Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
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State of Vermont Politicians: Archives

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from State of Vermont Archives (number of quotes indicated):
- Becca Balint (3) Democrat U.S. Rep Vermont-AL
- Bernie Sanders (8) Democratic Presidential candidate
- Brenda Siegel (20) Vermont Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Brooke Paige (11) Republican Senate Challenger Vermont
- Bruce Lisman (11) Vermont Republican 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
- Christine Hallquist (19) Vermont Democratic candidate for governor of Vermont
- David Zuckerman (54) Vermont Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Eddie Melton (5) Indiana Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Gerald Malloy (20) Republican Challenger Vermont
- Greg Parke (2) Republican challenger (2006) Vermont
- Howard Dean (4) Democrat
- Jim Douglas (6) Vermont Former Republican Governor (2002-2010)
- John MacGovern (14) Democratic Challenger for VT Senator Vermont
- Keith Stern (15) Vermont Republican candidate for governor of Vermont
- Lawrence Zupan (8) Republican Challenger Vermont
- Matt Dunne (15) Vermont Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Patrick Leahy (15) Democratic Sr Senator Vermont
- Peter Shumlin (25) Vermont Democratic Governor (retiring 2016)
- Peter Welch (8) Democrat U.S. Rep Vermont-At-Large
- Phil Scott (79) Vermont Republican challenger for Governor
- Rebecca Holcombe (28) Vermont Democratic candidate for governor
- Richard Tarrant (7) Republican Challenger (2006) Vermont
- Scott Milne (22) Vermont Democratic Challenger for Lt. Gov.
- Shap Smith (3) Vermont Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Sue Minter (18) Vermont Democratic Gubernatorial candidate
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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Becca Balint: Recognize the fundamental right of reproductive choice.
Brenda Siegel: Updated extradition laws to protect women who come to VT.
Bruce Lisman: Supports abortion rights and funding for Planned Parenthood.
Christine Hallquist: Protect a women's right to choose.
David Zuckerman: Supports public funds for abortion procedures.
David Zuckerman: Add reproductive autonomy to Vermont Constitution.
David Zuckerman: Protect funding for Planned Parenthood.
Eddie Melton: Lets abortion bill become law, recognizes fundamental right.
Gerald Malloy: Pro life: let States and People decide rather than courts.
Gerald Malloy: Would vote to ban abortions federally without any exceptions.
John MacGovern: Opposes abortion in most cases.
John MacGovern: Don't require churches to provide birth control to staff.
John MacGovern: Religious liberty trumps contraception health insurance.
Keith Stern: Pro-life advocate but will not interfere with settled law.
Matt Dunne: Abortions should always be legally available.
Peter Shumlin: Assist companies doing stem cell research in Vermont.
Phil Scott: Abortion isn't a black-and-white issue, but I'm pro-choice.
Phil Scott: No taxpayer funding for abortion; but ok for family planning.
Phil Scott: Enshrine reproductive rights in Vermont's constitution.
Richard Tarrant: No litmus tests; majority don't want Roe overturned.
Scott Milne: Pro-choice but exact positions are unknown.
Scott Milne: Pro-life; and no free birth control.
Peter Welch: Steadfast advocate for reproductive rights and Proposal 5.
Budget & Economy
Bernie Sanders: Restructure debt so Puerto Rico can rebuild.
Bruce Lisman: Bring government spending in line with revenue.
David Zuckerman: Prioritize spending on the most needy.
Gerald Malloy: Reduce the size of Federal Government, spend within budget.
Gerald Malloy: Save America from becoming dependent on stimulus.
Jim Douglas: $17M ARRA investment to expand Vermont employment.
John MacGovern: Budget deficit is a moral issue as well as economic issue.
John MacGovern: Our most serious problem is skyrocketing national debt.
Lawrence Zupan: Build an opportunity economy, with growth for generations.
Peter Shumlin: Get back to fiscal responsibility, post-stimulus.
Phil Scott: We're spending beyond our means; but cuts instead of taxes.
Phil Scott: I won't sign a budget that exceeds reasonable limits.
Phil Scott: We don't need more taxes; we need more taxpayers.
Phil Scott: We must recognize housing policy is workforce policy.
Sue Minter: Government can partner with workforce to grow economy.
Gerald Malloy: Address inflation by stopping Congressional overspending .
Peter Welch: Pay for programs from folks not paying their fair share.
Phil Scott: Focus on affordability, economic growth & protect vulnerable.
Civil Rights
Bernie Sanders: Bush’s tracking citizens’ phone call patterns is illegal.
Brenda Siegel: Came out as bisexual after her son came out to her.
Christine Hallquist: Wants Vermont to welcome all groups, including marginalized.
David Zuckerman: Supports same-sex marriage and inclusion of gender identity.
David Zuckerman: Root out structural and systemic oppression.
David Zuckerman: Voted to override veto of gay marriage law.
David Zuckerman: Women should be paid equally and treated equally.
Greg Parke: Constitutional gay marriage ban is democracy in action.
Howard Dean: Gays deserve equal rights under the law.
Howard Dean: Egalitarianism implies the legality of gay civil unions.
Jim Douglas: Veto defining marriage as "2 people" not "1 man & 1 woman".
Jim Douglas: Declare Juneteenth an annual tribute to emancipation.
Matt Dunne: Equal benefits for same sex couples.
Peter Shumlin: Define marriage as "two people" not "one man & one woman".
Peter Shumlin: Define marriage as "two people" not "one man & one woman".
Phil Scott: Ballot initiative ok; don't legislatively re-define marriage.
Phil Scott: Supports gay marriage and transgender bathroom rights.
Phil Scott: Support peaceful march against bias & discrimination.
Phil Scott: Review recommendations from a Racial Equity Task Force.
Richard Tarrant: Don't use Constitution on special interest like gay marriage.
Scott Milne: Supported civil unions in 2000.
Scott Milne: Opposes affirmative action.
Scott Milne: No specific policies that relate to racial justice.
Shap Smith: Define marriage as "two people" not "one man & one woman".
Sue Minter: Define marriage as "two people" not "one man & one woman".
Sue Minter: Economic security for women via livable wages and equal pay.
Brooke Paige: Streamline regulations to make Vermont "business friendly".
John MacGovern: Don't demonize private sector that produces jobs & growth.
Matt Dunne: State manager to help each manufacturer navigate rules.
Patrick Leahy: Amend Constitutional to declare corporations are NOT people.
Peter Shumlin: Getting credit to entrepreneurs when they need it grows jobs.
Phil Scott: Agency of Economic Opportunity: help find qualified workers.
Becca Balint: Address racial disparities in criminal justice.
Brooke Paige: Establish uniform sentencing and incarceration guidelines.
Christine Hallquist: Address racial bias in criminal justice system.
David Zuckerman: Alternatives to incarceration; no death penalty.
David Zuckerman: We need an extensive and systemic collection of racial data.
David Zuckerman: Reduce the need for police intervention.
Gerald Malloy: Fund our Police; preserve order to enjoy freedoms.
Jim Douglas: Mandatory 25 year minimum sentence for child sexual abuse.
Keith Stern: Convicts should serve in same state where sentenced.
Matt Dunne: More prisons, but more rehab programs too.
Patrick Leahy: Worked to reverse some of mandatory minimum sentences.
Peter Shumlin: Help keep non-violent offenders out of jail.
Phil Scott: Private prisons needed because full cost borne by state.
Phil Scott: Close Windsor prison; expand home detention monitoring.
Phil Scott: Address racial disparities in criminal justice.
Rebecca Holcombe: End racial disparities in Vermont's criminal justice system.
Rebecca Holcombe: Community review boards for police use-of-force incidents.
Scott Milne: Supports the death penalty.
Sue Minter: Phase out the use of private prisons altogether.
Brenda Siegel: Harm reduction, treatment & recovery on demand.
Brenda Siegel: The War On Drugs is both racist and classist.
Brenda Siegel: Emphasize harm reduction not arresting low-level traffickers.
Brooke Paige: Legalize and commercialize marijuana, but not "hard drugs".
Bruce Lisman: Decriminalization, but not legalization, of recreational pot.
Bruce Lisman: No legalization now; let's see what happens in other states.
Christine Hallquist: Tax retail marijuana for clean water and public education.
Christine Hallquist: Treat opiate crisis as a public health issue.
David Zuckerman: Legalize marijuana, starting with two ounces at a time.
David Zuckerman: Legalize marijuana.
David Zuckerman: Provide needle exchanges, overdose prevention medication.
Keith Stern: Send drug addicts to treatment & dealers to boot camp.
Matt Dunne: Create a trusted Vermont brand of legalized marijuana.
Matt Dunne: Legalize marijuana quickly; prohibition hasn't worked.
Patrick Leahy: Let legal cannabis businesses use banking system.
Peter Shumlin: War on recidivism: $300,000 for methadone treatment.
Peter Shumlin: Address drug addiction as a public health crisis.
Peter Shumlin: Time to make marijuana well-regulated legal substance.
Peter Shumlin: Prioritize reducing opioid misuse.
Phil Scott: Supports growing industrial hemp in Vermont.
Phil Scott: No legalization at this time; but I'm not saying never.
Phil Scott: Address opiate addiction via prevention & enforcement.
Phil Scott: Make low-level marijuana possession legal for adults.
Phil Scott: Add regulated marijuana sales to legalized possession.
Phil Scott: 4-legged stool: prevention, treatment, recovery, enforcement.
Phil Scott: Vetoed feasibility study on overdose prevention site.
Scott Milne: Does not support the legalization of marijuana.
Scott Milne: Pass tougher drug laws instead of decriminalizing.
Sue Minter: Addicts need treatment, not jail time.
Sue Minter: Supports legalizing marijuana.
Brenda Siegel: Safe injection sites would save lives, like my brother's.
Gerald Malloy: No "safe injection sites"; maybe legal pot at VA hospitals.
Peter Welch: Legalize marijuana but not most other drugs.
Phil Scott: No resources for injection sites; no recreational pot.
Brenda Siegel: Support and strengthen our education system.
Brenda Siegel: Endorsed by Vermont-NEA teacher's union.
Brooke Paige: Reject Common Core; protect local control.
Bruce Lisman: Give school districts flexibility on resources and spending.
Christine Hallquist: Supports public schools; does not want them privatized.
David Zuckerman: Stricter standards for independent charter schools.
David Zuckerman: No vouchers; no Common Core.
David Zuckerman: Supports universal afterschool and pre-K education.
David Zuckerman: Free in-state tuition for trade schools & higher education.
Gerald Malloy: Parents decide what is and isn't taught to their children.
Keith Stern: Give education control back to the local districts.
Keith Stern: Technical schools train for well-paying, in-demand jobs.
Lawrence Zupan: High tuition costs pay for facilities; learn online instead.
Matt Dunne: More funding for public schools & teachers.
Patrick Leahy: For Farm-to-School Act to teach nutrition & agriculture.
Peter Shumlin: Dual enrollment for high school students to state college.
Peter Shumlin: Publicly fund a college savings plan for each child.
Peter Shumlin: Provide free college courses for low income people.
Phil Scott: Age-appropriate sex education in schools.
Phil Scott: Preserve school choice; improve Act 46 school consolidation.
Phil Scott: Realign funding toward early care and trades training.
Phil Scott: $4M to state colleges; low tuition increases thru 2021.
Phil Scott: Statewide funding inserts Montpelier into school decisions.
Phil Scott: $1M more for VSAC non-traditional pathways for jobs.
Phil Scott: Build the country's best cradle-to-career education system.
Phil Scott: Investing in childcare a top priority; address inequities.
Phil Scott: Time we end the stigma around career and technical education.
Rebecca Holcombe: Committed to protecting rights of students with disabilities.
Rebecca Holcombe: Teacher in school & college before state education secretary.
Rebecca Holcombe: Public schools reveal strength of a community.
Rebecca Holcombe: Inadequate educational funding impacts generations.
Rebecca Holcombe: Fallout from inadequate funding measured in generations.
Scott Milne: Rethink how government funds education.
Sue Minter: Universal pre-K via public-private partnerships.
Energy & Oil
Brenda Siegel: We must transition to more in-state renewable energy.
Brooke Paige: Develop alternative energy if affordable and reliable.
Bruce Lisman: Moratorium on industrial scale solar and wind projects.
Christine Hallquist: Supports Solar Pathways plan of 90% renewable energy by 2050.
David Zuckerman: Fund alternative energy; end funding for traditional energy.
David Zuckerman: Work toward renewable, sustainable energy as primary sources.
David Zuckerman: Encourage alternatives to single-use vehicles.
David Zuckerman: Put $20 million more into weatherization.
David Zuckerman: Invest in renewable energy; Vermont has lost jobs.
David Zuckerman: Green new deal for Vermont, to fund green initiatives.
Gerald Malloy: Promote US independence across all forms of Energy.
Keith Stern: Goal to convert to 75% renewable energy will hurt Vermont.
Matt Dunne: Promote alternative fuels and renewable energy.
Patrick Leahy: Human-caused climate change is accelerating.
Phil Scott: Supports renewable energy investment.
Phil Scott: Combat climate change & reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.
Phil Scott: Tax holiday on hybrids, electric vehicles, & green products.
Phil Scott: $1.5M in rebates for 50,000 electric cars by 2025.
Phil Scott: Use funds to help Vermonters purchase electric vehicles.
Phil Scott: Opposes any regressive carbon tax.
Rebecca Holcombe: Will move us to a sustainable, green energy future.
Rebecca Holcombe: Climate change is here, renewable energy is our future.
Scott Milne: Global solutions because climate change is global problem.
Sue Minter: Keep electric rates low to compete in New England.
Brooke Paige: Farmers are unfairly blamed for fertilizer pollution.
Brooke Paige: Fund program for fertilizer runoff to reduce water pollution.
Bruce Lisman: Restore our lakes and protect our ridgelines.
Christine Hallquist: Advocate of environmental protections and mass transit.
David Zuckerman: Led the effort to require GMO labeling.
David Zuckerman: Led legislation for GMO food labelling.
David Zuckerman: Supports sustainable agriculture & diversified farms.
David Zuckerman: Supports government regulation of greenhouse-gas emissions.
Lawrence Zupan: New farming technologies improve water quality.
Matt Dunne: Supports open space preservation & brownfield cleanup.
Patrick Leahy: Opposed drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Peter Shumlin: Clean up Lake Champlain: federal waivers & local flexibility.
Peter Shumlin: VT should divest from coal and ExxonMobil.
Phil Scott: Reduce chemicals in consumer goods, when evidence warrants.
Phil Scott: Support local agriculture; they're stewards of our land.
Phil Scott: $50M for clean-up of our impaired waterways.
Phil Scott: Ease regulations: flexibility for forestry & farms.
Rebecca Holcombe: Restore quality of water, soils, forests to cleaner days.
Rebecca Holcombe: Protect working lands, ensure food security.
Scott Milne: Lake Champlain is a natural treasure we must preserve.
Sue Minter: Led efforts in Climate Preparedness & catastrophic flooding.
Sue Minter: Protect our state's waters, farmland, and forests.
Families & Children
Brenda Siegel: State needs a mandatory paid family and medical leave law.
Christine Hallquist: Pass paid family and medical leave insurance.
David Zuckerman: Supports universal, statewide paid family leave.
Keith Stern: Paid family leave and $15 hour wage would hurt his business.
Lawrence Zupan: Cost of paid family leave burden falls on small businesses.
Matt Dunne: Paid leave insurance policy to fund FMLA maternity leave.
Phil Scott: $800,000 for Guardians ad Litem for kids of drug addicts.
Phil Scott: Increased spending on childcare & early learning.
Phil Scott: $7.5 million for Child Care Financial Assistance.
Rebecca Holcombe: Make sure every child can be part of good community school.
Foreign Policy
Bernie Sanders: Binding referendum on Guam's political status.
Bernie Sanders: Binding referendum on Puerto Rico statehood vs. independence.
Gerald Malloy: Don't make unenforceable treaties with untrustworthy allies.
John MacGovern: Developed energy projects in China and Southeast Asia.
Patrick Leahy: Signed letter opposing Israeli annexation of territories.
Scott Milne: US out of the UN, and UN out of the US.
Free Trade
Gerald Malloy: Wants a comprehensive review US Trade and Import practices.
Phil Scott: Buying local isn't just for hippies anymore.
Phil Scott: Supports USMCA trade agreement to replace NAFTA.
Phil Scott: Congress should pass USMCA trade deal.
Government Reform
Bernie Sanders: Sovereign rights & voting rights for Native Americans.
Brooke Paige: Implement ethics and transparency rues for state government.
Christine Hallquist: Work with state & locals to fix campaign finance system.
David Zuckerman: No voter IDs; yes independent redistricting.
David Zuckerman: Supports limits on campaign financing.
Gerald Malloy: Wished he had protested Jan. 6 over 2020 election.
Jim Douglas: Vetoed campaign donations restrictions & identifying donors.
Keith Stern: Term limits will slow down path to lobbying.
Patrick Leahy: Citizens United decision strikes at core of our democracy.
Peter Shumlin: Elect President by popular vote, not Electoral College.
Peter Shumlin: Restrict campaign donations and publicly identify donors.
Phil Scott: Keep Electoral College instead of presidential popular vote.
Phil Scott: Restrict campaign donations and publicly identify donors.
Rebecca Holcombe: Public has the right to know leaders work for public.
Rebecca Holcombe: Rebuild trust by strengthening ethics requirements.
Scott Milne: Washington gridlock results from too-long incumbency.
Shap Smith: Restrict campaign donations and publicly identify donors.
Sue Minter: Restrict campaign donations and publicly identify donors.
Sue Minter: Call for transparency and accountability in state agencies.
Gerald Malloy: Keep the Electoral College; no statehood for DC or PR.
Peter Welch: Statehood for DC & PR; consider abolishing Electoral College.
Gun Control
Phil Scott: Seven business day waiting period for background checks.
Becca Balint: Seven business day waiting period for background checks.
Brenda Siegel: Supports 48-hour waiting period, ban on assault rifles.
Bruce Lisman: Protect the Vermont Sportsmen's Bill of Rights.
Christine Hallquist: Ban assault weapons; regulate guns like cars.
Christine Hallquist: Regulate guns like we regulate automobiles.
David Zuckerman: Supports background checks, and concealed carry.
David Zuckerman: 24-hour waiting period for gun purchases.
Gerald Malloy: Support 2d Amendment; I am a gun owner.
Keith Stern: Vermont won't be Vermont with all this gun legislation.
Keith Stern: Supports 2nd Amendment; but some people will commit crimes.
Matt Dunne: Strengthen restrictions on the purchase & possession of guns.
Matt Dunne: Strengthen enforcement of existing state gun restrictions.
Peter Welch: Ban assault weapons, for comprehensive background checks.
Phil Scott: Enforce existing gun laws; Vermont is no gun trafficker.
Rebecca Holcombe: Supports background checks & 48-hour waiting period.
Scott Milne: Rated 50% by Gun Owners of Vermont.
Scott Milne: No new gun laws; no laws repealed either.
Sue Minter: Gun violence has reached a crisis point; more gun safety.
Sue Minter: Universal background checks; ban assault weapons.
Health Care
Brooke Paige: Reject single-payer healthcare and Vermont Health Connect.
Bruce Lisman: Repeal the mandate to purchase insurance.
Christine Hallquist: Wants to lay groundwork for universal healthcare system.
David Zuckerman: Medicaid expansion under ObamaCare; but no mandate.
David Zuckerman: Supports Medicare for All.
David Zuckerman: Stop seeing mental health as separate from physical health.
Eddie Melton: Signed state individual mandate; goes into effect in 2020.
Eddie Melton: Rejects increased Medicaid funding, should deal with costs.
Gerald Malloy: No Universal Healthcare but improve Medicare, Medicaid, VA.
Howard Dean: Universal access for all Vermonters; insure the last 6%.
Howard Dean: Keep "community rating": insure older people at same rates.
John MacGovern: Dislikes President Obama's health care act.
Keith Stern: Healthcare the community way through medical cost sharing.
Lawrence Zupan: End mandate; start interstate competition.
Matt Dunne: State should provide universal access to health care.
Phil Scott: Affordable health care? Yes; single-payer? No.
Phil Scott: Replace dysfunctional Vermont Health Connect with subsidies.
Phil Scott: Must increase affordability of health insurance.
Phil Scott: Time to cap annual increases, prioritize prevention.
Phil Scott: Increase mental health beds, expand suicide prevention.
Rebecca Holcombe: Will confront out of control costs of healthcare, drugs.
Rebecca Holcombe: If you can't afford health care, it's sick care.
Rebecca Holcombe: Should not have to turn down jobs for healthcare eligibility.
Rebecca Holcombe: Confront out of control costs; coordinate state government.
Rebecca Holcombe: Scary anyone in public office would doubt value of vaccines.
Rebecca Holcombe: Health is one sector that touches everything.
Rebecca Holcombe: State's mental health system is underfunded.
Scott Milne: Promises of cost savings are likely a pipe dream.
Sue Minter: Focus on containing costs in Vermont Health Connect.
Gerald Malloy: Prefers natural immunity route to COVID vaccine mandates.
Homeland Security
Bernie Sanders: F-35 fighter planes OK at Burlington Airport.
John MacGovern: No noisy F-35 fighter planes at Burlington Airport.
John MacGovern: No new F-35 fighter jets at Burlington Airport.
Lawrence Zupan: Government doesn't provide veterans with proper health care.
Patrick Leahy: End the NSA's bulk collection program.
Phil Scott: $500,000 for college scholarships for veterans at UVM.
Phil Scott: Repeal the tax on military retirement pay.
Richard Tarrant: We must sacrifice some rights & privacy in times of war.
Gerald Malloy: F-35s in Burlington: jet noise is the sound of freedom.
Peter Welch: Base F-35 fighter jets in Burlington, but reduce noise.
David Zuckerman: Immigrants & refugees welcome in Vermont.
Eddie Melton: Stopped sharing info with immigration authorities in 2017.
Gerald Malloy: Put up the wall, enforce the law, stop criminals.
Keith Stern: Supports Trump's crack down on undocumented immigrants.
Lawrence Zupan: Stronger immigration controls; enforcement essential.
Scott Milne: Opposed to the EB-5 program due to poor regulation in VT.
Scott Milne: No immigrant benefits; no DREAMers; no amnesty.
Brenda Siegel: Wants a livable minimum wage tied to inflation.
Brenda Siegel: Supports policies that would diversify workplaces.
Christine Hallquist: Unions are crucial to the balance of power.
Christine Hallquist: $15 minimum wage, plus job retraining for displaced workers.
David Zuckerman: Increasing minimum wage will lift workers out of poverty.
David Zuckerman: Raise minimum wage to $15/hr; plus paid family leave.
David Zuckerman: Right to work laws harm union and non-union workers.
David Zuckerman: $15 minimum wage then tie it to inflation.
Eddie Melton: Pay people $5000 to take jobs in Vermont.
Patrick Leahy: Raise minimum wage & eliminate gender pay gap.
Peter Shumlin: Vermont unemployment rate, 5.3%, is among lowest in America.
Peter Shumlin: Create Innovation Zones targeted to regional job needs.
Phil Scott: Deal with Vermont's shrinking workforce population.
Phil Scott: Invest more to help cover interns' wages.
Phil Scott: Tie increases to the minimum wage to the cost of living.
Rebecca Holcombe: Unions support wage equity & safe workplaces.
Rebecca Holcombe: Unions support wage equity and safe workplaces.
Rebecca Holcombe: Supports $15 minimum wage instituted over a few years.
Scott Milne: Focus on creating new jobs by changing Vermont's reputation.
Scott Milne: No government-mandated $15 minimum wage.
Principles & Values
Bernie Sanders: Lost campaigns in 1972, 1974 & 1988 before winning in 1990.
Brooke Paige: Nominee for Secretary of State (won 4 other nominations too).
Christine Hallquist: Monthly town halls and weekly audio broadcasts as governor.
Gerald Malloy: Wants to get US back on track, make it strong again.
John MacGovern: Served four terms in the Massachusetts legislature.
John MacGovern: Runs the Hanover Institute, a Dartmouth alumni group.
John MacGovern: Raised on an organic communal dairy farm.
Lawrence Zupan: Running on principles of life, liberty and private property.
Patrick Leahy: Co-sponsored Do No Harm Act: keep church and state separate.
Patrick Leahy: Lifelong Batman fan; has done cameos in several movies.
Peter Shumlin: Retiring after three terms to return to the business world.
Peter Welch: January 6th was an attack on our democracy.
Phil Scott: The right leader at the right time.
Social Security
Brenda Siegel: Governor opposing pension bill not good for workers.
Jim Douglas: Fully fund teacher retirement fund.
Phil Scott: Enacted state tax relief on Social Security benefits.
Sue Minter: Fully fund teacher retirement fund.
Tax Reform
Bernie Sanders: Capital gains & dividend tax cuts are giveaways to the rich.
Brenda Siegel: Fund education from income tax rather than property taxes.
Brooke Paige: Vermont should not be the "Land of Endless Taxes".
Bruce Lisman: Reset our finances and no new taxes.
Bruce Lisman: Stop taxing retirement benefits & other new taxes & fees.
Christine Hallquist: Revamp tax structure and increase taxes on the wealthy.
David Zuckerman: Institute a wealth tax on state's richest residents.
David Zuckerman: Rebuild economy by taxing wealthiest Vermonters.
David Zuckerman: Differentiate between those who can or cannot pay more taxes.
David Zuckerman: Multiple ways of revenue, including taxes.
David Zuckerman: Address pandemic budget hole with taxes & rainy day fund.
David Zuckerman: No new taxes; we will have to live within our means.
David Zuckerman: Shift burden of property taxes to state's highest earners.
Gerald Malloy: For limited government, not overspending, not more taxes.
Greg Parke: Completely eliminate federal estate tax.
Keith Stern: Holding the line won't work; cut taxes and fees.
Keith Stern: Supports new tax reform and wants Vermont to cut taxes also.
Matt Dunne: Increase taxes on high earners; decrease property taxes.
Peter Shumlin: Raise state budget reserve from 5% to 8%, for tough times.
Peter Shumlin: Avoid raising taxes; balance budget by cuts & efficiencies.
Phil Scott: Balanced budget without raising taxes.
Phil Scott: Property taxes shouldn't grow faster than property values.
Phil Scott: Increase estate tax exemption from $2.75M to $5.75M.
Phil Scott: Scott and Republicans blocked many new taxes.
Phil Scott: Tax burden takes a toll on economic development.
Phil Scott: Reduce unemployment payroll tax without impacting benefits.
Phil Scott: Will propose a balanced and progressive tax relief package.
Phil Scott: Let's eliminate the tax on military pensions.
Rebecca Holcombe: Supports an income-based property tax system.
Richard Tarrant: Raise the estate tax exemption but don't eliminate it.
Richard Tarrant: Extend capital gains and dividend tax cuts.
Scott Milne: Cap the state-wide property tax in first two weeks.
Scott Milne: Fund education from income tax rather than property taxes.
Shap Smith: Avoid raising taxes; balance budget by cuts & efficiencies.
Brenda Siegel: Progressive tax structure where wealthy pay their fair share.
Peter Welch: More enforcement of taxes due from the top 1%.
Brenda Siegel: Transform our transportation system to green infrastructure.
Brenda Siegel: Incentives for electric buses, trains, and cars.
Christine Hallquist: Grow the economy by connecting all to fiber optic cable.
Christine Hallquist: Invest in transportation infrastructure, give access to all.
David Zuckerman: Must increase broadband access in rural Vermont.
David Zuckerman: Invest more in broadband, create hubs around the state.
Keith Stern: Cut spending by $100M and put half into infrastructure.
Patrick Leahy: First senator with a blog; second to have internet homepage.
Patrick Leahy: Inducted into FOIA "Hall of Fame" for defending law.
Peter Shumlin: Connect VT: $53M for rural broadband & cell service.
Peter Shumlin: $106M to improve 65 bridges; plus high speed rail.
Phil Scott: Reform alternative utility regulation; no executive bonuses.
Phil Scott: Alliance with Microsoft for digital skills, computer science.
Phil Scott: State invests in expanding broadband connectivity.
Phil Scott: We must continue to expand access to broadband.
Rebecca Holcombe: Create energy storage sites; modernize the electric grid.
Sue Minter: Utility rate goal: transparent process & affordable rates.
War & Peace
John MacGovern: No nation-building in Afghanistan or Iraq.
Patrick Leahy: Wrote first law banning export of anti-personnel landmines.
Richard Tarrant: No specific deadline, but out of Iraq as soon as possible.
Richard Tarrant: Iraq war is over extending the country's financial resources.
Sue Minter: Immediate withdrawal from Iraq instead of surge.
Welfare & Poverty
Brenda Siegel: Create a plan that meets needs of housing crisis.
Brenda Siegel: Slept on Statehouse steps for 27 nights for homeless funding.
David Zuckerman: Supported affordable housing in Vermont State House.
David Zuckerman: Support new affordable housing, improve existing homes.
David Zuckerman: Historical redlining perpetuates wealth inequality.
Matt Dunne: Guide corporate partnerships with nonprofit & public sectors.
Phil Scott: $35 million housing bond for full spectrum of housing.
Rebecca Holcombe: Target investment at affordable homes & rentals.
The above quotations are from State of Vermont Politicians: Archives.
Debates and books for Vermont:
- 2022-11: 2022 VT Senate race
- 2022-11: 2022 VT Governor's race
- 2020-11: 2020 VT Governor's race
- 2019-11: Past and present Governor candidates from Vermont
- 2019-04: Bernie Sanders Promises Broken, by Jesse Gordon
- 2018-11: Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders
- 2018-11: VT Congressional representatives, past and present
- 2018-11: 2018 VT Senate race
- 2018-11: 2018 VT Governor's race
- 2017-11: Past and present Senate candidates from Vermont
- 2017-08: Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders
- 2016-12: State of Vermont secondary Archives
- 2016-11: Our Revolution
- 2016-11: 2016 VT Senate race
- 2016-11: 2016 VT Governor's race
- 2016-01: Bernie vs. Hillary On The Issues, by Jesse Gordon
- 2015-09: Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders
- 2015-09: FeelTheBern grassroots website
- 2015-09: The Essential Bernie Sanders, by Jonathan Tasini
- 2015-01: The Burlington Free Press
- 2015-01: 12 Steps Forward, by Bernie Sanders
- 2012-10: Intro to Milk Money, by Bernie Sanders
- 2012-10: 2012 Vermont Senate Debates
- 2012-05: Intro to Playing Bigger, by Bernie Sanders
- 2011-11: VT legislative records
- 2010-12: The Speech, by Bernie Sanders
- 2010-01: State of Vermont Archives
- 2009-07: Prescription for Real Healthcare Reform, by Howard Dean
- 2003-10: Citizen's Guide to Howard Dean
- 1997-06: Outsider in the House, by Bernie Sanders