Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2010 Senate campaign websites
 (Click for external website)
Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from Survey of 2010 Senate campaign websites (number of quotes indicated):
- Alan Khazei (23) Democratic Challenger Massachusetts
- Alexander Snitker (7) Florida Libertarian Lt. Governor Challenger
- Alexi Giannoulias (23) 2010 Democratic Senate Challenger; currently State Treasurer Illinois
- Alvin Greene (5) 2010 Democratic Challenger South Carolina
- Andrew Romanoff (5) 2010 Democratic Challenger (lost primary) Colorado
- Bernard DeCastro (14) 2010 Constitution Party Challenger Florida
- Bob Smith (7) 2010 Challenger; lost FL GOP primary; previous NH Senator Florida
- Cal Cunningham (5) 2010 Democratic challenger; previously State Senator North Carolina
- Cam Cavasso (5) Republican Challenger Hawaii
- Carly Fiorina (7) California SBA Director
- Charles Melancon (1) 2010 Democratic Senate Challenger; currently US Rep. Louisiana
- Charlie Crist (5) Florida Democratic Governor Challenger
- Chris Coons (9) Democratic Jr Senator Delaware
- Christine O`Donnell (3) Republican Senate Challenger Delaware
- Curtis Coleman (4) Republican Senate challenger Arkansas
- Dino Rossi (6) Republican Challenger (2010) Washington
- Elaine Marshall (13) 2010 Democratic Challenger North Carolina
- Eric Deaton (5) 2010 Constitution Party challenger Ohio
- Eric Wargotz (10) Former Republican Primary Challenger (2012) Maryland
- Jack Conway (9) Kentucky Democratic 2015 Gubernatorial candidate
- Jack Orchulli (3) Republican challenger Connecticut
- Jane Norton (9) Republican Senate Challenger (2010); previously Lt. Gov. Colorado
- Jay Townsend (8) Republican Challenger (2010) New York
- Jennifer Brunner (16) 2010 Dem. Senate Challenger; currently Secretary of State Ohio
- Jim Bender (19) 2010 Republican Senate Challenger New Hampshire
- Jim Huffman (9) 2010 Republican Challenger Oregon
- Joe DioGuardi (12) 2010 Republican Challenger New York
- Joe L. Kennedy (14) Libertarian Senate challenger Massachusetts
- Joe Manchin III (1) West Virginia Former Democratic Governor (Until 2010)
- Joe Miller (6) Challenger and previous Republican Nominee Alaska
- Joe Sestak (11) Democratic Senate Challenger Pennsylvania
- John Hoeven (1) North Dakota Former Republican Governor (2000-2010)
- Kelly Ayotte (12) Republican Jr Senator New Hampshire
- Ken Buck (8) Republican Challenger (withdrawn) Colorado
- Kendrick Meek (8) 2010 Democratic Senate Challenger; currently US Rep. Florida
- Kirsten Gillibrand (1) Democratic Jr Senator New York
- Lee Fisher (20) 2010 Democratic Senate Challenger; currently Lt. Gov. Ohio
- Len Britton (9) 2010 Republican Challenger Vermont
- Linda McMahon (17) Connecticut Small Business Administration
- Lisa Johnston (11) 2010 Democratic Challenger Kansas
- Marco Rubio (12) FL Senator; Republican Presidential candidate
- Mark Kirk (12) Republican Jr Senator Illinois
- Mark Myles (10) 2010 Democratic Challenger Oklahoma
- Martha Coakley (18) Massachusetts Democratic Challenger
- Michael Bennet (8) Democratic Jr Senator Colorado
- Michael Capuano (10) Former Democratic Primary Senate Challenger (2009) Massachusetts
- Mike Lee (18) Republican Jr Senator Utah
- Mike Thurmond (2) 2010 Democratic Challenger Georgia
- Mullins McLeod (8) 2010 Democratic challenger South Carolina
- Nancy Turbak Berry (3) Withdrew as 2010 Dem. challenger; currently State Senator South Dakota
- New Testament (1)
- Pat Toomey (9) Republican Jr Senator Pennsylvania
- Peter Konetchy (9) Republican Challenger Michigan
- Rand Paul (13) Republican 2016 Primary Challenger
- Richard Blumenthal (19) Democratic Sr Senator Connecticut
- Rob Portman (7) Republican 2016 Primary Challenger
- Rob Simmons (6) 2010 Senate Challenger (lost GOP primary); formerly US Rep. Connecticut
- Robin Carnahan (9) 2010 Democratic Senate Challenger; Secretary of State Missouri
- Rodney Glassman (14) 2010 Democratic Challenger Arizona
- Ron Johnson (9) Republican Sr Senator Wisconsin
- Roxanne Conlin (16) 2010 Democratic Challenger Iowa
- Roy Blunt (5) Republican Jr Senator Missouri
- Rudy Garcia (2) 2010 Democratic challenger (lost primary); previously Mayor Arizona
- Sam Granato (2) 2010 Democratic challenger Utah
- Scott Brown (5) Previously MA Republican Jr Senator New Hampshire
- Scott McAdams (7) 2010 Democratic Challenger Alaska
- Sharron Angle (12) Republican Senate Challenger Nevada
- Stephen Pagliuca (16) Former Democratic Primary Senate Challenger (2009) Massachusetts
- Steve Pearce (4) New Mexico Republican candidate for New Mexico Governor
- Tom Alciere (7) 2010 GOP challenger (lost primary); formerly State Rep New Hampshire
- Tom Sullivan (6) 2010 Democrat Challenger Idaho
- Tracy Potter (4) 2010 Democratic Challenger North Dakota
- Trey Grayson (8) Republican 2010 Senate Challenger; Secretary of State Kentucky
- William Barnes (4) 2010 Democratic Challenger Alabama
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Steve Pearce: 100% pro-life; stand up for life.
Curtis Coleman: Supports umbilical stem cell research, but not embryonic.
Jim Bender: Let states decide; no federal funding.
Joe Miller: Unequivocally pro-life from moment of conception.
Joe Miller: No destruction of living human embryos for medical research.
Joe DioGuardi: All life is precious; abortion is an unfortunate symptom.
Richard Blumenthal: Fight to protect a woman's right to choose.
Bernard DeCastro: Man is made in image of God; so sanctity of all human life.
Ken Buck: Oppose federal funding & protect the unborn.
Elaine Marshall: Protect reproductive choice.
Eric Wargotz: Respect God and preserve Life.
Linda McMahon: Pro-choice but with limited federal funding.
Roxanne Conlin: Support women's right to reproductive freedom.
Mike Lee: Return to states the power to protect unborn human life.
Rand Paul: Life begins at conception.
Sharron Angle: All human life is precious.
Ron Johnson: Pro-life & pro-family.
Peter Konetchy: No moral right to kill unborn babies in the womb.
Marco Rubio: No right to privacy, that resulted in the Roe v. Wade.
Marco Rubio: Require ultrasounds before performing abortions.
Alexi Giannoulias: Protect Roe v. Wade; fund prevention and contraception.
Jane Norton: Pro-life and oppose all federal funding of abortion.
Joe Sestak: Right to choose is part of securing future for women.
Lee Fisher: Committed to upholding the rights guaranteed in Roe v. Wade.
Pat Toomey: Pro-life; encourage adoption over abortion.
Rob Portman: Ban Partial Birth Abortion & Overseas Abortion funding.
Trey Grayson: Supports a Human Life Amendment.
Jennifer Brunner: Support a woman's right to choose.
Alan Khazei: Right to safe & legal abortion is indispensable.
Alan Khazei: Champion stem cell research for its great promise.
Martha Coakley: Steadfast champion of Roe v. Wade.
Michael Capuano: Strongly supports a woman's right to choose.
Stephen Pagliuca: Pro-choice including federal funding.
Martha Coakley: Streamline approval process for stem cell research.
Budget & Economy
Jack Orchulli: Enforce the constitutional spending CAP backed by facts.
Len Britton: Eliminate earmarks and set balanced-budget targets.
Jim Huffman: Flawed premise: government cannot be source of growth.
Cam Cavasso: Transition to currency backed by intrinsic value.
Eric Wargotz: For balanced budget amendment; against bailouts.
Joe DioGuardi: 1992: Wrote a book warning of fiscal responsibility.
Joe DioGuardi: Strong advocate of "Paygo".
Roxanne Conlin: Hold Grassley accountable for Wall Street greed.
Scott McAdams: Never print more money to fund big bank bailouts.
Mike Lee: A balanced budget amendment is essential.
Mike Lee: Constitutional amendment for balanced budget.
Rand Paul: No federal bailouts of private industry.
Ron Johnson: Washington went on $13T spending spree; now adding $3T more.
Bob Smith: I oppose bailouts for private industry.
Cal Cunningham: Recession resulted from risky investment behavior.
Nancy Turbak Berry: People-friendly economic development.
Eric Deaton: Supports Balanced Budget and a strong U.S. dollar.
Tom Alciere: Adopt the gold standard, & metric system for monetary policy.
Tom Alciere: Against all un-Constitutional federal spending.
Tom Alciere: Against FDIC bank deposit insurance.
Marco Rubio: Support balanced budget amendment and line-item veto.
Alexi Giannoulias: Bush-Cheney policies bailed out banks & created crisis.
Jack Conway: IRS bailouts reward banks for poor business practices.
Jane Norton: Economic recovery depends on lower taxes & balanced budget.
Jim Bender: $11.4 trillion debt is unsustainable and reckless.
Joe L. Kennedy: Audit the FED, and perhaps end it for mishandling funds.
Joe L. Kennedy: Answer to majority of problems is free-market economy.
Joe Sestak: State revenue has declined due to lower employment.
Kendrick Meek: $800B stimulus helps, while 95% get tax cuts.
Lee Fisher: Reduce deficit with pay-as-you-go budget rules.
Mark Kirk: Create bipartisan oversight panel for stimulus trillion.
Rob Simmons: Oppose reckless spending & higher taxes of failed "stimulus".
Robin Carnahan: Heart of our economy is Main Street--not Wall Street.
Trey Grayson: Bush Administration not responsible for wasteful 'stimulus'.
Jennifer Brunner: Oversight of stimulus funding & caps on credit card fees.
Alan Khazei: End recession by creating jobs and consumer spending.
Martha Coakley: Increase safe, affordable housing; end predatory lending.
Stephen Pagliuca: Transparency & accountability in regulating financial system.
Stephen Pagliuca: Create jobs via robust economic growth.
Michael Bennet: Transparency on paying for tax cuts and spending programs.
Civil Rights
Steve Pearce: Stand up for traditional marriage.
Curtis Coleman: Marriage is the union of one man and one woman.
Rodney Glassman: Protect against age, race, & gender discrimination.
Rodney Glassman: Women veterans earn $10K less than male vets.
Jim Bender: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Lisa Johnston: Embracing diversity strengthens us as a nation.
Richard Blumenthal: Support the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
Bernard DeCastro: The Bible is clear: marriage is one man & one woman.
New Testament: OpEd: Bible is clear: marriage is one man & one woman.
Mark Myles: Government should never deny anyone their fundamental rights.
Elaine Marshall: End Defense of Marriage Act and sexual discrimination.
Elaine Marshall: Enacting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
Lee Fisher: Same rights regardless of sexual orientation.
Roxanne Conlin: 1970s: Discrimination on basis of pregnancy made illegal.
Roxanne Conlin: Pass Paycheck Fairness Act to close gender pay gap.
Roxanne Conlin: Supports marriage equality for same-sex couples.
Scott McAdams: No outside interest should impedes who we love.
Ron Johnson: Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Alexi Giannoulias: Repeal DOMA; make all civil marriages equal.
Alexi Giannoulias: Narrow the pay disparity for women.
Jane Norton: Define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Joe L. Kennedy: Let each religion determine rules of same sex marriage.
Joe Sestak: Equal LGBT rights.
Joe Sestak: Create new contract opportunities for MWOB small businesses.
Lee Fisher: Equal Pay for Equal Work: fair pay for women.
Pat Toomey: Protect the institution of marriage.
Jennifer Brunner: Marriage equality for same sex and transgendered couples.
Alan Khazei: Repeal DOMA; work for LGBT right to marry.
Alan Khazei: $5M/year to support women- and minority-owned businesses.
Martha Coakley: Repeal DOMA: full rights for same-sex couples.
Martha Coakley: End discrimination on basis of race, gender, and disability.
Michael Capuano: Funding to help women who are raped as a weapon of war.
Stephen Pagliuca: Overturn DOMA, and support marriage equality.
Len Britton: Obama stimulus wasn't designed for small business.
Linda McMahon: Reduce the corporate tax rate.
Rodney Glassman: Tax Wall Street bonuses like we tax regular income.
Jack Conway: Shut down offshore tax shelters; stop shipping jobs overseas.
Lisa Johnston: Ensure that U.S. corporations pay U.S. taxes.
Ken Buck: It's bad when the government owns car companies.
Sam Granato: Laws should support small business, not just look good.
Tracy Potter: Voted for corporate income tax relief.
Richard Blumenthal: End bonuses for companies that owe taxpayer bailout money.
Bob Smith: Picking industry winners is unconstitutional & immoral.
Rodney Glassman: It's wrong that half of corporations pay NO income taxes.
Marco Rubio: Eliminate taxes on capital gains; lower corporate tax rates.
Alexi Giannoulias: Rein in financial institutions & stimulate small businesses.
Carly Fiorina: Focus on supporting small family-owned businesses.
Jim Bender: Extensive experience building businesses in private sector.
Kelly Ayotte: Understands the importance of small businesses.
Kendrick Meek: Washington favored Wall Street over Main Street for too long.
Pat Toomey: Cut tax on capital gains and cut corporate tax rate.
Rob Simmons: Fight job-killing burden of high taxes and red-tape.
Martha Coakley: Don't take business for granted; both small and large.
Jack Conway: Created a Cybercrimes Unit, to crack down on child porn.
Jim Bender: Some crimes deserve the death penalty.
Joe Miller: Opposes federal hate crime legislation.
Richard Blumenthal: Crack down on sexual predators; end domestic violence.
Linda McMahon: Supports capital punishment.
Alvin Greene: Make sure the punishment fits the crime.
Charlie Crist: Stop Turning Out Prisoners: serve at least 85% of sentence.
Kelly Ayotte: Tough-on-crime prosecutor.
Kelly Ayotte: Prosecuted first N.H. capital murder cases in over 60 years.
Lee Fisher: Created Ohio's first DNA database.
Alan Khazei: Strongly opposes the death penalty as ineffective & wrong.
Michael Capuano: Opposes the death penalty.
Scott Brown: Leader in reforming the state's sex offender laws.
Martha Coakley: Criminal defense lawyer before switching to prosecution.
Martha Coakley: As Middlesex DA, passionate advocate for public safety.
Joe L. Kennedy: Let states determine marijuana laws.
Lee Fisher: Rid our streets of violence and illegal drugs.
Lee Fisher: Created the award-winning Operation Crackdown program.
Kelly Ayotte: Enforce our drug laws.
Peter Konetchy: Teach students that our rights are God-given.
Peter Konetchy: Replace federal intervention with local controls & vouchers.
Jay Townsend: Force public schools to compete with private schools.
Jim Bender: Increase school choice through vouchers and home-schooling.
Christine O`Donnell: Pledge of Allegiance should include "Under God".
Lisa Johnston: K-12 education must be a top priority.
Richard Blumenthal: More resources for teaching as a profession.
Bernard DeCastro: Put God and patriotism back in our public schools.
Bernard DeCastro: Dismantle the NEA and give parents the right to choose.
Alexander Snitker: Something similar to vouchers as an interim solution.
Mark Myles: Our country was built on the notion of public education.
Tom Sullivan: Smaller classrooms and increased funding.
Tom Sullivan: I firmly believe in a separation between church and state.
Cam Cavasso: Remove the monopoly of public education.
Chris Coons: Every student deserves a quality public education.
Elaine Marshall: Sound public education starts with fair teacher pay.
Joe DioGuardi: Rethink our funding formulas for schools.
Linda McMahon: Supports competition, charters, and teacher review.
Roxanne Conlin: Invest in education: fund K-12 & retain teachers.
Scott McAdams: One-size-fits-all policies have no place in rural schools.
Alvin Greene: More Parental Involvement and Better Facilities.
Mike Lee: No federal role in education.
Rand Paul: Support homeschooling and parental responsibility.
Sharron Angle: Decisions are best made by local teachers & parents.
Ron Johnson: One-size-fits-all approach doesn't fit Wisconsin.
Cal Cunningham: Every student is entitled to the resources they need.
Mullins McLeod: Improve public education by cutting class size & reforms.
Nancy Turbak Berry: Invest in early development; enhance public education.
Andrew Romanoff: Public-private partnerships for education, R&D, and science.
Andrew Romanoff: Our workforce & our democracy depend on free public schools.
Rodney Glassman: Reward great teachers who will make a difference.
Alexi Giannoulias: Invest in early childhood education.
Charlie Crist: As Commissioner of Educ., implemented school accountability.
Charlie Crist: Father served on the Pinellas County School Board.
Joe L. Kennedy: The "No Child Left Behind" program should be left behind.
Joe L. Kennedy: Eliminate the Federal Department of Education.
Joe Sestak: Improve our nation's schools and make college accessible.
Lee Fisher: Where you grow up should not determine where you end up.
Mark Kirk: Improve public education with local Education Advisory Board.
Jennifer Brunner: Mainstream public education for kids with disabilities.
Alan Khazei: Make public education the civil rights issue of 21st century.
Alan Khazei: Double the federal charter school investment.
Martha Coakley: Supports well-funded public education system.
Martha Coakley: Concerned about financial impact of charter schools.
Alan Khazei: ServiceNation: volunteers for improving education& mentoring.
Stephen Pagliuca: Healthy mix of private, charter, and public schools.
Stephen Pagliuca: Reward performance and aptitude in teachers.
Stephen Pagliuca: Universal pre-kindergarten, regardless of parents' income.
Energy & Oil
Peter Konetchy: I believe in natural Climate Change, not caused by humans.
Curtis Coleman: Use every American energy source to end external dependency.
Curtis Coleman: Cap-and-trade is a massive tax on energy consumption.
Len Britton: Wean off fossil fuels; start new nuclear plants.
Linda McMahon: More nuclear power; more domestic oil.
Jim Bender: Diversify: nuclear, wind, solar, geothermal, and clean coal.
Joe Miller: Science supporting manmade climate change is inconclusive.
Lisa Johnston: Encourage emerging green technology.
Richard Blumenthal: America must win race for Green Energy.
Bernard DeCastro: New sources of nuclear power, domestic gas and oil.
Bernard DeCastro: Cap & Trade is a rip-off from the far left.
Scott McAdams: Develop resources using highest environmental standards.
Ken Buck: Continue our traditional sources of energy.
Jay Townsend: Cap-and-trade bill makes a bad situation worse.
Jim Huffman: Cap & Trade scheme would produce ruinous uncertainty.
Mark Myles: Expand offshore drilling and natural gas in the short-term.
Tom Sullivan: Develop biodiesel, wind, solar, nuclear and geothermal.
Chris Coons: Buildup of carbon dioxide is unsustainable.
Chris Coons: Oil drilling poses an environmental risk.
Elaine Marshall: Reduce carbon emissions & invest in wind & solar.
Eric Wargotz: Invest in wind, solar, clean coal, nuclear energy, oil & gas.
Joe DioGuardi: Support alternatives such as wind, solar, & nuclear.
Kelly Ayotte: Responsibly expand domestic gas and oil.
Linda McMahon: Oppose cap-and-trade; support offshore drilling.
Roxanne Conlin: Invest in homegrown alternatives to foreign oil.
Roxanne Conlin: Focus on the sun, the wind, and biomass.
William Barnes: Big Oil prevents development of alternative energy.
Alvin Greene: Implement Alternative Forms of Energy.
Dino Rossi: Polluters pay for environmental degradation.
Mike Lee: Drill ANWR; lease shale oil lands; develop clean coal.
Rand Paul: Energy crisis stems from too much government intervention.
Sharron Angle: Build our vast domestic coal and natural gas resources.
Sharron Angle: Ending offshore drilling due to BP is an over-reaction.
Ron Johnson: Increase domestic oil, clean coal, natural gas, & nuclear.
Bob Smith: Cap-and-trade has huge costs for utilities & taxpayers.
Cal Cunningham: Incentivize clean energy technologies.
Mullins McLeod: New Energy for SC: develop a green economy.
Andrew Romanoff: National goal of zero net energy use at federal facilities.
Rodney Glassman: Invest in clean renewable energy.
Marco Rubio: Cap-and-trade scheme destroys jobs.
Marco Rubio: Explore ANWR & outer continental shelf.
Alexi Giannoulias: Put price on global warming pollution to spur investment.
Carly Fiorina: Use every source, including nuclear and clean coal.
Jane Norton: Oppose cap-and-trade; support all-of-the-above.
Joe Sestak: Reduce greenhouse emissions & stop global warming.
Lee Fisher: 25% advanced and alternative energy by 2025.
Mark Kirk: Supports nuclear energy, Yucca Mountain, and new refineries.
Pat Toomey: Drill ANWR; drill offshore; drill Marcellus Shale.
Rob Portman: Expanding nuclear energy is a safe and practical.
Rob Portman: Cap-and-trade energy tax will force plants to close.
Robin Carnahan: Opportunity for clean, homegrown, affordable energy.
Robin Carnahan: Free ourselves from unhealthy dependence on foreign oil.
Roy Blunt: Cap-and-trade is a massive new tax, $1,761 annually each.
Trey Grayson: No cap and trade; it kills manufacturing jobs.
Jennifer Brunner: Commercialize clean energy for economic well-being.
Jennifer Brunner: Find energy sources that are abundant and low cost.
Alan Khazei: Invest in renewable energy like solar, wind, and biofuels.
Alan Khazei: Implement cap-and-trade to reverse climate change.
Jack Conway: Opposes cap-&-trade bill; it costs miners $1800 a year.
Martha Coakley: National cap-and-trade market-based CO2 reduction.
Stephen Pagliuca: Invest in clean, renewable energy.
Stephen Pagliuca: Support Cape Wind as America's first offshore wind farm.
Chris Coons: Protect the environment by becoming environmental stewards.
Joe Manchin III: Post Mine Land Use bill: restoration plan after mining.
Mike Lee: Utah suffers from federal control of 70% of Utah land.
Jim Huffman: Feds own 50% of Oregon and they keep it locked up.
Mark Myles: Companies like BP spoiling environment pay all cleanup costs.
Richard Blumenthal: Fought unfair utility rates & environmental wrongdoing.
Rodney Glassman: PhD in Arid Land Resource Sciences.
Rodney Glassman: Require new commercial development to harvest rainwater.
Kelly Ayotte: Served as student Editor of Environmental Law Journal.
Mark Kirk: Upgrade river & rail systems to expand agricultural exports.
Robin Carnahan: Provide stability and predictability to family farmers.
Jennifer Brunner: Help renew Ohio's cities to reach their full potential.
Martha Coakley: Clean up & redevelop contaminated brownfields.
Families & Children
Cam Cavasso: Stand up for traditions upon which America was built.
Sharron Angle: Worked on Constitutional Protection of Marriage Act.
Rodney Glassman: Raised $1M for children's charitable foundation.
Eric Deaton: Promote Family Values and Preserve the American Lifestyle.
Tom Alciere: No gay adoption; you can't make a baby that way.
Alexi Giannoulias: Strongly supports the Paid Parental Leave Act.
Jim Bender: Nothing is more important than family.
Lee Fisher: Wrote Ohio's Missing Children law & Clearinghouse.
Martha Coakley: Victim-centered prosecution of crimes against children.
Foreign Policy
Chris Coons: Strengthen international partnerships; responsibly exit Iraq.
Bernard DeCastro: Non-interventionist foreign policy, plus Monroe Doctrine.
Alexander Snitker: Bring all the troops home.
Mike Lee: Shared interest in defending Israel's security.
Alexi Giannoulias: Remain unwavering partner with Israel in shared struggle.
Alexi Giannoulias: Reunify Cyprus; bring religious freedom to Istanbul.
Joe L. Kennedy: Intervening in foreign affairs has damaged our reputation.
Kendrick Meek: Democratic change in Cuba, but allow visits until then.
Lee Fisher: Deploy all tools: diplomacy, strength, intel, & military.
Jennifer Brunner: Sustainable Israel-Palestinian two-state solution.
Free Trade
Jay Townsend: Capitalism and free market lift people out of poverty.
Linda McMahon: Implement Colombia, Panama, and Korea Free Trade Agreements.
Jim Huffman: Oregon should compete in thriving global economy.
Richard Blumenthal: Protect "Made in the USA" and "Made in Connecticut".
Marco Rubio: Continue reducing barriers to free and fair trade.
Mark Myles: Restore jobs here instead of outsourcing them overseas.
Chris Coons: Link fair trade with national security.
Elaine Marshall: End trade deals like NAFTA and CAFTA that send jobs overseas.
Roxanne Conlin: Stop helping big corporations ship jobs overseas.
Scott McAdams: Wrong-headed policies have shipped American jobs overseas.
Alexi Giannoulias: Eliminate $200B in tax loopholes that ship jobs overseas.
Lee Fisher: Make sure trade agreements export Ohio goods, not Ohio jobs.
Mark Kirk: Develop ability to export goods to foreign markets.
Jennifer Brunner: Flawed trade policies have distorted benefits.
Jennifer Brunner: NAFTA and CAFTA have resulted in huge trade deficits.
Government Reform
Steve Pearce: Member of WasteWatchers: tax-&-spend is not the answer.
Len Britton: I intend to serve no more than two terms, not a lifetime.
Carly Fiorina: Abolish earmarks; limit federal salaries.
Jim Huffman: People lost confidence in Congress due to backroom deals.
Lisa Johnston: Fight special interests by plain-language laws on Internet.
Bernard DeCastro: Repeal 17th Amendment; empower state legislatures.
Alexander Snitker: Reconsider 17th Amendment and direct election of Senators.
Eric Wargotz: Fewer laws, greater liberty: support term limits.
Kelly Ayotte: End earmarks; post donations online.
Mike Lee: Reduce government bureaucracy to improve economy.
Mike Lee: Limit congressional terms to 12 years.
Rand Paul: Lobbyists' sole goal is to rip you off.
Sharron Angle: Close loopholes in campaign finance system.
Richard Blumenthal: I have never walked away from a fight against the public.
Richard Blumenthal: I have never walked away from a fight against the public.
Nancy Turbak Berry: Responsive, responsible government: people ahead of politics.
Tom Alciere: Supports the Doctrine of Enumerated Powers.
Tom Alciere: Shut down numerous cabinet departments.
Alexi Giannoulias: Public election financing reduces special interest influence.
Alexi Giannoulias: Wasteful programs go hand-in-hand with campaign contributors.
Jane Norton: Opposes earmarking in $787 billion "stimulus" plan.
Jane Norton: Only strict constructionists as federal judges.
Jim Bender: We don't need more career politicians; impose term limits.
Mark Kirk: End pay-to-play: no contributions from earmark recipients.
Rob Simmons: Public trust means no public office for private gain.
Alan Khazei: Organized successful "Save AmeriCorps" coalition.
Michael Capuano: Authored bill establishing Office of Congressional Ethics.
Gun Control
Rand Paul: 2nd amendment is only as good as the fourth amendment.
Jim Bender: Right to bear arms is a basic Constitutional liberty.
Christine O`Donnell: Strong support of 2nd Amendment rights.
Joe DioGuardi: Second Amendment protects an individual right.
Lisa Johnston: Guarantee both 1st and 2nd amendment rights.
Bernard DeCastro: I believe in the Second Amendment.
Charles Melancon: Hunting in Louisiana isn't just a sport--it's a way of life.
Ken Buck: No federal database of gun owners.
Alexander Snitker: Second Amendment is self-evident.
Tom Sullivan: Supports right to own a gun.
Eric Wargotz: Ardent supporter of second amendment; lifetime member of NRA.
Kelly Ayotte: Passionate supporter of individual right to bear arms.
Linda McMahon: Fully supports Second Amendment rights.
Mike Lee: Individual right to bear arms.
Rand Paul: Supports 2nd amendment; vote against restricting handguns.
Sharron Angle: Individual constitutionally protected right to bear arms.
Scott McAdams: Strongly supports Second Amendment.
Ron Johnson: Protect the Constitution's 2nd Amendment.
Peter Konetchy: Criminals prey on weak; they flee when we brandish a gun.
Bob Smith: I fought the gun grabbers in Congress for 18 years.
Marco Rubio: 2nd Amendment is a cornerstone of our democracy.
Jane Norton: Strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
Joe L. Kennedy: Rather than banning guns, encourage gun education.
Pat Toomey: Proud supporter of the Second Amendment.
Rob Portman: Avid outdoorsman and lifelong hunter.
Trey Grayson: Strong supporter of the Second Amendment.
Jennifer Brunner: Second Amendment rights except for criminals and juveniles.
Alan Khazei: Ban assault weapons; strengthen background checks.
Health Care
Jack Orchulli: No billions for public option; keep skin in the game.
Peter Konetchy: The federal health care bill must be repealed!
Len Britton: Start over with a free-market focus.
Linda McMahon: Malpractice reform is the right approach.
Linda McMahon: Obamacare is the wrong approach.
Jack Conway: Repeal sweetheart deals due to pharma lobbying.
Jim Bender: Repeal ObamaCare; it limits choices by consumers.
Joe Miller: Repeal ObamaCare; it's unconstitutional and won't work.
Lisa Johnston: Guaranteed high quality care for all health conditions.
Richard Blumenthal: New health law is a start but does not do enough.
Bernard DeCastro: No public option; no government control.
Ken Buck: Government-run system infringes freedom & rations care.
Sam Granato: Obamacare is a start, but we still have a long way to go.
Jay Townsend: Schumer Plan skyrockets premiums; loses jobs; raises taxes.
Jay Townsend: Free and unfettered competition over European model.
Jim Huffman: No quasi-government takeover of the health care industry.
Jim Huffman: Tort reform; cross-state competition; catastrophic coverage.
Mark Myles: Provide free preventative care.
Mark Myles: End discrimination based on pre-existing conditions.
Tom Sullivan: Stop the worst abuses of the insurance industry.
Cam Cavasso: Incentivize a healthier nation.
Chris Coons: Longstanding need to fix health care system.
Elaine Marshall: End lifetime caps & exorbitant co-pays.
Eric Wargotz: Competition and flexibility will reduce cost.
Joe DioGuardi: Reduce government involvement in healthcare.
Kelly Ayotte: Reforms should lower costs and improve quality.
Roxanne Conlin: Reward quality of care, not quantity.
Roxanne Conlin: Moral imperative to prevent 45,000 deaths from lack of care.
Dino Rossi: Replace Pelosi-Reid healthcare with cheaper choices.
Mike Lee: Defund and repeal Obamacare.
Rand Paul: Replace over-regulation with free market principles.
Sharron Angle: Replace Obamacare mandates with tort reform & client pools.
Ron Johnson: Repeal ObamaCare; use market-based solutions.
Richard Blumenthal: Led the fight against tobacco companies' deceptive marketing.
Cal Cunningham: Reform is essential to our competitiveness & to our families.
Mullins McLeod: Drug re-importation will lower the cost of medicine.
Andrew Romanoff: Guaranteed coverage via single-payer model.
Rodney Glassman: Fix system so everyone who wants insurance can afford it.
Alexi Giannoulias: Supports quality, affordable health care for all.
Carly Fiorina: Start with medical malpractice reform & more competition.
Jane Norton: Competition is key to lower costs and increased access.
Joe L. Kennedy: Personal Medical Savings Accounts & free-market alternatives.
Joe Sestak: Shift away from fee-for-service programs.
Lee Fisher: Health care reform is both a moral and economic imperative.
Lee Fisher: Lower cost; ensure choice; expand coverage; no taxes.
Mark Kirk: Cut waste & fraud; don't raise taxes; don't cut Medicare.
Michael Bennet: Committee membership: Health, Education, Labor & Pensions.
Pat Toomey: Give choices and power to patients.
Rob Portman: Small business owners are fearful of current health debate.
Rob Simmons: No bureaucrats between patients and doctors.
Robin Carnahan: Access to quality, affordable health care for all.
Robin Carnahan: Stop denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.
Roy Blunt: Interstate competition among insurers; no denial of coverage.
Trey Grayson: No government-run insurance; no public option.
Jennifer Brunner: Everyone needs access to health care, not just wealthy.
Jack Conway: Require insurance companies to cover mammograms at age 40.
Alan Khazei: Health care is both a moral issue and an economic issue.
Martha Coakley: Expand coverage; improve quality; reduce costs.
Michael Capuano: Strong supporter of a public health insurance option.
Stephen Pagliuca: Every citizen should have access to quality health insurance.
Stephen Pagliuca: Computerized records for healthcare payment system.
Homeland Security
Len Britton: US has the greatest military in the world; give them more.
Carly Fiorina: Keep Gitmo; don't try foreign terrorists in civilian court.
Jay Townsend: Expand armed forces to ease burden in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Linda McMahon: Opposed to trying terrorists in civilian court.
Rand Paul: Warrantless searches overstep Constitutional powers.
Jim Bender: We must have strongest defensive capabilities in the world.
Christine O`Donnell: Don't grant terrorists precious Constitutional rights.
Joe DioGuardi: Focus on intelligence instead of war.
Lisa Johnston: We should never hastily initiate military conflict.
Richard Blumenthal: Military tribunals are appropriate for accused terrorists.
Roxanne Conlin: Opposes 30,000 troop surge in Afghanistan.
Bernard DeCastro: I believe in a strong military to keep US free.
Tracy Potter: Bring troops home from 120 countries around the globe.
Ken Buck: Fight for a strong national defense.
Alexander Snitker: Non-interventionism in military and in foreign aid.
Jay Townsend: Replace military retreat with robust defense spending.
Jim Huffman: No taxpayer-funded lawyers for captured terrorists.
Mark Myles: Strong national defense with global partners abroad.
Chris Coons: Link security with development and human rights.
Elaine Marshall: Focus on Pakistan and Al Qaeda, not Afghanistan.
Elaine Marshall: Repeal outdated "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
Eric Wargotz: Ensure America has the best military in the world.
Joe DioGuardi: Enhance healthcare and retirement benefits for veterans.
Linda McMahon: We need a strong national defense second to none.
Dino Rossi: Make military finest in the world.
Mike Lee: Continue to develop cutting-edge weaponry.
Rand Paul: Treat armed service members like heroes.
Ron Johnson: Patriot Act is a necessary tool for law enforcement.
Richard Blumenthal: Deeply committed to a strong national defense.
Cal Cunningham: Focus on soft power: moral, economic, diplomatic & cultural.
Rodney Glassman: Give veterans the best health care, disability, & pensions.
Alexi Giannoulias: Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Kelly Ayotte: Husband is an Iraq war veteran.
Kendrick Meek: No US contracts with companies linked to Darfur genocide.
Lee Fisher: If you serve your country, your country must serve you.
Mark Kirk: Don't bring terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to the US.
Pat Toomey: Our country must have the strongest defense in the world.
Rob Simmons: Served in U.S. Army and the CIA.
Rob Simmons: Strengthen our national security both at home and abroad.
Robin Carnahan: Strong national security policy that strengthens military.
Roy Blunt: Support strongly the work of defense industry & armed forces.
Trey Grayson: Primary duty of federal government is national defense.
Jennifer Brunner: Comprehensive services for veterans, including mental health.
Alan Khazei: End "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
Alan Khazei: Full, mandatory funding for Department of Veterans Affairs.
Jack Conway: Improve health care and services for rural veterans.
Martha Coakley: Help veterans receive the benefits they deserve.
Michael Capuano: Opposed PATRIOT Act to support civil liberties.
Scott Brown: Culture of patriotism; vigorous homeland defense.
Scott Brown: Member of Massachusetts National Guard JAG Corps.
Michael Bennet: Increase military size & strength for new types of conflict.
Rodney Glassman: Hire more border patrol; more border technology.
Jim Bender: America should secure her borders tight and solid.
Joe Miller: Opposes federal hate crime legislation.
Kirsten Gillibrand: Create a real path to earned citizenship.
Roxanne Conlin: No amnesty; secure the southern border.
Bernard DeCastro: Federal government has refused to enforce immigration laws.
Bernard DeCastro: Effective immigration maintains Borders, Language & Culture.
Ken Buck: Secure the border and say no to amnesty.
Mark Myles: People desiring citizenship pay a fee & earn citizenship.
Eric Wargotz: No amnesty; no rewards; more enforcement.
Joe DioGuardi: Enforce current immigration laws via employers & borders.
Kelly Ayotte: Stop the dangerous flow of illegal immigrants.
Linda McMahon: Immigration laws--like all laws--must be enforced.
Dino Rossi: No amnesty; finish a tall border fence.
Mike Lee: No guest workers; no amnesty.
Mike Lee: Secure the southern border with infrastructure investment.
Rand Paul: No amnesty; respect the law.
Sharron Angle: Secure our borders & enforce the law.
Ron Johnson: Secure the borders first; no blanket amnesty later.
Peter Konetchy: Immigrants must learn English; have sponsors; & be talented.
Bob Smith: Amnesty is unfair; deny opportunities for illegals.
Marco Rubio: Oppose amnesty in any reform.
Alexi Giannoulias: Comprehensive reform with responsible path to citizenship.
Alexi Giannoulias: Don't punish immigrant kids; DREAM Act yes; REAL ID no.
Jane Norton: Secure our borders; no amnesty.
Joe L. Kennedy: Tolerate illegal aliens as long as they contribute.
Kendrick Meek: Temporary Protected Status for Haitians living in the US.
Mark Kirk: Upgrade our nation's border security.
Pat Toomey: Oppose amnesty; respect the rule of law.
Trey Grayson: Finish the 700-mile fence on our southern border.
Alan Khazei: Immigration critical to our future; ok to earn citizenship.
Michael Bennet: Our borders not secure; create a path to citizenship.
Len Britton: Borrowing program for small business to hire more.
Linda McMahon: People create jobs, not governments.
Lisa Johnston: Clean energy technology will create jobs.
Tom Sullivan: Job growth increases revenue without taxes.
Elaine Marshall: 15% refundable tax credit for new hires.
Linda McMahon: Opposed to Card Check legislation.
Roxanne Conlin: Small business tax credits to create jobs.
William Barnes: Must take action when unemployment rate exceeds 10%.
Alvin Greene: Let's Get South Carolina Back to Work!
Richard Blumenthal: Fight for job creation and aid to small businesses.
Mullins McLeod: A Plan for Change: Jobs Matter Most.
Eric Deaton: Job loss affects citizens more than any federal politicians.
Marco Rubio: Oppose card check & Employee Free Choice Act.
Alexi Giannoulias: Invest in clean energy jobs which cannot be outsourced.
Alexi Giannoulias: Evaluate workers on their abilities, not their identities.
Jim Bender: Member of three labor unions.
Joe Sestak: Ensure that women are provided fair wages.
Kendrick Meek: Supports minimum wage, organizing unions, and R&D.
Lee Fisher: Enforce collective bargaining and prevailing wage laws.
Pat Toomey: Government cannot create jobs, except by cutting taxes.
Rob Portman: Toured 16 Ohio manufacturing plants to ask about economy.
Rob Portman: Great concern about card-check legislation.
Roy Blunt: So-called "stimulus" has not delivered jobs.
Jennifer Brunner: Jobs are my number one issue.
Jennifer Brunner: Secret ballot vote on union collective bargaining.
Alan Khazei: Jobs Creation Tax Credit: 15% back for new jobs.
Martha Coakley: Keep historic industries like fishing in Massachusetts.
Stephen Pagliuca: Job creation will be my number one priority.
Principles & Values
Steve Pearce: Protect our right to prayer & faith.
Len Britton: Ninth-generation Vermont businessman.
Scott McAdams: No outside interest should impede where we pray.
Eric Wargotz: Traditional American Values & respect God.
Alvin Greene: BA from USC; USAF veteran for 13 years.
Rand Paul: A career doctor, not a career politician.
Mike Thurmond: Desperate need for fundamental change in Washington.
Richard Blumenthal: I hear your anger, frustration and real hurt.
Bob Smith: Our Constitution is under siege from all quarters.
Mullins McLeod: A Plan for Change: New Covenant with people of SC.
Rodney Glassman: Serves on Tucson City Council and as JAG in USAF.
Eric Deaton: I have felt unrepresented for too many years.
Charlie Crist: Humble roots led to values of lower taxes & less government.
Jim Bender: Led fundraising for a new church in Nashua.
Jim Bender: Graduate of Lowell Tech and Harvard.
Joe L. Kennedy: Too many candidates get elected for being not the other guy.
Kelly Ayotte: Married with two children.
Michael Bennet: Pragmatism and independent thinking at national level.
Roy Blunt: Checks and balances destroyed by liberal one-party control.
Rudy Garcia: Born, raised, and worked in Arizona.
Rudy Garcia: Recalled entire Bell Gardens City Council then became Mayor.
Alan Khazei: Co-founder of City Year and Be the Change.
Alan Khazei: Heritage is Italian and Iranian; raised in Boston and NH.
Michael Capuano: Heritage is Italian and Irish; born & raised in Somerville.
Michael Capuano: Served as mayor of Somerville; led MA Mayors' Association.
Stephen Pagliuca: Government role in advancing economic and social justice.
Scott Brown: Previously Wrentham Selectman, and State Rep.
Scott Brown: Graduate of Wakefield High, Tufts, and BC Law.
Social Security
Rodney Glassman: No risky scheme to benefit Wall Street with retirement funds.
Jack Conway: Oppose any effort to privatize.
Joe Sestak: Co-sponsored the Social Security Fairness Act.
Joe Sestak: Oppose privatization; would have lost income in recession.
Lisa Johnston: We must protect Social Security.
Richard Blumenthal: Protecting Medicare and Social Security from cutbacks.
Tracy Potter: Equalize payroll taxes by removing $106,800 cap.
Alexander Snitker: Optional individual ownership of retirement funds.
Mark Myles: Honor our commitment to provide for the elderly.
Elaine Marshall: Stand firm against risky privatization schemes.
Roxanne Conlin: Defend Social Security instead of privatizing it.
Mike Lee: $50 trillion in unfunded entitlements is unsustainable.
Sharron Angle: Redeem promised IOUs with a lockbox & personal accounts.
Lee Fisher: Strengthen, preserve and protect Social Security.
Robin Carnahan: Protect the benefits seniors have earned.
Martha Coakley: Safety net of Social Security is more important than eve.
Michael Bennet: Preserve the integrity of entitlement programs.
Michael Bennet: Strongly opposes privatizing or reducing benefits.
Tax Reform
Jack Orchulli: End over-spending by self-serving career politicians.
Linda McMahon: Hold top rates to 35% and keep capital gains rate down.
Jack Conway: Every child born owes $38,000 of national debt.
Richard Blumenthal: Extend Bush tax cuts only for people earning under $250K.
Bernard DeCastro: Repeal 16th Amendment; adopt a FairTax.
Ken Buck: Endless spending in Congress means higher taxes.
Alexander Snitker: FairTax: simple, fair, understandable, & encourages growth.
Jay Townsend: Don't allow Bush tax cuts to expire.
Cam Cavasso: For Fair Tax and Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
Elaine Marshall: One-time $1,200 income tax credit for earners under $100,000.
Eric Wargotz: Flat Tax: Make taxes simple, transparent and pro-growth.
Dino Rossi: Lower taxes promote economic growth.
Mike Lee: Supports the FairTax and the flat tax.
Rand Paul: Lower taxes encourage spending, saving, and investing.
Sharron Angle: Consistent vote against unnecessary tax increases.
Tracy Potter: Sponsored $138M income tax relief bill.
Mike Thurmond: Reward achievement and entrepreneurship.
Mullins McLeod: Lower the tax burden on SC families.
Eric Deaton: Support the FairTax; oppose complicated tax systems.
Marco Rubio: Simplify our tax code; reduce the tax burden.
Alexi Giannoulias: Extend $8000 homebuyer credit; one-year payroll tax holiday.
Carly Fiorina: Taxpayer Protection Pledge: no new or increased taxes.
Jim Bender: Simplify the tax code and other government regulations.
Lee Fisher: Let tax cuts on wealthy expire, to pay for health reform.
Mark Kirk: Tax increase is surest way to turn recession into depression.
Trey Grayson: Make recent tax cuts permanent.
Peter Konetchy: Replace IRS with excise tax and tax on states, not people.
Michael Bennet: Target tax cuts to struggling middle class families.
William Barnes: Replace the internal combustion engine.
Mullins McLeod: South Carolina is a state of innovation.
Mullins McLeod: Poor roads slow industrial development and tourism.
Tom Alciere: Adopt the metric system.
Carly Fiorina: Post federal budgets on Internet for public comment.
Charlie Crist: Toughened penalties for identity theft and Internet spam.
Jim Bender: Helped start a personal computers peripherals business.
Stephen Pagliuca: Invest in life sciences and green technology.
War & Peace
Len Britton: No clear mission and strategy in Afghanistan; so depart.
Chris Coons: Responsibly end the war in Iraq.
Marco Rubio: 2007 troop surge was the right thing to do.
Jim Bender: No arbitrary deadline for leaving Afghanistan and Iraq.
Joe DioGuardi: Afghanistan was a war of choice.
Lisa Johnston: We have spent gigantic amounts of US taxpayer money in Iraq.
Richard Blumenthal: Withdraw US combat troops from Iraq.
Jim Huffman: War on terror is a real conflict against a toxic ideology.
Elaine Marshall: Bogged down in two wars that drain resources.
Joe DioGuardi: Iraq was a mistake; develop intelligence instead of war.
Linda McMahon: Bring home troops from Afghanistan in victory, not defeat.
Roxanne Conlin: Oppose addition of 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.
Dino Rossi: Ensure victory against jihadists including in Iraq.
Mike Lee: Militarily pressure Iran to abandon nuclear weapons ambition.
Mike Lee: Stay in Afghanistan until all targets are neutralized.
Sharron Angle: Staunch supporter of strong sanctions against rogue nations.
John Hoeven: Empower commanders to decide when we're done in Afghanistan.
Bob Smith: No unconditional withdrawal from engagement in Afghanistan.
Alexi Giannoulias: Stand firmly and unequivocally against Iranian aggression.
Alexi Giannoulias: Expel al Qaeda from Afghanistan, then end commitment.
Alexi Giannoulias: Withdraw all combat troops from Iraq by the end of 2010.
Joe L. Kennedy: Afghanistan: we cannot end a war by escalating it.
Joe L. Kennedy: Always opposed invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Joe Sestak: Ensure stability as we draw down our forces in Iraq.
Kendrick Meek: Consistent advocate of drawdown in Iraq; focus on al-Qaeda.
Kendrick Meek: Supporter of US aid to Israel, both in peace & conflict.
Lee Fisher: Responsibly end the war in Iraq; train Afghan troops & exit.
Lee Fisher: Stop Iran & North Korea from developing or acquiring nukes.
Mark Kirk: Win the Global War on Terror.
Mark Kirk: Stop Iran's nuclear & ballistic missile programs.
Robin Carnahan: Stand up to Iran and North Korea.
Jennifer Brunner: Targeted sanctions against Iran's developing nuclear weapons.
Alan Khazei: Strongly opposed Iraq War & Bush doctrine of preventive.
Martha Coakley: End the war in Iraq by 2011.
Michael Capuano: Consistent and outspoken opponent of the war in Iraq.
Stephen Pagliuca: Vocal critic of going into Iraq.
Stephen Pagliuca: Draw down our forces in Afghanistan.
Welfare & Poverty
Peter Konetchy: Voluntary charity from family & church, not government.
Andrew Romanoff: Use the EITC to reward work and reduce poverty.
Joe L. Kennedy: Replace welfare system with private charities.
Alan Khazei: City Year modeled as domestic Peace Corps.
Alan Khazei: Crafted Serve America Act: community and faith-based service.
Michael Capuano: Preserve and expand affordable housing opportunities.
The above quotations are from Survey of 2010 Senate campaign websites.