Jim Dexter on Energy & Oil
Voted YES on ending discussion of CAFE fuel efficiency standards.
Senators Feinstein (D-CA) and Bryan (D-NV) introduced a resolution expressing the sense of the Senate towards ending CAFE Standards. Senator Gorton motioned to table this amendment. [A YES vote is considered pro-business].
Dexter says, "Even though such resolutions are meaningless in the real world, I'll vote for all measures that get the fedgov out of areas where it doesn't belong."
Status: Amdt Rejected Y)40; N)55; NV)4
Reference: Gorton Amdt # 1677;
Bill H.R. 2084
; vote number 1999-275
on Sep 15, 1999
Voted NO on defunding renewable and solar energy.
In June of 1999, Senator Jeffords (R-VT) was prepared to offer an amendment which would have added $62 million to the Energy Department solar and renewable energy programs. This action was blocked by Senator Reid (D-NV).
Dexter says, "While I know we must find alternative energy sources, I do not believe it is the feeral government's duty to do so. Private enterprise will find solutions with no other funding that the potential for profits."
Status: Motion Agreed to Y)60; N)39; NV)1
Reference: Motion to table the recommital;
Bill S. 1186
; vote number 1999-171
on Jun 16, 1999
Voted YES on approving a nuclear waste repository.
Approval of the interim nuclear waste repository.
Dexter says, "Nuclear waste is a real problem, one that cannot be solved by avoiding it. We need to find solutions. In Utah, the Goshutes have tried to use their sovereign territor"
Status: Bill Passed Y)65; N)34; NV)1
Reference: Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1997;
Bill S. 104
; vote number 1997-42
on Apr 15, 1997
Voted NO on do not require ethanol in gasoline.
Funding a mandated percentage of market share for the use of ethanol in gasoline, to be funded b reducing NASA budget b $39 million..
Dexter says, "It has proven to be an absolutely stupid idea. This and the MTBE fiasco prove that politicians should stay away from science they don't understand."
Status: Table Motion Agreed to Y)50; N)50; VP decided YES
Reference: Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1995;
Bill H.R. 4624
; vote number 1994-255
on Aug 3, 1994