Pat McCrory on Education
2015: For budget cuts, tuition increases at state schools
Whereas President Biden and many Democrats have pushed for student loan forgiveness and either lowering or eliminating public university tuition,
McCrory supported budget cuts for the UNC System and an increase in community college tuition under his 2015-16 budget.
Source: The NCSU Technician on 2022 North Carolina Senate race
, Apr 19, 2021
Expand school choice, charter schools and home schools
Gov. Pat McCrory's re-election campaign singled out primary contender Ken Spaulding. McCrory's email touted his expansion of charter schools and support of home schools: "But while we're focused on helping students and families, Democrats like Ken
Spaulding and special interest groups predictably have been attacking school choice both inside and outside the courtroom to selfishly advance their own power and motives," McCrory said.Spaulding said he welcomed the criticism: "Taxpayer dollars being
used for `private' school vouchers is an admission by the governor that he wants to take children out of public schools instead of enhancing our public schools. We should make our public schools so competitive that private school children
would be seeking to return to our public schools. The Governor's approach to public education is leading to the re-segregation of our public schools. So no, I will not stop fighting for our public schools and our school teachers."
Source: News-Observer on 2016 North Carolina gubernatorial race
, Jan 26, 2016
Virtual education choice and charter schools choice
Virtual Education Choice: National studies show virtual learners make larger learning gains and have higher course completion rates. 21st-century technology makes it possible for high school students to choose from a wide range of on-line courses taught
by the best public school teachers from across the state. I propose offering greater access and more flexibility to local school systems to our students--public, private, and home schooled--to a wide range of for-credit, on-line courses.
Teaching and education can no longer be limited to lectures, chalkboards, and brick buildings.Charter Schools Choice: While lifting the cap on charter schools was a great first step, we must be careful that a slow moving process
for approving new charter schools would act as a de facto cap. Therefore, we must address the thousands of families on waiting lists for charter schools in addition to the dozens of charter schools waiting to open.
Source: N.C. Governor 2012 campaign website, patmccrory.com
, Nov 6, 2012
Partner colleges with business to focus on marketable skills
Too many graduates are finding that their degree does not provide them with a marketable skill set to get a job. We need to work more closely with businesses and educational leaders to guarantee the quality of a North Carolina degree for every course of
study. To this end, a McCrory administration will work to create an important feedback loop for students and parents as they choose their educational path, measure and ensure the quality of
North Carolina degree and ease the ability to share best practices between campuses and industries. A McCrory administration will:- Expand Partnership Between Higher Education and Economic Development
- Promote Enrollment in High-Demand Fields
- Measure Program Success and Share Best Practices
- Define Expected Skill Attainment for Each Course of Study
- Require Curricular Input from Employment Decision-Makers
- Fight Grade Inflation
Source: N.C. Governor 2012 campaign website, patmccrory.com
, Nov 6, 2012
Page last updated: Jun 11, 2021