
Jo Rae Perkins on Principles & Values



Was in DC for Trump rally, did not enter the Capitol

Perkins was among those in Washington D.C. Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol. In multiple Facebook posts, Perkins was seen in D.C. marching along with fellow Trump supporters. "I removed myself because if there's going to be mayhem, I'm not going to be in the middle of it," Perkins said. Perkins then asserted unsubstantiated claims that anti-fascists were at the Capitol, disguised as "patriots, so it made it look like it was us."
Source: KOIN-6 Portland CBS News on 2022 Oregon Senate race , Jan 7, 2021

We are much closer to a communist-style take over

[On Jan. 6], Oregon's most prominent QAnon proponent attended the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. "First I DO NOT SUPPORT the people who broke into the Capital Building. That is 100% wrong," Perkins said in a January 9 statement to WW. "We are much closer to a communist-style take over than most realize. Today Twitter banned President Trump and shut down thousands and thousands of accounts. That is censorship."
Source: Willamette Week on 2022 Oregon Senate race , Jan 7, 2021

Most of our laws are based on Biblical principles

Q: Do you promise to protect the freedom of Christians to share the Gospel and to practice Biblical principles?

A: Yes.

Q: What does "separation of church and state" mean to you?

A: The federal government shall make no laws requiring how we are to worship God. The federal government has no jurisdiction on the subject of religion and religious expression. This is to be left to the States and the people. It means the courts, public officials may not impose unreasonable restrictions on religious free speech, students, educators. Most of our laws are based on Biblical principles, i.e. the 10 commandments.

Q: Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values?

A: I believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God. I believe God speaks to everyone who listens, be it through dreams or "visions" or through that still, small inner voice we all hear at times. I believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God in written form.

Source: AFA iVoterGuide on 2020 Oregon Senate race , Nov 3, 2020

Posts pro-QAnon video, then says it's merely an info source

What really garnered the attention on Election Day was a now-deleted video where Perkins made references to QAnon, including saying that she stood with "Q" and holding up a QAnon sticker.

The day after Perkins' video was posted, her campaign released a statement saying that she was not a follower of QAnon. Perkins said that she uses QAnon message boards as merely a "source of information" posting articles from various media outlets, tweets and unclassified government documents.

Source: KVAL "Report for America" on 2022 Oregon Senate race , Oct 12, 2020

I'm hard-working & hard-hitting with Heartland Values

You deserve a U.S. Senator in DC, who stands tall for their country and will deliver on their word; A "Main Street American" just like you. I am a hard-working, hard-hitting Oregonian with Heartland Values and I take my vows very, very seriously. I pledge to honor my Oath of Office and keep all of my promises.
Source: 2020 Oregon Senate campaign website PerkinsForUSSenate.com , Aug 17, 2020

Supports "batty, corrosive" QAnon conspiracy theory

Perkins is an unreconstructed exponent of a batty and corrosive conspiracy theory running a longshot campaign that carries only political downside for Republicans. They should do what they can to distance themselves from her candidacy. Perkins uploaded a video to Twitter in which she held up a sticker bearing a QAnon slogan and said, "I stand with Q and the team. Thank you Anons, and thank you patriots. And together, we can save our republic."
Source: National Review on 2020 Oregon Senate endorsement , May 23, 2020

Bummed that consultants made her take down QAnon video

Perkins told OPB in a lengthy interview that she regretted allowing her campaign consultants to take down a video she posted on primary election-night Tuesday in which she praised QAnon and said, "I stand with Q and the team."

"Am I bummed I took it down?" said Perkins, a semi-retired insurance agent from Albany, Oregon. "Yeah, I am really bummed. But I also hired a consultant whose job it is to 'protect me.'"

Source: Oregon Public Broadcasting on 2020 Oregon Senate race , May 22, 2020

Stands with Trump and QAnon

Perkins, who defeated three other candidates in a primary to be the Republican candidate, said in a now-deleted video: "I stand with President Trump. I stand with Q and the team. Thank you Anons, and thank you patriots. And together, we can save our republic." The QAnon theory centers on an alleged government agent named "Q", whose top security clearance has provided insight into a deep-state conspiracy involving everyone from Hillary Clinton to special counsel Robert Mueller.
Source: The Guardian on 2020 Oregon Senate race , May 21, 2020

Professional background as real estate and insurance agent

Jo Rae and her husband George, were married in 1978 and made their home in Albany, Oregon. They have 2 adult married children and 14 grandkids! Jo Rae's professional background includes experience as a real estate agent, personal banker, financial advisor and insurance agent. She has owned her own financial planning business. Her husband George is a self-employed carpet installation contractor. She has also been active with several organizations over the years in the Albany, Oregon, area. In the past, she was a member of Greater Albany Rotary, Beta Sigma Phi, founding chair of Mid-Willamette Women's Council of Realtors, Willamette Association of Realtors. Jo Rae Perkins is a Main Street American who believes the US Constitution strongly and clearly spells out the role of the US Senate and the federal government."
Source: Ballotpedia.org on 2020 Oregon Senate race , May 20, 2020

Strongly protect religious liberty, according to AFA survey.

Perkins supports the AFA survey question on religious liberty

The AFA inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Religious liberty is at risk in the United States and deserves the highest level of protection in the law'? Self-description: (American Family Association helps produce iVoterGuides): "Grounded in God; rooted in research"; they "thoroughly investigate candidates"; when they cannot "evaluate with confidence, they receive an 'Insufficient' rating" (& we exclude)

Source: AFA Survey 20AFA-4A on Sep 11, 2020

Strongly pro-Judeo-Christian morality, according to AFA survey.

Perkins supports the AFA survey question on Judeo-Christian values

The AFA inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Judeo-Christian values established a framework of morality which is necessary for our system of limited government'? Self-description: (American Family Association helps produce iVoterGuides): "Grounded in God; rooted in research"; they "thoroughly investigate candidates"; when they cannot "evaluate with confidence, they receive an 'Insufficient' rating" (& we exclude)

Source: AFA Survey 20AFA-4B on Sep 11, 2020

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Page last updated: Nov 04, 2021