
Barbara Radnofsky on War & Peace


US presence destabilizes Iraq; leaving causes stability

Q: Your solution in Iraq is a staged withdrawal. How is this not cutting-and-running?

RADNOFSKY: We are destabilizing Iraq by our presence. The NIE indicates as such, and British generals indicate as such. By withdrawing, we will allow international building, by the US taking its role as leader among nations. My opponent has said we must increase troops, and also that we cannot leave until we've stabilized the country. Our presence is destabilizing there. Therefore when we leave, we will be able to mount, if we take our lead among the nations, a better international effort. We must realize that we can't go it alone. It is reprehensible to suggest that we ought to stay in Iraq so that our soldiers become targets--cannon fodder--so we don't take the war on terror to all the trouble spot in the world. We must set a timetable and we must withdraw.

HUTCHISON: I can't think of anything worse than America cutting-and-running because times are tough. I think it would hurt our troops.

Source: Texas 2006 Senate Debate, sponsored by LWV-TX Oct 19, 2006

Partition of Iraq will increase terrorism

RADNOFSKY: My opponent's idea for partition is not adequate. First, the prime minister of Iraq has said that partitioning will increase terrorism in Iraq. Secondly, the history of partitioning in this part of the world is unsuccessful.

HUTCHISON: It is clear it is not going well in Iraq, and we should come up with ideas. One of the things we should put on the table as an option is semi-autonomous regions. This is provided for in the constitution of Iraq, and the parliament of Iraq has set out a process. The Sunnis reject that idea, because they're worried about not having the oil revenue, but that can be handled as well.

JAMESON: I am upset for the way the Iraq war is funded. It is inappropriate to fund a war on a constant emergency basis, because Congressmen can add in extra appropriations and pork barrel spending that they know will get passed.

Source: Texas 2006 Senate Debate, sponsored by LWV-TX Oct 19, 2006

Secret CIA papers at time of war vote skeptical of WMD info

Q: Had you known then that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), how would you have voted on the Iraqi War Resolution?

HUTCHISON: If I had known then what I know now about the WMDs--which was a key reason that I voted to go in there-- I would not vote to go into Iraq the way we did. But the President would not have asked for that vote, either. We had intelligence that we relied on. So did the British. Everyone thought they had WMDs.

RADNOFSKY: At the time of the Iraqi War Resolution, Sen. Graham of Florida begged his colleagues to read the secret papers that we weren't privy to. We now know that those secret papers revealed that the WMD documentation from the CIA was quite skeptical. I don't believe that our senators read the secret documents. Our senators made a mistake when they voted. They should have read the secret papers. Any senator who did not do as their colleagues begged was derelict in their abilities to lead. We need new leaders.

Source: Texas 2006 Senate Debate, sponsored by LWV-TX Oct 19, 2006

Supports creation of a Palestinian state

Source: 2006 Congressional National Political Awareness Test Aug 15, 2006

Expose the failures of the current war on terror

Source: Campaign website, www.radnofsky.com, "Issue chart" Apr 23, 2006

Planned, professional exit from Iraq

Source: Campaign website, www.radnofsky.com, "Issue chart" Apr 23, 2006

Set a timetable and safely withdraw from Iraq

Congress needs to insist on its right to be informed fully about what's going on. Congress must not abdicate its responsibility to obtain, analyze, and act on timely military intelligence. Congress must demand accountability from defense leaders, civilian and military. Our military officers are eager to serve the legitimate ends of Congress, are eager to provide more information, and are eager to serve their intelligence role to Congress. We should set a timetable and safely withdraw.
Source: Press release, "Radnofsky on Iraq" Nov 15, 2005

Other candidates on War & Peace: Barbara Radnofsky on other issues:
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2004 Presidential:
Pres.George W. Bush
Sen.John Kerry
Ralph Nader

2008 possibilities:

Sen.Hillary Clinton
Sen.John Edwards
Sen.Russ Feingold
Rudy Giuliani
V.P.Al Gore
Sen.Barack Obama
Sen.John McCain

2006 Senate retirements:
Jon Corzine(D,NJ)
Mark Dayton(DFL,MN)
Bill Frist(R,TN)
Jim Jeffords(I,VT)
Paul Sarbanes(D,MD)
2006 Senate Races:
(AZ)Kyl v.Pederson
(CA)Feinstein v.Mountjoy
(CT)Lieberman v.Lamont v.Schlesinger
(DE)Carper v.Ting
(FL)Nelson v.Harris
(HI)Akaka v.Thielen
(IN)Lugar v.Osborn
(MA)Kennedy v.Chase
(MD)Cardin v.Steele v.Zeese
(ME)Snowe v.Bright
(MI)Stabenow v.Bouchard
(MN)Kennedy v.Klobuchar
(MO)Talent v.McCaskill
(MS)Lott v.Fleming v.Bowlin
(MT)Burns v.Tester
(ND)Conrad v.Grotberg
(NE)Nelson v.Ricketts
(NJ)Menendez v.Kean
(NM)Bingaman v.McCulloch
(NV)Ensign v.Carter
(NY)Clinton v.Spencer
(OH)DeWine vBrown
(PA)Santorum v.Casey
(RI)Chafee vWhitehouse
(TN)Ford v.Corker
(TX)Hutchison v.Radnofsky
(UT)Hatch v.Ashdown
(VA)Allen v.Webb
(VT)Sanders v.Tarrant
(WA)Cantwell v.McGavick v.Guthrie
(WI)Kohl v.Vogeler v.Redick
(WV)Byrd v.Raese
(WY)Thomas v.Groutage
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