
Stephen Laffey on Principles & Values

Republican Senate Challenger

Confront real problems directly with people

When I make a mistake, I apologize directly. I've done that in the past. If you're in the public eye as much as I am, you're going to say things from time to time that are a little bit strong. In the end, what we've done in Cranston is get real change starting to spread around so you sometimes have to confront real problems directly with people rather than giving into the special interests over and over again. When you want real change and people don't want to change things, they will fight you.
Source: 2006 R.I. Republican Senate Primary debate on WPRI Aug 24, 2006

Fight big pharma, big oil, and special interests

I'm running for the United States Senate because the smallest state in the Union needs the strongest voice in the Senate:I will be that voice!
Source: Campaign announcement speech Sep 8, 2005

As Cranston Mayor, converted worst credit rating in America

When I returned to Cranston [after college and working], I found the same hard-working, honest, decent people who I grew up with. But, to my horror, I also found a city government that was filled with corruption, run by special interests and literally on the verge of declaring bankruptcy. Incredibly, the two cities in all of America with the worst credit rating were East Chicago and Cranston. Cranston had the largest budget deficit in the State. It had one sweetheart deal after another that the politicians had made with the powerful special interests. I had never even been involved in politics before, but I saw a great need.The people listened to the truth. As mayor, we've been able to turn Cranston around in just over two short years.
Source: Campaign announcement speech Sep 8, 2005

The strongest voice for the smallest state

In order to get to where we are [in Cranston], we've had our share of disputes. We've stepped on the toes. no.we've broken the feet. of some powerful special interests. And the special interests and political bosses got angry. But we reached across the aisle so Democrats would work with me to pass the needed reforms to save the City.

Folks, in order to change Washington like we changed Cranston, we're going to need the strongest voice we can find. I am a reformer and the people of Cranston know that

Source: Campaign announcement speech Sep 8, 2005

The strongest voice for the smallest state

when we set out to do something, we get the job done.

Whether people agree with me or not, they know I am not afraid to take on issues, and I am not afraid to stand and fight for those beliefs in the face of all odds.

This race is about who is going to be the best watchdog for your interests.and who is going to be the strongest voice in Washington for you and your family. If the people of R.I. send me to the U.S. Senate, the smallest state in the union will have the strongest voice in Washington.

Source: Campaign announcement speech Sep 8, 2005

Other candidates on Principles & Values: Stephen Laffey on other issues:
RI Gubernatorial:
Donald Carcieri
RI Senatorial:
Carl Sheeler
Jack Reed
Lincoln Chafee
Matt Brown
Sheldon Whitehouse

2004 Presidential:
Pres.George W. Bush
Sen.John Kerry
Ralph Nader

2008 possibilities:

Sen.Hillary Clinton
Sen.John Edwards
Sen.Russ Feingold
Rudy Giuliani
V.P.Al Gore
Sen.Barack Obama
Sen.John McCain

2006 Senate retirements:
Jon Corzine(D,NJ)
Mark Dayton(DFL,MN)
Bill Frist(R,TN)
Jim Jeffords(I,VT)
Paul Sarbanes(D,MD)
2006 Senate Races:
(AZ)Kyl v.Pederson
(CA)Feinstein v.Mountjoy
(CT)Lieberman v.Lamont v.Schlesinger
(DE)Carper v.Ting
(FL)Nelson v.Harris
(HI)Akaka v.Thielen
(IN)Lugar v.Osborn
(MA)Kennedy v.Chase
(MD)Cardin v.Steele v.Zeese
(ME)Snowe v.Bright
(MI)Stabenow v.Bouchard
(MN)Kennedy v.Klobuchar
(MO)Talent v.McCaskill
(MS)Lott v.Fleming v.Bowlin
(MT)Burns v.Tester
(ND)Conrad v.Grotberg
(NE)Nelson v.Ricketts
(NJ)Menendez v.Kean
(NM)Bingaman v.McCulloch
(NV)Ensign v.Carter
(NY)Clinton v.Spencer
(OH)DeWine vBrown
(PA)Santorum v.Casey
(RI)Chafee vWhitehouse
(TN)Ford v.Corker
(TX)Hutchison v.Radnofsky
(UT)Hatch v.Ashdown
(VA)Allen v.Webb
(VT)Sanders v.Tarrant
(WA)Cantwell v.McGavick v.Guthrie
(WI)Kohl v.Vogeler v.Redick
(WV)Byrd v.Raese
(WY)Thomas v.Groutage
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

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