli Ward: Support AZ military bases; base more aircraft in AZ.
Martha McSally: Secure the border to keep out drugs & human trafficking.
Martha McSally: 2015: Supported merit-based entry with keeping DREAMers.
Martha McSally: Extend DACA protections but no path to citizenship.
Kelli Ward: No amnesty & no compromise on immigrant family separation.
Martha McSally: Study proposals to deal with immigrant family separation.
Joe Arpaio: Enthusiastically supports wall along the southern border.
Kelli Ward: Consistent pro-border, pro-law message.
Kyrsten Sinema: Support Recognizing America's Children Act (GOP compromise).
Martha McSally: Reduce legal immigration; no pathway to citizenship.
Deedra Abboud: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Doug Marks: DREAMers are victims, not criminals.
Deedra Abboud: Rejects governments heartless immigration tactics.
Joe Arpaio: Traffic stops ok based on ethnicity, to find illegals.
Deedra Abboud: Protect immigrants through commonsense government reform.
Jeff Flake: Revamp guest-worker programs; it fails our needs.
Richard Carmona: Comprehensive immigration reform ties into the economy.
Richard Carmona: More visas for day-workers to enhance commerce.
Jeff Flake: Replicate operational security from Yuma Sector.
Richard Carmona: Dynamic interdiction plus prevention.
Jeff Flake: Secure the border; then comprehensive reform.
Jeff Flake: SB1070 was imprudent & unconstitutional, but let it stand.
Richard Carmona: Vitriolic 'deport everybody' message loses Hispanics.
John McCain: Campaign ad: "Complete the danged fence!".
John McCain: TV ad: Obama makes protecting AZ border incredibly difficult.
John McCain: 10-point plan to secure border; then try legal-worker deal.
Rodney Glassman: Path to citizenship, including fine & back-of-the-line.
Jim Pederson: The borders are broken; #1 priority for AZ.
Jim Pederson: Aliens volunteering for “Mandatory Departure” is impractical.
Jon Kyl: $13B for Border Patrol and border fencing.
Jon Kyl: My amendments and “Mandatory Departure” are now law.
Kyrsten Sinema: Increase federal minimum wage from $7.20 to $10.10.
Deedra Abboud: Affirmative action in government, but not private companies.
Doug Marks: Affirmative action is damaging government interference.
Deedra Abboud: Supports measures to increase federal minimum wage.
Jeff Flake: ObamaCare inhibits small business hiring.
Jeff Flake: Stifling regulations are the biggest job killers.
Richard Carmona: Farm Bill should offer support to struggling farmers.
Principles & Values
Deedra Abboud: Keep God out of government.
Doug Marks: Keep God in public, but not in government.
Joe Arpaio: Joe Arpaio Action Fund: help conservatives win office.
Joe Arpaio: America's Toughest Sheriff in nation's third largest Office.
Kelli Ward: Pro-life; pro-family; pro-freedom.
Ann Kirkpatrick: Arizona is changing; voters are ready for a choice.
Jeff Flake: Vowed not to serve more than 3 terms in Congress; broke vow.
Richard Carmona: 1999: shot and mortally wounded a deranged murderer.
Richard Carmona: Classified as disabled veteran from Vietnam wounds.
Richard Carmona: Of Puerto Rican descent; grew up poor in Harlem.
Richard Carmona: Seeks to earn the respect of disenfranchised populations.
J.D. Hayworth: Twice informally ranked among dumbest members of Congress.
Rodney Glassman: McCain missed key votes when running for President.
Rodney Glassman: Cooperation instead of partisan battering ram.
J.D. Hayworth: McCain has been reduced to a political shape-shifter.
Jim Pederson: I’m unhappy with Washington today; Kyl’s OK with it.
Jon Kyl: My opponent is out of mainstream on judges & terrorism.
Social Security
Martha McSally: Let younger workers privately invest part of contributions.
Deedra Abboud: Don't privatize Social Security.
Doug Marks: Social Security scam is going to cost my generation.
Deedra Abboud: Stop Congress from borrowing from Social Security.
Deedra Abboud: Hands off Social Security.
Jeff Flake: Nobody's talking privatization; ensure solvency after 2026.
Richard Carmona: Raise retirement age; raise payroll tax ceiling above $106K.
Tax Reform
Martha McSally: Get spending under control; supports tax cuts.
Deedra Abboud: Support higher taxes on the wealthy.
Doug Marks: All the money of the wealthy won't fix the spending problem.
Jeff Flake: I have not and will not sign Americans for Tax Reform pledge.
Jeff Flake: Full extension of Bush tax cuts.
Richard Carmona: Extend Bush tax cuts as part of comprehensive reform.
John McCain: Tap unused stimulus funds to declare a payroll tax holiday.
Jim Pederson: AZ needs good schools & safety, not just low taxes.
Jon Kyl: Reduce taxes to grow economy & get more tax revenue.
Kyrsten Sinema: Supports infrastructure bank to help create good jobs.
Deedra Abboud: Defends equal access from public to websites.
John McCain: I don't use email so I won't write things I later regret.
Richard Carmona: Criticized Bush for placing politics ahead of science.
War & Peace
Kyrsten Sinema: 2003: Led multiple protests against Iraq War.
Martha McSally: Sinema committed treason by insufficiently opposing Taliban.
Deedra Abboud: Diplomacy should always be first.
Doug Marks: Avoid foreign entanglements.
Richard Carmona: Whatever means necessary to prevent Iranian nukes.
John McCain: Obama "an uncertain trumpet" for Afghan & Iraqi withdrawal.
Jim Pederson: We’re going backwards in Iraq; time for end-game.
Jon Kyl: Iraq is the central front in the war on terror.
Welfare & Poverty
Richard Carmona: Experienced poverty and homelessness as child in Harlem.