Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
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State of Montana Politicians: Archives
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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Albert Olszewski: Defend unborn children without exception.
Albert Olszewski: All human life needs to be protected.
Albert Olszewski: Voted YES that insurers have plans with and without abortion.
Albert Olszewski: Prohibit abortions after the fetus is 24 weeks.
Amanda Curtis: 100% pro-choice voting record.
Amanda Curtis: Oppose "ministries" outside of birth control insurance law.
Bill McChesney: Abortion very last option, but make that choice without fear.
Bill McChesney: Supports stem cell research.
Bill McChesney: Oppose "ministries" outside of birth control insurance law.
Bob Kelleher: Abortions should always be illegal, including funding.
Brad Johnson: Conservative opposition to abortion.
Casey Schreiner: Oppose "ministries" outside of birth control insurance law.
Champ Edmunds: Human life begins at conception.
Corey Stapleton: Prohibit public funding & partial-birth abortion.
Gary Perry: Would require parental notification for minors' abortions.
Gary Perry: If notification unconstitutional, why not for everything.
Greg Gianforte: Founded charitable organization to protect the unborn.
Greg Gianforte: Supported anti-abortion campaigns through Family Foundation.
Greg Gianforte: Urges legislature to pass restrictive abortion laws.
John Bohlinger: Prohibit partial-birth abortion & funding abortion clinics.
John Bohlinger: 2001: Supported Fetal Protection Act & partial-birth ban.
John Bohlinger: Supreme Court decided the issue; state cannot overturn it.
John Edward Walsh: Opposes extremism like declaring life begins at conception.
Jon Tester: No 20-week ban on abortion.
Mark Perea: Enforce ban on abortion services, except maybe for rape.
Matt Rosendale: Against abortion in all circumstances.
Matt Rosendale: Rejected that insurers have plans with and without abortion.
Matt Rosendale: No abortion; no exceptions.
Matt Rosendale: Provide religious exemption to birth control insurance law.
Michael Lange: No federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Mike Cooney: Fought to reject laws restricting access to health care.
Mike Cooney: Would veto any anti-abortion legislation.
Reilly Neill: Oppose "ministries" outside of birth control insurance law.
Ryan Zinke: Pro-life, but decision should not be made by government.
Ryan Zinke: No embryonic stem cell research; no emergency contraception.
Ryan Zinke: Protect unborn victims.
Sam Rankin: Pro-choice.
Steve Bullock: Keep Title X funding for reproductive health services.
Steve Bullock: Rejected that insurers have plans with and without abortion.
Steve Bullock: An abortion, even late-term, is a legal, personal decision.
Steve Bullock: Vetoed "ministries" operating outside of insurance law.
Steve Daines: No exceptions for rape nor incest, but no criminalization.
Tim Fox: Ensure Montana is national leader protecting innocent life.
Tim Fox: Joins amicus brief supporting banning abortion at 20 weeks.
Whitney Williams: Endorsed by EMILY's list for pro-choice women.
Greg Gianforte: Our commitment to unborn babies will never waver.
Budget & Economy
Albert Olszewski: For balanced budget instead of intergenerational theft.
Amanda Curtis: Economy that works for all of us, not just for the richest.
Brad Johnson: Revitalize our traditional economic base.
Casey Schreiner: Shift education funding from local property tax.
Champ Edmunds: The borrower is servant to the lender.
Conrad Burns: Grow economy & control spending to reduce deficit.
Dennis Rehberg: Refused to toe the party line on CAFTA.
Dennis Rehberg: $787B stimulus package did not create jobs.
John Bohlinger: Loans for businesses; funds for job training & rural roads.
Jon Tester: Montana suffered from Burns' cuts in discretionary funding.
Jon Tester: $787B in stimulus spending was step in the right direction.
Judy Martz: Diversify the economy; expand job market.
Judy Martz: Teach businesses about venture capital, to create jobs.
Matt Rosendale: Cut government instead of stimulus spending.
Mike Cooney: Spearheaded tax credit for businesses hiring apprentices.
Ryan Zinke: Our government should spend within its means; no new fees.
Ryan Zinke: $17T debt was irresponsible to create & reckless to continue.
Stan Jones: Eliminate numerous unconstitutional federal departments.
Steve Bullock: Be responsible, because our children are watching.
Steve Bullock: Veto any budget in the red.
Steve Daines: Obama stimulus shipped American jobs to China.
Tim Fox: Eliminate regulations that hamper industry.
Civil Rights
Albert Olszewski: No same-sex marriage.
Albert Olszewski: Don't require pay equity between men & women.
Albert Olszewski: No Confederate flags on government property.
Albert Olszewski: Allowing 71 genders on birth certificate costs over $100,000.
Amanda Curtis: Repeal state ban on sodomy; make gay sex legal.
Amanda Curtis: Outspoken advocate for labor unions and women's rights.
Amanda Curtis: Repeal criminalization of gay sex under state law.
Bill McChesney: Civil unions ok; but not same-sex marriage.
Bill McChesney: Supports affirmative action.
Bill McChesney: Repeal criminalization of gay sex under state law.
Casey Schreiner: Repeal criminalization of gay sex under state law.
Champ Edmunds: Marriage between one man and one woman.
Champ Edmunds: Government shouldn't redefine marriage.
Corey Stapleton: No affirmative action in state hiring or colleges.
Corey Stapleton: No civil unions; no gay marriage.
Corey Stapleton: Will take deliberative approach on mail-in voting.
Gary Perry: Would repeal gender anti-insurance discrimination law.
Greg Gianforte: Promoted openly gay workers despite his religious beliefs.
Greg Gianforte: We need equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.
John Bohlinger: No anti-gay discrimination, but no same-sex marriage.
John Bohlinger: Undecided on affirmative action at state institutions.
John Edward Walsh: Voted against NAACP staffer's appointment to Dept.of Justice.
Judy Martz: Return human remains to Indian nations.
Mark Perea: Gay people are just like anybody else.
Matt Rosendale: No civil unions; no same-sex marriage.
Matt Rosendale: Keep criminalization of gay sex.
Michael Lange: No same-sex marriage.
Michael Lange: No race and gender in federal contracting decisions.
Mike Cooney: Invest in economic opportunities on and off reservations.
Mike Cooney: Avidly supports equal protection for all, especially LGBTQ.
Reilly Neill: Repeal criminalization of gay sex under state law.
Ryan Zinke: No affirmative action in college nor state contracts.
Ryan Zinke: No same-sex marriage, nor civil unions, not adoption.
Sam Rankin: Supports same-sex marriage.
Sam Rankin: Phase out affirmative action over 5-year period.
Stan Jones: Patriot Act cost us our Fourth Amendment rights.
Steve Bullock: Still work to be done to ensure gender pay equity.
Steve Bullock: Protect the right to marry any person you love.
Steve Bullock: Close the wage gap for women.
Steve Bullock: First MT governor to officiate same-sex wedding.
Steve Bullock: Address persistent wage gap between men and women.
Steve Bullock: We celebrate progress, but fight for equal rights continues.
Steve Bullock: COVID-19: Gave counties option to switch to all-mail ballots.
Steve Bullock: Signed repeal of criminalization of gay sex under state law.
Steve Daines: No safe haven for neo-Nazi white nationalists.
Tim Fox: Welcomes Chick-fil-A to Montana, despite anti-LGBTQ views.
Tim Fox: No safe haven for neo-Nazi white nationalists.
Wilmot Collins: Go further than Overturning Citizens United decision.
Wilmot Collins: I'm an American; I served this country honorably.
Albert Olszewski: Federal regulations get in the way of small business.
Amanda Curtis: Wall St. is doing great; recovery hasn't reached rest of us.
Conrad Burns: Marketplace will force us into conservation and renewables.
Greg Gianforte: BootStrapping for Businesses: mentors entrepreneurs.
Greg Gianforte: Voted to roll back Dodd-Frank bank regulations.
Jon Tester: Energy plan was written by oil companies, so no renewables.
Jon Tester: Citizens United puts democracy at risk.
Jon Tester: Prevent abuses by "too-big-to-fail" banks on Wall Street.
Matt Rosendale: New tax law changes depreciation rules to allow expansion.
Mike Cooney: Opposes rolling back financial regulations.
Sam Rankin: End tax subsidies; & tax corporations in foreign countries.
Steve Bullock: State colleges will offer certificates for needed job skills.
Steve Bullock: Cut red tape and cut business equipment tax.
Steve Bullock: Defended state limit on corporate campaign donations.
Steve Bullock: Hold big banks accountable for abusive practices.
Tim Fox: Make estate tax exemption permanent; protect family farms.
Tim Fox: Disallow price gouging during coronavirus pandemic.
Albert Olszewski: Supports death penalty.
Amanda Curtis: No to capital punishment; yes to alternative sentencing.
Bill McChesney: No to capital punishment; yes to prosecuting minors.
Bob Kelleher: Alternative sentencing for non-violent offenders.
Brian Schweitzer: Supports the death penalty.
Brian Schweitzer: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
Casey Schreiner: Reformed child sex abuse law, justice for Indigenous women.
Champ Edmunds: Capital punishment , but not for juveniles.
Corey Stapleton: Support death penalty; private prisons; sex offense registry.
Gary Perry: Replace death penalty with life imprisonment without parole.
Gary Perry: Key supporter of death penalty ban.
Greg Gianforte: Philosophically OK with death penalty; but is it worth it?
John Bohlinger: Supports stricter sentencing, including death penalty.
Judy Martz: After 100 years, we have enough prison cells, for now.
Matt Rosendale: No capital punishment; yes prosecute minors as adults.
Michael Lange: Supports the death penalty.
Michael Lange: Reduce prison sentences for non-violent crimes.
Ryan Zinke: Supports death penalty but also hate crime legislation.
Ryan Zinke: Replace death penalty with life imprisonment without parole.
Steve Bullock: Arrest and prosecute sex predators and scam artists.
Steve Bullock: Block police from receiving some military equipment.
Steve Daines: Don't cut police budgets, but more accountability.
Tim Fox: Endorsed by National Association of Police Organizations.
Albert Olszewski: Class 1 narcotics like marijuana should not be legal.
Amanda Curtis: Medical marijuana law is over-restrictive.
Bill McChesney: Medical marijuana ok; but wait on decriminalization.
Bob Kelleher: The war on drugs has been lost.
Brian Schweitzer: Stricter penalties for drug criminals.
Champ Edmunds: Decriminalize marijuana; support substance abuse treatment.
Conrad Burns: Repealing Patriot Act would cost us the Meth Control Act.
Corey Stapleton: Making it easier to vote leads to marijuana legalization.
Dennis Rehberg: Fund advertisements intended to reduce methamphetamine use.
Gary Perry: Sponsored law banning open alcohol containers in vehicles.
Greg Gianforte: Oppose easing marijuana laws; some support for medical use.
Jack Ciattarelli: Meth abuse is the number one crisis in the state.
John Bohlinger: Decriminalize medicinal marijuana.
Jon Tester: Medical marijuana ok; full legalization later.
Matt Rosendale: Decriminalize and handle marijuana like a prescription drug.
Matt Rosendale: Medical marijuana ok; let states decide full legalization.
Mike Cooney: Let voters decide if legalization is right for the state.
Steve Bullock: Confront the invisible epidemic of prescription drug abuse.
Steve Daines: Limit federal DEA from interfering with state marijuana laws.
Susan Good Geise: Consistently for legalization of marijuana.
Tim Fox: Substance abuse is number one crisis in state.
Tim Fox: Need more treatment options, like drug treatment courts.
Tim Fox: Hold opioid manufacturers accountable for recklessness.
Amanda Curtis: No vouchers; no charters; yes Common Core.
Amanda Curtis: Math teacher and unabashed backer of public schools.
Betsy DeVos: States can fund private schools but not parochial schools.
Bill McChesney: No state funding for charter schools.
Bob Kelleher: Supports voluntary prayer in public schools.
Bob Kelleher: State-funded vouchers for private or religious school.
Brad Johnson: Supports school choice.
Brett Kavanaugh: States funding private schools must fund parochial schools.
Brian Schweitzer: Invest in K-12 by creating public-private partnerships.
Casey Schreiner: For public preschool, better funding for public schools.
Casey Schreiner: Sees need for special needs funding as teacher and as parent.
Champ Edmunds: State funding for charters and vouchers.
Clarence Thomas: States funding private schools must fund parochial schools.
Elena Kagan: States can fund private schools but not parochial schools.
Greg Gianforte: Provides high school scholarships for computer coding.
Greg Gianforte: Helped build a museum based on creationist beliefs.
Greg Gianforte: Supports school choice and voucher initiatives.
Greg Gianforte: More trade education scholarships; more teacher incentives.
John Bohlinger: More finds for hiring teachers & professional development.
John Bohlinger: Endorses teacher-led voluntary prayer in public schools.
John Roberts: States funding private schools must fund parochial schools.
Jon Tester: More tuition tax credits, low-interest loans, & Pell grants.
Jon Tester: Privatizing public schools feeds destruction of democracy.
Jon Tester: Restore year-round Pell Grants, & support Perkins Loans.
Judy Martz: More spending; more accountability via testing.
Judy Martz: 3-Rs of education: recruit, retain, & reward teachers.
Mark Perea: Allot vouchers based on what we spend now per child.
Matt Rosendale: Supports charters and vouchers; opposes tenure.
Matt Rosendale: Government out of college funding.
Matt Rosendale: Privatization is critical to improve our education system.
Mike Cooney: Oppose diverting public funding toward private education.
Mike Cooney: More funding for Head Start and critical K-12 programs.
Mike Cooney: Freeze college tuition; reduce student debt.
Neil Gorsuch: States funding private schools must fund parochial schools.
Reilly Neill: Support public education across the state.
Sam Rankin: New reforms to replace No Child Left Behind.
Ryan Zinke: Supports vouchers for public schools.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: States can fund private schools but not parochial schools.
Ryan Zinke: Voluntary prayer provided there's no undue influence.
Ryan Zinke: Give parents a stronger voice, and local control.
Samuel Alito: States funding private schools must fund parochial schools.
Sonia Sotomayor: States can fund private schools but not parochial schools.
Stephen Breyer: States can fund private schools but not parochial schools.
Steve Bullock: Invest in higher ed for 21st Century workforce, like Diesel.
Steve Bullock: Increase from 40% to 60% those with some college.
Steve Bullock: MT is dead last in investment in early childhood education.
Steve Bullock: Increase funding for higher education.
Steve Bullock: Invest in publicly funded early childhood education.
Steve Bullock: Freeze college tuition; college credit for veterans.
Steve Bullock: 1-2-Free: High school dual enrollment to college.
Steve Bullock: No tax credits for religious schools.
Steve Daines: Expand school choice where public schools are poor.
Whitney Williams: Opposes efforts to fund private schools with tax dollars.
Whitney Williams: Prioritize affordable childcare and preschool.
Wilmot Collins: Child's education should be determined by where they grew up.
Greg Gianforte: Let's empower parents to choose what's best for their family.
Energy & Oil
Albert Olszewski: Supports fracking and offshore oil drilling.
Amanda Curtis: Disclose state property energy efficiency on website.
Bill McChesney: Develop alternative energy AND non-renewables.
Bob Kelleher: Use coal, oil & gas in an environmental manner.
Brad Johnson: EPA carbon emission rules cripple the Montana coal industry.
Brian Schweitzer: Develop renewable energy: ethanol, wind and hydrogen.
Casey Schreiner: Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels over time.
Champ Edmunds: No subsidies for wind and solar.
Conrad Burns: Agricultural oil sources reduce foreign energy dependence.
Conrad Burns: Global warming has occurred since the Ice Age.
Conrad Burns: Kyoto Accord hurts economy; focus on alternative fuels.
Dennis Rehberg: Cap-and-trade policy is an energy tax.
Dennis Rehberg: Help avoid closure of Billings coal-fired power plant.
Greg Gianforte: The "War on Coal" endangers jobs.
Greg Gianforte: Critical of regulations & studying social cost of carbon.
Greg Gianforte: Has more than $5 million invested in fossil fuel companies.
John Bohlinger: Require clean-burning fuels; repeal electricity deregulation.
John Edward Walsh: Energy boom in Montana instead of foreign oil dependence.
Jon Tester: Agricultural oil sources are profitable and renewable.
Jon Tester: Global warming is much more rapid now than historically.
Jon Tester: Kyoto Accord needs worldwide communication & US leadership.
Judy Martz: Protected transition to competitive energy prices in 2002.
Judy Martz: More energy plants; diversify sources; include renewables.
Matt Rosendale: Develop fossil fuels, don't subsidize green energy.
Matt Rosendale: Climate changes, but no draconian restrictions on business.
Michael Lange: Develop oil, coal, & nuclear production.
Mike Cooney: Focus on a realistic transition to renewable energy.
Mike Cooney: Increased use of alternative fuel technology.
Reilly Neill: Find commonality to address man-made climate change.
Reilly Neill: Campaign centered on issue of climate change.
Reilly Neill: We need to remove politics from science of climate change.
Sam Rankin: Federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions.
Ryan Zinke: Increased coal production with environmental safeguards.
Ryan Zinke: Alternatives only if competitive prices without subsidies.
Stan Jones: More nuclear plants and more liquefied coal.
Stan Jones: Global warming is a natural occurrence since 1000AD.
Steve Bullock: Develop our resources for American energy independence.
Steve Bullock: Promotes wind and solar power and clean coal for Montana.
Steve Bullock: Opposed Obama's halting coal mine leasing on Federal land.
Steve Daines: War on American energy is part of war on middle class.
Tim Fox: Defends Keystone XL pipeline as beneficial to Montana.
Wilmot Collins: Believe in science; save planet from climate catastrophe.
Wilmot Collins: Take bold actions to reduce our carbon footprint.
Albert Olszewski: Let Montanans control state land.
Amanda Curtis: Big supporter of protecting access to public lands.
Bill McChesney: Manage wolf hunting; preserve open spaces.
Bob Kelleher: Return rail passenger in southern Montana.
Casey Schreiner: Opposes sale of public lands to highest bidder.
Casey Schreiner: A fearless advocate for outdoor heritage.
Corey Stapleton: Stricter environmental regulations with federal flexibility.
Dennis Rehberg: EPA is heavy-handed; don't pick winners and losers.
Greg Gianforte: Favors repeal of regulations; end "war on coal".
Jack Ciattarelli: Comply with law but balance interests.
John Bohlinger: Control SO2 emissions; fund recycling; no cyanide in mining.
John Edward Walsh: More regulations to develop natural resources responsibly.
Jon Tester: Sought removal of wolves from the endangered list.
Judy Martz: Stewardship belongs with the states.
Judy Martz: Government duty to protect species & water.
Matt Rosendale: No state funding for open space preservation.
Matt Rosendale: More local management for healthy forests; fewer fires.
Mike Cooney: Fund open space preservation.
Mike Cooney: Stronger requirements to protect critical wildlife areas.
Reilly Neill: Apply science to best preserve our public lands.
Ryan Zinke: Cleanup industrial sites; preserve open space.
Sam Rankin: We live in cycles with all other systems.
Steve Bullock: Tackle the threat of invasive species.
Steve Bullock: MT economy depends on hunting & fishing; let's fund LWCF.
Steve Bullock: Expanded fishing rights regardless of streambed ownership.
Whitney Williams: Defend Montana against wealthy interests buying public land.
Families & Children
Albert Olszewski: I will always support America's traditional values.
Amanda Curtis: Oppose needing written parental permission for sex education.
Casey Schreiner: Understands living paycheck to paycheck.
Bill McChesney: Oppose needing written parental permission for sex education.
Casey Schreiner: Equal opportunity for women in education & employment.
Casey Schreiner: Oppose needing written parental permission for sex education.
Jon Tester: All couples should have same rights as heterosexual couples.
Matt Rosendale: Support traditional marriage between one man & one woman.
Matt Rosendale: Require written parental permission for sex education.
Mike Cooney: Recognize civil unions between same-sex couples.
Reilly Neill: Oppose needing written parental permission for sex education.
Ryan Zinke: Prepare kids for tomorrow with family values of grandparents.
Sam Rankin: Family is one pillar of society.
Steve Bullock: Unemployment benefits to victims of domestic violence.
Steve Bullock: Don't cut workers from Child and Family Services Division.
Steve Bullock: Vetoed needing written parental permission for sex education.
Greg Gianforte: $5000 adoption tax credit; $7500 adopting out of foster care.
Foreign Policy
Albert Olszewski: Ban use of Shariah law and other foreign laws in courts.
Corey Stapleton: Two-state solution for Israel like Montana & reservations.
Sam Rankin: Actively engage and assist European nations through NATO.
Steve Bullock: Vetoed bill banning Shariah law; it's just anti-Muslim.
Steve Daines: Congressional support for Israel is bipartisan & strong.
Free Trade
Albert Olszewski: Governor should be #1 salesperson for agriculture abroad.
John Edward Walsh: On trade mission: Montana is open for business.
John Edward Walsh: Don't ship American jobs to China.
Jon Tester: Tariffs on China harm our industries & drive up costs.
Judy Martz: Trade as "sister-states" in Japan, China, & Taiwan.
Matt Rosendale: Stop tolerating what China has been doing for decades.
Matt Rosendale: China is a cheater; need fairer free trade deal.
Stan Jones: NAFTA leads to American Union as part of one-world Communism.
Steve Daines: Worked for 6 years bringing U.S. consumer products to China.
Tim Fox: Countries abused free trade; will work to resolve trade war.
Wilmot Collins: Fight to keep markets open for family farmers.
Government Reform
Albert Olszewski: Term limits set for members of Congress.
Albert Olszewski: Require photo ID to vote.
Amanda Curtis: Limit campaign contributions; and no photo ID's to vote.
Amanda Curtis: When wealthy in Congress, playing field tilts to wealthy.
Bill McChesney: Limit all types of state campaign contributions.
Bob Kelleher: Limit all types of political contributions, and spending.
Brian Schweitzer: Refuses special interest & PAC money for his campaign.
Champ Edmunds: No limits on political contributions.
Champ Edmunds: Photo ID for voting.
Conrad Burns: Earmarks let me bring Montana a share of federal money.
Corey Stapleton: Limit political contributions; plus full disclosure.
Dennis Rehberg: There should be nothing more free than political free speech.
Dennis Rehberg: Citizens United: nothing more free than political speech.
Dennis Rehberg: Citizens United ok: political free speech is most important.
Dennis Rehberg: Supports cutting Public Broadcasting Service & Americorps.
Dennis Rehberg: It's not about campaign spending; it's government spending.
Greg Gianforte: Eliminate excessive regulations that burden businesses.
Greg Gianforte: Rolling back regulations leads to prosperity.
Greg Gianforte: Red Tape Relief Task Force to review all regulations.
John Bohlinger: Supports term limits & campaign contribution limits.
John Driscoll: Big focus on limiting donations to campaigns.
Jon Tester: Earmarks without transparency are wrong for democracy.
Jon Tester: K-Street cronies control Congressional spending decisions.
Jon Tester: Citizens United ruling puts democracy at risk.
Jon Tester: Oppose Citizens United: limit corporate political spending.
Jon Tester: Citizens United is scary for democracy.
Jon Tester: Spotlight Act: no dark money in campaigns.
Jon Tester: Introduced bill to ensure Native American voting access.
Matt Rosendale: Get Feds out of the way of the states.
Matt Rosendale: Yes voter ID; but also independent redistricting.
Matt Rosendale: No campaign donor disclosure; yes Citizens United.
Matt Rosendale: Voted to repeal same-day voter registration.
Matt Rosendale: D.C. corrupts; commits to serving only two terms.
Michael Lange: Limit PAC donations, and full public disclosure.
Mike Cooney: Limit campaign contributions; adopt statewide voting rules.
Ryan Zinke: Limit PAC, corporate, and individual campaign donations.
Sam Rankin: Excessive campaign money is our country's greatest problem.
Sam Rankin: Special interests support the status quo; Americans don't.
Sam Rankin: Eliminate earmarks; 3-year federal pay freeze.
Stan Jones: Earmarks are unconstitutional incumbency protection.
Steve Bullock: Dark money makes our elections into auctions.
Steve Bullock: Primary allows spending $667K instead of returning it.
Steve Daines: Supports Citizen United as free speech issue.
Susan Good Geise: Mail-in ballots allow everyone to vote.
Susan Good Geise: Wants to stop influence of dark money on elections.
Susan Good Geise: Stop the partisan circus in county elections.
Gun Control
Amanda Curtis: No gun licensing; allow concealed carry.
Amanda Curtis: Common-sense solutions like expanding background checks.
Amanda Curtis: Supports expanding background checks.
Amanda Curtis: Don't bar state enforcement of any federal semi-auto gun ban.
Bill McChesney: No restrictions; no licenses; even for concealed carry.
Bill McChesney: Don't bar state enforcement of any federal semi-auto gun ban.
Brad Johnson: 2nd Amendment is central to preservation of our liberty.
Brian Schweitzer: Protect our 2nd Amendment rights.
Casey Schreiner: Don't bar state enforcement of any federal semi-auto gun ban.
Champ Edmunds: 2nd amendment is about tyranny, not hunting.
Dennis Rehberg: No Supreme Court Justices who are hostile to 2nd Amendment.
Greg Gianforte: Lifetime member of the NRA.
Jon Tester: AdWatch: Check if gun buyers are on terrorist watch-list.
Jon Tester: Supports background checks & banning bump stocks.
Matt Rosendale: Citizens can own any number and type of firearms.
Matt Rosendale: Don't check if gun buyers are on terrorist watch-list.
Matt Rosendale: Second Amendment rights are non-negotiable.
Matt Rosendale: Veto barring state enforcement of federal semi-automatic ban.
Reilly Neill: Don't bar state enforcement of any federal semi-auto gun ban.
Ryan Zinke: Background checks are prudent; military weapons aren't.
Ryan Zinke: Fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms.
Sam Rankin: Restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
Steve Bullock: Forever preserve access to public land for hunting & fishing.
Steve Bullock: Believes in 2nd Amendment, but not guns in wrong hands.
Steve Bullock: Background checks & age restrictions to reduce gun violence.
Steve Bullock: Veto barring state enforcement of federal semi-automatic ban.
Tim Fox: Fight any effort to undermine this fundamental right.
Wilmot Collins: Supports background checks & red flag laws.
Health Care
Albert Olszewski: Repeal and replace Obamacare with bipartisan approach.
Albert Olszewski: Halt expansion of Medicaid; halt ObamaCare unfunded mandates.
Albert Olszewski: ObamaCare is imploding; shore up healthcare system.
Albert Olszewski: Repeal and replace Obamacare, with bipartisan approach.
Albert Olszewski: Voted NO on insuring the working poor with federal dollars.
Amanda Curtis: ObamaCare: don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Bill McChesney: Mandated insurance ok; tort reform not.
Brad Johnson: Opposes Medicaid expansion.
Casey Schreiner: Won reauthorization of Medicaid expansion.
Casey Schreiner: Will fight to lower drug costs, take on big pharma.
Casey Schreiner: Choice between health or quality of life is "disgusting".
Champ Edmunds: Repeal ObamaCare; it's not a government responsibility.
Corey Stapleton: Government not responsible for medical care.
Greg Gianforte: Provide for those who cannot provide for themselves.
Jack Ciattarelli: Restore state mental health services but don't raise taxes.
John Bohlinger: Ensure healthcare for uninsured children.
John Bohlinger: Expand Medicaid to cover 70,000 low-income Montanans.
John Bohlinger: Strong advocate of a single-payer system like Medicare.
John Edward Walsh: Yes to Medicare Rx negotiations; no to privatization.
Jon Tester: Families can't afford to get sick; that's not health care.
Jon Tester: Protect people with pre-existing medical conditions.
Jon Tester: ObamaCare not perfect, but has helped.
Judy Martz: Insured 10,000 kids under CHIPs; aim for 20,000.
Matt Rosendale: Full repeal of Obamacare.
Matt Rosendale: I won't give up on repealing & replacing ObamaCare.
Michael Lange: No nationalized health care system.
Mike Cooney: Lower the cost, expand access to care.
Ryan Zinke: Caps on medical malpractice; no government health insurance.
Ryan Zinke: ObamaCare is reckless; replace with cross-state pools& HSAs.
Sam Rankin: Tort reform plus higher deductibles & co-pays.
Steve Bullock: Access Health Montana: increase coverage and access.
Steve Bullock: Worked with legislature to expand Medicaid.
Steve Bullock: Insure the working poor with federal dollars.
Steve Bullock: Medicaid expansion good for business & jobs.
Steve Bullock: Passed Medicaid expansion with bipartisan support.
Steve Bullock: COVID: don't like masks but need to let science drive this.
Steve Bullock: Medicaid expansion has kept rural hospitals open.
Steve Bullock: Wal-Mart can negotiate drug prices, so should government.
Steve Daines: Repeal Obamacare; protect those with pre-existing conditions.
Steve Daines: COVID: no masking mandate, personal responsibility.
Tim Fox: Repeal and replace ObamaCare.
Whitney Williams: EMILY's List: Will fight to reduce drug, health care cost.
Wilmot Collins: Heathcare is a right for all, not a luxury for a few.
Homeland Security
Albert Olszewski: Champion a veterans' healthcare system.
Albert Olszewski: Give our military the resources they need.
Champ Edmunds: Maintain a superior nuclear arsenal.
Champ Edmunds: Allow easier driver licensing for military service members.
Conrad Burns: Patriot Act only affects your freedoms if you’re a terrorist.
John Driscoll: Committed to help return POW-MIA Americans to U.S.
John Edward Walsh: Commanded Montana Infantry Battalion in combat in Iraq.
John Edward Walsh: Commanded Montana Infantry Battalion in combat in Iraq.
John Edward Walsh: OpEd: Walsh was fair about National Guard Association dues.
John Edward Walsh: Worked to prohibit warrantless cell phone tracking.
John Edward Walsh: Cut wasteful spending in our military.
Jon Tester: Build forces to fight terror cells; not take away our rights.
Jon Tester: Irresponsible to put two wars on credit card.
Michael Lange: No terrorist military tribunals; no domestic spying.
Sam Rankin: Reduce our nuclear warhead stockpile & reduce F-35's.
Stan Jones: Patriot Act is terrorism of the worst kind.
Stan Jones: Nobody read the Patriot Act before it was corruptly passed.
Steve Bullock: Wrap-around services to reintegrate heroes to civilian life.
Steve Bullock: Initiative focusing on veterans' suicide prevention.
Steve Bullock: Upgrading Air National Guard better use of money than wall.
Susan Good Geise: Honor veterans by strengthening VA, hiring veterans and more.
Wilmot Collins: Vets should never spend one second sleeping in the streets.
Wilmot Collins: Make sure service members & first responders are funded.
Champ Edmunds: Protect the borders; prevent illegal entry.
Albert Olszewski: State immigration enforcement is not discrimination.
Amanda Curtis: Illegal aliens eligible for in-state tuition.
Greg Gianforte: Oppose efforts to relocate refugees into Montana.
Greg Gianforte: Ban sanctuary cities in Montana to maintain rule of law.
Jon Tester: Touts bipartisanship; voted against DREAM Act.
Jon Tester: FactCheck: Opposes sanctuary cities, but don't punish them.
Jon Tester: Bipartisan reform with earned path to citizenship.
Matt Rosendale: No in-state tuition for illegal immigrants.
Matt Rosendale: Rule of law has been ignored for illegal immigrants.
Mike Cooney: Montanans are welcoming, but very few refugees in state.
Ryan Zinke: Punish those who knowingly employ illegal immigrants.
Sam Rankin: Don't deport illegal immigrants.
Steve Bullock: Safety first; review protocols for Syrian refugees.
Steve Bullock: Public DACA support, also tries private persuasion with GOP.
Steve Bullock: No Guard troops to border without asking state governor.
Steve Daines: Comprehensive reform is the wrong approach; no amnesty.
Steve Daines: DACA unconstitutional, against resident status for DREAMers.
Tim Fox: Need for increased border security non-negotiable.
Tim Fox: Migrant and security crises are linked.
Greg Gianforte: Secure our southern border now, stop neglecting it.
Casey Schreiner: Spending on infrastructure will create jobs across state.
Gary Perry: Ok to discount minimum wage for tipped workers.
Greg Gianforte: Address Montana's dismal national standing on wages.
Greg Gianforte: Voted against bills strengthening unions.
John Edward Walsh: Supports increasing the minimum wage.
Jon Tester: Raise minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $10.10.
Judy Martz: Invest in Agricultural Product Promotion.
Matt Rosendale: Don't raise minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $10.10.
Mike Cooney: Opposed limiting Montana public sector unions.
Mike Cooney: Adjust minimum wage based on cost of living and inflation.
Ryan Zinke: Don't discount minimum wage for tips.
Steve Bullock: J.O.B.S. Bill: Jobs and Opportunity by Building Schools.
Steve Bullock: Enforce that construction projects hire Montana residents.
Steve Daines: 2014: States rather than Congress should set minimum wage.
Tim Fox: Market-oriented policies can promote high-wage jobs.
Wilmot Collins: End misclassifying employees as independent contractors.
Wilmot Collins: Fight to increase minimum wage to $15.
Greg Gianforte: We quadrupled the number of apprenticeship opportunities.
Principles & Values
Albert Olszewski: References to God on federal buildings is ok.
Bill McChesney: Served in state legislature from 2007 until 2015.
Champ Edmunds: Judeo-Christian values established our government framework.
Brian Schweitzer: Considered Senate run; now supports both Dem. candidates.
Casey Schreiner: I live like an everyday Montanan.
Greg Gianforte: American exceptionalism & capitalism lead to prosperity.
Jack Ciattarelli: Find problems, then build coalitions.
John Bohlinger: Elected as Republican; then ran on Democrat governor ticket.
John Bohlinger: An outsider supported by the people & not the establishment.
John Driscoll: Running because of total loyalty to upholding Constitution.
John Driscoll: Running as Abe Lincoln Republican to heal country.
John Edward Walsh: AdWatch: "Big Sky buyoff" to appoint Walsh to Senate early.
John Edward Walsh: Appointed to Senate while running in Senate primary.
John Edward Walsh: AdWatch: "Where's Walsh-o" website: "Walsh is hard to find".
John Edward Walsh: OpEd: 2007 Master's thesis plagiarized from online sources.
Jon Tester: Premature to call for impeachment proceedings against Bush.
Jon Tester: AdWatch: Voted with Trump 52%, but against key initiatives.
Jon Tester: No safe haven for neo-Nazi white nationalists.
Mark Perea: Americans lose liberty at hands of federal government.
Reilly Neill: Campaign hamstrung by state party, money, & media.
Stan Jones: Bush has committed many impeachable offenses.
Steve Bullock: I teach my kids the same Montana values I was taught.
Steve Bullock: Has "grave concerns" over use of military on protests.
Steve Daines: AdWatch: Walsh appointment was "Big Sky buy-off" D.C. deal.
Steve Daines: We're the greatest country in the world.
Susan Good Geise: Running to combat partisanship and tribalism in politics.
Whitney Williams: Parents were elected officials in Congress, state Senate.
Whitney Williams: Will fight for families because he lives it every day.
Wilmot Collins: Immigrated from Liberia in 1994; served in US Navy.
Greg Gianforte: Make Montana a sanctuary for freedom and free enterprise.
Social Security
Amanda Curtis: Against privatizing Medicare and Social Security.
Bill McChesney: Increase contributions to U-System's Retirement Program.
Bob Kelleher: Outlaw tax cuts until Trust Fund can guarantee coverage.
Greg Gianforte: Noah in the Bible was still working at age 600.
John Edward Walsh: Consider privatization for new employees entering workforce.
Jon Tester: Opposes any plan to privatize.
Matt Rosendale: Let younger Americans invest privately instead of paying in.
Matt Rosendale: Protect Social Security & Medicare for Montana seniors.
Michael Lange: Allow investment in private accounts.
Sam Rankin: Phase in age increase and more realistic CPI.
Steve Bullock: Vetoed state tax exemption for Social Security income.
Steve Bullock: Tax cut would have benefitted high-income seniors.
Steve Daines: AdWatch: Accuses opponent of considering privatization.
Tax Reform
Amanda Curtis: Increase income taxes on wealthy, but not others.
Brad Johnson: Montanans' hard earned dollars don't belong to government.
Champ Edmunds: Eliminate income taxes and corporate taxes.
Conrad Burns: Bush tax cuts actually more progressive Clinton tax hikes.
Corey Stapleton: No flat tax; no super-majority; yes to sales tax.
Dennis Rehberg: We need tax certainty ; make Bush tax cuts permanent.
Dennis Rehberg: Eliminate the death tax entirely.
Dennis Rehberg: End the inheritance tax completely.
Greg Gianforte: 406 Tax Relief plan: cut taxes & freeze government spending.
Greg Gianforte: 2002: state sales tax ok; 2016: no state sales tax.
Greg Gianforte: Lowering top tax rate will make Montana more competitive.
John Bohlinger: Replace property taxes with a 4% retail sales tax.
John Edward Walsh: Tax cuts for the wealthy only seek to preserve privilege.
Jon Tester: Trump tax cuts were a disastrous handout for jet-owners.
Jon Tester: Limit inheritance tax to estates over $5 million.
Jon Tester: Extend Bush exemption for inheritance tax up to $10M.
Jon Tester: GOP tax plan saddles future generations with more debt.
Judy Martz: No tax increase without voter referendum.
Mark Perea: Replace IRS with flat income tax.
Matt Rosendale: Get rid of tax on multimillion-dollar estates.
Matt Rosendale: You deserve to keep more of your hard-earned money.
Matt Rosendale: Trump tax cuts mean more jobs for Montanans.
Michael Lange: Permanently repeal the federal estate tax.
Mike Cooney: 2017 tax cuts favored multi-millionaires.
Sam Rankin: Simplify to three tax brackets: 12%, 22%, 28%.
Steve Bullock: $400 personal rebate instead of $100M property tax cut.
Steve Bullock: Don't benefit the wealthy at the expense of middle class.
Susan Good Geise: 2017 tax cut burdened us with huge deficit.
Tim Fox: Opposes applying out of state sales tax to Montana.
Whitney Williams: Strongly against state sales tax.
Whitney Williams: Tax out of state residents with vacation property in Montana.
Greg Gianforte: Provide relief to Montana taxpayers at every income level.
Dennis Rehberg: Montana solutions: rural transportation infrastructure.
John Bohlinger: Digital privacy threatened by warrantless NSA invasions.
John Edward Walsh: Digital privacy threatened by warrantless NSA invasions.
John Mues: Invest in broadband and education to create jobs in MT.
Jon Tester: Stimulus for Going-to-the-Sun National Park roads.
Jon Tester: Lead the world in clean technology.
Jon Tester: 2008 stimulus was necessary; invest more in infrastructure.
Jon Tester: Repealing Net Neutrality handed Internet to corporations.
Judy Martz: Eliminate geography as a business issue, via E-Government.
Steve Bullock: Create jobs by investing in roads and bridges.
Steve Bullock: Put state government spending online, in searchable database.
Steve Bullock: Emergency education grants include technology infrastructure.
Greg Gianforte: $200M for water & sewer infrastructure, and housing.
War & Peace
Albert Olszewski: When possible, we need to keep our troops out of harm's way.
Albert Olszewski: Balance diplomacy with waging war as a last resort.
Albert Olszewski: War is last resort, but must stand firm.
Jon Tester: Iran nuclear treaty is only option.
Michael Lange: Withdraw US troops from Iraq.
Sam Rankin: Timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Steve Daines: The best way to ensure Mideast peace is Israeli strength.
Welfare & Poverty
Greg Gianforte: Support Christian organizations' outreach on poverty.
John Mues: Daines gutting social net to favor wealthy.
Judy Martz: Sell used state vehicles to welfare families.
Reilly Neill: Need to double down on community effort to feed the hungry.
The above quotations are from State of Montana Politicians: Archives.