Thomas Kean Jr. on Tax Reform |
KEAN: I believe NJ residents should not pay a single penny more in taxes until we have wholesale government reform. This means making the federal tax cuts permanent. I will fight to end the Marriage Penalty Tax for good, ensure that the Alternative Minimum Tax does not entrap the middle class and repeal the unfair Death Tax that penalizes hardworking people for the achievements of a lifetime.
MENENDEZ: Tom Kean Jr's solution is to make permanent President Bush's tax cuts to the wealthiest 1%-of which he is one. My opponent wants to eliminate the estate tax for the wealthiest one half of 1%-of which he is one, as well. I believe in fair and fiscally responsible tax cuts. I sponsored an amendment to protect middle-class families from the alternative minimum tax. I've supported tax cut packages that would have provided meaningful relief to families. If the cuts are made permanent, $2 trillion will be added to our debt over the next decade.