Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
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State of Oregon Politicians: Archives

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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
ACLU: Apply health equity: barriers affect low-income minorities.
Bud Pierce: Accessible contraceptives & family planning services.
Cliff Bentz: Opposed requiring coverage for all for reproductive health.
Kate Brown: Abortions should always be legally available.
Jason Beebe: Mother had me at 14; really do believe in right to life.
Jeff Merkley: Abortions should always be legally available.
Jeff Merkley: Public funding for stem cell research.
Jennifer Granholm: Religious political discussions turn to reproductive rights.
Jim Huffman: Pro-choice, but issue has corrupted politics.
Jim Huffman: Supports abortion rights, but no federal funding.
Jim Huffman: Pro-choice but Roe v. Wade was a bad decision.
Jo Rae Perkins: Pro life and support Medical Freedom.
Jo Rae Perkins: Life begins at conception.
Jo Rae Perkins: Strong pro-life from womb to tomb.
Jo Rae Perkins: Endorsed by Oregon Right to Life, pro-life all the way.
John Kitzhaber: Abortions always legally available, & government funded.
Julian Bell: Strongly supports a woman's right to choose.
Kate Brown: Enacted requiring coverage for all for reproductive health.
Kevin Stine: No new federal law restricting access to abortion.
Knute Buehler: Pro-choice: wants abortions rare, safe and legal.
Knute Buehler: Opposed requiring coverage for all for reproductive health.
Mark Callahan: You are either Pro-Life or you are not.
Mark Callahan: Abortion is murder.
Monica Wehby: Abortion is a personal choice.
Monica Wehby: Abortion is a personal decision.
Paul Romero: Defund Planned Parenthood.
Paul Romero: Only exceptions for rape, incest, risk of death of mother.
Tina Kotek: Worked to ensure full access to reproductive health care.
Tina Kotek: Public funding for stem cell research.
Tina Kotek: Supported requiring coverage for all for reproductive health.
Tobias Read: Public funding for stem cell research.
Winona LaDuke: Supports a woman's right to choose.
Winona LaDuke: Choice means quality of life for low-income families.
Tom Vilsack: Informed consent is government telling women what to do.
Betsy Johnson: I am pro-choice--it is a bedrock value for me.
Betsy Johnson: History as a Planned Parenthood board member.
Betsy Johnson: Supported requiring coverage for all for reproductive health.
Christine Drazan: Against abortion, but would only enforce existing laws.
Budget & Economy
Bob Niemeyer: Cut the size of government and jobs will follow.
Bud Pierce: Cut growth in state budget by half.
Bud Pierce: Cut government workforce instead of raising taxes.
Casey Kulla: Government should help develop mixed housing stock.
Christine Drazan: Identify and prosecute waste, fraud and abuse in government.
Gordon Harold Smith: Stabilize the monster that is devouring Wall Street.
Gordon Harold Smith: Supports bailout as BETTER regulation, not MORE regulation.
Gordon Harold Smith: Supports government help for people facing foreclosure.
Jason Beebe: Give business incentives to grow economy, not higher taxes.
Jason Beebe: Very simple, we spend too much money.
Jason Conger: Supports executive bonuses; opposes federal bailout.
Jeff Merkley: Bailout bill is a $700-million blank check.
Jeff Merkley: Oppose bailout bill; more oversight needed.
Jeff Merkley: Our children have to repay debt from deregulated Wall Street.
Jeff Merkley: Strengthen the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Jim Huffman: Supports balanced budget amendment.
Jim Huffman: No $2M spending on exotic ant research.
Jo Rae Perkins: Shrink government; cut BLM, USFS, and the Fed.
Jo Rae Perkins: Stop spending tax dollars on pork project earmarks.
Jo Rae Perkins: End out of control spending, cut bloated federal agencies.
Jo Rae Perkins: Filed for twice for bankruptcy; lost professional credential.
John Kitzhaber: State recovering from Great Recession, but not every person.
Julian Bell: Invest in urgently needed affordable workforce housing.
Kate Brown: Fund infrastructure; start-up businesses; and job retraining.
Kevin Stine: Supports stimulus over market-led recovery.
Knute Buehler: Boost economy via spending controls and cutting regulations.
Mark Callahan: Balanced Budget Amendment to the US Constitution.
Monica Wehby: Problem is uncertainty in federal regulation & tax climate.
Paul Romero: Cut ALL the pork; steady draw down to save trillions.
Ron Wyden: No bailout of finance industry, no Wall Street bonuses.
Winona LaDuke: Replace corporate subsidies with community revitalization.
Betsy Johnson: Would veto any budget that did not have bipartisan support.
Civil Rights
Andrea Salinas: Ban the LGBTQ Panic Defense for second degree murder.
Bud Pierce: Same-sex marriage is a "settled" issue.
Casey Kulla: Committed to equity, some groups need additional resources.
Casey Kulla: Queer Oregonians should feel safe, affirmed, included.
Cliff Bentz: Disallow transgender change name/sex to be private.
Jason Beebe: Publicly read a June Pride Month proclamation.
Jeff Merkley: Apply affirmative action to state hiring.
Jeff Merkley: Oregon Equality Act: sexual orientation is a civil right.
Jeff Merkley: Ensure that women earn equal pay for equal work.
Jim Huffman: Supports the legal rights of gays.
Jo Rae Perkins: I do not believe racism is a threat to domestic security.
Jo Rae Perkins: Black wealth gap due to welfare rules, not redlining.
John Kitzhaber: Recognize same-sex marriages.
John Kitzhaber: Maintain affirmative action in colleges & state hiring.
Kate Brown: Prosecute discrimination cases; support affirmative action.
Kate Brown: Family Fairness Act to protect LGBT rights.
Kate Brown: Let transgendered privately change name/sex on vital records.
Kate Brown: Ban the LGBTQ Panic Defense for second degree murder.
Kevin Stine: Affirmative action is ok, bur don't enforce statistically.
Kevin Stine: Strongly supports same-sex marriage.
Knute Buehler: Let transgendered privately change name/sex on vital records.
Mark Callahan: Marriage is between one man and one woman.
Monica Wehby: Government shouldn't be involved in same-sex marriage.
Monica Wehby: Paycheck Fairness Act hurts women in the workplace.
Paul Romero: American, Veteran, father, Oregonian and Christian.
Paul Romero: Against "extra equality for groups".
Paul Romero: I have not witnessed racism as a problem.
Tate Reeves: Committed to building a more equitable world.
Ted Kulongoski: Oregon Equality Act: sexual orientation is a civil right.
Tina Kotek: Came out in early 20s; been with wife for 17 years.
Tina Kotek: Oregon Equality Act: sexual orientation is a civil right.
Tina Kotek: Let transgendered privately change name/sex on vital records.
Tina Kotek: Ban the LGBTQ Panic Defense for second degree murder.
Tobias Read: Oregon Equality Act: sexual orientation is a civil right.
Christine Drazan: Ban the LGBTQ Panic Defense for second degree murder.
Betsy Johnson: Fight bigotry and protect marriage equality in Oregon.
Betsy Johnson: Let transgendered privately change name/sex on vital records.
Betsy Johnson: Oregon Equality Act: sexual orientation is a civil right.
Jim Huffman: Moratorium on new federal regulations on businesses.
Kate Brown: Grow Our Own: develop existing Oregon businesses.
Kevin Stine: Cut corporate handouts & thus raise tax rates on the 1%.
Kevin Stine: Tax loopholes allow companies to pay meager tax rates.
Monica Wehby: Gov't should encourage growth, not squeeze businesses out.
Val Hoyle: Reduce sentences for non-violent offenses.
Andrea Salinas: Ban use of chokeholds by police with few exceptions.
Bob Niemeyer: Death penalty is less cruel to families of victims.
Bud Pierce: Says successful women not subject to abuse, then apologizes.
Casey Kulla: We need to shrink our prisons; address root causes of crime.
Christine Drazan: End treating police like criminals, criminals like victims.
Gordon Harold Smith: Supports use of federal death penalty.
Gordon Harold Smith: Stiffer laws against gang crimes, rapists & child sex.
Jason Conger: Voted NO on reducing sentences for non-violent offenses.
Jeff Merkley: Opposes the death penalty.
Jeff Merkley: Increase rehabilitation & alternatives to incarceration.
Jeff Merkley: Mandatory minimum sentence for some 1st-degree sex offenders.
Jeff Merkley: Worked hard to get better laws to deal with criminals.
Jim Huffman: Death penalty is too inaccurate to deserve support.
Jo Rae Perkins: Answer to police shooting blacks: "stop committing crime".
John Kitzhaber: Oppose the death penalty.
John Kitzhaber: End parole for repeat violent felons.
John Kitzhaber: Reduce sentences for non-violent offenses.
Kate Brown: Supports community policing; opposes death penalty.
Kate Brown: Ban use of chokeholds by police with few exceptions.
Kevin Stine: Give judges more leeway on sentencing.
Knute Buehler: A crime victim himself, vows to make citizen's lives safer.
Nicholas Kristof: Violence in Portland due to Feds more than protestors.
Tina Kotek: Police not trained to deal with a mental health crisis.
Tina Kotek: Voted YES on reducing sentences for non-violent offenses.
Tina Kotek: Ban use of chokeholds by police with few exceptions.
Tobias Read: Voted YES on reducing sentences for non-violent offenses.
Christine Drazan: Ban use of chokeholds by police with few exceptions.
Betsy Johnson: Won't defund or demonize our police; demand accountability.
Betsy Johnson: I will enforce Oregon's twice-approved death penalty.
Betsy Johnson: Voted NO on reducing sentences for non-violent offenses.
Val Hoyle: Voted YES on retail medical marijuana establishments.
Andrea Salinas: Support marijuana trade between states when federal laws end.
Casey Kulla: Added marijuana crop to his organic vegetable farm.
Cliff Bentz: Oppose marijuana trade between states when federal laws end.
Gordon Harold Smith: Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Jason Conger: Voted NO on retail medical marijuana establishments.
Jeff Merkley: Toughen laws against meth traffickers.
Jeff Merkley: Positives of pot legalization outweigh the negatives.
Jo Rae Perkins: Don't legalize marijuana federally; leave it to the states.
John Kitzhaber: Decriminalize medicinal marijuana.
Kate Brown: Liberalize recreational marijuana use but regulate it.
Kate Brown: Support marijuana trade between states when federal laws end.
Kevin Stine: Fearful rhetoric about marijuana leads to waste, not safety.
Knute Buehler: Federal government needs to respect state laws on marijuana.
Nicholas Kristof: War on drugs one of America's greatest mistakes.
Nicholas Kristof: Decriminalize to steer addicted people into treatment.
Tina Kotek: Voted YES on retail medical marijuana establishments.
Tina Kotek: Support marijuana trade between states when federal laws end.
Tobias Read: Led bipartisan coalition for cannabis industry banking.
Tobias Read: Voted YES on retail medical marijuana establishments.
Christine Drazan: Oppose marijuana trade between states when federal laws end.
Betsy Johnson: Repeal the failed experiment to legalize hard drugs.
Betsy Johnson: Oppose marijuana trade between states when federal laws end.
Betsy Johnson: Voted NO on retail medical marijuana establishments.
Bob Niemeyer: Common Core creates a putrid educational system.
Bob Niemeyer: Charter schools are the answer; throw out Common Core.
Bud Pierce: We need motivated, well-trained teachers.
Bud Pierce: Apply Massachusetts Education Reform act to Oregon schools.
Casey Kulla: We need to invest in childcare for an equitable future.
Christine Drazan: Expand access to school choice, stand up for parents' rights.
Jo Rae Perkins: Education is best dealt with at the local level.
John Kitzhaber: Public education is the cornerstone of democracy.
Kate Brown: Make it easier to opt out from Common Core testing.
Kate Brown: Seamless public education from cradle to career.
Kate Brown: More state funds for low-income districts.
Kate Brown: Future Ready Oregon: Prepare students for today's jobs.
Kate Brown: Seamless system of education, from cradle to career.
Kate Brown: Close opportunity gap and invest in rural education.
Kevin Mannix: Increase funding without raising taxes.
Kevin Stine: Opposes school vouchers.
Knute Buehler: Combat failing graduation; improve academic achievement.
Mark Callahan: Common Core is dumbing down the next generation.
Mark Callahan: Get rid of the Department of Education.
Monica Wehby: Increase school choice options for our families.
Nicholas Kristof: Make education a priority; make sure kids don't drop out.
Nicholas Kristof: Companies won't invest here if schools aren't top-notch.
Paul Romero: END Common Core.
Paul Romero: Forgive student loan interest, but not loan debt.
Tate Reeves: Have invested more than $10 billion in education programs.
Tobias Read: Extend the school year so kids have year-round learning.
Betsy Johnson: Give parents more options for their children's education.
Energy & Oil
Val Hoyle: Voted YES on electronic energy efficiency standards.
Val Hoyle: Wean Oregon off coal and boost renewable sources.
Bud Pierce: End low-carbon fuel mandate: 19 cents-a-gallon hidden tax.
Bud Pierce: Democrats OpEd: He would undo measures on climate change.
Casey Kulla: Don't allow any new fossil fuel infrastructure investments.
Christine Drazan: Will repeal cap-and-trade climate scheme on my first day.
Jason Beebe: Include green energy and nuclear in energy policy.
Jason Conger: Voted NO on electronic energy efficiency standards.
Jeff Merkley: Climate change is real, and it's bad for our economy.
Jo Rae Perkins: Trees need CO2; I prefer a warmer earth.
Jo Rae Perkins: Already have tools to cleanly burn fossil fuels.
John Kitzhaber: Making renewable energy in state also keeps dollars in state.
John Kitzhaber: Voted YES on electronic energy efficiency standards.
Julian Bell: Combat climate change and promote clean energy.
Julian Bell: Decarbonize at state level; hold corporations responsible.
Kate Brown: Require 1.5% solar energy technology in public construction.
Kate Brown: Clean fuel bill critical; we are seeing a warming planet.
Kate Brown: Angered environmentalists via compromise transportation bill.
Kate Brown: Wean Oregon off coal and boost renewable sources.
Kate Brown: Closed our last coal power plant decades ahead of schedule.
Kevin Stine: Prioritize green energy.
Kevin Stine: End corporate handouts to fossil fuel companies.
Knute Buehler: May 2017: tax carbon; Oct.2017: oppose clean-energy jobs.
Mark Callahan: Energy independence: based on the free market.
Mark Callahan: Do nothing about global warming; it's a fraudulent invention.
Monica Wehby: Complete the Keystone Pipeline; end EPA overreach.
Ron Wyden: Biomass is a clean energy source & a job machine.
Ron Wyden: Boost renewable energy and the low-carbon economy.
Ted Kulongoski: Require 1.5% solar energy technology in public construction.
Tina Kotek: State on its way to meet renewable energy goal by 2040.
Tina Kotek: Wean Oregon off coal and boost renewable sources.
Tina Kotek: Voted YES on electronic energy efficiency standards.
Tina Kotek: Require 1.5% solar energy technology in public construction.
Tina Kotek: Voted YES to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Tobias Read: Investing in clean energy and green jobs a top priority.
Tobias Read: Supports smart regulations that address climate change.
Tobias Read: Wean Oregon off coal and boost renewable sources.
Tobias Read: Voted YES on electronic energy efficiency standards.
Tobias Read: Require 1.5% solar energy technology in public construction.
Tobias Read: Voted YES to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Winona LaDuke: Support alternative energy & industrial hemp.
Betsy Johnson: Support green energy but don't destroy good paying jobs.
Betsy Johnson: Voted NO on electronic energy efficiency standards.
Betsy Johnson: Require 1.5% solar energy technology in public construction.
Val Hoyle: Prohibit motorized mining in riverbeds.
Bud Pierce: Maintain forestlands through proper forest management.
Bud Pierce: Enhance infrastructure & natural resource based jobs.
Casey Kulla: 1st-generation farmer; balance profitability/sustainability.
Casey Kulla: Increase business regulations to limit environmental harm.
Gordon Harold Smith: Create more jobs in timber industry.
Gordon Harold Smith: Inserted Oregon timber payments into $70 bailout bill.
Jason Conger: Voted NO on prohibiting motorized mining in riverbeds.
Jason Conger: Rated 53% by Conservation Voters; 80% by Humane Society.
Jason Conger: Higher timber harvests on public land.
Jeff Merkley: Sustainable harvests on public lands.
Jeff Merkley: Sustainable forest harvest important for economy.
Jeff Merkley: Son of a timber family; will fight for timber payments.
Jim Huffman: Upset at impact on rural communities from logging ban.
Jim Huffman: End restrictions for logging federal timber land.
Jo Rae Perkins: Reduce U.S. Forest Service presence on our land.
Jo Rae Perkins: State management of lands, not feds.
Jo Rae Perkins: Change Federal Land Management, let state be in charge.
Jo Rae Perkins: Questions constitutionally of the EPA.
Jo Rae Perkins: For proper logging of forests, get government out of the way.
John Kitzhaber: Prohibit motorized mining in riverbeds.
Kate Brown: Supports watershed planning & reservoir drawdowns.
Kevin Stine: Common sense solutions to ensure environmental security.
Knute Buehler: Wants to combat wildfire damage to forests with new policies.
Mark Callahan: Constitution disallows so much federal land ownership.
Monica Wehby: Fisherman, miners, and loggers need a partner in D.C.
Ron Wyden: Worked out compromise Eastside Forest Plan.
Tina Kotek: Voted YES on prohibiting motorized mining in riverbeds.
Tobias Read: Voted YES on prohibiting motorized mining in riverbeds.
Betsy Johnson: Voted NO on prohibiting motorized mining in riverbeds.
Families & Children
Bud Pierce: Alleviate the scourge of sex trafficking.
Bud Pierce: Partially support hospice/respite centers.
Jason Conger: Rated 79% by Oregon Stand for Children.
Jo Rae Perkins: Supports parents' right not to vaccinate children.
John Kitzhaber: Invest in children in early years to prevent tragic failures.
Kate Brown: Child advocate with Juvenile Rights Project.
Kate Brown: For working parents child care is infrastructure.
Knute Buehler: Early supporter of marriage equality for all citizens.
Knute Buehler: Create a "rapid-improvement team" for foster care.
Monica Wehby: 2013: Ex-boyfriend filed police report, but now regrets it.
Monica Wehby: 2007: Ex-husband filed police report, but good friends now.
Tobias Read: Measure our progress by how well Oregon's children are doing.
Winona LaDuke: Gore and Bush endorse a myth of the American family.
Foreign Policy
Jason Conger: Russia emboldened in Ukraine by Obama's weak foreign policy.
Jeff Merkley: In a dangerous world, we need to work with other nations.
Jeff Merkley: Investigate Saudi interference in US criminal cases.
Kevin Stine: Supports American Exceptionalism.
Kevin Stine: Avoid foreign entanglements.
Mark Callahan: Strong support of our military and of Israel.
Mark Callahan: UN Small Arms Treaty yields our sovereignty.
Monica Wehby: Russia emboldened in Ukraine by Obama's weak foreign policy.
Winona LaDuke: Opposes military aid to Colombia.
Free Trade
Jeff Merkley: Support free-trade, but wait on Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Kate Brown: International trade supports a half million Oregon jobs.
Kevin Stine: We need fair trade, not free trade.
Kevin Stine: Oppose "fast track" trade legislation; oppose TPP.
Monica Wehby: Support free-trade, but wait on Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Government Reform
Bob Niemeyer: Go back to voting in person, with verified photo ID.
Bud Pierce: Mandate government to release requested info for free.
Casey Kulla: Transportation needs infrastructure & innovative thinking.
Christine Drazan: Get the government off the backs of our small businesses.
Christine Drazan: Establish a permanent task force on election integrity.
Gordon Harold Smith: Increase individuals campaign donation limit.
Jason Beebe: Remove overbearing COVID restrictions on businesses.
Jeff Merkley: Spending limits on campaigns, plus full disclosure.
Jeff Merkley: Nuclear option: Allow confirmation of Obama's appointees.
Jeff Merkley: We the People democracy: extend vote to DC & territories.
Jo Rae Perkins: 12-year term limits; no more career politicians.
Jo Rae Perkins: Only people who can vote for candidate can donate.
Jo Rae Perkins: Don't allow tolling on Federal Roads.
John Kitzhaber: Limit individual campaign donations; require full disclosure.
Kate Brown: Oregon sees high turnout because of vote-by-mail.
Kate Brown: 15 million ballots via vote-by-mail with only 9 fraud cases.
Kate Brown: Disclose lobbyist info & pay, on public website.
Kevin Mannix: Fix budget with government structure change not tax hike.
Kevin Stine: Allow absentee ballots for all; extend early voting.
Knute Buehler: End pay-to-play politics, to restore confidence.
Mark Callahan: Limit terms in Congress & the U.S. Senate.
Monica Wehby: Founders never imagined a permanent political class.
Paul Romero: Supports term limits & budget transparency.
Paul Romero: Protect ranchers & farmers, and manage timber land.
Paul Romero: For term limits up to 12 years.
Ron Wyden: Expand early voting, no excuse absentee vote by mail.
Ron Wyden: Protect voting rights with early voting, mail-in ballots.
Tate Reeves: Will advocate for Oregon's voting innovations nationally.
Tina Kotek: Supported gerrymandered Congressional map.
Winona LaDuke: Stop corporate funding of elections.
Betsy Johnson: Get regulations out of the way to fast-track construction .
Gun Control
Val Hoyle: Require background checks for most gun transactions.
Bud Pierce: Oppose background checks; they won't reduce gun violence.
Bud Pierce: Surveillance of schools & social media, to curb gun violence.
Casey Kulla: Not our job to make county 2nd Amendment sanctuary.
Christine Drazan: If a gun ban bill comes my way, I'll veto that.
Cliff Bentz: No background checks for private gun transactions.
Jason Beebe: I very much support our right to bear arms.
Jeff Merkley: Maintain restrictions on purchase & possession of firearms.
Jim Huffman: Oppose restrictions on right to bear arms.
Jo Rae Perkins: Disarming people keeps them from self-protection.
Jo Rae Perkins: I support the 2nd Amendment as it is written.
Jo Rae Perkins: Rated B+ by Oregon Firearms Federation.
John Kitzhaber: Increase restrictions on gun purchase and possession.
Kate Brown: Require more background checks on gun sales.
Kate Brown: Supports IP43 assault weapon ban and IP44 safe storage rules.
Kevin Stine: Gun lobby has redefined 2nd Amendment in a perverse way.
Knute Buehler: Opposes gun control proposals as intruding on basic freedoms.
Knute Buehler: No background checks for private gun transactions.
Mark Callahan: The 2nd Amendment was meant to protect the 1st Amendment.
Monica Wehby: Protect all constitutional rights, especially 2nd Amendment.
Nicholas Kristof: No strong evidence that assault weapons ban saved lives.
Nicholas Kristof: Use executive action to crack down on ghost guns.
Paul Romero: Against ban on semiautomatic weapons, owns one himself.
Paul Romero: Red Flag laws are Unconstitutional, PERIOD.
Tina Kotek: Require criminal background checks for gun purchases.
Tobias Read: Require background checks for most gun transactions.
Betsy Johnson: Don't disarm law abiding citizens; strong background checks.
Betsy Johnson: Opposes bans on bump-stocks, high-capacity magazines.
Betsy Johnson: No background checks for private gun transactions.
Christine Drazan: Oppose Measure 114: we have enough gun laws already.
Tina Kotek: Endorses Measure 114: mandate permitting & safety training.
Health Care
Bud Pierce: Subsidize "adequate" insurance for low-income Oregonians.
Bud Pierce: Fight any one-size-fits-all single-payer healthcare system.
Casey Kulla: Create a public option plan as part of insurance marketplace.
Casey Kulla: Ensure affirming healthcare for transgender Oregonians.
Christine Drazan: Repeal COVID-19 mask and vaccine mandates.
Jason Conger: Delay health plan cancellations due to ObamaCare.
Jason Conger: State-run Cover Oregon exchange better than ObamaCare.
Jason Conger: Opposes "Cover Oregon" and state-run insurance exchanges.
Jeff Merkley: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare.
Jeff Merkley: 2009: "Keep your insurance"; 2014: fix ObamaCare so you can.
Jeff Merkley: I couldn't enroll in ObamaCare, but it'll eventually succeed.
Jo Rae Perkins: ObamaCare alternative so medical insurance won't skyrocket.
Jo Rae Perkins: Parents have the right to choose not to vaccinate kids.
Jo Rae Perkins: COVID: Against lockdown: "That is a communist country".
Jo Rae Perkins: No masks; I don't need to be a doctor--I know how to read.
Julian Bell: Obtain efficiencies through single payer or equivalent.
Kate Brown: Fund care for infants; disabled; seniors; & Oregon citizens.
Kate Brown: Access to healthcare improving, but there is more we must do.
Kate Brown: Ensure health care for all: expand Oregon Health Plan.
Kevin Stine: We need real healthcare reform, like single-payer.
Knute Buehler: Single-payer health care as a qualified not absolute right.
Mark Callahan: Full repeal of ObamaCare / WydenCare.
Mark Callahan: Opposes "Cover Oregon" and state-run insurance exchanges.
Monica Wehby: Prominent and early opponent of ObamaCare.
Monica Wehby: We need more MDs and fewer JDs in Congress.
Monica Wehby: I was against ObamaCare when it wasn't cool.
Nicholas Kristof: Poor mental healthcare, wages, housing are major problems.
Paul Romero: END and DEFUND Obamacare.
Paul Romero: ObamaCare made things worse for 350 million Americans.
Tate Reeves: Ensure everyone has access to affordable health care.
Tina Kotek: We will move the needle on more recovery services.
Tobias Read: Strongly supports vaccine mandates by businesses, schools.
Winona LaDuke: Moms know we need an affordable health care system.
Winona LaDuke: Aid to families is sacrificed in favor of military aid.
Betsy Johnson: Expand mental health services, especially in schools.
Betsy Johnson: No to government take-over of the health care system.
Homeland Security
Bruce Broussard: Support more comprehensive information sharing programs.
Bud Pierce: State duty to honor the sacrifice of those who've served.
Bud Pierce: Enlisted in Marines to see if he was tough enough.
Jason Beebe: Reagan said peace through strength: still true today.
Jason Conger: Opposes reduction in size of America's military force.
Jeff Merkley: Be slow to go to war and be fast to take care of veterans.
Jeff Merkley: Invest in working with our allies, not power of military.
Jo Rae Perkins: Make sure our military is fully funded.
Jo Rae Perkins: Veterans earned right to choose their medical care.
Kevin Stine: Wasteful defense spending is rampant.
Mark Callahan: Strongly support veterans & active duty military personnel.
Monica Wehby: Put the needs and care of our veterans first.
Monica Wehby: Strengthening our armed forces protects our freedoms.
Monica Wehby: Opposes reduction in size of America's military force.
Paul Romero: Support strong military & vets.
Val Hoyle: Voted YES on driver's licenses for non-resident aliens.
Val Hoyle: Expand state college aid to undocumented students .
Casey Kulla: Oregon should welcome arrival of Afghan refugees.
Jason Beebe: Without a border, we are not a country.
Jason Conger: Stricter rules for non-citizen college tuition equity.
Jason Conger: Voted NO on drivers licenses for non-resident aliens.
Jason Conger: Temporary visas for needed undocumented immigrants.
Jeff Merkley: Rated 90% by Oregonians for Immigration Reform.
Jo Rae Perkins: Construct wall along the Mexican border.
Jo Rae Perkins: Yes to wall; no to illegal aliens.
Jo Rae Perkins: For border wall, against "sanctuary status".
Jo Rae Perkins: Give Dreamers opportunity to become citizens, no Federal aid.
John Kitzhaber: Voted YES on driver's licenses for non-resident aliens.
Kate Brown: Expand state college aid to undocumented students.
Kate Brown: Oregon will accept refugees and help them rebuild lives.
Kate Brown: Open the doors of opportunity for Syrian refugees.
Kate Brown: Undocumented families hurt by fires deserve assistance.
Kevin Stine: Any reasonable reform includes a pathway to citizenship.
Knute Buehler: Omit minor infractions from sanctuary state rules.
Mark Callahan: No driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.
Mark Callahan: Enforce borders; enforce existing laws; say no to amnesty.
Monica Wehby: Secure the border but increase H1B visas & guest workers.
Nicholas Kristof: Oregon showed compassion for a refugee--my father.
Paul Romero: END sanctuary cities; protect our borders.
Paul Romero: Border wall is a good thing for everybody.
Tina Kotek: Expand state college aid to undocumented students.
Tina Kotek: Voted YES on driver's licenses for non-resident aliens.
Tobias Read: Expand state college aid to undocumented students.
Tobias Read: Voted YES on driver's licenses for non-resident aliens.
Betsy Johnson: Don't expand state college aid to undocumented students.
Bud Pierce: Vigilance in enforcing Equal Pay laws for women.
Casey Kulla: All workers deserve the right to form and join a union.
Jeff Merkley: Minimum wage should be left to the states.
Kate Brown: Future Ready Oregon provides skills to advance to careers.
Kevin Mannix: Support small businesses to spur job growth.
Knute Buehler: More job training; less job-killing regulations.
Principles & Values
Bob Niemeyer: Separating church & state doesn't pull God out of government.
Bud Pierce: Wife killed in tragic traffic accident.
Bud Pierce: From childhood, wanted to become a doctor.
Bud Pierce: Yanked Trump endorsement; history of working with Democrats.
Casey Kulla: Need marginalized people present at all levels of power.
Casey Kulla: Stop movement away from democracy & toward extremism.
Gordon Harold Smith: Works often with Sen. Wyden (D-OR) & Sen. Obama (D-IL).
Jason Beebe: My country needs a patriot in Washington DC.
Jeff Merkley: I've lived a pretty unconventional life.
Jeff Merkley: Endorsed by Sen. Wyden; I'll be his partner.
Jo Rae Perkins: Professional background as real estate and insurance agent.
Jo Rae Perkins: Stands with Trump and QAnon.
Jo Rae Perkins: I'm hard-working & hard-hitting with Heartland Values.
Jo Rae Perkins: Supports "batty, corrosive" QAnon conspiracy theory.
Jo Rae Perkins: Bummed that consultants made her take down QAnon video.
Jo Rae Perkins: Most of our laws are based on Biblical principles.
Jo Rae Perkins: Posts pro-QAnon video, then says it's merely an info source.
Jo Rae Perkins: Was in DC for Trump rally, did not enter the Capitol.
John Kitzhaber: 36 years in government: state House; state Senate; Governor.
Kevin Stine: Separate church & state, but some leeway for societal norms.
Kevin Stine: Served in Navy for 9 years; on City Council for 1.
Kevin Stine: The Senate is full of multi-millionaires over the age of 60.
Knute Buehler: Freedom and new opportunities are bedrock GOP principles.
Mark Callahan: Religious freedom is under attack by political correctness.
Mark Callahan: God is guiding me to fight for the freedom of our country.
Mark Callahan: Very conservative first-time office holder.
Monica Wehby: AdWatch: Parents trust her as a pediatric neurosurgeon.
Monica Wehby: Declined to debate on live TV in Senate primary.
Nicholas Kristof: At NY Times focused on human rights, global health issues.
Nicholas Kristof: Won two Pulitzers: for Tiananmen and genocide in Darfur.
Paul Romero: The STATE shouldn't have undue influence over religion.
Ron Wyden: FactCheck: No truth to rumors that Wyden lives in New York.
Ron Wyden: Give voice to those who often feel left out of the debate.
Tina Kotek: Oregon is a state that has allowed me to be myself.
Tina Kotek: A person of faith, I believe there's equality among us all.
Betsy Johnson: Confront prejudice and racism honestly and directly.
Betsy Johnson: Democracy needs to stop being so contentious.
Jo Rae Perkins: Called to "stop the coup d'état" of the 2020 election .
Social Security
Bud Pierce: Require automatic enrollment with payroll deductions.
Casey Kulla: Government should fund Social Security for caregivers.
Gordon Harold Smith: People should prepare for retirement in addition to Soc.Sec.
Jeff Merkley: Privatization would melt away retirement in stock crash.
Jeff Merkley: Fight efforts to privatize; honor promises to seniors.
Jim Huffman: Option of putting payroll taxes in a private account.
Jo Rae Perkins: System broken for decades; stop borrowing from Trust Fund.
Jo Rae Perkins: Let younger people use individual retirement account.
Kate Brown: More options & opportunities to save for retirement.
Kevin Stine: Opposes privatizing Social Security.
Monica Wehby: Put entitlements on a path to being financially secure.
Paul Romero: Bearish investment of Trust funds to bolster our markets.
Tina Kotek: Reduced pension contribution for long-term solution.
Tobias Read: Created first opt-out retirement plan in the country.
Tax Reform
Bruce Broussard: Provide businesses with tax incentives to create jobs.
Bud Pierce: Tax relief on mid-tier income earners, to create more jobs.
Bud Pierce: Reduce taxes and regulations on small businesses.
Casey Kulla: Property taxes not keeping up with local & school costs.
Christine Drazan: I will veto new taxes & repeal costly regulations.
Gordon Harold Smith: I believe in pro-growth tax cuts.
Jason Conger: Pushed tax relief for middle and low income families.
Jeff Merkley: No state sales tax.
Jeff Merkley: Supports raising taxes on earnings over $250,000 per year.
Jo Rae Perkins: Wealthy pay disproportionately high share of taxes.
John Kitzhaber: No state sales tax; no flat tax; increase gas tax.
Kate Brown: Need more taxes from business to support basic needs.
Knute Buehler: No new or higher taxes during booming economy.
Mark Callahan: Implement a Flat Tax to replace 74,000-page tax system.
Mark Callahan: Support flat tax or FairTax; oppose growing government.
Monica Wehby: 40% of budget on debt servicing is generational theft.
Paul Romero: Downsize government and balance budget.
Ron Wyden: Sophisticated wealthy few distort tax system.
Winona LaDuke: Favors economic and tax policies to benefit poor, not rich.
Betsy Johnson: Reduce some taxes, say no to new taxes.
Bud Pierce: Public transit ok, but future is autonomous drive vehicles.
Casey Kulla: Increase telemedicine by improving high-speed internet.
Jason Beebe: Local Facebook expansion means tech and trade jobs.
Kate Brown: Expand public transit to ease traffic congestion.
Knute Buehler: Funding transit by payroll tax is unfair and bad policy.
Ron Wyden: Limit taxes on Internet-based companies.
Tate Reeves: $100 million in statewide broadband expansion.
Tate Reeves: Broadband expansion could mend the urban rural divide.
War & Peace
Jeff Merkley: Opposed Iraq war from the very beginning, against Party.
Jo Rae Perkins: Military force against nuclear proliferation and for Israel.
Mark Callahan: Iran nuclear deal endangers U.S. and our allies.
Monica Wehby: Ensure that Iranian nukes don't threaten Israel.
Paul Romero: All practicing Muslims support JIHAD.
Welfare & Poverty
Christine Drazan: Work with non-profits, faith community on homelessness.
Gordon Harold Smith: Block grants for state and local flexibility in welfare.
Jeff Merkley: Supports workfare and 2-year welfare limits.
Kate Brown: Invest $400M in affordable, accessible housing.
Kate Brown: An additional $400 million investment in affordable housing.
Nicholas Kristof: More than a quarter of childhood friends are dead.
Tate Reeves: $250 million investment in affordable housing.
Tina Kotek: We need both homeless shelters and long-term solutions.
The above quotations are from State of Oregon Politicians: Archives.