OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Bob McDermott: Opposed law disclosing abortion rights to women.
Cam Cavasso: Human life begins at conception.
Eddie Pirkowski: Human life begins at conception.
Budget & Economy
Ron Curtis: Balanced budget achievable: stop waste and reduce spending.
Cam Cavasso: Balance the budget; don't pass it on to children.
Eddie Pirkowski: Free enterprise is the key to national prosperity.
Cam Cavasso: Government spending sucks oxygen out of the economy.
Civil Rights
Ron Curtis: Americans are equally entitled to Constitutional rights.
John Carroll: Inclusive legislation to banish racism and intolerance.
Cam Cavasso: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Eddie Pirkowski: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Eddie Pirkowski: Zero taxes would attract corporate headquarters.
Mazie Hirono: US Chamber of Commerce does not reflect business community.
John Carroll: Keep evidence from stops even without reasonable suspicion.
Brian Schatz: Stop transferring military equipment to local police forces.
John Carroll: Marijuana less damaging than alcohol; legalize it.
Brian Schatz: Hawaii not ready for legal pot; needs national conversation.
Colleen Hanabusa: States should determine marijuana legality.
Ron Curtis: We can better serve students teaching them the "how" skills.
Bob McDermott: Sues state over overcrowded school.
Cam Cavasso: Oppose nationwide Common Core standards.
Eddie Pirkowski: Oppose nationwide Common Core standards.
Linda Lingle: I support PBS, but Big Bird is not essential to America.
Energy & Oil
Ron Curtis: Manage renewable electric power with smaller community farms.
Eddie Pirkowski: Sustainable green development; reduce our carbon footprint.
Brian Schatz: Use every weapon at our disposal to fight climate change.
Brian Schatz: Work towards passage of carbon fee legislation.
Cam Cavasso: No subsidies for wind and solar.
Eddie Pirkowski: No subsidies for wind and solar.
Brian Schatz: OpEd: Schatz promotes wind turbines requiring huge subsidies.
Brian Schatz: FactCheck: Yes, 97% of Greenland ice surface melted in 2012.
Ron Curtis: Protect environment with common sense daily routine changes.
John Carroll: Eliminate air and water pollution in every state.
Brian Schatz: Received perfect score from League of Conservation Voters.
Brian Schatz: Genetically modified foods aren't unhealthy.
Colleen Hanabusa: Genetically modified foods aren't unhealthy.
Ed Case: Diversify tourism to include educational & eco-tourism.
Mazie Hirono: Visit the USA Bill: attract 300,000 Chinese by easier visas.
Families & Children
Mazie Hirono: Family separation at the border traumatizes children.
Free Trade
John Carroll: America should be a leader in international commerce.
Colleen Hanabusa: Supports 1920 Jones Act: only US ships HI to West Coast.
Government Reform
Ron Curtis: Take back our elections from lobbyists & special interests.
John Carroll: Supports citizen's initiative process & multiparty democracy.
Cam Cavasso: Photo ID for voting.
Eddie Pirkowski: No photo ID for voting.
Ed Case: Only 8% of my campaign money comes from PACs.
Gun Control
Ron Curtis: For mandatory background checks but wants minimum age 18.
John Carroll: Hawaii has reasonable gun control laws; no federal bans.
Cam Cavasso: Opposes more gun restrictions.
Eddie Pirkowski: Opposes more gun restrictions.
Cam Cavasso: Never diminish a citizen's right to protect themselves.
Health Care
Ron Curtis: Affordable health care for all calls for effective planning.
Cam Cavasso: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility.
Eddie Pirkowski: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility.
Homeland Security
Eddie Pirkowski: Cutting edge defensive and offensive security.
Ron Curtis: Welcomes military presence in Hawaii, vital in today's world.
Cam Cavasso: Maintain military: peace through strength.
Brian Schatz: Feds stretched too far in snooping on everyday Americans.
Brian Schatz: Reform FISA to protect our Fourth Amendment rights.
Colleen Hanabusa: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden should stand trial in US.
Eddie Pirkowski: Maintain a superior nuclear arsenal.
Linda Lingle: Don't let up on its defense spending, like pre-WWII.
Mazie Hirono: Sensible compromise needed on $50 billion military cut.
Ron Curtis: Base immigration policy on meeting job market needs.
Mazie Hirono: Why do we treat children of illegal immigrants as criminals?
Cam Cavasso: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
Eddie Pirkowski: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
Eddie Pirkowski: Responsible spending for jobs and stable growth.
Linda Lingle: OpEd:Did nothing to save jobs when Aloha Airlines went under.
Principles & Values
Ron Curtis: Principles of campaign are liberty and limited government.
Cam Cavasso: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
Eddie Pirkowski: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
Colleen Hanabusa: Lost campaigns in 2003 & 2006 before winning in 2010.
Brian Schatz: Endorsed by progressive group "Democracy for America".
Colleen Hanabusa: OpEd: Too old to build seniority to steer pork to Hawaii.
Linda Lingle: Work with national Republicans to get things done for Hawaii.
Mazie Hirono: OpEd: Missed twice as many votes as average Congress member.
Social Security
Ron Curtis: Make Social Security sustainable long into the future.
Tax Reform
Ron Curtis: Make tax cuts for individuals permanent; no expiration.
Ron Curtis: Personal background in managing evolving technologies.
Brian Schatz: Address transportation and coastal infrastructure priorities.
Mazie Hirono: $6 million for new security screening at Hawaii airports.
War & Peace
Ron Curtis: War should be last resort but we need to always be prepared.
John Carroll: Use US air power to enforce peace, but not ground troops.
Welfare & Poverty
Bob McDermott: Let homeless sleep in driveways.
Brian Schatz: 100% score on the National Food Policy Scorecard.