
Christine O`Donnell on War & Peace

Republican Challenger


No random withdrawal; leave when Afghanis reach benchmarks

Q: Would you support a negotiated settlement in Afghanistan that includes Taliban representation?

COONS: I would support a negotiated resolution that allowed us to leave security and intelligence assets in place and that allowed us the opportunity to reengage, should the Taliban take control again, or allow al Qaeda to reemerge as a real threat.

O'DONNELL: If he's serious about making sure that Afghanistan doesn't become a safe haven for terrorists, why, on the campaign trail, he has said that he supports this random time withdrawal? We have to support our men and women who are risking their lives. A random withdrawal will simply embolden the terrorists to come out after us even more, saying I've chased away the super power. When we withdraw from Afghanistan, we need to make sure that there are benchmarks in place: making sure that there's a representative government that serves the needs of the people and that can defend themselves. When we've reached these benchmarks, that's when we withdraw.

Source: CNN's Wolf Blitzer moderating 2010 Delaware Senate debate , Oct 13, 2010

Strategy for bringing troops home from Iraq: Victory

Christine has a strategy for bringing our troops home from Iraq: It's called victory. Past mistakes should not deter our need to stabilize Iraq so we can get our troops home. We can succeed in the future, but we must accompany our efforts with the honor and respect we've earned as a people. We cannot leave on the enemy's terms. We must leave on our terms.
Source: 2008 Senate campaign website, christineodonnell08.com , Nov 1, 2008

Strategy to bring troops home from Iraq: it’s called victory

Most importantly, Christine has a strategy for bringing our troops home from Iraq: It’s called victory. Past mistakes should not deter our need to stabilize Iraq so we can get our troops home. We can succeed in the future, but we must accompany our efforts with the honor and respect we’ve earned as a people. We cannot leave on the enemy’s terms. We must leave on our terms.
Source: 2008 Senate campaign website, christineodonnell08.com , Aug 12, 2008

Consider military action against Iran

The three Republican candidates agreed that Iran, which Western governments fear is intent on developing nuclear weapons and which has close ties to Shiite leaders in Iraq, has benefited from the war in Iraq. Ms. O’Donnell was the only candidate, however, to assert that the U.S. should consider military action against Iran. “You can’t negotiate with the devil,” said Ms. O’Donnell, who also asserted that China has a “carefully thought out and strategic plan to take over America.”
Source: Randall Chase, Associated Press, on NewsZap.com , Sep 5, 2006

Stay in Iraq until its government is stable

All three [Republican Senate primary candidates] brandish conservative credentials. They agree taxes should not be raised. They think U.S. troops should stay in Iraq until its government is stable. And all have pledged not to serve more than two six-year terms.
Source: Cris Barrish, The Delaware News Journal, “Republican issues” , Sep 3, 2006

Other candidates on War & Peace: Christine O`Donnell on other issues:
DE Gubernatorial:
John Carney
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Chris Coons
Kevin Wade
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