Jan Ting on War & Peace
Cooperate with China and Russia on North Korea
Q: What would be the next move to calm the North Korea situation?CARPER: Now that North Korea is where it is, we ought to talk with them and engage them directly.
TING: The reality is that we're talking to the North Koreas all the time, formally
and informally. So that channel of communication is open. The key to any of our plans succeeding in North Korea is the cooperation of China and Russia. We ought to remember how Communism dissolved in Eastern Europe. In our contingency planning, we
ought to think about how people can get out of North Korea. We need to reassure China that they won't be stuck with a million refugees. We ought to have alternatives in North Korea instead of only military solutions.
CARPER: We had a West Germany and
an East Germany, and we were able to keep the lid on there long enough until they could become one country again. Our challenge with North Korea is to keep the lid on until those natural family attractions can go together and create one country.
Source: Delaware 2006 Senate Debate, hosted by WHYY-TV
Oct 20, 2006
Iran has benefited from the war in Iraq
The three Republican candidates agreed that Iran, which Western governments fear is intent on developing nuclear weapons and which has close ties to Shiite leaders in Iraq, has benefited from the war in Iraq. Ms. O'Donnell was the only candidate,
however, to assert that the U.S. should consider military action against Iran. "You can't negotiate with the devil," said Ms. O'Donnell, who also asserted that China has a "carefully thought out and strategic plan to take over America."
Source: Randall Chase, Associated Press, on NewsZap.com
Sep 5, 2006
Unilateral withdrawal would have disastrous consequences
The only issue concerning Iraq is: What do we do now? Should we withdraw unilaterally or not? I believe unilateral withdrawal would have disastrous consequences for the Iraqis who have supported democracy and risked their lives to vote three
times in one year in higher numbers than vote in U.S. elections. Unilateral withdrawal would also have terrible consequences for the U.S., causing our allies to view us as unreliable, and encouraging our enemies to challenge and attack us."
Source: Campaign website, voteTing.com, "Issues"
Aug 31, 2006