Greg Parke on Tax Reform
Completely eliminate federal estate tax
Parke supports a complete elimination of the federal estate tax. Currently the first two million dollars of an estate is exempt from the tax. This exemption rises to $3.5 million in 2009. It reverts to one million in 2011.
Parke says, "I just think there is something fundamentally wrong that just because you die the government has a right to take half of what you have built up for your family. That just irks me."
Source: Bob Kinzel series of interviews on Vermont Public Radio
Jun 12, 2006
Let people take care of their own hard earned money
How Tax Cuts HelpIt all boils down to a choice: We can seek out and elect representatives who trust us to take care of our own hard earned money, or we can elect people who want to spend it for us.
If we do not protect our
income from politicians who believe they are wiser with it then we are, if we do not check our government's spending power we will have fewer choices, and lose the very financial liberty and freedom our nation was founded to protect.
Source: Campaign website, www.voteparke.org, "Issues"
Jan 21, 2006