
Inez Tenenbaum on War & Peace

We had justification for going into Iraq and remove Saddam

Q: This is what you said about Iraq last year: "I'm sick of the debate about whether we should be over there or not." We shouldn't be having a debate about whether we should be in Iraq?

A: I never said I was sick about having the debate, but I've always stood firm & supported our troops. We had justification for going into Iraq. We needed to remove Saddam. He had killed thousands of people. He had had weapons of mass destruction that he used against the Kurds and the Iranians. He'd invaded Kuwait

Source: SC Senate debate on Meet The Press Oct 17, 2004

The Iraqi war is justified even without finding WMD

Q: Even without finding weapons of mass destruction, you still think the war is justified?

A: I do believe, because we needed to remove Saddam, and now we need to move on and win this war. And as a US senator, I would work to get the resources to our troops to complete this war and bring our troops home safely. But we need to get this war won now and put the resources in the country to secure peace and bring a lasting, safe government to Iraq.

Source: SC Senate debate on Meet The Press Oct 17, 2004

Units in Iraq should have better equipment

Q: 19 members of the South Carolina-based 343rd unit refused to go on a mission because they had ill-equipped trucks and no air cover. What should happen to those men & women?

TENENBAUM: Our troops have to have the equipment they need to do the job that they are required to do, and in this case that is being investigated, but it goes back to the point that our reservists & our National Guard people from South Carolina don't have the equipment they need to be successful, according to this incident.

Source: SC Senate debate on Meet The Press Oct 17, 2004

We were right to remove Saddam Hussein from power

Inez believes we were right to remove Saddam Hussein from power, and she believes that we must do whatever is necessary to build a new, stable Iraq with a democratically-elected government. Doing so requires that we maintain our resolve. Leaving the job unfinished would destabilize the Middle East, embolden our enemies, and condemn newly liberated Iraqis to tyranny.
Source: Campaign website, www.Inez2004.com, "On The Issues" Oct 14, 2004

Encourage NATO to help rebuild Iraq

[Inez believes we must] secure the peace in Iraq. Inez would also supply our commanders and our troops with the resources they need and would encourage NATO to participate in the rebuilding effort.
Source: Campaign website, www.Inez2004.com, "On The Issues" Oct 14, 2004

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