Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
2014 South Carolina Senate debates
 (Click for external website)
Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from 2014 SC Senate debate (number of quotes indicated):
- Brad Hutto (3) Democratic Challenger South Carolina
- Jack Reed (1) Democratic Sr Senator Rhode Island
- Jay Stamper (7) Republican Challenger South Carolina
- Joyce Dickerson (5) Democratic Senate Challenger South Carolina
- Lee Bright (20) Republican Challenger South Carolina
- Lindsey Graham (24) South Carolina S.C. Senator; Republican Presidential candidate
- Nancy Mace (8) Republican Senate challenger South Carolina
- Newt Gingrich (1) Republican
- Rick Wade (13) Democratic Senate Challenger South Carolina
- Thomas Ravenel (22) Republican Senate challenger South Carolina
- Tim Scott (17) Republican Senator-Appointee South Carolina
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
South Carolina has two simultaneous Senate races this year, both with election dates of November 4th, 2014.
- The 6-year seat is the normal re-election campaign for Senator Lindsey Graham, whose 6-year term expires this year.
- The 2-year seat is for the seat vacated by Senator Jim DeMint, who resigned to run a think-tank.
- The 2-year seat is temporarily filled by Senator Tim Scott, who was appointed by Governor Nikki Haley, until his appointment expires in November.
- Sen. Scott is also running for the 2-year term to serve out the original term of Sen. DeMint.
South Carolina Senate debates: 2-year seat:
- The Greenville News, "Dems seeking Senate seat back MOX project", by Meg Kinnard, May 30, 2014
- The Greenville News, "3 Democrats seek chance at Senate seat", by Tim Smith, May 17, 2014
- Washington Post, "Cory Booker, Tim Scott team up for the first time", by Ed O'Keefe, April 9, 2014
- The State magazine, "Rick Wade drops out", March 6, 2014
- Andrew Shain on The State, published in The Greenville News, 12/15/2013
- Andrew Shain in The Island Packet, "Introduce Tim to Rick", 12/14/2013
- TheGrio webzine interview of Rick Wade, Dec. 13, 2013
- FITSNews.com coverage, "Rick Wade Challenge", Dec. 13, 2013
- CBS "Face the Nation" interview of Sen. Tim Scott, Dec. 23, 2012
- Associated Press, "Democrat Joyce Dickerson challenging US Sen. Tim Scott", Nov 8 2013
- The State magazine on Rick Wade, Aug. 29, 2013
- Human Events magazine on Rick Wade, April 24, 2013
- Tim Scott constituent email on H.R. 2306, the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act, 10 July 2011
South Carolina Senate debates: 6-year seat:
- SC Politics and Sports Digest, "Ravenel hires pro-abortion activist as communications director", August 24, 2014
- FITS News, "Thomas Ravenel Rips Lindsey Graham Over Iraq Fearmongering", August 11, 2014
- The Island Packet, "Ravenel launches political comeback on Lady's Island", by Zach Murdock, July 21, 2014
- WLTX, "Thomas Ravenel Running For US Senate", by Laura McElveen, July 4, 2014
- TheDailyBeast blog, "T-Rav: The Reality TV Star Running for Senate", by Patricia Murphy, July 4, 2014
- The State magazine, "Dickerson & Hutto win", June 11, 2014
- Mother Jones magazine, "This Ex-Con Reality TV Star Wants to Challenge Sen. Lindsey Graham", by Patrick Caldwell, May 12, 2014
- The Hill, "Has foreign policy saved Lindsay Graham?", by Cameron Joseph, March 23, 2014
- The Hill, "Graham touts fiscal conservative bona fides in new ad", by Cameron Joseph, March 3, 2014
- Greenville News, "Graham: it's time to pressure Putin", by Clark Brooks, March 3, 2014
- Spartanburg Herald-Journal, by Felicia Kitzmiller, "Stamper finds 'reluctant' support among Democrats", Jan. 13, 2014
- Lee Bright's editorial, "My Story", on FITSNews.com, Jan. 1, 2013
- Jay Stamper's editorial on FITSNews.com, Dec. 3, 2013
- G. Miller Thompson in Edgefield Advertiser, "Profiles in Politics: Nancy Mace", November 23, 2013
- Mark Vogl coverage on NolanChart.com, November 5, 2013
- G. Miller Thompson in Edgefield Advertiser, "Profiles in Politics: Lee Bright", October 25, 2013
- AdWatch: Jay Stamper press release on gay marriage, Oct. 23 and Nov. 1, 2013
- G. Miller Thompson in Edgefield Advertiser, "Profiles in Politics: Senator Lindsey Graham", October 22, 2013
- U.S.News & World Report coverage, Sept. 5, 2013
- DailyKos.com coverage, Aug. 22, 2013
- Meet the Press 2013 interview of Lindsey Graham, August 4, 2013
- CBS "Face the Nation" interview of Sen. Graham, Feb. 10, 2013
- CNN "State of the Union" interview of Sen. Graham, January 6, March 3 and April 28, 2013
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Tim Scott: Human life begins at conception.
Thomas Ravenel: Hired abortion activist as campaign Communications Director.
Lee Bright: Human life begins at conception.
Jay Stamper: Limiting abortion isn't limited-government conservatism.
Budget & Economy
Tim Scott: Free enterprise is the key to national prosperity.
Thomas Ravenel: Federal spending is headed for a doomsday scenario.
Lee Bright: Free enterprise is the key to national prosperity.
Rick Wade: AdWatch: 5 years in Washington on failed $787B stimulus.
Nancy Mace: Restore some accountability in the budgeting process.
Lindsey Graham: Dollar-for-dollar offset: cut spending to raise debt ceiling.
Tim Scott: Address fiscal cliff with sequestration & tax cut extension.
Civil Rights
Tim Scott: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Brad Hutto: Equal pay for equal work is the next women's milestone.
Thomas Ravenel: Stay out of marriage, but if not, treat gays equally.
Lee Bright: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Thomas Ravenel: Government should stay out of our bedrooms &our boardrooms.
Rick Wade: First all-black U.S. Senate race in recent memory.
Jay Stamper: Asked by Party to exit race after supporting gay marriage.
Lindsey Graham: AdWatch: Hero of the taxpayer & guardian of small business.
Jay Stamper: Stop giving away millions in corporate welfare.
Lindsey Graham: 1997: Created trucking logistics company with 100 employees.
Rick Wade: Served in Obama's U.S. Commerce Department.
Jay Stamper: Pleaded guilty to three white-collar felony charges in 2006.
Thomas Ravenel: End the war on drugs; it's federal overreach & unsuccessful.
Thomas Ravenel: In favor of ending the war on drugs.
Tim Scott: Marijuana is unhealthy, but states' rights are important too.
Tim Scott: Oppose nationwide Common Core standards.
Lee Bright: Oppose nationwide Common Core standards.
Rick Wade: All 6 siblings attended public schools.
Nancy Mace: Strongly supports educational choice.
Lee Bright: Advocates abolishing the Department of Education.
Rick Wade: Vision for S.C. focused on education and jobs.
Energy & Oil
Tim Scott: No subsidies for wind and solar.
Lee Bright: No subsidies for wind and solar.
Joyce Dickerson: Open the Savannah River Site nuclear reactor fuel project.
Lee Bright: Deal with waste, to remove obstacles to new nuclear plants.
Rick Wade: V.P. of GreenTech Automotive, the "green car" company.
Lindsey Graham: Green diesel regulations cost $367 per truck per year.
Families & Children
Thomas Ravenel: Let churches provide for families in need, not state.
Foreign Policy
Brad Hutto: Focus on state's needs, not foreign conflicts.
Brad Hutto: We should not act as the world's policeman.
Thomas Ravenel: Opposed to foreign interventions.
Lee Bright: Remove Russia from G-8 over Ukraine invasion.
Lindsey Graham: Create a democratic noose around Putin's Russia.
Jay Stamper: Trillions on foreign engagements isn't fiscal conservatism.
Nancy Mace: No foreign aid to Egypt & countries who are our enemies.
Free Trade
Lindsey Graham: NAFTA drained away textile trade from Upstate SC.
Rick Wade: Envoy to China, to get investment via EB-5 visas.
Government Reform
Tim Scott: Photo ID for voting.
Lee Bright: Photo ID for voting.
Rick Wade: Washington is broken.
Nancy Mace: Term limits of 12 years for Senate; 6 years for House.
Nancy Mace: Term limits are the only way to stop the ruling elitists.
Gun Control
Tim Scott: Opposes more gun restrictions.
Lee Bright: Opposes more gun restrictions.
Joyce Dickerson: Right to guns, but address issues of gun violence.
Tim Scott: Don't rush to judgment on gun control after school shootings.
Health Care
Tim Scott: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility.
Lee Bright: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility.
Thomas Ravenel: Against ObamaCare.
Lindsey Graham: Opposed ObamaCare from day one.
Rick Wade: ObamaCare addresses closing health care disparities.
Lee Bright: Full implementation of ObamaCare ends self-governance.
Lindsey Graham: Let ObamaCare show itself as a continuing debacle.
Nancy Mace: ObamaCare will be the undoing of our American way of life.
Homeland Security
Tim Scott: Maintain a superior nuclear arsenal.
Thomas Ravenel: No NSA snooping; defend the Fourth Amendment.
Thomas Ravenel: No more blood & treasure on 'nation-building' in Iraq.
Thomas Ravenel: I want a military that defends America, not Germany or Japan.
Thomas Ravenel: We absolutely must have the world's strongest military.
Lee Bright: Maintain a superior nuclear arsenal.
Joyce Dickerson: I'm mad as heel about delays in veterans' care.
Lindsey Graham: Doing nothing about Benghazi leads to a more dangerous world.
Jay Stamper: NSA domestic spying included innocent U.S. citizens.
Lindsey Graham: NSA domestic spying only targets terrorism suspects.
Lindsey Graham: NSA leaker Edward Snowden is a felon, not a hero.
Lindsey Graham: Cuts to military systems will leave us with a hollow force.
Jack Reed: Don't over-react to Benghazi; situation was confused.
Lindsey Graham: President did not do enough to protect Benghazi embassy.
Tim Scott: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
Thomas Ravenel: Robust worker visa program, plus anything else reasonable.
Lee Bright: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
Lee Bright: Secure the border first; but no amnesty.
Lindsey Graham: Secure border now in place with comprehensive immigration.
Lindsey Graham: New amnesty is tough and ends incoming illegals.
Joyce Dickerson: Equal pay for women, and higher minimum wage.
Lindsey Graham: Biggest business headache is worker's compensation system.
Principles & Values
Tim Scott: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
Thomas Ravenel: Values taught by church, not enforced by mandate.
Lee Bright: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
Thomas Ravenel: Fiscally conservative and socially moderate libertarian.
Rick Wade: Withdraws from race, citing too-late entrance.
Tim Scott: OpEd: Dems call Scott "senator for the Heritage Foundation".
Rick Wade: Commitment to listen to the people, not special interests.
Nancy Mace: Give a conservative voice to the people of South Carolina.
Lee Bright: I live all aspects of my life based on Biblical principles.
Rick Wade: Ran unsuccessfully for secretary of state in 2002.
Tim Scott: Grew up poor in a black community in North Charleston.
Tim Scott: Served in public office for 18 years, with 2 terms in House.
Social Security
Thomas Ravenel: Voluntary personal accounts for younger workers.
Tax Reform
Lee Bright: Supports the FairTax to simplify taxes.
Thomas Ravenel: Government doesn't belong in your email inbox.
Rick Wade: Infrastructure investment in the poorest areas of S.C.
Joyce Dickerson: Ensure the county has reliable public transportation.
Lee Bright: Dredge the Port of Charleston to a 50-foot depth.
War & Peace
Lindsey Graham: More intervention in Iraq avoids an American city in flames.
Thomas Ravenel: Intervention in Iraq based on same nonsense as in past.
Thomas Ravenel: U.S. military is over-involved overseas.
Thomas Ravenel: Republicans are pro-invading this or that country.
Lindsey Graham: Obama "screams loudly & carries no stick," in Russia & Syria.
Newt Gingrich: Obama "screams loudly & carries no stick," in Russia & Syria.
Jay Stamper: Don't go on "war footing" against Russia over Ukraine.
Lindsey Graham: Support the Syrian rebels against Assad & Iran.
Lee Bright: Intervention in Syria would help the Muslim Brotherhood.
Lindsey Graham: Intervention in Syria to degrade Assad's chemical weapons.
Lindsey Graham: Getting Syria wrong leads to Iranian nukes & war with Israel.
Nancy Mace: Intervention in Syria would bolster al-Qaida.
Lindsey Graham: Syria: Assad must go, and small arms won't do it.
Lindsey Graham: Get involved in Syria to protect against al Qaeda and Iran.
Lindsey Graham: Slow Afghan withdrawal, with 15,000 US troops left behind.
Welfare & Poverty
Thomas Ravenel: New Deal & Great Society are examples of federal overreach.
The above quotations are from 2014 South Carolina Senate debates.
- Outsider in the House, by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I, VT)
- The Little Plaid Book, by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R, TN)
- Cowboy in Caracas, by Senate nominee Charlie Hardy (D, WY)
- The New Black Politician: Cory Booker, Newark, and Post-Racial America (D, NJ)
- Now or Never: A Call to Reclaim America, by Rep. Jody Hice (R, GA-10)
- The Case for Polarized Politics, by Senate candidate Jeff Bell (R, NJ)
- Born To Fly, by Senate candidate Shane Osborn (R, NE)
- A Tribute to 101 Incredible Women, by Senate candidate Joyce Dickerson (D, SC)
- The Debt Bomb, by Senator Tom Coburn (R, OK)
- A Fighting Chance, by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D, MA)
- Winning Right, by Senate candidate Ed Gillespie (R,VA)
- Planned Bullyhood, by Senate candidate Karen Handel (R,GA)
- The Tea Party Goes to Washington, by Senator Rand Paul (R,KY)
- Governor`s Travels, by Senator Angus King (I,ME)
- This Is Not Florida, biography of Senator Al Franken (D,MN)
- The Truth (with jokes), by Sen. Al Franken (D, MN)
- Planned Bullyhood, by Senate candidate Karen Handel (R, GA)
- Republican Leader, biography of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R, KY)
- The Man Behind The Mask, by Senate candidate Andy Martin (R, NH)
- In the Company of Men, by Senate candidate Nancy Mace (R, SC)
- Be the Change!, by Senate candidate Michelle Nunn (D, GA)
- The Greatest Hoax, by Sen. James Inhofe (R, OK)
- Unite and Conquer, by Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D, AZ)